Psychology Chapter 2 Section 2 (PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODS - Survey, Samples, and Populations pg. 38 - 41)
What are the basic problems with volunteer bias in terms of research results?
1. Volunteers are usually more willing than other people to disclose personal information 2. Volunteers may also be more interested in research than people who don't volunteer 3.they may have more spare time to participate in research studies than other people
The amount of Asia Americans expected to find in the sample.
25. 1%
The amount African Americans expected to find in the sample.
7. 6%
For what reasons would researchers not use samples that represent the entire population?
In some cases, the researchers want to know about only one group w/ in the past. Therefore, they have no reason to study other groups. In other cases, it may be be impractical or impossible to obtain a random or stratified sample; thus, they work w/ a sample that does not represent the whole population
How could demographic affect a survey sample?
It's very important that the 25, 000 households chosen for sampling accurately reflect the viewing habits of entire country. Accurate sampling is important in psychology.
Why should a sample be similar?
Otherwise, researchers will be unable to use the sample to make accurate predictions about the population from which the sample is drawn.
How is volunteer bias illustrated by popular magazine surveys?
Readers who have enough time to fill out the questionnaire (like volunteer bias), may have different leisure preferences from people who are too busy to fill out the questionnaire.
Define bias.
a predisposition to a certain point of view despite what the facts suggest
Stratified Samples
are selected. subgroups in the population are represented proportionally in the samples
How do psychologists conduct surveys?
by asking people to fill out written questionnaires or interviewing people orally
How does the example about town explain the importance of target population in a voting poll?
if they don't have the right samples in the target populations, then the voting poll results will be inaccurate
Random Samples
individuals are selected by chance from the target population
Define "target population"
is the whole group you want to study or describe
Define "demographic data"
is what the population is made up of and where each individual in the population stand as in categories and/or groups
Why do psychologist study samples instead of the whole target population?
it would be costly and difficult to interview or question every member of a target population (in this case, all the voters in the area)
Do you think this is a valid method? Why or why not?
no because it may not be valid for everyone. It doesn't show what everyone is thinking. Although some people may not be interested in a certain tv show, some people are and it's frustrating when a show they really like is cancelled.
What problems might researchers have when giving a survey?
people may be bias in their answers
What may the findings of questionnaires or interviews not be accurate?
people may not be honest, for whatever reasons, about their attitudes or behavior
Example used for people.
psychologists avoid generalizing a sample that was made up only of men because men's preferences for cars might not be the same as a women's
example used for animals.
some scientists studied the ability of chimpanzees to use sign language
How does the Nielsen Company determine whether T.V shows be renewed or cancelled?
television networks use the ratings to decide which programs to renew and which to cancel
Why are researchers cautious about generalizing their findings from their sample to the entire population?
their results may not fit everybody.
How do psychologists generally gather info about people's attitudes and behaviors?
they ask people directly.
Define niche population.
they have a select group of people who aim their publication
How is the "tooth-brushing" survey of the 60s an example?
they survey respondents might not have wanted the interviewers to know that they did not brush their teeth as often as their dentists advised and for this reason the survey did not accurately report reality.