Psychology JMU David Daniel Set 01

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Which of the following best illustrates the type of question that a student with learning goals would ask?

"Could you give me a hint about the best way to solve this problem?"

Anastasia is writing a paper about the weaknesses of the trait approach to personality. Which of the following would be the best title for her paper?

"Describing Behavior But Not Explaining It."

Yaveen is writing a paper criticizing the humanistic approach to personality. What is the best title for his paper?

"How Naïve, Romantic, and Unrealistic! Is Everyone Really Innately Good?"

Which of the following is a comment you are least likely to hear within a group characterized by groupthink?

"Let's discuss all options first."

shania is in court being cross-examined about a car accident that she witnessed. if the defense attorney wants to manipulate shania's recall of the accident in favor of her client, which of the following questions would she be most likely to ask?

"how fast was my client going when he made contact with the truck?"

a person conveying an episodic memory is most likely to say which of the following?

"i remember when..."

which correlation coefficient indicates the strongest relationship between two variables?


Jonas is reviewing articles on the topic of personality and twin studies. Based on these studies, behavioral geneticists have concluded that about _____ percent of the variability in adult personality traits is due to genetic factors


Mario tested the relationship between violence and population density. He found a correlation coefficient of -0.75. What can you conclude?

A higher population density is associated with less violence

Which of the following statements about sleep deprivation is false?

A person who goes without sleep for one week risks permanent brain damage.

According to research on factors affecting obedience, which of the following scenarios would be most likely to induce obedience?

A study done at a public university with experimenters in white lab coats and no other subjects present

Which of the following is probably not a biological cause of affective disorders?

Abnormally low levels of the stress hormone cortisol

Which of the following best illustrates a behavior that is motivated by physiological factors?

Adding and removing clothes so as to maintain a comfortable body temperature

Nancy wants to collect data about the shopping habits of two-career families. she has very little money to pursue this study, and her research advisor wants the results as soon as possible. Nancy should collect her data by

Administering a survey

Which of the following is not a basic assumption of the social-cognitive approach?

All behavior, even if it looks bizarre, is meaningful to the person displaying it.

what is a theory?

An integrated set of principles that can be used to explain and predict phenomena

Which of the following is not an example of a somatoform disorder?

Anne endures excessive stress and develops an ulcer.

Shanty the scientist wants to see which of seven sisters are high in the need for achievement. She asks the sisters to attempt to score as many soccer goals as possible. Those high in the need for achievement will likely stand where when attempting to score?

At a challenging but not impossible distance from the goal

Janice thinks that the attention her little brother gets when he has tantrums actually encourages him to have more tantrums. Janice explanation is based on a _____ approach


Johann has had a very stressful day. He woke up because of a truck that was loudly honking outside his house. While preparing his files, he got a deep paper cut in his finger. At work, his boss told him that he was fired. And when Johann returned to his car, he was physically assaulted by a stranger. Which of his experiences would best be classified as catastrophic?

Being physically assaulted by a stranger

Steve was constantly fearful and tense. He went to the psychiatrist to receive treatment. Although Steve expected to talk his problems over with the psychiatrist, the doctor only briefly talked to Steve and prescribed a pill to help him relax. The doctor was treating Steve with a _____ approach


Which of the following is a basic feature of behavioral treatments?

Carefully listing the behaviors and thoughts to be changed

All of the following people are using stress mediators to reduce the impact of stressors except

Carl, who engages in ruminative thinking whenever he is faced with a stressful event.

Which of the following is the best example of a chronic stressor?

Celina has been unable to find employment for six months.

the two major divisions of the nervous system are the ____ and the ____ nervous systems.

Central; peripheral

Psychologists who focus their research on processes such as decision making, problem solving, and imagination would most likely be considered _____ psychologists.


Sharya believes that people are largely motivated to behave in certain ways because of their patterns of thought and judgements. Sharya's views are most consistent with the ____ approach to psychology


Greg tries to convinve his instructor to give the midterm exam in the same exact room in which the class is held because he read that it would improve his chances of getting a higher score. Greg must know about

Context-specific memory

Which of the following statements about the sociocultural influences on the choice of psychotherapy is true?

Cultural diversity training helps a therapist to set goals that are in harmony with the client's cultural views.

a psychologist proposed an experiment in which he would tell participants that their performance on an intelligence test were extremely low (regardless of actual performance) and then measure their self-esteem. What might an American psychologist association ethics committee say about such a proposal?

Deception is allowable only if it revealed immediately afterward and if the emotional distress that it causes is short-lived

Psychologists in which of the following subfields would be most interested in researching changes over time in human behavioral, emotional, and mental processes?

Developmental psychology

Which of the following individuals is most likely to be self-actualized, according to the humanistic approach to personality?

Dori, who always displays congruent behaviors

when a recent study repeated Milgram's experiment, which personality characteristic was found to be associated with low levels of obedience?


Rick gets consistently high scores on achievement motivation tests. Which of the following behaviors by his parents is not likely to have contributed to this?

Encouraging Rick to avoid failure at all costs

The interiors of cars have been redesigned in recent years so that most of the controls can be operated without the hands of the driver leaving the steering wheel. these changes were most likely suggested by a _____ psychologist.


Researched have would that infants may have an innate ability to respond to faces. these researchers suggest that an interest in human faces may have developed because it helps newborns focus on their only source of food and care. These researches are most likely following a _____ approach


Of the following four criminal defendants, who is least likely to be judged not guilty by reason of insanity:

Ewell, whose antisocial personality disorder prevented him from feeling guilty after committing the crime

What is the most serious ethical objection to Milgram's studies on obedience?

Experimental procedures should not cause emotional harm to participants.

The results of Demetrius's personality assessment showed that he scored low on extraversion and high on emotionality. Which approach was Demetrius's assessment measure based on?

Eysenck's biological trait theory

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts' is a belief associated with the ____ view of psychology


Which of the following is not associated with an elevated risk for suicide?

Having the personality trait of conscientiousness

A therapist emphasizes unconditional positive regard for her clients and always tries to empathize with her clients' feelings. This therapist most likely favors the _____ approach to treating psychological disorders.


In a conversation with her mother, Sarah says, "our next-door neighbor is a real weirdo.: Sarah's mom replies, "although he might seem strange, we shouldn't judge him. His actions would probably make sense to us if we saw the world through his eyes." Sarah's mom seems to agree mostly with the ____ approach of psychology


Mithamo sees a red tricycle at the toy store and starts screaming to his parents that he wants it. In fact, he tries to drag it out of the store. According to Freud, which part of Mithamo's personality is most responsible for his behavior in the toy store?


Which of the following statements is true about psychological disorders in the United States?

In any given year, about 30 percent of the adult population displays some form of psychological disorder.

Dr. Summers investigated the influence of snacking on the onset of sleep in preschool children. One group of preschoolers ate a candy bar prior to bedtime, and the other group ate nothing. Time until the onset of the sleep was recorded for each child. In this experiment, eating or not eating the snack is the _____ variable, and the time until the onset of sleep is the ____ variable

Independent, dependent

Freudian theory has been criticized for which of the following reasons?

It explains many things in ways that cannot be tested and disproved.

How does social support help prevent illness?

It provides one with an outlet for inner emotions.

"anything that cannot be observed and measured directly is not worth studying." which psychologists would be most likely to agree with this statement?

John B. Watson and B. F. Skinner

Which of the following is the best example of catastrophizing?

Kiwane is taking his Psychology 100 final and keeps thinking throughout the test that he is failing and will never get into law school.

According to the learned helplessness view of depression, which of the following factors is most important in the development of depression?

Lack of perceived control over stressors in one's life

researchers believe that the primary effect reflects the transference of early words to ____ memory, wheres the recency effect reflects the workings of ____ memory

Long-term, Short-term

While watching Survivor on television, you realize that the participants cannot worry about creating alliances or making worthy contributions until they have first secured a source of food and shelter. This phenomenon is explained best by which theory of motivation?

Maslow's hierarchy of motives

Which of the following statements regarding the axes of the DSM-IV is correct?

Medical conditions that may create cognitive, emotional, or behavioral problems are noted on Axis III.

while waiting to begin his college entrance exam, John was so nervous that he could hear his heart beating and feel himself breathing. which part of John's brain is responsible for controlling his heart rate and breathing?


Eva and Juan have a strong commitment to each other, as well as a high level of intimate communication and trust. According to Sternberg's triangular theory of love, which of the following would they need to develop in order to achieve the ideal of consummate love?

More passionate feelings

Research on the development of dissociative identity disorder (DID) provides support for all of the following conclusions, except:

Most people displaying DID are knowingly faking their symptoms.

You meet your friend's spouse, Mary, for the first time at a party. Because of Mary's behavior at the party, you decide that she is arrogant, self-centered, and impolite. The next time you meet Mary, she is doing volunteer work for your church. Is your impression of Mary likely to change based on this new information?

No, because your first impression is long-lasting and you will tend to interpret new information about Mary in a way that is consistent with your original impression.

Which of the following conclusions was derived from Milgram's studies of obedience?

Ordinary people are capable of brutal acts toward other people, given the right conditions.

You have a terrible cold with a stuffed-up nose. Suddenly, everything tastes like cardboard. Why?

Our taste buds' ability to discriminate various tastes is helped by other senses, especially smell.

in Dr. Turgrove's experiment he includes a control group that receives a placebo. This type of research design is meant to control which confounding variable?

Participants' expectations

Which of the following is not an assumption of the humanistic approach to psychology?

People learn actualizing tendencies when they are exposed to conditions of worth.

Philip has been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Which statement would best describe him?

Philip is impulsive and cannot concentrate on an activity as well as other children his age can.

Psychoactive drugs achieve their effects in all of the following ways except:

Psychological or physical dependence can lead to drug abuse.

Although psychologists perform a wide range of functions, the field of psychology is unified for all of the following responses except:

Psychologists in every subfield are committed to mostly studying positive psychology

When Maria enters Sylvia's room, she sees her sleeping roommate twitching. In addition, Maria notices that Sylvia's eyes are moving beneath her eyelids. Sylvia is most likely in _____ sleep.


While dreaming that she is riding a bicycle, Millie actually moves around in bed making arm and leg motions similar to those of a cyclist. Apparently, Millie suffers from

REM behavior disorder

Pedro is conducting an experiment for his senior thesis. He wants to be sure that his results have a minimal chance of being influenced by uncontrolled variables. Which of the following can Pedro use to evenly spread out the effects of such factors across his experimental group and control group?

Random assignment

which of the following beliefs would a collectivist society support?

Restraining oneself to be part of a social unit is good

Loretta's day involves giving IQ tests, diagnosing learning disabilities, and setting up programs to improve academic achievement. Loretta is most likely a ____ psychologist


Research suggests that people are especially vulnerable to somatoform disorders when they exhibit which of the following traits?


Gail recently lost her job, and as a result, has been engaging in ruminative thinking. Which of the following is an example of this kind of stress reaction?

She has reoccurring thoughts about what she will do to pay her bills

Which of the following is the best example of an action that maintains homeostasis?

Shivering to generate body heat when you are cold

If muscles are in a state of near-paralysis during REM sleep, then how is sleepwalking possible?

Sleepwalking usually occurs in non-REM sleep.

the command Julie uses to raise her hand in class would travel through the ____ nervous system from the spinal cord to the muscles that control the movement


Bert and Ernie have very different sleeping patterns. Bert always wakes up early in the morning, but he starts to get tired early in the evening. Ernie, on the other hand, prefers to stay up late and then sleep until noon. Bert and Ernie's different sleeping preferences might be due to differences in which brain structure?

Suprachiasmatic nuclei

If you were trapped in a dark cave for several days and could not determine whether it was day or night, which one of the following parts of your brain would be most responsible for maintaining your circadian rhythms?

Suprachiasmatic nuclei

Santa has been conducting a longitudinal study on children's temperament and adult personality to see who has been good for goodness' sake. His results were identical to the temperament study in your personality chapter. Based on what you know, which of the following is a conclusion Santa would not have made?

Temperament was not found to be stable across time.

Smells appear to be particularly effective retrieval cues for memory. This relationship is most likely due to the direct neuronal connections between which two brain areas?

The olfactory bulb and the amygdala

Which of the following is true about first impressions:

They are more likely to be influenced by negative than by positive information.

How do behavioral coping strategies work to relieve stress?

They rearrange the world to keep stressors at a manageable level.

which of the following is the most effective way to eliminate experimenter bias?

Use a double-blind design

You are studying in a room lit by 25 watts of light. Your roommate yells at you to turn up the light, so you rotate the dimmer switch once and your roommate thanks you. Later that evening the light is at 90 watts, and your roommate tells you to turn it up again. You again rotate the dimmer switch once, but your roommate can't tell that the light has increased. This example best illustrates

Weber's Law

Which of the following statements about suicide is true?

Women attempt suicide three times as often as men.

Which of the following is the best example of behavior that is motivated by cognitive factors?

Yoon drops out of school because she has doubts about her academic ability.

A humanistic psychologist is least likely to believe that

a client's behavior is motivated by sexual or aggressive drives.

After experiencing abuse during her childhood, Fae developed several identities. Fae often switched between a character named Cassie, who was moody, withdrawn, and inarticulate, and a character named Val, who was unemotional, eloquent, and self-assured. Fae probably has

a dissociative disorder.

Donald is seventy years old. for the past few years, he has developed a momery loss that is getting worse, and his personality has become very erratic. His doctors say he has alzheimers disease, but you aren't sure the findings should most convince you that the doctors are right?

a loss of acetylcholine neurons in Donald's brain

As you walk into your first Philsophy class, you notice that everyone is sitting on the floor, so you sit on the floor, too. This is an example of

a social norm

Whenever Martin sees a cat, he runs away in fear. In fact, Martin can't even look at pictures of cats without experiencing intense feelings of anxiety. Martin appears to be suffering from

a specific phobia.

Anxiety disorders are characterized by all of these symptoms except

a split between affect and cognition.

In order to increase a student's class attendance, a teacher begins a program in which she gives the student one plastic chip for every day he attends class. At the end of every month, he can trade in the chips he has earned for a toy. The more chips he has, the bigger the toy he can get. The teacher is using

a token economy program.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of motivation?


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) occurs when a sleeping infant stops breathing and dies. All of the following have been identified as possible causes or factors related to SIDS-related deaths except

accidental suffocation caused when infants sleep on their backs.

a catchy song on the radio is most likely to become "Stuck in your head" if you encode the tune


John has a fish tank that continuously bubbles, spurts, hums, and makes other annoying sounds. As time goes by, John notices the noise less and less. This is an example of


Adults have difficulty recovering from brain damage for all of the following reasons except

adult brains do not demonstrate neural plasticity

Schizophrenia is a disease that may involve overactivity of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. If this is so, then it would be important for drug treatments of schizophrenia to exclude dopamine


After reading the Harry Potter books, Dawn describes Harry Potter as generous, kind, considerate, and forgiving. According to the five factor model of personality, Dawn believes Harry rates high in


When your mental processes are sufficiently different from normal waking experience so that you or an observer notice significant behavior changes, you are in a(n) _____ state of consciousness.


Pedro's hippocampus is about 40 percent smaller than an average person's hippocampus. Pedro most likely suffers from ____ disease


Jon believes that exercise is a cause of higher levels of life satisfaction. If Jon plans to study this hypothesis experimentally, his independent variable would be the

amount of exercise his participants engage in

after an unfortunate knitting accident, Stella was left with brain damage. Now she has trouble judging the emotions of others, even when she can see their facial expressions. Stella has most likely damaged her


A stressor is best defined as

an event that causes an individual to change or adapt.

Suzie has a dream in which all of her teeth fall out. Freud would probably explain that the dream is caused by

an unconscious conflict that is being represented symbolically.

long-term memory is normally capable of retaining how many pieces of information?

an unlimited amount

Janine is a neat freak. She can't stand it when anything is out of order. She is also reluctant to lend anything to her friends. According to Freud, Janine is suffering from a fixation at the _____ stage of development


Newt appears to be a charming and intelligent person. However, he often does things that hurt or upset other people. For instance, when his neighbor let him borrow his car, Newt wrecked it and abandoned it. When his neighbor confronted him about it, Newt nonchalantly stated that there must have been a problem with the steering of the car and that he wasn't to blame for the situation. Newt most likely suffers from _____ personality disorder.


Charles is part of a committee making changes to the university code on sexual harassment. In order to avoid groupthink, the committee should

appoint a couple of committee members to play devil's advocate by criticizing the group's plans.

We can usually control whether we cry or not, but we can't usually control whether we feel sorrow or not. This best illustrates that emotional experiences

are passions, not rational decisions

Werner is a traditional psychoanalyst and is treating Betty for problems with anxiety. Werner's treatment methods are most likely to include

asking Betty to engage in free association.

Laverne is concerned about her sister, Shirely, whose symptoms of schizophrenia have worsened. During a visit to Shirely's doctor, he explained that improvement is possible. He states that one of the best predictors is her premorbid adjustment, which include all of the following factors except her

attributional style.

Marion, an older adult, would like to extend his longevity. Marion should do all of the following to have a longer life except

avoid physical exercise

Gillian is extremely inhibited in social situations, feels inadequate, and is extremely sensitive to criticism from her family and her boss. Gillian would most likely be diagnosed as displaying

avoidant personality disorder.

Under which axis would a diagnostician using DSM-IV note environmental problems such as an individual's unemployment and homelessness?

axis IV

multiple sclerosis is a disease in which the immune system mistakenly destroys some of the myelin wrapped around nerve cell fibers. which nerve cell fibers are being attacked by this process?axo


Tanya took a pill and now says that she feels relaxed and sleepy. Tanya most likely took a(n)


Tricia likes to take drugs that increase her behavioral and mental activity. Tricia most likely uses all of the following except


In his oral presentation, Kevin gave a speech on the field of psychology. he opened by saying that psychology is best defined as the scientific study of

behavior and mental processes

Marney is studying the relationship between the rate of teen pregnancies in the U.S. high school students and the availability of contraceptive. She selects a sample composed of equal numbers of first-year, sophomore, junior, and senior women from a local high school. Marney's sample is


Roy is interested in the details of the relationship between brain structures and behavior. Roy is most likely a ____ psychologist


Bob is nine months old, Carol is nine years old, Ted is Twenty-nine years old. whose brain is most likely overproducing synapses?


Major depression is more likely to affect _____ than _____.

both members of identical twins; both members of fraternal twins

All of the following are behavioral stress responses except


after consuming a few alcoholic beverages, Sejal finds it hard to tie her shoes. This is most likely because the alcohol has affected her


neurotransmitters are ____ that travel across the ___ to another cell

chemicals; synapse

Behavior therapy relies mainly on _____ conditioning, whereas behavior modification relies mainly on _____.

classical; operant

A therapist is not allowed to violate confidentiality in cases in which the

client indicates that he or she has committed robbery or theft in the past.

The children's book The Little Engine That Could, in which an engine successfully puffs up a mountain while saying, "I think I can, I think I can!" best illustrates the power of

cognitive behavior theory

Charlotte tests cosmetics on rabbits to see if they might irritate eyes and skin. When she started her job, she felt uncomfortable because she didn't think the benefit to the fashion world justified the discomfort to the animals. If she does not change her behavior, _____ theory predicts that she will try to justify the animals' discomfort or that she will start emphasizing the importance of cosmetics.

cognitive dissonance

Top-down processing relies mainly upon _____ , whereas bottom-up processing relies mainly upon _____.

cognitive factors; sensory information

Carl has been under a lot of stress as he struggles to maintain high grades to get into a top engineering graduate program. His roommate encourages Carl to view his situation as a positive challenge rather than as a stressful situation and to concentrate on just doing as well as he can and not worrying about the rest. Carl's roommate is advocating _____ as a stress-coping mechanism.

cognitive restructuring

Sensation consists of _____, and perception consists of _____.

collecting raw information about the environment; interpreting environmental information

The Acme Corporation has created a pair of specialty goggles that allow the wearer to change the wavelength of light waves coming through the goggles. This action will alter the wearer's sensation of light by changing its


Toby and Samantha have been dating for three years. They trust each other immensely and are very committed to each other. They also share their fears, hopes, and beliefs with each other. They both, however, secretly long for the passion that once characterized their relationship. According to Sternberg's triangular theory, they now share _____ love.


the semantic memory network theory says that

concepts are represented by many interconnected associations with the brain

Both the psychodynamic and humanistic theories of personality have been criticized for

concepts that are too vague to be scientific.

an ___ variable can be any factor, other than the variable being manipulated by the experimenter. In the experimental situation that might affect the dependent variable


in studying the effects of the amount of alcohol consumed on test taking, a participant's alcohol tolerance would be

confounding variable

Kayla is seeing a new client who has an extremely different set of beliefs from her own. When working with this client, Kayla feels that she should be nonjudgmental and trusting, but she is having difficulty acting this way toward this particular client. In this situation, Kayla is therapeutically lacking


Connie is an avid cyclist. She often likes to ride her bicycle to unwind after work. One evening, while reflecting on her day, she suddenly realizes that she has broken her normal leg rhythm. Once Connie became aware of her leg movements that information was at the _____ level.


Jack collected survey data and summarized the results. he then made a hypothesis based on those data. After making the hypothesis he developed a theory. Which of the four main goals of research did jack skip?


suppose that the left hemisphere of Ned's brain is damaged, Ned would most likely display the greatest impairment in

conversing with friends

The bundle of the fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain is specifically known as the

corpus callosum

what does it mean t say that the results of a study are not statistically significant? the results

could reasonably be expected to have occurred by chance

Buffy and Jody have spilled some food on the kitchen floor without cleaning it up. Mr. French says, "You are wretched, awful people because of the mess that you've made. Aren't you ashamed?" According to Carl Rogers's self theory, Mr. French is

creating conditions of worth

One of the most significant concerns of nonprojective personality measures like the NEO-PI-R and the MMPI is their limitations in regard to

cultural factors

Nina is trying to come up with a diagnosis for her patient, who seems to have symptoms that are similar to those of depression and mania but that are not so intense or severe. Her patient is probably suffering from _____ disorder.


you are driving down the street when you see a billboard displaying a phone number for a service you need. you keep repeating the number over and over so you won't forget it until you can write it down. you do this to prevent the process of ______ causing you to forget the number.


Although Ren has never swung a golf club in his life, he is convinced that Tiger Woods has been trying to contact him for golfing advice. Ren's thought most clearly illustrates

delusions of grandeur.

eycine operated the telephone switchboard at a large company, answering calls and directing them to the appropriate extensions. Remembering her introductory psychology class, she decided that her situation was much like that of the _____ of neurons, because numerous people could call her at one time, but she could send out only one call at a time.

dendrites and axons

as a signal travels from one neuron to another, it is received by the ____ and carried to the cell bosy; from here, the signal is carried through the ___

dendrites; axon

Slater is unconsciously attracted to Kelly, but he already has a girlfriend. When Screech accuses Slater of being attracted to Kelly, Slater says, "No way, man! We're just friends, that's all!" What ego defense mechanism is Slater exhibiting?


what research topic would lend itself best to naturalistic observation?

describing play among children in a kindergarten class

Raphael is a humanist psychologist who emphasizes client-centered therapeutic approaches in the tradition of Carl Rogers. His client, Corion, is coming to the first session of therapy. Raphael will try to

develop empathy by emotionally understanding Corion's thoughts and feelings.

Todd hypothesizes that the Students in school A are more intelligent that the students in school B. to test his hypothesis, Todd samples students from each school and administers an intelligence test to the two groups. He finds that there is a statistically significant difference in the scores of the two groups, which means that the

difference between the groups is probably not due to chance

Ramona was in a crowd of fellow students when she saw a maintenance worker fall down a flight of stairs at the entrance to a building. Ramona continued on to her class without helping the worker. Ramona's behavior reflects

diffusion of responsibility.

Jeff has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He makes strange facial grimaces and speaks incoherently. He experiences jumbled and unrelated delusions and hallucinations. Jeff is most likely suffering from _____ schizophrenia.


your friend benjamin tells you that he's going to study for him upcoming exam by setting aside 6 hours one day to devote solely to the material. having learned much for your psychology class, you explain to benjamin that it's much more effective for him to utilize _____ to study because it will help him to spread out the material and learn it more deeply.

distributed practice

Calvin asks, "Mom, may I eat a hot fudge sundae with extra whipped cream?" When his mother replies that he may not, Calvin then asks if he may eat one cookie. Calvin is using the _____ strategy for gaining compliance.


Dave has been exhibiting similar to those of someone with Parkinson's disease. this may be due to a problem in pathways that use the neurotransmitter


Alice allows her kids to do only things that she knows they can do successfully. Barry severely punishes his kids whenever they fail. Connie believes that rewards and punishments should be internal, so she never comments when her kids succeed or fail. Dwight encourages his kids to attempt challenging, difficult tasks. Who is most likely going to have kids with high achievement motivation?


Rudolph has felt sad and hopeless for more than two years now. Although Rudolph continues working, he is unable to experience pleasure the way he used to. Rudolph's symptoms are most consistent with _____ disorder.


As a child, Dan loved to prance around the neighborhood wearing silly outfits. As he got older, Dan realized that he would not be able to continue this kind of behavior unless he could find a way to make it seem socially acceptable. This realization influenced Dan to pursue a career as a circus clown. According to Freud, Dan's _____, which operates on the _____ principle, was responsible for finding a socially acceptable outlet for his desire to run around wearing silly outfits.

ego; reality

Marc wants to remember where Sherry lives, so he tells himself that Sherry lives three blocks north of his Aunt Helen, who likes to drink sherry. Marc is using

elaborative rehearsal

Ray has just won millions of dollars in the lottery. Research on well-being indicates that Ray will probably be

elated for a few days or weeks, and then he will return to his normal level of happiness.

recordings of the collective activity of the brain's nerve cells are called

electroencephalograms (EEGs)

Many boys in the United States are taught that they should not cry or show affection toward other boys. Such "rules" about what emotions are appropriate and when they are allowed are examples of

emotion culture

Seena is extremely nervous about an exam that she has tomorrow. To relieve stress, she decides to stop thinking about the exam, and she spends her evening watching television and thinking happy thoughts. Seena is using a(n) _____ coping method.


Kendra gives a homeless woman her lunch because she remembers how hungry she used to be when she was homeless. Kendra's behavior is consistent with the _____ model of assistance.

empathy-altruism helping

the process of putting incoming information into a form with which the memory system can work is called


the three basic processes of memory are

encoding, storage, and retrieval

an educational psychologist finds no difference in the math achievement scores of elementary students who have, or have not, been assigned to a special math-education program. identify the independent variable?

enrollment is special education program or not enrolled in special education program

an educational psychologist finds no difference in the math achievement scores of elementary students who have, or have not, been assigned to a special math-education program. identify the dependent variable?

enrollment status: special education or not enrolled is special education

Dr. Ayhee's research is focused on exploring how environmental effects, such as as stress and disease, can alter the functions of genes in the human body, even though the DNA itself remians unchanged. This field of study is known as


Which of the following characteristics is most likely to be exhibited by a person with narcissistic personality disorder?

exaggerated self-importance

After months of little sleep, poor nutrition, and long hours of work, Esteban ended up in the hospital. According to Selye's GAS model, Esteban is experiencing the stage known as


Chirag's spinal cord was completely severed at the next in an auto accident. he would still be able to

exhibit the "knee jerk" reflex in responses to a tap on the knee

As part of a psychology experiment, Steve had to solve a set of math problems by himself and then another set of problems with three other people. Steve found that he didn't apply himself as much in the group as when he was working alone. Remembering his psychology material, Steve said to himself, "Oh, wow! I must be

exhibiting social loafing."

a study found that rats raised in stimulating environments have more dendrites and synapses than rats raised in boring environments. this study suggests that

experience plays an important part in the structure and functioning of the brain

Sanjay wants to use an assessment of personality for his class project. He quickly learns that all of the following are basic tools for personality assessment except


Mookie is outgoing and sociable, seeks excitement, and loves a good time. He also has a good job and a stable family life. According to Eysenck, he would be especially high on which of the following dimensions?


Research examining the link between childhood abuse and antisocial personality disorder has found that

factors not related to child abuse might play a role in the appearance of antisocial personality disorder.

you are ordering dinner with a group of five friends at a restaurant. you notice that the waiter has neither pad nor pencil but relies on memory to get the orders correct. assume that the waiter will report the orders to the kitchen right away (he won't do any intervening mental tasks). to give yourself the best chance of getting what you ordered, you should attempt to give your order to the waiter

first, second, fifth, or sixth

most older adults can remember exactly when and where they heard of president kennedy's assasination. such so-called ____ memories are usually very detailed and vivid


During a typical night's sleep, a sleeper will cycle through the sleep stages _____ times, with each cycle lasting about _____ minutes.

four to six; ninety

For several weeks, Ingrid has been very anxious, with a vague sense of impending doom. She is so jumpy that she cannot sleep, and she has trouble concentrating on her work. Ingrid is most likely suffering from

generalized anxiety disorder

Mischel's cognitive person variables suggest that all of the following will affect whether or not a person will make it through college except

genetically inherited personality traits.

Freud explains that the stage in which sexual desires become conscious is called the ________ stage.


Group psychotherapy might be a better approach for dealing with drug abuse than individual therapy because

group members can share ideas for solving problems and give one another direct, honest feedback.

Glinda the Good Witch does not worry about what is wrong with her life, like the Wicked Witch of the West does. Instead Glinda is happy with what she already has. According to Maslow's theory, Glinda has a(n)

growth orientation

Magda claims that she will not be satisfied until she gets the respect she deserves for the job she does at work. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Magda has

had her lower needs fulfilled to an acceptable degree.

after being deprived of food and varying amounts of time. subjects show a progressive decline in hand dexterity and steadiness. In this example what is the dependent variable?

hand dexterity and steadiness

six-year-old Jean hits another child and steals the child's lunch money. a psychologist who takes a psychodynamic approach would suggest that Jean

has an unconscious drive for aggression

Marcus is color-blind. This is due to the fact that his eyes

have only one or two of three color-sensitive photopigments.

The University of Illinois is starting a research project that compares the test performance of students who sleep eight hours a night and eat well-balanced meals with that of students who skip sleep and eat only junk food. This research project will most likely be directed by _____ psychologists.


People who display hostility are more likely to suffer from _____ than their nonhostile peers.

heart disease

Esmerelda fell off her skateboard and needed help. She would be least likely to get immediate help if

her accident occurs at a busy intersection.

Kelly wants to be a successful politician. According to Bandura's theory of reciprocal determinism, what is most important to her success?

her expectation of success

In 1921, Lewis Terman began a longitudinal study of gifted children. Recently, data from his research have been examined by health psychologists. The psychologists have concluded that the people who survived the longest were

high on ratings of conscientiousness

Dominic has a very active set of defense mechanisms that constantly affect his thoughts and behavior. The defense mechanisms are

his ego's attempt to control anxiety and guilt.

which of the following is not one of the three main classes of neurotransmitters used in the nervous system?


a biopsychologist injects several monkeys with male hormones and notes that, by comparison to control animals, they display more aggressive acts in a testing situation. In this example what is the independent variable?

hormones or no hormones

Marie goes to her doctor several times a month. She insists that she has pain in her lower abdomen and believes that her appendix is about to burst. After several visits that showed no signs of physical disorder, Marie's doctor believes that she might suffer from


Paul and Jamie took their dog, Murray, to the veterinarian because he would not stop eating and gained five pounds in two days. Murray most likely has a problem with his


the prediction that bright colors will make people happier is called a


REM sleep is beneficial because the locus coeruleus is _____ during that sleep stage, and this improves the functioning of neurons that use _____ in the brain.

inactive; norepinephrine

Which of the following is an example of altruistic behavior?

informing the Environmental Protection Agency that your company is dumping toxic waste into a local river, even though it will jeopardize your job

According to Freud, id functions are _____, whereas superego functions are _____.

innate; learned

The fact that people all over the world seem to associate a smile with positive emotions provides support for the _____ aspects of the expression of emotions. On the other hand, the diversity of types of smiles supports the _____ aspects of the expression of emotion.

innate; social

you see a phone number on television for a product you want to buy, but you can't find a pencil to write it down. as you are trying to memorize, you see another number appear in the next commercial for a second product you want to buy. suddenly you realize that you have forgotten the first number. this outcome is due


Jason has been in therapy for a year now. Recently, after a disagreement with a teacher, Jason disclosed to his therapist that he intended to kill the teacher. The therapist suspects that Jason is serious, and she believes that the teacher's life may be in danger. This is an example of a time when the therapist

is legally obligated to violate confidentiality by warning the teacher.

Otto is at a professional football game. He watches a receiver bobble an easy pass. If Otto is making the fundamental attribution error, he is most likely to remark that the player

is not a good receiver

When the state troopers suspect a driver is drunk they ask the driver to close both eyes and touch his or her nose with a fingertip. This tests the driver's

kinesthetic perception.

Tamera is taking a test that purports to be able to determine her personality based on the responses to simple questions about her favorite colors. Tamera soon realizes that the test is a poor measure of one's personality. In other words, she realizes that the test is

lacking validity

with the advent of MRI, researches have been able to explore mirror neuron mechanisms in the human brain. Based on this research, psychologists have discovered all of the following except

language development and empathy seem to operate independently from mirror neuron mechanisms

According to Freud's theory of personality, fixations are least likely to develop during the _____ of psychosexual development.

latency period

Nonprojective personality measures have been used widely for hiring purposes. All of the following are problems with this practice except that

lawsuits have resulted in a ban on the use of personality measures in the private sector.

Jyoti gives Ted a drink, telling him it is fruit punch with a tasteless alcohol in it. In actuality, it has no alcohol, but within an hour Ted becomes more aggressive and wild. Ted is experiencing the effects of

learned expectations

the right hemisphere gets information from the _____ side of the body and has better ____ abilities than the left hemisphere

left; spatial

your psychology instructor is lecturing about sensory memory. she explains that if sensory memory was like a sound clip of your favorite song, you would only hear ____ second(s) of the song.

less than one

Marvin is a foreman at a large factory. The factory owners have asked Marvin's advice about how to increase productivity. Marvin's best advice would be to

let the workers set their own specific goals

a biopsychologist injects several monkeys with male hormones and notes that, by comparison to control animals, they display more aggressive acts in a testing situation. In this example what is the dependent variable?

level of aggression

The sensation of different colors is the result of?

light wave length

Which of the following is commonly used to treat the symptoms of bipolar disorder?


which of the following memory systems has the greatest storage capacity?


Unlike posttraumatic stress disorder, burnout is the result of

long-term or chronic stress

After being told that subliminal messages were used in Best Rum ads, John sued the company for influencing his rum buying for the past five years. In this court case, John will most likely

lose, because subliminal stimuli have only weak effects, if any, and are not likely to affect buying patterns.

all of the following are associated with the fight-or-flight response except

low levels of cortisol in the bloodstream

Lie detector tests make what assumption in order to detect liars?

lying is emotionally arousing

Barney was in a car accident, and the doctor suspects that Barney may have suffered structural brain damage. Which of the following tests would be the most appropriate to find out whether there is structural damage?

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Richie is going to the store to buy the following items; eggs, milk, bread, apples, and flour. he tries to remember the shopping list by repeating the shopping list by repeating it over and over. Richie is using _____ rehearsal


the best way to keep information active in shirt-term memory is through ___ rehearsal, whereas _____ rehearsal is more effective for encoding information into long-term memory

maintenance; elaborative

a person not wearing a seat belt in a car accident is likely to hit his or her head on the car's windshield, damaging the frontal lobes of the brain. Such damage would most likely cause the person to have difficulty

making voluntary movements, but the reflexes would be intact

When Julia and Lyle were dating, their friends thought to themselves, "It will never last. Although he's not bad looking, she is much too beautiful for him." Their friends' statement suggests that Julia and Lyle's relationship violated the

matching hypothesis.

The main difference between the Social Readjustment Rating Scale and the Life Experiences Survey is that the Life Experiences Survey

measures the respondents' perceptions.

Kira has been having trouble with her sleeping and eating patterns lately. Sometimes she sleeps from midnight until 6 A.M.; sometimes from noon until 7 P.M. She also eats at radically different times during the day. Her doctor should suspect that she is deficient in what hormone?


damage to the locus coeruleus has been linked to all of the following except?

memory loss

The existence, relatedness, growth (ERG) theory was proposed to address some of the problem's with Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Which of the following is not an assumption of the ERG theory?

men and women have different needs

Derek is under extreme stress because he is taking an exam that will determine his grade in the course. As a result of this pressure, he is trying to answer all of the questions on the exam using exactly the same procedure—even when that procedure isn't correct. Derek's situation illustrates the negative impact of

mental sets

Val pries open her sister's diary and is shocked to read that her sister believes Val is an anxious, nervous, and tense person. Upset at this discovery, Val takes a personality test based on the five factor model to prove she does not rate high on the dimension of


Ryan has experienced frightening REM dreams recently. The dreams are linked to posttraumatic stress disorder, which he has suffered from since returning home from war. Ryan is likely experiencing


according to the Ebbinghaus's forgetting curve, most forgetting occurs within the first ____ after learning

nine hours

Dr. Jones is studying the effects of fatigue on aggression. He hypothesizes that the more fatigue a person is experiencing, the more aggressively the person will behave. Dr. Jone's control group should be composed of ____ participants


A faith healer claims to cure cancer by asking people to become aware of their livers and to control the liver's removal of impurities from the bloodstream. You know that this is impossible because the activities of the liver occur at the _____ level.


A person engaging in biofeedback training is attempting to become aware of _____ processes.


The American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct provides that a therapist and client may

not become sexually involved during treatment or for at least two years after treatment.

Leon is intrinsically motivated to wash his neighbor's car. Accordingly, he expects his neighbor to give him


Reginald works at a local counseling center. One of his clients, Sara, is seeking help because she has never been able to maintain a long-term, satisfying romantic relationship. Reginald believes that Sara's problem stems from an insecure attachment to her mother. Reginald is taking a contemporary psychodynamic approach to personality known as

object relations

Ever since Christmas, Santa has been plagued by the constant worry that he has forgotten to deliver some of his presents. He finds that the only way to get this thought out of his head is to periodically check his sleigh for undelivered presents. Santa's worried thoughts are called _____, and his checking behaviors are called _____.

obsessions; compulsions

Carlos talks excessively throughout the day. He also eats too much and drinks a lot. If you were a Freudian psychologist, you would most likely say that Carlos has

oral fixation

Alfred Adler, one of Freud's contemporaries, believed that the most important factor driving the development of personality was an innate desire to

overcome infantile feelings of helplessness and gain control over the environment.

Grace was sitting in class when, without warning, her heart began to pound, her chest felt tight, and she became very dizzy. After experiencing a few more of these episodes, Grace decided to see her doctor. Her doctor did not find anything physically wrong with her. Grace was most likely suffering from

panic disorder

after a near accident, you might experience increases in heart rate and respiration. However, some time after the near miss, the ____ will be activated and you will calm down

parasympathetic nervous system

conrad (1964) presented participants with strings of letters and asked them to repeat the letters immediately. he found that

participants tended to make acoustically related mistakes

According to research on perception in infants, the first thing that infants should be able to do after birth is to

pay attention to a human face

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by

persistent and unwanted thoughts that motivate repetitive behaviors.

According to Freud, if conflicts at any given psychosexual stage are unresolved, the

person will be unconsciously preoccupied with the area of pleasure.

According to the textbook, which of the following is the hardest to diagnose reliably using the DSM-IV?

personality disorders

bobby, peter, and greg were working outside on their bikes when their father, Mike, accidentally slipped on some axle grease and pulled the trigger of the nail gun he was carrying several times as he fell. All four survived, but bobby's hippocampus, peter's amygdala, greg's thamlamus, and mikes hypothalamus were destroyed. who will no longer be able to connect emotion to sensation?


Four-year-old Sigmund prefers sleeping with his parents to sleeping in his own bed, but he gets upset when he sees his father kissing his mother. In which of Freud's psychosexual stages of development is Sigmund likely to be?


psychologists are most likely to used case studies instead of other research methods when they wish to study

phenomena that are new, complex, or rare

Jay has to take a very difficult final exam. When he starts worrying about failing the exam, he closes his eyes, focuses on his breathing, and recites a mantra. Jay is using a(n) _____ coping strategy.


To help her deal with the stress of hunting vampires every night, Buffy begins to exercise more regularly, and she learns meditation and progressive relaxation techniques. Buffy is relying on _____ methods of coping with her stressful life as a vampire slayer.


Penelope has been drinking coffee for the past ten years. She says she needs the caffeine to stay awake in her classes and simply to get through the day. If she does not drink at least five cups each day, she experiences severe headaches, fatigue, and shakiness. Penelope is most likely _____ dependent on caffeine and is experiencing _____.

physically; withdrawal symptoms

Lenelle has been prescribed a bitter-tasting liquid medicine. The best way for her to take the medicine without realizing it tastes bad is to

plug her nose until the medicine is swallowed

On the television show ER, Dr. Green was assaulted while working at the hospital. Since the assault, Dr. Green displays anxiety, jumpiness, an inability to concentrate, and difficulty getting along with others. Dr. Green is suffering from

posttraumatic stress disorder.

Courtney is trying to choose which outfit to wear on a date. As she doesn't like to wear the same outfit twice in a row, she quickly recalls what she wore on her last date. Her memory of the last date is stored at the _____ level of consciousness.


Research on the predictability of stress has shown that

predictable stressors have less impact than unpredictable ones.

Jess memorized a list of words. One week later, he was asked to write as many of the words as he could remember, but he could remember only a few of the words. Then Jess was asked to fill in the missing letters of word fragments. Some of the words on this task were from the list he had been asked to memorize a week ago, and some were not. Jess filled in the blanks of the words he had seen a week ago faster and more accurately than words that had not been on the list. This study demonstrates the effect of


Attribution theory is principally concerned with the

process of explaining the causes of people's behavior.

Darrin always feels angry. However, instead of recognizing his anger, Darrin believes that the people around him are angry. Darrin is utilizing the defense mechanism of


Dr. Krain's specialty is psychopharmacology. This means that she studies

psychoactive substances

Cameron is using flashcards to study for his psychology exam. He looks at the next card and reads "This approach to personality assumes that our thoughts, feelings, and behavior are strongly influenced by unconscious forces." Cameron recognizes this statement as a definition of the _________ theory.


Considering that people in collectivist cultures are particularly likely to go along with the group merely to maintain harmony within the group suggests that collectivists often experience

public conformity

Bob is a psychologist who works for the educational testing service. he is involved in constructing and evaluating tests and questionnaires. he also develops mathmatical methods to analyze data. bob is most likely a ____ psychologist


a social psychologist observes that subjects tested in crowded rooms have slower reaction times than those tested individually. this this example what is the dependent variable?

reaction times

which of the following would be least likely to improve recall of textbook information?

reading the material a second time

when an eyewitness to a robbery tries to identify the criminal from a lineup of suspects, he or she is engaging in which memory retrieval process?


when you attempt to identify the correct answer to this question from the following alternatives, you are performing a(n) ____ task


In a priming experiment, the word "Chevrolet" is flashed on a computer screen too briefly for viewers to consciously perceive it. The participants in this experiment are likely to

recognize a related word (e.g., Ford) more quickly than an unrelated word (e.g., banana) on a test a few seconds later.

the effectiveness of retrieval cues depends on the extent to which they

related to information that was encoded at the same time of original learning

Dan performs the same experiment on several different occasions. Each time he performs the experiment, his date suggest different conclusions. the results from Dan's experiment lack


People with disease-prone personalities tend to do all of the following except

rely mainly on problem-focused coping strategies.

which of the following is not one the PQ4R suggestions about how to read a textbook?

reread the chapter, underlining or highlights key passages

Tal has just graduated from college and is looking for a job. He believes that his prospects for finding a job are not very good because the market is flooded with qualified people in his field. Furthermore, Tal doesn't think he will do well during interviews. According to Bandura's social learning theory of personality, Tal's combination of low self-efficacy and low outcome expectation is likely to lead to

resignation and apathy

According to Selye's general adaptation syndrome (GAS), when an organism first appears to be settling in for a long-term battle with a stressor, the _____ stage has been reached.


Suppose you fall asleep on your arm in such a way that the blood flow to that arm is blocked. Which brain structure might wake you up and alert you to move your arm before it stops receiving blood?

reticular formation

when Alyssa is asked a trivia question, she replies, " i think i know the answer to that one, but i'm having trouble recalling it from memory.: In other words, Alyssa is having difficulty with the memory process known as


To fully appreciate all of the colors in a rainbow, you would need to use all of the following structures except your


Joani is a college student working two jobs to pay her tuition and living expenses. Despite working long hours, she is worried that she cannot afford to stay in college another semester. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Joani is now at the _____ level.


felicia is studying for her 100 midterm. because she studied so hard for the quizzes earlier in the semester, she finds it is taking her less time to relearn many of the concepts and terms. the difference between the amount of time it took felicia to initially learn the material for the quizzes and the amount of time it is taking her to relearn the material for the midterm is known as


A primary difference between Allport's secondary and central traits is that

secondary traits are more specific to certain situations.

the nervous system is directly responsible for all of the following activities except

secreting hormones into the bloodstream

which process largely determines whether information is moved from the sensory registers to short-term memory

selective attention

Regina believes she did well in her psychology class because she is smart, but she blames her poor performance in chemistry on her "incompetent instructor." Regina's reasoning demonstrates the

self-serving bias

Corbin memorized a list of state capitals for his geography exam. once he had done so, they became ____ memories.


remembering what the word summer means requires ___ memory; whereas remembering what you did on July 4th, 2003 requires ____ memory

semantic; episodic

Tami lights a sparkler and hands it to her young son, Jacob. She tells Jacob to write his name in the air with the sparkler. They can see this "writing" because the light from the sparkler is briefly held in their ____ memories


Tom ate a huge plate of spaghetti for lunch, and now he is feeling very sleepy. Tom's lunch increased the level of ____ in his brain, making him tired.


Research indicates that marijuana use is associated with all of the following except

severe withdrawal symptoms

Alcohol and heroin are similar in that both

slow down mental and physical activity

Martha takes a study break and decides to eat an apple. What kind of sensory information about the apple is likely to reach Martha's cerebral cortex without first going through the thalamus?


Tim just received his driver's license. On his way back from the Department of Motor Vehicles, Tim swerves to avoid a squirrel and smashes into a mailbox. Tim doesn't know how to react until he looks at his dad, who is laughing. Tim starts laughing in response. Tim's behavior is an example of

social referencing

the term "variables" is best defined as the

specific factors or characteristics that are manipulated or measured in research

if you rest your hand on a thumbtack, a reflex will occur and your arm will be quickly and automatically retracted. reflexes such as this depend primarily on the

spinal cord

Rhiannon had been asleep for about 25 minutes when she was awakened by her roommate screaming at her to answer the phone. Rhiannon was extremely groggy, so instead of picking up the phone, she picked up her shoe and said "Hello?" Rhiannon was most likely in which stage of sleep?

stage 3

Recent evidence suggests that opiates kill pain because they

stimulate the receptors normally stimulated by endorphins.

You have begun to feel guilty because you are sometimes rude to your roommate. A little voice keeps telling you that you should always be polite and should never hurt another person's feelings. According to Freud, this little voice most likely comes from your


Aileen notices an attractive guy that she met the evening before. her heart beats faster and her palms become sweaty. Apparently, the ___ division of Aileen's ____ nervous system has become activated

sympathetic, autonomic

In order to treat Sarah's fear of squirrels, Sarah's therapist asks her to create a list of fear-provoking situations, which she then ranks from "least scary" to "most scary." Sarah is most likely preparing to engage in

systematic desensitization therapy.

a social psychologist observes that subjects tested in crowded rooms have slower reaction times than those tested individually. this this example what is the independent variable?

tested individually or in crowded rooms

neurons have some similarities with other cells in the human body. which of the following characteristics is seen in neurons, but not in most cells?

the ability to transmit signals to other cells

A psychologist conducts an experiment in which he presents tones to participants at various levels of intensity (that is, soft, moderate, and loud). The point at which the tone can be detected 50 percent of the time is known as

the absolute threshold

The definition of consciousness includes awareness of all of the following except

the brain's regulation of autonomic nervous system activity.

which of the following statements best characterizes differences between the nervous and endocrine systems?

the endocrine system transmits signals through the circulatory system, whereas the nervous system does not

a major limitation of naturalistic observation in the study of human behavior is that

the observer might influence the behavior being studied

a biological psychologist would be most likely to research

the physical and chemical changes that occur when you learn

holding incoming information long enough for it to be processed is a function of

the sensory registers

which of the following is not part of the peripheral nervous system?

the spinal cord

behavioral genetics is

the study of how genes affect behavior

The study of personality is concerned mainly with

the ways in which people are unique

Researchers assessed the personalities of the children who were adopted at an early age by Julene and Jay. The researchers compared the children's personalities with those of their biological and adoptive parents and that of the biological child of their adoptive parents. Based on the studies described in the text, the children's personalities will be most similar to

their biological parents' personalities.

identifying certain types of brain functions (language skills, for instance) as lateralized means that

they are performed most efficiently by one of the other of the two cerebral hemispheres

semantic network models predict that people will respond more quickly to the qestion "can a bat fly?" than they will to "is a bat a mammal?" because

they probably ave a stronger association between "bat" and "wings" than "bat" and "mammal"

the most effective way to take lecture notes is to

think about what is said and write down the main points

When grading her top student's term paper in an English literature course, Dr. Dickinson did not notice several spelling errors. However, she did not miss any spelling errors on her other students' papers. Missing her top student's spelling errors might indicate that Dr. Dickinson was utilizing a lot of _____ processing when grading papers.


You are looking at an abstract work of art and it makes no sense to you. But when you read the title of the picture the meaning becomes perfectly clear. This is because the title allowed you to engage in _____ processing


before studying for the midterm exam, class a was told to expect a multiple choice test, and class b was told to expect an essay test. both classes actually got a multiple choice test, and class a preformed better on the test. this result is most consistent with the ____ view of memory

transfer-appropriate processing

which model of memory emphasizes the importance of retrieving information in a manner that is similar to how it was encoded?

transfer-appropriate processing

Cartman is unaware that he is having inappropriate thoughts about killing his friend Kenny. Freud would explain that these thoughts are occurring at the _____ level of consciousness.


psychodynamic psychologists emphasize that behavior is often controlled by

unconscious processes

Psychotherapy primarily involves treating individuals through the

use of psychological techniques.

You find yourself in a stressful environment. All of the following conditions should help you cope with the stress except

using a cognitive stress response such as ruminative thinking.

after being deprived of food and varying amounts of time. subjects show a progressive decline in hand dexterity and steadiness. In this example what is the independent variable?

varying amounts of time of food deprevation

Robert decided to join the army because he failed out of college and was tired of dealing with his father's psychological disorder. After hearing that he had enlisted, his fiancée broke off their engagement. Boot camp was much more difficult than Robert had anticipated. Robert began to see and hear things that were not present and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The best explanation for Robert's developing schizophrenia is the _____ theory.


Research shows that one difference between couples who divorced soon after getting married as opposed to couples who divorced after many years of marriage is that those who divorced soon after marriage

were unable to control the expression of negative feelings.

which of the following questions would be least helpful to someone trying to analyze a claim with critical thinking?

what are my gut feelings about the claim's validity

On the bus home last night, the passenger sitting next to me suddenly jumped up and yelled, "Beware the roses which orchestrate frungy shuttlecocks upon forty-three paltry televised welcome mats! My mother, the automatic ice-crusher, expands by definitional parameters, by definitional parameters!" I said to myself, "This is great! If there is a question on my psychology exam about _____ I will definitely get it correct, as this person has surely demonstrated it!"

word salad

as you read this sentence, which of the following memory processes does not occur?

your working memory helps to encode the information at a deeper level

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