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(Encoding & Storage)perception,language,development.

Tightly coiled threadlike which the genes are organized?


As an approach in contemporary psychology,the evolutionary approach is similar to which of the following?


The following are adequate terms for describing the field of contemporary psychology which is interested with the mind,except?

Cognitive Dissonance

For resources?


Parietal Lobe

Contain sensory cortex:receives touch sensations from rest of the body.

Which of the following does not describe part of the focus for the cognitive approach in contemporary psychology?

Controlled by motives and urges.


Controls and regulates Body temperature Sexual arousal Hunger Thirst Endocrine system

Edward Titchener

Critique of Wundt's empiricism.

A long,complex molecule that contains the genetic information?



Deals with vision. Contains visual cortex:interprets messages from our eyes into images we can understand.

Sigmund Freud

Developed an independent approach to the study of the mind called "psychoanalysis" which has been widely influential.

Carl Rogers' contribution to the humanistic approach was?

Developing client-centered therapy

Ashley is considered an introvert at home,she is an encourager on her soccer team,and provides strong nurturing to her peers during forensics and debate.Her ability to adapt her mind to these different roles would indicate she should best be described by which field of early psychology?


The small segments of DNA that are responsible for specific traits?


An organism's genetic makeup?



Greek philosopher,he's engaged in dialogue with others in an attempt to define ethical concepts by exposing and dispelling error.

Which psychologist is most easily assosiated with the cognitive approach in contemporary psychology?

Jean Piaget

Who propagated the theory that we are a product of our experience?

John Locke

The learning approach accepts all of the following except?

Know how the mind adapts

Of all of the contemporary psychology approach is one of the?



Led scientists to study the bumps on the head to determine human behavior.Phrenology is considered a pseudoscience(False Science)

Hemispheric Lateralization

Left:logical,sequential Right:spatial,creative

Cerebral Cortex

Made up of densely packed neurons we call "gray matter" Wrinkles are called fissures.


More involved in volatile emotions like anger and fear.

Eclectic View of Psychology(aka "Biopsychosocial")

Most people are like this today.Take bits and pieces of many or all perspectives to explain behavior.

The driving force behind evolution,by which the environment "selects" the fittest organisms?

Natural selection

Psychology's big debates:Nature versus Nuture

Nature:Genetics,heredity,and biology.Nuture:How we were raised,experiences.Developmental.Conducts and applies research in age-related behavioral changes.

Of all of the contemporary psychology approaches,the biological approach is one of the?


An organism's observable physical characteristics?


Which of the following does not belong in a list of items describing the biological approach to contemporary psychology?

Primal Passion

Temporal Lobe

Process sound senses by our ears.


Studies relationships between learning and environments.School.Work with children directly in schools with learning and problems.

Empirical Science

relying on or derived from observation or experiment.Verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment.Experience and observation over scientific theory.


the interrelation of the unconscious and conscious mental and emotional forces that determine personality and motivation.

Gestalt Psychology

the whole is different than the sum of its parts

Rene Descartes

was a French philosopher and mathematicion.Concept of dualism,suggests that there are two realms to existence.First is the physical realm which is the environment and the things around us.

what is psychology?

4 goals of psychology:1.Description,2. Explanation,3. Prediction,and 4. Influence/Modify.

Hermann Ebbinghaus

A pioneer in study of memory.

John Locke

A seventh-century English philosopher.Locke argued agaist the belief that human beings are born with certain ideas already in their minds.He claimed that,on the contrary,the mind is a tabula rasa(blank slate)until experience begins to "write" on it.

Frontal Lobe(Pre-frontal cortex)

Abstract thought,judgement,planning reasoning,movement and personality control

James Mckeen Cattell

Adapted Francis Galton's anthropometric methods to generate the first program of mental testing in the 1890s.


An ancient Greek philosoply,making contributions to logic,metaphysics,mathematics,physics,biology,botany,ethics,politics,agriculture,medicine,dance and theater.He's was a student of Plato who in turn studied under Socrates.

Who spread the theory that one is a product of the mind and body?


John Dewey

Associated with the philosophy of pragmatism and considered one of the fathers of functional psychology.

Hugo Munsterberg

Began writing about the application of psychology to industry,law,and other fields.

Tommy has strong,unconscious urges that disrupt his ability to concentrate and learn.Which contemporary psychology approach already reviewed will likely serve best to analyze his issues?


Carl Rogers

Believed in "client centered therapy"

As an approach in contemporary psychology,the evolutionary approach is similar to which of the following?


An eclectic view approach to psychology can also be called?



Broke down consciousness to basic thoughts(structure of the mind).

G. Stanly Hall

Brought scientific pedagogy to the United States from Germany.

Abraham Maslow

Came up with the Hierarchy of needs

What two men are associated with the humanistic approach?

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow.

"Knowledge originates in experience and science should rely on observation and experimentation" defines?

Empirical science

Changes in the environment?

Environmental pressure

Lightner Witmer

Established the first psychological clinic in the 1890s.

Corpus Callosum

Fibers that connects the 2 hemispheres.


Focus on cultures,social norms influence and predict behavior.


Focuses on Darwinism.(Charles Darwin)We behave the way we do because we inherited those behaviors.Thus,those behaviors must have helped ensure our ancestors survival.


Founded a school in Athens called the Academy.Most of his writings are dialogues.He is best known for his theory that ideal forms or ideas,such as Truth or the Good,exist in a realm beyond the material world.

Wilhelm Wundt

Founded the first laboratory dedicated exclusively to psychological research in Leipzig,Germany.Also the first person to refer to himself as a psychologist.Father of psychology.Opened the first lab in Germany.

Sample Issues/Ideas.Heredity/Genetics/Brain/Hormones.

How are messages transmitted within the body?How is the blood chemistry linked with moods and motives?How are we,as members of different races and nationalities,alike as members of one human family?How do we differ,as products of different social contexts?Why do people sometimes act differently in groups than when alone?

Biological Psychology (aka Neuroscience/Neurobiology)

How the body and brain create emotions,memories,and sensory experiences.

The learning approach accepts all of the following except?

Ignore thoughts/feelings

Frequency of that genotype increases?

In next generation


Inborn;present at birth;part of the organism's biological heritage


Investigate the function,or purpose of consciousness rather than its structure(how the mind adapts)


Investigating our persistent traits.Social.Explore how we view and affect one another.


Involved in the processing and storage of memories.


Is an impairment of language,usually caused by left hemisphere damage either to Broca's area(speech production)or to Wernicke's area(understanding/comprehesion).Broca's area and Wernicke's area located on the left hemisphere.

Cognitive Psychology

Is the mental processes involved in acquiring,processes,storing and using information.

What is a deficiency associated with the humanistic approach?

It does not explain human behavior well

Which of the following is an appropriate statement?

Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

Genotype corresponding to fittest phenotypes passed to next generation?

Reproductive success

Neurologist who first severed the corpus callosum trying to help epileptic patients.Found that each side of the brain controls certain functions.This is known as Lateral specialization.

Roger Sperry & Michael Gazzagiga

Emily is having difficulty in school with mathematics and she has begun to exhibit behavior problems.She would best be served by which sub-field of psychology?

School psychologist


Scientific psychology should focus on observable behavior.

From among a variety of phenotypes?

Selection of fittest phenotype

The x and y chromosomes that determine our physical sex characteristics 23 from mother/23 from father xx=female xy=male?

Sex chromosomes

Estaban has displayed some preadolesence problem behaviors because of some delays in his maturation.Which psychologist would be best for him to see?

Social psychologist

As an approach in contemporary psychology,the evolutionary approach is similar to which of the following?


Which approach assesses the influence of social norms on behavior?


Which option below is the true of an individual who holds an eclectic view of psychology?

Take from multiple theries

William James

The American father of pragmatism.Functionalism:Investigate the function,or purpose of consciousness rather than its structure(how the mind adapts)Father of American Psychology.He wrote the 1st psychology book.


The gradual process of biological change that occurs in a species as it adapts to it's environment

Brain Plasticity

The idea that the brain,when damaged,will attempt to find news ways to reroute messages children's brains are more plastic than adults.

What does the term pseudo-external mean?

The influence of society and culture on the individual.

Sigmund Freud

Was an Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis.

According to the biological approach in contemporary psychology,which statement is True?

We are a product of biology.

Which statement does not fit the socio-cultural approach?

We are products of what we observe and see.

Ivan Pavlov

Who developed the procedures associated with classical conditioning.

I am considered the father of American Psychology,shifted the focus from the structure of the mind to how the mind adapts,and prioritized the study of the function or purpose of consciousness.Who am I?

William James

Contemporary Psychology

You have 7 to remember:1. Psychodynamic,2. Behavioral,3. Cognitive,4. Biological,5. Humanistic,6. Socio-cultural,and 7. Evolutionary.


You have the potential to be great.Self actualization.Feel good approach.Client Centered therapy.Hierarchy of needs.Free will.

Jean Piaget

a Swiss psychologist and epistemologist known for his pioneering work in child development.theory of cognitive development and epistemological view are together called "genetic epistemology".


a collection of beliefs or practices mistakenly regarded as being based on scientific method.

Franz Joseph Gall

a neuroanatomist,physiologist,and pioneer in the study of the localization of mental functions in the brain.


any or all of the sciences,such as neurochemistry and experimental psychology,which deal with the structure or function of the nervous system and brain.

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