psychology 110 final

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social facilitation

A bicyclist claims that bicycle racing times would be faster if individuals raced in groups, because the knowledge of being in a group produces more energy to perform better. The bicyclist's claim is based on the concept of


According to Carl Hovland, which of the following is NOT an element of persuasion?

notice the event

According to Darley and Latané's five steps to helping in an emergency, the actor must first?

companionate love

Affectionate love is also called _____ love.

the central route to persuasion.

Allison is attending a seminar where the presenter is attempting to persuade people to make a rather risky but potentially profitable financial investment. The presenter provides a rational and factual explanation for why the investment is profitable, even though there are risks involved. Alison finds the presenter's idea compelling and decides to invest. The way the presenter persuades Allison to invest exemplifies

cognitive dissonance.

An individual's psychological discomfort caused by two inconsistent thoughts is known as

there are few tempting alternatives for the partners.

From the perspective of the investment model of close relationships, long-term relationships are most likely to continue when

She is a clumsy person.

Gerald, a high school senior, sees another student stumble and drop her books in the hall. If Gerald makes the fundamental attribution error, how would he most likely explain the student's behavior?


Hiroko's fifth-grade teacher was disappointed when he performed poorly in math. She believes that Asian students are academically excellent and never perform poorly. In this scenario, the teacher's beliefs best illustrate

cognitive dissonance

Hugh buys a new calculator for $125 from the PaperMills stationery store. A week later, he sees an ad from another stationery store, StationMax, selling the same calculator for $65. Hugh feels guilty about having wasted so much money on the calculator but justifies his action by saying that StationMax items are always of poor quality. In the context of attitudes, Hugh's statement reflects an attempt to reduce his

self-serving bias

If Cathy blames her history teacher for her poor performance on a history test, she is most likely engaging in

the fundamental attribution error

Kaylee is in her car at a traffic light waiting for the light to turn green. Just as it does, a man driving a red truck goes speeding past Kaylee and just about misses crashing into her car. Kaylee abuses him and thinks to herself that his license should be revoked. What Kaylee does not know is that the truck's breaks have failed. In this scenario, Kaylee is demonstrating _____ while attempting to explain the man's behavior.

the false consensus effect

Kiara, a high school student, is an avid supporter of the practice of meditation and yoga. She starts a school club for yoga and meditation thinking there are many students like her who believe in the health benefits of such practices. On the contrary, only a few students share her beliefs and join the club. Which of the following is best exemplified in this scenario?

cognitive dissonance

Kylie knows that excessive drinking can adversely affect her health. Every time she engages in binge drinking, she tells herself that all her friends who binge drink seem healthy. In this scenario, Kylie is attempting to reduce

false consensus

The _____ effect refers to individuals overestimating the degree to which other individuals think or act the way they do.

false consensus effect

The _____ effect refers to individuals overestimating the degree to which other individuals think or act the way they do.

elaboration likelihood model

The _____ identifies two pathways of persuasion—a central route and a peripheral route.

social exchange theory

The _____ of close relationships asserts that the partners in a relationship keep a mental balance sheet, tallying the pluses and minuses associated with each other.


The process by which individuals come to understand the causes of others' behavior and form an impression of them as individuals is called

the group polarization effect.

The solidification and further strengthening of an individual's position as a consequence of a group discussion or interaction is known as


The weapons effect is best explained by the concept of

social comparison

_____ is the process by which an individual evaluates his or her thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and abilities in relation to others.


_____ refers to an individual's motivation to reject attempts to be controlled

informational social influence

in the context of conformity, _____ means individuals conform to be right.

more likely to engage in delinquent acts.

According to research done on aggressive behavior, when compared with adolescents who do not play violent video games, adolescents who play such games are

Chronically lonely people

According to research in the area of health and social psychology, who among the following is likely to have the earliest death?

low levels of conscientiousness

According to research on aggressive behavior, which of the following personality factors is mostly associated with aggression?

when the person has a vested interest in the issue

According to studies over the past half-century, which of the following is a condition under which a person's attitude will guide his or her actions?

they contribute equally to chores

According to the social exchange theory of close relationships, Peter and Berta are most likely to be happily married because

risky shift

Adeline is a jury member in a criminal case. After hearing the attorneys, she decides that the accused in the case must be sentenced to life in prison without parole. However, after deliberating the case with the other members of the jury, she decides that the accused must be sentenced to death. Which of the following aspects of group decision is best exemplified in this scenario?

self-perception theory

In the context of attitudes, _____ theory contends that behaviors can influence attitudes.

normative social influence

Joyce has the potential to be an honor student. However, she frustrates her teachers because of her actions. Rather than using her skills to excel, she tends to hide her intellectual abilities to act more like the students she is friends with. She sometimes answers questions incorrectly just to be more like her friends. In the context of the key aspects of social influence, which of the following perspectives explains Joyce's behavior most accurately?

Group Decision Making

Risky shift and group polarization are aspects of


Sally is very intelligent and has a great personality. However, she has always seen herself as unattractive and, as a result, is often depressed. Sally's depression is most likely facilitated by feelings of

social comparison

Teresa asks herself whether she is as popular as Cathy. This question is an example of gaining self-knowledge through the process of

lower levels of serotonin

_____ have been linked to aggressive behavior.

Chang, who thinks Aisha has a laid-back attitude toward work

Carlo, a manager, wants to meet his team members—Megan, Aisha, Chang, and Jackie—at 9.00 a.m. the following day. Aisha turns up 15 minutes late for the meeting. In this scenario, who among the following is committing the fundamental attribution error?

cognitive dissonance

Chelsea is a chain-smoker. She plans to stop smoking because she knows that smoking will harm her health. In this scenario, Chelsea is trying to change her behavior to fit her attitude, which will most likely reduce her

his ability

Daniel scores a goal in a soccer match. According to self-serving bias, Daniel is most likely to attribute his success to

of a bad bounce

In a recent softball game, Cindy misplayed a ground ball, which was scored as an error, causing her team to lose the game. According to the self-serving bias, Cindy is likely to reason that she misplayed because

ingroup favoritism.

In a study based on Tajfel's theory of social identity, Cathy is randomly assigned to Group A, and Sara is randomly assigned to Group B. When asked to award money to other study participants, both Cathy and Sara award money only to members of their own groups. This behavior is predicted by Tajfel's theory and best exemplifies

consensual validation

In the context of close relationships, _____ best explains why people are attracted to others who are similar to them.

social identity theory

In the context of intergroup relations, which of the following theories best explains why individuals invariably think of the group to which they belong as an ingroup?

all of these

In the context of prosocial behaviors, which of the following is an accurate description of egoism?


In the context of social identity, thinking that cultural outgroups are not only different but also worse than one's own group is called

frustration always leads to aggression

John Dollard's frustration-aggression hypothesis states that

self-preception theory

Juanita returned home after being away for several years. When she saw her father, whom she thought she disliked, she hugged him and cried. Based on her behavior when she met him, she determined that she must like him more than she thought. This is most consistent with the _____ of attitudes.


June is usually very quiet, but she recently discovered a different side of herself. She was at the Mardi Gras and found herself swept up in the festivities, doing things that the other partygoers were doing. These were not behaviors that she would have ever considered engaging in on her own. Social psychologists would most likely attribute June's behavior to


Lily and her classmates are asked to write an essay on what they want to be when they are older. Although Lily wants to be a florist, she does not write about it. Instead, she writes about wanting to be a doctor because most of her friends want to be doctors. In the context of social influence, Lily is best exhibiting

consensual validation

Mia likes Rodrigo because they share similar interests. They both like reading, watching documentaries, and listening to classical music. In this case, Mia's attraction toward Rodrigo is best explained by the concept of

social facilitation

Mickey is a pop star. His fans observe that his live stage performances are better than his studio recorded songs. Mickey explains that he performs better on a live stage because the presence of the audience increases his enthusiasm to perform. Mickey's improved performance in the presence of an audience best illustrates the concept of

the self-fulfilling prophecy.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee warn their new babysitter that their son, Dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous and must be strictly disciplined. As a result, Alison is overstrict with Dennis and does not let him out of her sight. This facilitates Dennis's aggressive and mischievous behavior. This scenario best illustrates

making a fundamental attribution error

Rachel's new roommate, Berta, has not done laundry for an entire week. Her clothes are lying all over their room. This leads Rachel to assume that Berta is an untidy and undisciplined person. What Rachel does not know is that Berta is currently taking finals and working 40 hours per week. In the context of social cognition, Rachel is primarily _____ while explaining Berta's behavior.

the social identity theory

Rob and Deena are strong supporters of the football team the Dallas Cowboys. Their self-esteem is greatly affected by the performance of the Cowboys. Which of the following theories best explains this scenario in the context of intergroup relations?


Samuel walks up to Katie and asks if she would be willing to wear a ribbon to show support for his cause. Though the ribbon is unattractive, it is small, so Katie agrees to wear it. Once Katie has agreed to this request, Samuel asks her if she would be willing to make a donation of $15 to his cause. Katie cannot refuse because she feels that Samuel is relying on her. In the context of persuasion, this scenario best demonstrates the _____ technique.

agree with his friends and say that she is very pretty

Several of Sheldon's friends suggest that the new girl in their class is very pretty. Sheldon does not think that she is pretty. If Sheldon is exhibiting conformity, he is probably going to

social loafing

The tendency of each person in a group to exert less effort in the group because of reduced accountability is known as

the peripheral route

Twelve-year-old Ryan's father returns from work tired. Ryan wants his father to take him to his favorite movie, which starts in an hour. Which route of persuasion should Ryan attempt to obtain the highest rate of success?

collectivist cultures

Which of the following cultural factors is most likely to increase conformity?


Which of the following experiments demonstrated the profound effect of obedience?

The central route is effective when people have the ability and the motivation to pay attention, while the peripheral route is not.

Which of the following is a difference between the central and peripheral routes to persuasion?

Behavior can change and influence the attitude of a person.

Which of the following is proposed by self-perception theory?

making each individual's contributions more unique

Which of the following is the best way to decrease social loafing?

The minority in a group cannot win through normative pressure.

Which of the following is true of majority and minority influence in a group?

People tend to shy away from the unknown, which is why similarity facilitates attraction.

Which of the following statements about the attraction between people is true?

a change in a person's behavior to coincide more closely with a group standard

Which of the following statements best defines conformity?

Social comparison provides distinctive characteristics of a person and helps in building an identity.

Which of the following statements is true of social comparison?

A person who experiences stereotype threat is well aware of stereotypical expectations for him or her as a member of a group.

Which of the following statements is true of stereotype threat?

Dopamine receptors in the brain are associated with prosocial behavior.

Which of the following statements is true of the biological factors associated with prosocial behavior?

Ria, who ruminates over interpersonal slights

Who among the following is most likely to become aggressive when provoked?

cognitive dissonance

Zephyr is Nadia's favorite clothing brand. Recently, Zephyr was involved in a scandal for using child labor. Despite knowing about the scandal, Nadia continues to shop at Zephyr. This makes her feel uneasy as she is against child labor. In this scenario, Nadia's feeling of uneasiness is best explained by the concept of


_____ are people's opinions and beliefs about other people, objects, and ideas—how they feel about the world.


_____ is an unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because the person belongs to that group.

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