Psychology Exam #2

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Which of the following are the two main types of love?

Affectionate and Romantic Love

_____ refers to a kind of job commitment deriving from the employee's sense of obligation to the organization for the investment it has made in the individual's personal and professional development.

Normative Commitment

Which of the following is an area of emphasis of industrial psychology?

Training, Employee Selection, Job Analysis

What best describes transactional leaders?

Transactional leaders work within the goals of an existing organization

An unselfish interest in helping someone else.


Which of the following represents an evaluation of a person's success at his or her job? Multiple choice question.


"I am a good judge of character and rely on my gut feeling in selecting candidates." This statement from a human resource personnel exemplifies the concept of

interviewer illusion

When her manager asks Sally to demonstrate how fast she can accomplish her task on the production line, Sally finishes the task in record time. Sally's performance is best explained by the

Hawthorne effect

_____ refers to the extent to which a person is content in his or her job.

Job Satisfaction

_____ is behavior that complies with the explicit demands of an individual in authority.


what occurs when being part of a group erodes personal identity and diminishes personal responsibility.


_____ is an unjustified negative or harmful action toward a member of a group simply because the person belongs to that group.


The _____ identifies two pathways of persuasion—a central route and a peripheral route.

Elaboration Likelihood Model

Which of the following statements best defines industrial and organizational psychology?

It is the field of psychology that applies the science of human behavior to work and the workplace

Which of the following is true of implicit racism?

It must be measured with a method that does not require a person's awareness.

What do Theory X managers believe?

Work is innately unpleasant and people try and avoid it.

Which of the following is true of affective commitment in organizations?

Individuals with strong affirmative commitment will remain loyal to the organization because they intend to do so

Liam works with HN Corp. HN sponsored Liam's tuition fee for postgraduation. As a result, Liam feels obligated to continue working with HN. In the context of organizational psychology, Liam's commitment to HN Corp. best exemplifies _____.

Normative commitment

A type of employee screening process that assesses an individual's attitudes about lying or honesty is a(n)

Overt Integrity

During a job interview, the interviewer asks Samantha sexually explicit questions. When Samantha expresses discomfort in answering such questions, the interviewer tells her that she would be hired only if she answers the questions. This scenario exemplifi...

Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment

Joel is a marketing executive. He is very good at analyzing the market trends. He is not very efficient in project planning. His manager, decides to augment Joel's analytical skills instead of developing his planning skills. Which managing style is this? You can respond once

Strengths-Based Management

Maria, a manager at Sapphire Inc., believes that her subordinates are not interested in working and that they have to be constantly goaded to perform their duties. Maria is most likely to agree with which of the following approaches to management?

Theory X

Which of the following statements is true of the elaboration likliehood model of persuasion

central route deals with persuasion

A change in behavior brought about in order to follow the standards of others


Which of the following describes employees' emotional attachment to their place of work

Affective Commitment

_____ refers to the person's emotional attachment to the workplace.

Affective Commitment

Mariam provides food for the homeless every Sunday. She does this without expecting praise or anything in return. In this case, Mariam is most likely engaging in

Altruistic behavior

Which of the following identifies a transactional leader?

An individual in a leadership capacity who emphasizes the exchange relationship between the worker and the leader.

Simone sees her job as a valuable endeavor in and of itself rather than a steppingstone to greater advancement. Simone has a:


The emergence of social psychology can be traced back to the years following the U.S _______ War back in the late 1800s


An individual's psychological discomfort caused by two inconsistent thoughts....

Cognitive Dissonance

Which of the following cultural factors is most likely to increase conformity?

Collective cultists

A dramatic cutting of the workforce that is an increasingly popular business strategy to enhance profitability is known as:


According to social exchange theory, what is the most important predictor of a relationship's success? Multiple choice question.


What field focuses on improving the efficiency and safety of the workplace?


_________ ,also called human factors, is the field that combines engineering and psychology to enhance the safety and efficiency of the human-machine interaction.


The genetic basis for aggression states that _________ are important in understanding the biological basis of aggression.


Unwelcome sexual behavior that creates an intimidating workplace for a victim and has the purpose or effect of interfering with the victim's work performance is referred to as

Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment

Which of the following factors is related to job satisfaction?

Performance and Absenteeism

Which of the following is typically used to give employees feedback about how to improve their work, and to guide decisions regarding promotions, raises, and firings?

Perfromance Appraisal

_____ is the managerial philosophy that emphasizes the worker as a well-oiled machine and the determination of the most efficient methods for performing any work-related task.

Scientific Management

The tendency to take credit for our successes and to deny responsibility for our failures is: Multiple choice question.

Self-Serving Bias

_________ _________ unwelcome behavior or conduct of a sexual nature that offends, humiliates, or intimidates another person.

Sexual Harassment

Research by Leonard Berkowitz showed that the mere presence of a weapon (such as a gun) may prime hostile thoughts and produce aggression. The tendency for the presence of firearms to enhance aggression is known as the:

Weapons Effect

According to Gordon Allport, intergroup contact is NOT likely to reduce prejudice when group members

engage in competitive tasks

John Dollard's frustration-aggression hypothesis states that

frustration always leads to aggression

The _____ refers to a bias, common in performance appraisals, that occurs when a rater gives an employee the same rating on all of the items being evaluated, even though the individual varies across the dimensions being assessed.

halo effect

Donald Clifton's strengths-based management approach emphasizes

maximizing and building on employee's existing strength

Behavior the complies with the implicit demands of authority


According to the elaboration likelihood model, the _____ route involves factors such as the source's attractiveness or the emotional power of an appeal.


The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is


Stanley Milgram conducted several different versions of his famous experiment (involving a "teacher" providing electric shock to a "learner" for incorrect answers). Which of the following produced the highest level of obedience?

the teacher's tasks was divided between two people, one of theme a confederate that continued without protest

Brenda is constantly bullied by her coworkers—Monica and Sharon. She is often picked on for being short and for her conservative style of dressing. In the context of organizational culture, Brenda is most likely a victim of

workplace aggression

_____ refers to the impaired group decision making that occurs when making the right decision is less important than maintaining group harmon


In a study based on Tajfel's theory of social identity, Cathy is randomly assigned to Group A, and Sara is randomly assigned to Group B. When asked to award money to other study participants, both Cathy and Sara award money only to members of their own group...

Ingroup Favoritism

What is the name of the job-screening examination that is designed to assess whether a candidate will likely be dishonest on the job?

Integrity Test

A company hiring manager believed they were qualified to discern the truth from a candidate interview. Which of the following describes this mistaken tendency?

Interviewer Illusion

Twelve-year-old Ryan's father returns from work tired. Ryan wants his father to take him to his favorite movie, which starts in an hour. Which route of persuasion should Ryan attempt to obtain the highest rate of success?

The central route

The solidification and further strengthening of an individual's position as a consequence of a group discussion or interaction is known as

The group polarization effect

_____ emphasizes the psychological characteristics of workers and managers and stresses the significance of factors such as moral, attitudes, and values.

The human-relations approach

In the context of approaches to management, managers who encourage their employees to apply their talents, insights, and abilities exhibit the characteristics of

Theory Y Managers

The process of generating a description of what a job involves, including the knowledge and skills that are necessary to carry out the functions of the job, is called a

job analysis

A person's feeling of oneness with the emotional state of another person.


The ______ effect is a common bias in performance ratings that occurs when a rater gives a person the same rating on all of the items being evaluated, even though the individual varies across the dimensions being assessed.


What name was given to the studies that focused on how work conditions affect productivity?

Hawthorne Theory

An employees' feelings of oneness with the organization and its goals is known as organizational:


(I-O) psychology applies the science of human behavior to work and the workplace.

Industrial and Organizational

The __________ management style, developed by Deming, focuses on innovation, decisions based on quality, and fostering relationships.


What managerial philosophy emphasizes determining the most efficient methods for performing any work-related task?

Scientific Management

Pam's new friend is a librarian so Pam assumes that she is intellectual, politically liberal, shy, not very social, and probably a vegetarian. Pam's thinking on this describes...


What is the tendency for individuals to not help someone in need if other people are around?

Bystander Effect

_________ commitment derives from the employee's perception that leaving the organization would be too costly, both economically and socially.


Workplace violence is violence that is perpetrated on an employee by:

Coworkers or Customers

What explains the connection between attitudes and behaviors by suggesting that individuals make inferences about their attitudes by perceiving their own behavior.

Self-Perception Theory

Gerald, a high school senior, sees another student stumble and drop her books in the hall. If Gerald makes the fundamental attribution error, how would he most likely explain the student's behavior?

She is a clumsy person

The concept of consensual validation explains why people tend to be attracted to others due to:


A _________ ___________ test asks a job candidate to explain how he or she would respond to a hypothetical but realistic scenario.

Situational Judgement

The improvement in an individual's performance because of the presence of others is....

Social Facilitation

the way people define themselves in relation to group membership. Multiple choice question.

Social Identity

The tendency of each person in a group to exert less effort in the group because of reduced accountability is known as

Social Loafing

What is occuring when an individual exerts less effort in a group because of decreased individual accountability.

Social Loafing

Which of the following is most likely the strongest predictor of success at a job?

general intelligence

Social cognition is an area of social psychology that studies Multiple choice question.

how people think in social situations.

What is a feedback method of performance appraisal whereby an employee's performance is rated by a variety of individuals, including the employee, a peer, a supervisor, a subordinate, and perhaps a customer or client.

360 degree

Opinions and beliefs about people, objects, and ideas are...


_____ are people's opinions and beliefs about other people, objects, and ideas—how they feel about the world.


The process of generating a description of what a job involves, including necessary skills, is called:

Job Analysis

Which are five types of social identity?

ethnicity and religion vocations and avocations personal relationships political affiliation stigmatized groups

_____ is the personality trait most strongly associated with prosocial behaviors.


Social behavior that has a goal of harming someone.


A company manager is interviewing candidates for an open position. She asks candidates to give their attitudes about lying or honesty with statements such as, "It's okay to lie if you know you won't get caught," or "Taking a package of post-it notes from the office to your home is not really stealing from the company." This type of interviewing is called:

An Overt Integrity Test

The process by which individuals come to understand the causes of others' behavior and form an impression of them as individuals is called


What seeks to explain how we decide, on the basis of samples of an individual's behavior, what are the specific underlying causes of that person's behavior.

Attribution Theory

An individual's psychological discomfort caused by two inconsistent thoughts is known as

Cognitive Dissonance

Members engaging in groupthink place the highest value on:

Conformity and Unanimity

To reduce dissonance by rationalizing the amount of effort we put into something is called...

Effort Justification

_____ means coming up with a rationale for the amount of work a person puts into getting something, typically by increasing the value associated with things that are difficult to attain.

Effort Justification

In the context of prosocial behaviors, which of the following is an accurate description of egoism?

Egoism involves helping others to look more powerful, helping others to avoid guilt, or helping others to hope for a favor returned.

Maria believes that her roommate did not clean the dirty dishes last night because she was exhausted after an unusually busy day at work. Maria is explaining her roommate's behavior through....

External Attribution

The ____________ studies was the name given to the research studies that focused on how work conditions affect productivity.


Joseph does exceptionally well in his math exam. Which of the following represents an internal attribution as an explanation for Joseph's good performance?

His hard work

The area of psychology that applies the science of psychology to work and the workplace is called:

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

____________describes interviewers' mistaken tendency to believe in their own ability to discern the truth from an interview.

Interviewer Illusion

Which type of conformity are subject's displaying in Asch's Experiments, if they give a response they believe is incorrect because others provided that response?

Normative Conformity

Behavior that complies with the explicit demands of the individual in authority.


What specific field studies human relations in the context of the workplace, such as how relationships at work affect satisfaction and performance?

Organizational psychology

What is the evaluation of a person's success at meeting their organization's goals.

Performance Appraisal

Bella's employer asks her to generate a description of her job that entails what a job applicant needs to know to perform the job, the desired skills and abilities required for the job, and other favorable characteristics that the job applicant must posse

Person-Oriented Job analysis

The elaboration likelihood model states that ________occurs through either a central route or a peripheral route.


What emphasizes the worker as a well-oiled machine and focuses on finding efficient methods to complete work tasks?

Scientific Management

Who carried out the classic experiment on conformity?

Soloman Asch

A generalization about a group's characteristics that does not consider any variations from one individual to another...


The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is


The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior....


Organizational __________ behavior describes discretionary actions on the part of an employee that promote organizational effectiveness but are not part of the person's formal responsibilities.


Kylie knows that excessive drinking can adversely affect her health. Every time she engages in binge drinking, she tells herself that all her friends who binge drink seem healthy. In this scenario, Kylie is attempting to reduce

cognitive dissonance

Which of the following is NOT one of the goals of new employee orientation?

helping new hires overlearn their job skills

Unlike cognitive dissonance theory, self-perception theory states that...

individuals make inferences about their attitudes by observing their behavior.

Which of the following is true of implicit racism?

it must be measured with a method that does not require a person's awareness

The extent to which a person is content in their job is known as:

job satisfaction

Discretionary actions on the part of an employee that promote organizational effectiveness, but are not part of the person's formal responsibilities, are known as ______ behavior.

organizational citizenship

What is the name for an organization's shared values, beliefs, and norms?

organizational culture

The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion includes the ______ route and the______ route

peripheral, central

The study of how people think about, influence, and relate to other people.

social psychology

The tendency of individuals to perform better simply because of being singled out and made to feel important is called

the Hawthorne effect

_____ emphasizes the psychological characteristics of workers and managers and stresses the significance of factors such as moral, attitudes, and values.

the human relations approach

The peripheral route of the elaboration likelihood model involves non-message factors such as:

Attractiveness of the source, emotional appeals

The central question in making an attribution for a person's motivation is whether the cause of behavior is due to ______ or _______ factors.

Internal, External

Which scenario below is likely to produce the highest rates of obedience in Milgram's Experiment.

Another confederate teacher continues without protest

__________ are most likely to predict ________ when attitudes are strong, and when the person has a vested interest.

Attitudes, behavior

The _____ refers to the tendency of an individual who observes an emergency to help less when other people are present than when the observer is alone.

Bystander Effect

________ _________ _________ sexual harassment refers to unwelcome sexual behavior when this conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating or offensive work environment.

Hostile work environment

A situational judgment test presents a job candidate with ______ scenarios and asks the individual to identify the most appropriate response.


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