Psychology Chapter 1

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Which of the following are necessary on an informed consent form?

A description about how the data will be kept and how the confidentiality of the participant will be ensured a description of any benefits to the subject or to others which may reasonably be expected from the research a description of any reasonability foreseeable risks or discomforts to the subject

What demonstrates a negative correlation between two variables?

An increase in the popularity of ride sharing services coincided with a decrease in convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol The more you spend, the less money you have hungrier students score lower on standardized tests the number of seal sightings rises as the great white sharks population decreases the more selfies someone posts, the less likely his is to feel connected to friends

Which of the following areas of psychology are mmost likely to study this topic? "Patterns of mate selection in humans"

Evolutionary psychology

President of the APA

Francis Cecil Summer

What theorist contributed to this accomplishment? "Advanced social psychology through work that studied cultural bias"

George Sanchez

Researchers targeted pedestrians on a college campus to determine how much people notice about their surroundings. In the experiment, an actor came up to a pedestrian and asked for directions. While the pedestrian was giving the directions, two men carrying a large wooden door walked between the actor and the pedestrian, completely blocking their view of each other for several seconds. During that time, the actor was replaced by another actor, one of a different height and build, and with a different outfit, haircut and voice. A over half of the participants didn't notice the change in the person they were talking to. What needs to be included in the debriefing?

How the data collected will be used reasons why deception was necessary the true reasons of why the experiment was conducted

Which of the following theorist would agree with this statement. "We can learn new behaviors by unconsciously responding to something that previously had no impact on us"

Ivan pavlov

Which psychologist is this statement representing? "Objective observation of the mind is impossible. We should Focus on observable behavior"

John B Watson

Which researcher employs behaviorims?

John B Watson

Which theorist would agree with this statement? "We should focus only on observable behavior because there is no way to explore the mind-without loosing objectivity"

John Watson

Which Psychologist would agree with this statement? "Racial segregation greatly impacts the social and educational development of African-American Children"

Mary Whiton calkins

Who emphasized personal control, self-concept, and a predisposition for "good"

Naom Chomsky

What procedures would a structuralist most likely use?

Participants push a button to indicate when they are first aware of the sound of a ball dropping onto a platform

This theory focuses on patterns of thought and behaviors that makes each individual unique

Personality psychology

Level of schooling for a; High school psychology taeacher


Which researcher employs behaviorism? "researcher A: experiment includes chocking a rat when it pushes the wrong button to punish it. Researcher B: as a participant to describe why they choose to push a certain button"

Researcher B

Which of the following represents a meaningful contribution of sigmund freud in the field of Psychology?

Understanding adult motivations an emphasis on the relationships between client and therapists

Which theorist would agree with this statement"? " We can learn about how we perceive light by asking observers to report a signal as soon as they see it"

Wilhelm Wundt

focused on how mental activities helped an organism adapt to its environment

William James

What is the dependent variable in the following scenario? Researchers study the impact of facial symmetry on attractiveness.

attractiveness rating

Psyche lis a Greek word meaning?


A confounding variable is an outside factor that affects [blank], giving a false impression about causation.

both variables

type of research that is the most difficult to generalize to the greater population.

case study

A(n) [blank] relationship is present when one variable causes changes in the other variable.

cause and effect

is the tendency to ignore evidence that disproves ideas or beliefs

confirmation bias

when an experiment involves deception, participants are told complete and truthful information about the experiment and its conclusion


Which of the following terms is defined as purposely misleading experiment participants in order to maintain the integrity of the experiment, but not to the point where the deception could be considered harmful?


What is a testable hypothesis?

diagnosis of anxiety disorder as child will increase the risk of other anxiety disorders in adulthood patients treated with a combination of traditional medicine and acupuncture will recover from injuries faster than those treated with traditional medicine alone

Which of the following is a weakness of naturalistic observation?

difficult to set up and control

Which answer best describes the sample from the following research study? Select the best answer.A researcher wants to examine the relationship of Facebook usage and self-esteem scores of teens (aged 13-19), young adults (aged 20-30), middle adults (aged 31-45), older adults (aged 46-65), and seniors (aged 66 and older). He gives Facebook-usage questionnaires and self-esteem measures to 300 people in each age group, randomly selected and recruited through the Facebook community.

facebook users age 13 and up representing each of the age groups

seeing relationships between two things when in reality no such relationship exists?

illusionary correlation

Which of the following is an inaccurate statement about informed consent?

informed consent applies to all animals involved in research

Characteristics of debriefing

involves ways to get more information about the study involves providing the participant with complete honest information about the purpose of the experiment

Characteristic of cognative psychology?

it believes that the mind is a valuable source for scientific inquiry it gets contributions from theorists in other fields

What are characteristics of Cognitive Psychology?

it studies seemingly unseen mental processes it relates closely to disciplines like neuroscience and linguistics

Which of the following describes the independent variable? Select the best answer.

manipulated by the experimenter

A [blank] correlation coefficient indicates that two variables change in the [blank] direction.

negative + opposite

You conducted research and found that all ages of research subjects preferred chocolate over broccoli.What type of correlation is reflected in what you found?

no correlation

Which of the following is considered a weakness of naturalistic observation?

observer bias, or the researchers personal feelings, may impact results

Which of the following are characteristic of a case study?

often used when studying individuals who are interesting to researchers bc they have a rare characteristic allows the researcher to have a very deep understanding of the individuals and the particular phenomenon being studied

What are examples of humanistic thought?

people are not rats; their feelings and fulfillment are critical factors in determining their behavior acceptance and empathy are important environmental factors in personal growth happiness and self concept are worthwhile topics of study for psychologists Once people have their basic physical needs met, they will focus on achieving social goals

What demonstrates a positive correlations between two variables?

people who believe in scientific and technological progress tend to report higher life satisfaction children have higher levels of moral development when their parents explain their consequences of behavior people who read more fiction tend to have increased moral reasoning abilities

peoples expectations or beliefs influencing or determining their experiences in a given situation

placebo effect

method of experimental group assignment in which all participants have an equal chance of being assigned to either group

random assignment

Which of the following statements is inaccurate?

researchers do not have to share information with participants about how data collected will be used

Which of the following does not apply to an Institutional Review Board?

reviews animal research proposals

Consider the role and responsibilities of an Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).Which of the following are true of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)?

right to inspect animal research facilities must have a minimum of five members

Which of the following answers best completes the following statement? Select the best answer.A correlation coefficient is a number between -1 and +1 that indicates the [blank] and [blank] of a relationship between two variables.

strength + direction

What demonstrates a behavioral approach?

studying consciousness pointless bc it can't be verified reinforcement and punishment are major forces in driving behavior

What type of research is being conducted in the following example? .A psychologist is asking women between the ages of 25 and 29 about their self-care habits.


Which of the following is a weakness of surveys?

tends to be a lower level of depth in information collected

Which aspect of the following description best represents the independent variable? Dr. James wants to determine if the way he grades papers affects student effort. For one group of students, he provides good feedback and positive comments. For the other group, he provides no real feedback or comments. He then compares their performance on the next assignment.

the type of feedback

Which of the following would be considered a strength of cross-sectional studies?

they capture a specific moment in time through multiple data points

What represents a negative correlation?

unresponsive parents and a child's level of trust

What is the dependent variable in the following scenario? Researchers study the impact of violent television content on children's display of violent acts.

violent behavior displayed

What demonstrates the continued influence of Freud and Psychoanalytic theory on psychology?

we can process subliminal information without conscious attention to it studying the role of unconscious thought in memory

Consider the following research study:A researcher interested in examining the bystander effect, a phenomena that says that the more people present at an emergency situation, the less likely any individual is to help, conducted a study to understand individual variables. The researcher believed that it is the presence of blood that makes an impact in the decision to help. With the help of an 80-year-old actor, he stages a scene in which the old man collapses on the subway. In half of the trials, blood is present in the mouth of the old man, in the other half, there is no blood present. The researcher recorded how many people there were present, how many helped, and how long it took to offer help. Results supported the bystander effect.Did this study use deception?

yes there was deception

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