Psychology 1000 sem. 1 exam - Reilly Huie

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Margaret fell down the basement stairs and severely injured her head. The doctor said that the limbic system in her brain was badly damaged, specifically the amygdala. Keeping this information in mind, which of the following memory-related difficulties is Margaret most likely to experience?

She will find it difficult to process emotional memories

In the context of the chemical senses, the tongue...

Taste buds are housed in the tongue.

Ivan Pavlov's experiment on classical conditioning...

The bell was a neutral stimulus before it was paired with the meat powder.

What term refers to the physiological state of being engaged with the environment?


autobiographical memory...

forms the core of a person's personal identity.

According to Erikson, during the later years of life of an adult, evaluating his or her life is characteristic of the ________ stage.

integrity vs despair

Early adulthood is a period during which a person either builds a network of social relationships or becomes socially lonely. This developmental dilemma, as described by Erikson, is known as:

intimacy vs isolation

The cognitive theory of dreaming proposes that dreaming:

involves information processing and memory

the fast neural pathway that transmits pain messages to the brain:

is likely to serve as a warning system, providing immediate information about an injury.

________ is a systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience.


In the visual system, the ________ of the eye is filled with a gelatinous material that helps focus light.


The ________ theory of color vision states that color perception is produced by three types of cone receptors in the retina that are particularly sensitive to different, but overlapping, ranges of wavelengths.


sociocultural approach to psychology argues that...

understanding a persons behavior requires knowing about the ethnic context in which the behavior occurs

Hitchhikers are unable to predict when they will get a ride and when they will not. They are most likely functioning on a ________ schedule of reinforcement in operant conditioning


The cognitive approach to psychology differs from the behavioral approach to psychology in that the cognitive approach...

views the mind as an active and aware problem-solving system, whereas the behavioral approach portrays behavior as governed by external forces

Identify a true statement about an individual's phenotype.

An individual's phenotype represents his or her observable and measurable characteristics.

1-define all the psychological approaches 3-read all psych notes

2-define all the theories 4-define all words you don't know

when a human being experiences chronic stress:

Adrenaline and norepinephrine are constantly circulated in the body

What is one fact about long-term memory?

It has a storage capacity that is virtually unlimited.

one true statement about the suprachiasmatic nucleus?

It helps regulate daily rhythms such as temperature and hunger

What is a characteristic feature of the deepest level of processing in memory?

It involves thinking about the meaning of a stimulus

In the context of classical conditioning, identify a true statement about acquisition.

It is the initial learning of the connection between an unconditioned stimulus and a conditioned stimulus when these two stimuli are paired.

________ refers to the tendency to recall the items at the beginning and end of a list more readily than those in the middle.

The serial position effect

what is an example of a reflex?

________ is a systematic, relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience.

William James called the natural flow of though ___

a stream of consciousness

critical thinkers question...

and test what some people say are facts

Whenever Jane has a backache, she uses a different mattress to relieve the pain. Her backache usually goes away after the change. Today, Jane has serious pain in her knee. She believes that by using the mattress she uses for her backache, she will be able to alleviate her knee pain. In the context of Piaget's theory of cognitive development, Jane is using the ________ process in developing her schemas.


________ is the process of focusing awareness on a narrow aspect of the environment.


Denice wants to join a dance class. Her parents insist that she should focus on her studies rather than her dancing. She makes repeated requests, but her parents threaten to ground her if she fails to act as they say. They even verbally abuse and terrorize her to stay indoors. Denice's parents are most likely adopting a(n) ________ parenting style.


Jared consumes excessive amounts of alcohol at a party. He is most likely to:

be in an altered state of consciousness

In the context of prenatal development, the germinal period...

begins with conception

Mary requests her neighbor to turn down the volume of his television so that Mary does not hear it. The volume at which Mary cannot hear the television most of the time is

below her absolute threshold

Jake, a researcher, measures the levels of testosterone in adult males when they perform aggressive acts. He is of the opinion that hormone levels are the single most prominent cause of male aggression. In this scenario, Jake is most likely using the ________ in his study.

biological approach

Kumar is interested in observing changes in the intelligence levels of teenagers in his neighborhood. He wants to assess their verbal and reasoning skills as they progress through their teenage years. In this case, Kumar is interested in exploring the ________ processes involved in developmental psychology


When psychological researchers use the correlational method to study variables, the degree of relation between two variables is expressed as a numerical value known as:

correlational coefficient

Michael, a psychologist, is studying how biological and environmental factors contribute to a person's growth from birth to death. Michael's topic of study fits best into the area of specialization known as ________ psychology.


Tanya, a 14-year-old, thinks that she is unique and assumes that others at school notice everything about her. She is very confident and takes extra care of her looks. In this scenario, Tanya is exhibiting adolescent


using the ___ means gaining knowledge through the observation of events, the collection of data, and logical reasoning

empirical method

Albert is listening intently to his principal's lecture on the advancement of scientific research. In this scenario, Albert is most likely:

encoding the information into his memory

Professor McDonald believes that most women prefer tall and physically strong partners because this preference has been known to enhance the survival of their species. This opinion best illustrates the ________ to psychology.

evolutionary approach

Robert asks Thomas if he heard a knock at the door and Thomas says that he did not. Robert, swearing he heard a knock, goes to the door and opens it but sees no one there. Signal detection theorists would label Robert's perception that someone knocked at the door as a:

fasle alarm

Operant conditioning is a form of learning that...

focuses on the association between behaviors and the stimuli that follow them.

Raj is 12 years old. He recently developed a theory on his own about the irregular weather patterns in New York. He uses statistical analysis and certain scientific principles to predict the course of weather in New York. In the context of Piaget's theory of cognitive development, Raj is most likely in the ________ stage of development.

formal operational

oseph, a three-year-old boy, is afraid of the doctor who gave him a shot and made him cry. Consequently, whenever Joseph sees a person in a white laboratory coat, he starts crying. In this scenario, Joseph's behavior best exemplifies...

generalization in classical conditioning

in the context of the endocrine system, a function of the adrenal glands is to:

help regulate mood

Veronica dives into a swimming pool on a chilly winter day. Initially, she feels very cold and begins to shiver. However, after a while, Veronica stops shivering as her body begins to use energy to maintain its normal temperature. This phenomenon can be best explained as:


Abe and Carl are psychologists who believe that people have free will and can make choices based on higher human values. Abe's and Carl's views reflect the ________ to psychology.

humanistic approach

Ciara believes that working women are happier than women who do not work. She predicts that women who work for at least 10 years are more likely to have good mental health after the age of 50 years than women who do not. She decides to test this prediction. In the context of psychology's scientific method, Ciara's prediction is the ________ for the study she is going to conduct.


Before agreeing to participate in a psychological research study, all participants must know what their participation will involve and what risks might develop. According to the American Psychological Association's (APA) guidelines, which of the following addresses this issue?

informed consent

the neurotransmitter gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an ___

inhibitory neurotransmitter

Whenever dogs fall into a puddle of water, they shake themselves to dry their wet fur. This pattern of behavior exhibited by dogs can best be described by the term:


Vincent observes the eating behavior of 5-year-old children in a school. He then analyzes the eating behavior of the same group of children when they are at 12 years of age. He continues to analyze the changes in their eating behavior when they are in their early 20s. Which of the following types of research design is Vincent using in his research?


one way to tell that an explanation is pseudoscientific (falsely claimed as being based on scientific method) rather than scientific is to:

look at how readily proponents of the explanation will accept evidence to the contrary

In the auditory system, ________ is the perception of a sound wave's amplitude.


in the context of the organization of the brain, one of the important functions of the hypothalamus is:

maintaining body temperature

Chunking improves short-term memory by:

making large amounts of information more manageable

________ is defined as the retention of information or experience over time as a result of three key processes: encoding, storage, and retrieval.


neurotransmitter acetylcholine is involved in ___

muscle action, learning, and memory

Nolan and Bella are standing in the middle of the kitchen discussing their vacation plans. Nolan suddenly crashes to the floor, entering REM sleep. Nolan's behavior indicates that he suffers from:


the boys electrochemical communication circuitry is known as the ___ system


Alfred is a middle-aged man. Even though his eyes can physically see a car driving up to him, his brain is unable to interpret the information and move away in time. In this scenario, the area of Alfred's brain that is most likely damaged is the:

occipital lobe

critical thinking in psychology is the process...

of reflecting deeply, asking questions, and evaluating evidence

cognitive definition:

of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering) cognitive impairment. 2 : based on or capable of being reduced to empirical factual knowledge refers to "the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses"

Dr. Gordon conducts an experiment on one of her clients, Johnny, who displays symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. She postulates that Johnny's hyperactivity will be measured by the number of times he moves about while in the middle of a conversation. In this scenario, Dr. Gordon's postulation is the

operational definiton

Molly's natural hair color is brown, but she dyes it blonde. In the context of genes and the environment, Molly's brown hair is an example of:


Brendon has been using Xanax for a period of over six months. Diana, his friend, asks him to stop using the drug as it adversely affects the body. Brendon listens to Diana and discontinues using the drug. However, upon withdrawal, he experiences immense physical pain that is accompanied by increased craving for the drug. This experience is most likely due to:

physical dependence

Megan lost her eyesight after she suffered a stroke. However, gradually, over a span of few years, her vision was partially restored, and she could see blurry images. Her neurologist explained to her that this was because her brain had rewired itself to compensate for the loss of part of her occipital lobe. Which of the following characteristics of the nervous system does Megan's restored vision exemplify?


The nativist approach proposes that children as young as 3 months old...

possess expectancies about objects and events in the world that are less dependent on experiences.

Dan arranges two rows of pennies so they are equal in length. A child views the rows and states that they have the same number of pennies. He spreads out the pennies in the bottom row so that the bottom row is longer than the top one. The child now states that the bottom row has more pennies. This child is in Piaget's ________ stage of development.


Jeremiah, an eight-year-old boy, did not learn to tie his shoelaces until he was six years old. Now, he ties them expertly while talking to others and without looking at his feet. Such skills are associated with ________ memory.


Dendrites differ from axons in that dendrites...

receive information, whereas axons send information.

introspection as a method of study...

relies entirely on a persons conscious reflection

In the context of long-term memory, what refers to schemas for an event, often containing information about physical features, people, and typical occurrences?


Emilia is a 6-year-old who uses her grandmother as a base to explore her environment. Whenever her grandmother leaves her to do her daily chores, she shows visible signs of distress. When her grandmother returns, Emilia expresses her joy and feels happy to see her again. This is an example of ________ attachment.


Manuela is 70 years old. She wants to jog 5 miles every day but knows that her body cannot cope with the stress of a long-distance run. She wants to stay fit but knows that her bones are nimble. She instead contents herself by walking slowly on a treadmill every day. She also does yoga to keep herself healthy. Manuela's process of changing her goal is best explained by the process of:

selective optimization with compensation

in the context of sensation and perception, specialized cells that detect stimulus information and transmit it to afferent nerves and the brain are called ____

sensory receptors

Professor Jacobs believes that sleep deprivation is related to conflicts between roommates. He collects data on the number of hours of sleep and the number of conflicts for a group of college students over the course of a month. He obtains a correlation coefficient of -0.75. In the context of correlational research, which of the following is the most likely conclusion from the results of his study?

sleeping too little is associated with more conflicts

Controlled processes differ from automatic processes in that controlled processes are:

slower than automatic processes

Marcia and John were married for 11 years before John passed away. Following his death, Marcia left her home and city because everything reminded her of John. Many years later, Marcia happened to meet a man, her new colleague, who smelled of the cologne that John always wore. Even after so many years, Marcia was drawn to this man because he reminded her of John. In this scenario, Marcia's reawakened feelings are an example of ________ in classical conditioning.

spontaneous recovery

While attending a lecture, Lea starts yawning and fights hard to stay awake. She reclines in her chair, and, within minutes, she falls asleep with her head jerking upward at short intervals. Lea is in:

stage N1 sleep

one way to improve the effectiveness of random assignment is to:

start with a relatively large pool of people

the socioemotional selectivity theory developed by Laura Carstensen:

states that when compared with younger adults, older adults gain a sense of meaning by focusing on satisfying relationships and activities in the present

Experimental data state that the painkiller Tafta takes at least 30 minutes to start having an effect on pain symptoms. However, most people report that their headaches begin to fade within just 10 minutes of taking Tafta. Which of the following is the best explanation for this finding?

subjects are experiencing placebo effects

Mila, a school principal, wants to know her students' opinions about the food served in the school's cafeteria. To obtain her students' opinions, she devises a set of questions that she asks all her students to answer. In this case, Mila is using a ________ to obtain the opinions of her students


Julie hears the news about a bus accident on television. She believes her son was on the same bus and is overcome by anxiety, which is primarily caused by her ________ nervous system. When her son phones and informs her that he was not on the bus, Julie is relieved and begins to relax. This response is primarily caused by her ________ nervous system.

sympathetic; parasympathetic

prenatal development in humans includes:

the embryonic period in which the heart begins to beat

Hannah works as a flight attendant. Her job requires her to work night shift at a local grocery store every other day. She has trouble sleeping, which is most likely due to:

the fact that her circadian rhythms do not follow a fixed 24-hour cycle

Positive reinforcement in operant conditioning is a learning process in which...

the frequency of a behavior increases because it is followed by a desirable stimulus.

A researcher predicted that talking to plants enhances their growth. She gave 24 plants the same amount of water and sunlight. She talked to 12 of the 24 plants daily for 6 weeks and then measured their growth. In this experiment, which of the following is the dependent variable?

the growth of the plants

The longer the period of REM sleep...

the more likely the person will report dreaming

A researcher tells a group of experimental subjects that they are going to receive "painful" electrical shocks as part of the experiment. He tells another group that they will receive "mild" electric shocks. He asks participants in both groups whether they prefer to wait alone or with others while he sets up the machinery that will deliver the shocks. In this experiment, which of the following is the dependent variable?

the participants' choice to wait alone or with others

Manny has been unable to sleep for the past one week. His wife gives him a vitamin pill and tells him that it will help him sleep at night. The next morning, Manny is thrilled because he has slept better than ever before. In this scenario, Manny's response to the vitamin can be attributed to:

the placebo effect

Hillary is recalling details from her most recent trip to an amusement park. In the context of the brain structures involved in long-term memory, which lobe of Hillary's brain is most active in this instance?

the right frontal lobe

psychology is formally defines as

the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

Three-year-old Missy and her four-year-old brother Bob are watching a movie. In the movie, a "monster" sneaks into the closet while a little boy is sleeping. While Missy says nothing, Bob begins to shout at the screen telling the little boy not to open the closet door. Their different reactions reflect:

the theory of mind

the auditory system, what is the function of the muscles of the middle ear?

they amplify sound waves

some alcoholics recover from alcoholism without any ___


In the context of memory processes, give an example that illustrates the process of encoding information?

watching a movie in a movie theater

Alcohol strongly affects ___ more than ___ because of the differences in body fat and stomach enzymes.

women; men

one effect of damage to Broca's area in the brain

you are unable to produce any words

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