Psychology Study Guide

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AIDS is the final stage of the HIV infection process, which typically manifests itself about ______ years after the original infection.​

7 to 10

Carmen hates it when Manuel leaves the cap off the toothpaste. She confronted him with her feelings about it, but when he argued that it was a trivial matter, she gave in quickly, not wanting Manuel to be angry with her. Carmen's behavior exemplifies which of the following styles of managing conflict?​


Alissa recently moved next door. Because of her health challenges, she is not enrolled at the local junior high school. She has not met anyone in the neighborhood but you. Alissa takes classes online and attempts to establish her friendships and a leap into a virtual community through social media. Based on the research presented in the chapter, it would be MOST reasonable to expect which of the following?​

Alissa is most likely to share negative status updates and demonstrate dishonesty.

Behavior modification is based on which of the following research bodies in psychology?​


Abstinence syndrome occurs after a person withdraws from a psychologically dependent drug. True or false?


According to research, many commonsense notions about happiness appear to be accurate. True or false?


Active listening consists of one component: paying close attention to what the other person is saying.​ True or false?


Actual stressors have greater psychological and physical effects on us than anticipatory stressors do.​ True or false?


After quitting smoking for 12 months, people's health rebounds to normal pre-smoking levels. True or false?


Albert Ellis's rational-emotive behavior therapy involves emphasizing the magnitude of one's problems.​ True or false?


American negotiators tend to seek ways to avoid conflict, while Japanese negotiators encourage competition. ​True or false?


Any research question can be answered by conducting a true experiment.​ True or false?


Atherosclerosis is sometimes called a heart attack. ​True or false?


Attitudes formed via the central route are longer lasting, but those formed via the peripheral route are more resistant to change.​ True or false?


Attributing one's successes to luck and external factors is an effective way to raise self-esteem.​ True or false?


Despite having information at our fingertips through smartphone devices, most of us still complain about not having enough access to information.​ True or false?


Developing multiple new skills, rather than focusing on honing one, can raise self-esteem. True or false?


Brian believes he works best under pressure. Which of the following is NOT true?​

His procrastination will have a positive impact on the quality of his work.

According to E. Tory Higgins, a discrepancy between the actual self and the ideal self is most likely to trigger which of the following emotions?​


Among the following, whose social networking profile (e.g., Facebook) would typically elicit the least privacy concerns?​


Centers for Disease Control (CDC) data has NOT revealed which of the following plays a role in the majority of smokers' decision-making?​

Smokers worry about weight gain if they quit.

Brenda's mother told her to stop her overt behavior. To which behavior might her mother be referring?​

Tapping her foot.

According to Martin Seligman, people with a pessimistic explanatory style tend to attribute their setbacks to internal, stable, and global factors.​ True or false?


Acknowledging when you have made a minor error can trigger a positive impression in people.​ True or false?


Asch demonstrated that group unanimity exerted an influence on conformity, above group size alone.​ True or false?


Criticizing others, in an effort to raise self-esteem, is counterproductive.​ True or false?


Delegating some tasks to others is often a way to increase efficiency.​ True or false?


Depression is associated with heart disease. ​True or false?


According to E. Tory Higgins, which of the following is NOT one of the three types of self-perceptions that people have?​


According to Herbert Benson, the relaxation response is NOT aided by a(n)​

active attitude.

Being followed when walking home late at night or narrowly escaping a car accident are experiences that would activate the​

alarm reaction.

Constructive confrontation may​

all of these.

Anxiety caused by having to talk with others is called communication


Any time you have to take a risk to pursue some desirable outcome, you are likely to find yourself in an __________________ conflict.​


Beth believes children should be allowed to express themselves at all times. Her children are likely to have lower self-esteem than children raised in a(n) __________ parenting style.​


Bushman and Huesmann (2012) report that most experimental studies do not support the catharsis hypothesis. This means that ___________________________. ​

behaving aggressively begets more aggression

Ahmed maintains a diet high in serum cholesterol, eating an abundance of eggs, cheese, butter, and shellfish. Ahmed may well be increasing his risk of​

cardiovascular disease.

Albert Ellis believed that problematic emotional reactions to stress are caused by ​

catastrophic thinking.

According to your textbook, people are motivated to maintain a(n) __________ view of the self.​


Betty is writing reflections to connect what she is reading in her textbook and how it relates to information in her own life and experience. She is using the memory principle of​

deep processing.

Even on the weekend, Jerica tends to ruminate about the events that happen at work. The most likely effect of this tendency is _______________________. ​


Diversion of anger toward a substitute target was noted by Sigmund Freud, who called it ​


An individual who recently had preventive bypass surgery might think, "At least I didn't have a serious heart attack like my older brother did." This thinking exemplifies the strategy known as​

downward social comparison.

After barely squeezing through Anatomy 101 with a passing grade, you sleep 16 hours a day for the first 10 days of summer break and refuse to see any of your friends. You are in the ____________​ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.​


Deception on the part of another person may be signaled by​

giving short answers.

According to Schwartz, increased freedom of choice available in modern societies

has contributed to depression and anxiety.

According to Baumrind's parental classification system, authoritative parents display​

high acceptance and high control.

Affectionate , accepting, involved, and democratic parents might produce offspring who tend to be ______________________.​

high in self-esteem

An experiment is a research method in which the investigator manipulates the ______ variable and observes whether any changes occur in a(n) ______ variable as a result.​

independent; dependent

According to proxemics research, the personal-space zones of men appear to be ______ than those of women.​


An exercise activity that you find enjoyable

makes it easier to follow through and exercise regularly.

Anna is speaking rapidly to Steve as she asks him out to lunch. Her paralanguage most likely conveys ________ in this situation.​


Coping efforts are

not necessarily adaptive or maladaptive.

An important insight that can be drawn from the research on happiness is that​

objective realities are not as important as subjective feelings.

Cohen et al. (2015) found that __________________________.​

participants with more hugs also demonstrated fewer illnesses after receiving the virus.

Authors of the Mayer-Salovey-Carus o Emotional Intelligence Test are striving to make this test a ​

performance-based measure of the ability to deal effectively with emotions.

All of the following appear to have a moderate impact on subjective feelings of well-being EXCEPT​

physical attractiveness.

Defense mechanisms are​

probably not healthy to use, with a few exceptions.

According to Edward Hall, people who interact at distances of 12 feet and beyond are considered to be in the ______ distance zone.​


According to Albert Ellis , the goal of therapy is to replace catastrophic thinking with more low-key , _______ analysis.


As actual-ideal discrepancies outnumber actual-ideal congruencies, cheerfulness decreases and

sadness increases.

Drugs that induce sleep and decrease central nervous system activation are usually classified as


An individual's personal assessment of overall happiness or life satisfaction is called​

subjective well-being.

An educational researcher wants to determine whether diet causes children to learn better in school. In this study, the independent variable is​

the type of diet.

Betty jumped when she heard a loud crashing sound behind her. This is because her sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

was mobilizing her bodily resources for an emergency.

Current research indicates that

we have little reason to believe that change is inevitably stressful.

Daniel sees himself as being similar whether he is at work or with his girlfriend. It is likely that he is​


Abstinence syndrome is another term for​

withdrawal illness.

According to a poll by the APA (2015), _______________ were the top three reported stressors.​

work, money, and the economy

Based on research concerning the trait of hardiness, which of the following hypothesized relationships is LEAST plausible? ​

​As hardiness decreases, GPA should increase.

Ali, Bao, Cyle, and Dan all work in a high-pressure sales environment. They all have done relatively well in their jobs over the past couple years. However, this last quarter has been tough for the entire company. Based on the backgrounds described below, who of the sales force is MOST at risk for a stress-related illness?​

​Bao, who lives alone and just prefers to keep to himself.

Beatrice has very low self-esteem. Beatrice's friend suggested joining Facebook to help her establish meaningful connections with others. What is most likely to happen?​

​Betty's self-disclosure will be too high in negativity and lead to undesired reactions.

Dr. Jackson is a young professor with quite a bit on his plate. He is working toward tenure, and at the same time hanging on in a lesser capacity with the company he helped establish. Dr. J. often says that he "is so burned out." Based on the burnout research, which of the following has Dr. J. likely NOT experienced or will NOT experience in the future? ​

​Immediate traumatic stresses.

Bobby has been using cocaine for the last few weeks. Instead of snorting it, he has moved on to smoking crack. Which of the following explanations of smoking (relative to snorting) cocaine's physiological effects is accurate? ​

​Smoking crack allows quicker absorption into the bloodstream.

An educational researcher wants to determine whether diet causes children to learn better in school. In this study, the dependent variable is​

​a measure of learning.

As ice cream consumption increases... so does the incidence of drowning. This relationship is an example of​

​a positive correlation.

Dealing with a rude store clerk and waiting for the results of an examination are two examples of​

​acute stressors.

Conventions for conveying emotion in email communication include​

​all of these are true.

Categorizing others by ethnicity, gender, age, or religion is used to

​avoid expending cognitive effort to form a more accurate impression.

Cramming before a test will most likely​

​be less effective than distributed practice.

Baumeister's research suggests that a narcissist who experiences an ego threat is likely to

​become aggressive or violent.

Constructive coping involves all of the following EXCEPT

​being less realistic in your appraisal of your coping resources.

Doctors and nurses often​

​believe their explanations are clear.

Charles has been going out drinking frequently in response to feelings of self-discrepancy. He is using a type of coping technique known as

​blunting self-awareness.

Defense mechanisms can operate at

​both the conscious and unconscious levels.

Case studies​

​can provide general conclusions through consistencies between cases.

Drew administered a survey to his Human Sexuality classmates. After analyzing the data, he found a strong positive correlation between relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction. This pattern of data​

​cannot determine if there is a third variable that causes both of the satisfaction levels.

Denise has decided to decrease her target behavior of unhealthy eating by avoiding the fast-food and cookie aisles of the grocery store. She is using the method of​

​control of antecedents.

Compared to those who are less attractive, physically attractive people are actually likely to ​

​have better social skills.

Aaron is just getting to know Debbie. He is more likely to disclose​

​his parents' divorce when he was 10.

Consciously trying to present oneself to others in a positive way is called ​

​impression management.

Conformity occurs when people change their behavior

​in response to real or imagined social pressure.

As an indicator of lying, lack of eye contact is

​not a reliable index of deceptive intent.

Albert Ellis developed _____ therapy, a system of psychotherapy based on altering clients' appraisals of events in order to reduce maladaptive emotions and behaviors.​

​rational-emotive behavior

An experimental group consists of subjects who

​receive some special treatment in regard to the independent variable.

Clinical psychology is primarily concerned with​

​the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems.

According to psychologists, frustration occurs when ​

​the pursuit of some goal is thwarted.

Defense mechanisms are most often _________________ and entirely ________________.​

​unconscious; normal

Defense mechanisms are unconscious reactions that protect a person from ​

​unpleasant emotions.

Dr. Prather randomly assigns 100 student volunteers who experience test anxiety to either a group that will receive training in relaxation exercises or a group that will sit in a waiting area for the same length of time as those learning relaxation. She will then measure their symptoms of test anxiety. Based on her results, Dr. Prather will have evidence of​

​whether or not relaxation exercises may cause an alleviation of symptoms of test anxiety.

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