Psych Review Ch4

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social influence

the corrupt behavior of many ordinary people who served as Nazi concentration camp guards best illustrates that immortality often results from


the period of sexual maturation, during which a person becomes capable of reproducing


the same people are retested over a long period in a ____ study

more likely to affect a child's language accent

in comparison to parental influence, peer influence is


older adults who feel satisfied when reflecting on their lives demonstrate what Erikson called a sense of


one of the most consistently damaging teratogens is

infantile amnesia

our earliest memories seldom predate our third birthday. this best illustrates

insecure attachment

Aaron cried when his mother left him in the infant nursery at church, and he was not reassured or comforted by her return a short while later. Aaron showed signs of


According to Piaget, a child can represent things with words and images but cannot reason with logic during the ________ stage.

concrete operational

According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about events first develops during the ________ stage.

have high self-esteem and are self-reliant

Authoritative parents are likely to have children who


Brad and Jane exercise very little control over their two young children, and they usually allow them to do whatever they want. Psychologists would characterize them as

irritable and unpredictable

Difficult babies with an intense and highly reactive temperament tend to be

body contact

Studies of monkeys raised with artificial mothers suggest that mother-infant emotional bonds result primarily from mothers providing infants with

zygote and finally develops into a fetus

During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism begins as a(n)


Erikson suggested that the adolescent search for identity is followed by a developing capacity for

peer relationships

In teen calls to hotline counseling services, the most discussed topic is

moral reasoning

Lawrence Kohlberg focused on the development of


Marie feels socially useful in her career as a financial investment advisor. Erik Erikson would have suggested that Marie experiences a sense of

the cessation of menstruation

Menopause refers to


Mr. Lambers refuses to pay income taxes because his conscious will not allow him to support a government that spends billions of dollars on military weapons. His reasoning best illustrates Kohlberg's ____ stage


Mrs. Pearson cut Judy's hot dog into eight pieces and Sylvia's into six pieces. Sylvia cried because she felt she wasn't getting as much hot dog as Judy. Piaget would say that Sylvia doesn't understand the principle of

face-like image

Newborns have been observed to show the greatest visual interest in a


Pat is normally very restless and fidgety; Shelley is usually quiet and easygoing. the two children most clearly differ in

early adulthood

Physical abilities such as muscular strength, reaction time, sensory keenness, and cardiac output reach their peak during

social mentoring

Piaget emphasized how the child's mind grows through interaction with the physical environment. Vygotsky emphasized how the child's mind grows through

stability and change

The fact that many happy and well-adjusted adults were once rebellious and unhappy as adolescents is most relevant to the issue of


The heart begins to beat during the ________ period of prenatal development.

brain abnormalities

The symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome are most likely to include

discrete age-linked stages

Theories of human development have been most susceptible to criticism for overemphasizing

level of life satisfaction

There is very little relationship between the age of an adult and his or her

It begins earlier in life and ends later in life

Which of the following is true of adolescence in contemporary industrialized societies, as compared with previous centuries?

different age groups tested at the same time

a cross-sectional study is one in which


according to Erikson, trust is to infancy as identity is to

the difficulty perceiving things from another person's point of view

according to Piaget, egocentrism refers to

a biopsychosocial approach

an integrated understanding of successful aging in terms of appropriate nutrition, family support, and an optimistic outlook is most clearly provided by

all of these things (testosterone level, sperm count, and ejaculation speed)

as men advanced through middle adulthood the experience a gradual decline in

autistic traits

children for whom amniotic fluid analysis indicated high prenatal testosterone develop more

at an older age and American women are marrying at an older age

compared with counterparts 40 years ago, American men today are marrying


developmental psychologists study physical, cognitive, and ____ changes throughout the human life span

decreasing responsiveness to a stimulus to which one is repeatedly exposed

habituation refers to the

biological growth processes that are relatively uninfluenced by experience

maturation refers to

things continue to exist even when they are not perceived

object permanence is the understanding that

do all of these things (enhance muscle strength, help prevent heart disease, and stimulate brain cell development)

physical exercise in late adulthood has been found to

secure attachment

providing children with a safe haven in times of stress contributes most directly to

substance abuse

severe and prolonged child sexual abuse places children at risk for


the McDougals use harsh discipline on their children and demand unquestioning obedience. Psychologist are likely to characterize them as

a 4-year-old boy imitates aggression he sees on tv

which of the following is an example of imprinting

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

which of the following represents the correct order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development

Jean Piaget

which psychologist was most influential in shaping our understanding of cognitive development

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