Psychology Chapter 2

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In a _______________________________ study, only the experimenters know who is receiving treatment.


In the ______________________________ method of research, researchers select a group of participants an then observe them over a period of time.


A relation in which two factors rise together is known as a __________________________ correlation.


An educated guess

2 Psychologists that used surveys to examine mixed-race friendships in high schools.

D.L. DuBois and B.J Hirsh


Psychologists begin their studies by framing (research questions).

hypothesis is worded how?


Which is an example of a negative correlation?

The greater the stress, the poorer the health.


a factor in an experiment that can change


a measure of how closely one thing is related to another

False: Ethics

Confidentiality and avoiding deception are part of the psychologist's code of (variables).


Elements of behavior that exist but cannot be measured directly, such as aggressiveness, are called?


For the findings of a scientific study to be confirmed, the study must be _______________ or repeated.

Steps in research

Form question Form hypothesis Test hypothesis Analyze results Draw Conclusions


If a researcher's research observations (oppose) his or her original theory, then he or she can conclude that the theory is correct.

Which of the following is a problem associated with volunteer bias?

Volunteers are more willing than other people to disclose information


When conducting a survey, it is important to identify your (target population).


__________________________ are standards fro proper and responsible behavior.


__________________________________ observation involves observing people in their normal lives, such as at home or school.


_________________________observations takes place in a specific area set aside for observation and research.

False: stratified

a (random sample) of a population always represents the exact proportional makeup of that population.


a form containing a set of questions addressed to a statistically significant number of subjects


Psychologists find out people's attitudes and behaviors through ____________.


Psychologists might spend many years (analyzing) the results of their testing.


Psychologists test (hypotheses) through a variety of methods.


Psychology is an experimental science like chemistry and biology.


Questionnaires and (interviews) are two methods researchers use to conduct surveys and gather information


a part of a target population

random sample

a sample that fairly represents a population because each member has an equal chance of inclusion

cross-sectional study

a study in which people of different ages are compared with one another


a substance or treatment that has no effect apart from a person's belief in it.


aspects of behavior that cannot be seen or measured directly.

What is the term for a predisposition to a certain point of view, despite what the facts may suggest?


The longitudinal method is concerned with observing how participants

change over time.

Which one of the following methods do scientists use to analyze the data they gather from their studies?


What score is most often used as the central tendency?



Research and experimentation can lead to the ______________________ of a psychological theory and to the acceptance of its soundness.

When setting up experimental and control groups, how do researchers decide which participants should be in which group?

Researchers assign people randomly to one group or the other.

What is one disadvantage of the cross-sectional method of observation?

Researchers cannot be sure what factors account for differences among participants.

Why is it sometimes useful to conduct double-blind studies?

Researchers may have expectations that affect their observations.


The _____________________________ method of research involves observing a sample of individuals of different ages.

In the experimental method, how is the control group different than the experimental group?

The control group does not receive the treatment.

False: independent

The factor that researchers manipulate in an experiment is called the (dependent) variable.

How is standard deviation determined?

measuring the distance of every score to the mean

When scientists study people in the "field," what method of observation are they using?


Observing the way people eat in restaurants is an example of

naturalistic observation.


opinions formed in advance of adequate knowledge or experience

The testing method of observation investigates human behavior through which of the following?

personality tests, aptitude tests, and intelligence tests



further steps in scientific research

replication,new questions

What is the first step in a research study?

research question

What is one reason that survey interviews and questionnaires may not be completely accurate?

respondents may not give honest answers

Which is one way that researchers ensure that a sample represents a target population?

selecting people at random from the target population


standards for proper and responsible behavior

In what type of sample are subgroups in the population represented proportionally?


Double-blind study

study in which neither the experimenter nor the participants know who receives treatment

stratified sample

subgroups in the population are represented proportionally in the sample

What is a method researchers use to gather information from many people about a particular subject?



(Standard deviation) is a measure of the distance of every score in a test to the mean score.

False: Random

A (stratified sample) of a population is chosen by chance from the general population


A _______________________ is an educated guess.


A ___________________________ is an element of an experiment that can change.


A ______________________________ is a substance or treatment that has no effect apart from a person's belief in it.

positive correlation

A correlation where as one variable increases, the other also increases, or as one decreases so does the other. Both variables move in the same direction.

longitudinal method

A method of research that studies the same group of people over an extended period of time


A__________________________________ correlation between two factors means that as one factor increases, the other decreases.

False: Hypothesis

After forming a research question, a psychologist will form a (theory), or educated guess.


An in-depth investigation of an individual or group


An inherent ability or talent.

generalize results

Apply finding to larger population.

Why are scientists cautious about making generalizations from case studies?

Case studies cannot always be replicated.


Members of the ______________________ group of an experiment do not receive treatment.


One way to prevent bias is to conduct a (double-blind) study, in which neither the experimenters nor the participants know who is receiving treatment.

What do psychologists do after they analyze their research observations?

draw conclusions

Which of the following best describes a hypothesis?

educated guess


educated guess

What do scientists need in order to support a theory?


case study

in-depth investigation of an individual subject

In an experiment, what factor do researchers manipulate in order to determine its effect?

independent variable

A Skinner box and a maze are examples of which of the following?


methods of observation

testing case-study longitudinal cross-sectional naturalistic laboratory

Personality test

tests that measure people's character traits and temperament


the act of establishing the soundness of an idea or theory.

Volunteer Bias

the concept that people who volunteer to participate in research studies often differ from those who do not volunteer

Volunteer Bias

the concept that people who volunteer to participate in research studies often differ from those who do not volunteer.


the people who volunteer to participate in a survey may reflect a (volunteer bias)

negative correlation

the relationship between two variables in which one variable increases as the other variable decreases

laboratory observation

the study of behavior in a controlled situation

target population

the total group to be studied or described and from whom samples may be drawn

Why is it important for scientists to be able to replicate the results of a study?

to confirm the findings of the original study

Why do psychologists sometimes study animals or people in laboratory settings?

to control the environment

Which of the following is a reason that psychologists keep the records of their research participants confidential?

to encourage participants to be truthful

naturalistic observation

watching behavior in real-world settings without trying to manipulate the situation

In which of the following situations would researchers most likely use animals instead of human subjects?

when studying the effects of intentionally separating children from their mothers

Under what circumstances, according to the American Psychological Association, are psychologists allowed to deceive participants in an experiment?

when the benefits of the study outweigh the harm

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