psych test: chapter 5 learning

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what is the primary reinforcer?


who is most closely associated with operant conditioning?

BF Skinner

A broad application of operant condition to strengthen adaptive behaviors and weaken maladaptive behaviors

Behavior modification

Tolman proposed the rats can develop a mental representation of a maze called

Cognitive map

If you take medicine to treat your symptoms after you have become seasick

Escape learning

When the first response performed after a specific amount of time has passed is reinforced , it is a

Fixed interval

A scalloped responsive pattern is typical of reinforcement schedule

Fixed ratio

Mentally working through a problem until the sudden realization of solution occurs

Insight learning

While changing her tire, margarita bumped the nut csp and all the nuts fell into the sewer. She realized she could remove one nut from the other three tires to mount the spare wheel until she could get to a station?

Insight learning

Learning that occurs without apparent reinforcement and is not revealed in performance when it occurs is

Latent learning

Introduction of an averse stimuli


All the following are concerns about the use of punishment

Strong negative emotions, suppressed, may model inappropriate behavior, doesn't teach new behavior

Mr bonswua gives the student starts on their homework when it's done well. Students exchange ten stars for a treat. This is a form of

Token economy

The person most closely associated with latent learning


A child receives a dime for every time he pulls 5 dandelions from the yard. This is an example of what?

Variable ratio

in watson's research with little albert what was the unconditioned stimulus?

a loud sound

a neutral stimulus that doesn't cause a reflexive response is a what?

a neutral stimulus

classical conditioning occurs when what happens?

a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus

what is learning

a relatively permanent change in behavior

spontaneous recovery is what?

a seemingly extinguished unconditioned response

an interval schedule of reinforcement is based on what?

amount of time between responses

learning in which a previous neutral stimulus becomes capable of triggering a reflexive response id called what?

classical conditioning

another term for secondary is what?


following classical conditioning, the former unconditioned response becomes the what?

conditioned response

all the following are terms for understanding classical conditioning

conditioned stimulus, neutral stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned response

the person most closely associated with classical conditioning, pavlov, received the nobel prize for his work on what?

digestive processes

an open sign in the window of the store tells ego he can go inside and purchase a drink what is this?

discriminative stimulant

a conditioned response will weaken and eventually disappear this is called what?


conditioned taste aversive is most closely associated with who?


another term foe operant conditioning is what?

instrumental learning

who is most closely associated with classical conditioning?

ivan pavlov

who is most closely associated with conditioned emotional responses?

john watson

what are secondary reinforcers?

learned through association with the primary

another term for classical conditioning is what?

learning by association

removal of an aversive stimulus is what?

negative reinforcement

higher order conditioning forms when a new ______ is paired with _____"?

neutral stimulus/conditioned stimulus

ratio schedules of reinforcement are based on the what?

number of responses

one psychological disorder that might come from classical conditioning is what?


the weakest conditioned response to a unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus are what?

presented at the same time

modern psychologists refer to the second part of the law of affect as the what?


a fixed ratio reinforcement schedule provides what?

reinforcement after a certain number of responses

in a variable ratio schedule

reinforcement occurs after a variable number of responses

reconditioning is what?

relearning a conditioned response after extinction

compared to ratio schedule, the interval schedule

results interval responses

something that develops reinforcing properties by being associated with the primary reinforcer is what?

secondary reinforcer

researchers use the method successive approximation in process of what?


all the following pairings are correct except

skinner law of effect

compared to continuous reinforcement partial results in _____ learning that is _____ to extinguish?


stimulus discrimination is when?

stimuli is similar to the original but doesn't elicit a conditioned response

increasing the # of pairings of the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus will do what?

strengthen the conditioned response

what does shaping make use of?


stimulus generalization is what?

the conditioned response is displayed following the exposure to stimuli that resemble the conditioned stimulus

thorndike is most closely associated with what?

the law of affect

extinction is what?

the weakening of or disappearance of a conditioned stimulus over time

the law of affect was proposed by who?


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