Psychology Test 2

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Benevolent Sexism

All men need a good women behind them to help organize for them

plane crashes can make people afraid of flying

Availability heuristic


decrease based on lengthy or repeated exposure to a stimulus

unconditoned stimulus

eating food

listening to your gut


condition stimulus


Gender schema

saying that men work and women stay home, clean, and take care of the kids

genetic influences

studies of twins, family members, and adopted children together support the idea that there is a significant genetic contribution to intelligence.

Why is behavioral learning theory important?

they think it is important for survival

Sue is a great math student. According to multiple intelligences theory, Sue's linguistic intelligence should be ________ her mathematical/logical intelligence.

unrelated to - with general intelligence says that they're all related - multiple intelligence theory - a lot of different types intelligence that aren't related

What is gender expression?

what gender you outwardly express

Gender Roles

- women are generally expected to dress in typically feminine ways and be polite, and nurturing - men are generally expected to be strong and bold.

Sensorimotor stage

0-2 years

Formal operational stage

11 - through adulthood

Preoperational stage

2-7 years

Concrete operational stage

7-11 years

classical conditioning

A warm and nurturing teacher motivates students

You are judging the risk or benefit of going around the city on rollerblades

Affective Heuristic

Affirmative consent

An explicit, informed, and voluntary agreement to participate in a sex act

How do behaviorists define learning

An observable change of behavior

Assume someone's gender based on their profession

Combat Cognitive Bias

if you type the question "are dogs better than cats?" into an online search engine, articles that argue in favor of dogs will appear first.

Confirmation bias

the ability to solve new problems - example: Using a complicated subway system in a new city

Fluid intelligence

visual-spatial, verbal-linguistic, musical-rhythmic, logical-mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic and bodily-kinesthetic.

Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Greg thinks all women are good at cooking. This is an example of gender _______, which stems from Greg's categorization of women's characteristics, or in other words, Greg's gender ________ of women, being to ridge.

Gender stereotypes; gender schema

A person might be a very skilled runner, but this does not necessarily mean that they will also be an excellent figure skater

General Intelligence

What type of long-term memory is classical conditioning?

Implicit Memory - doesn't require conscious effort and often cannot be verbally described

Karpar has XXY sex chromosomes. When they reach puberty they become tall (with long arms and legs), have broad hips, poor muscle tone, reduced facial and body hair, a small penis and testicles, and enlarged breasts. Karpar is also infertile. Karpar has what type of difference in sexual development (DSD):

Klinefelter syndrome

Dr. Brown conducts research on how concepts are represented in people's minds. He believes that each category has one perfect representation of a concept. Based on this, Dr. Brown most likely follows the ________ model of organizing concepts.

Prototype - it is a PERFECT representation of someone

thinking that because someone is wearing a suit and tie and carrying a briefcase, that they must be a lawyer, because they look like the stereotype of a lawyer

Representativeness heuristic

You prefer to learn by doing, not by reading, you like to implement ideas, you enjoy problem-solving, you want to know how to apply knowledge to real-life, you are an action-taker, and feel good completing tasks.

Sternberg's Triarchic Theory of Intelligence

Which is an example of the representative heuristic?

To determine whether someone is a lawyer, I compare his traits to the "average" lawyer - you're using a prototype of a lawyer - ex: wears a suit, is intelligent, etc

Bertha wants to give birth in her own home. Specifically, she wants a women-centered approach where she can give birth in the position that she desires (in an upright squatting position or in the bathtub) and where the birth is treated like a normal part of life rather than a medical issue. Bertha would most likely retain the services of a ________ to help her give birth.

Traditional Midwife

teasing a boy who plays with dolls

ambivalent sexism - hostile sexism

Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)

appear to be female at birth, but do not have a uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries

"All men need a good women behind them to help organize for them"

benevolent sexism

How do teratogens negatively affect each stage of prenatal development?

cause neural tube defects such as spina bifida

what does smoking do if you are pregnant?

cause tissue damage in the unborn baby, particularly in the lung and brain - cleft lip

recalling historical events and dates

crystallized intelligence

Turner Syndrome

female is born with only one X chromosome

Peggy's parents are amazed at how much their daughter has changed. For one thing, over the past year she became interested in doing chemistry experiments. Peggy predicts what will happen when she combines two chemicals together and then observes the results to see whether her hypothesis was correct. Peggy is most likely in the ________ stage of cognitive development

formal operational - people in this stage are able to think abstractly

Nan thinks that sports, toy trucks, and building blocks are all meant for boys. This represents a ________ that Nan has regarding sports and toys for boys.

gender schema

fraternal birth order effect

if a male with no older brothers has a 2% chance of being homosexual and this increases those chances by 33% for each older brother


increase based on lengthy or repeated exposure to a stimulus

what does alcohol do if you are pregnant?

increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and your baby having a low birthweight

NFL player Adrian Peterson used an object—in his case a tree branch—to discipline his 4-year-old son. According to court records, Peterson's son suffered cuts, marks, and bruising to his thighs, and back. Peterson has said he never intended to harm his son and was only disciplining him in the same way he had been disciplined as a child growing up in East Texas. When Peterson disciplined his son, he was most likely showing

observational learning/modeling. - learn behaviors as a kid and then do the same thing when you get older

Biological sex is best understood as being ______ and gender identity is best understood as being ________. Moreover, sexual orientation is best understood as being ________.

on a continuum; on a continuum; on a continuum - anything with biological sex is on a continuum

What is gender identity?

sense of being male or female

Stimuli and Responses example -

smelling the trash and taking it out or touching a hot stove and moving your hand

What is gender?

social, cultural, and psychological aspects of masculinity and femininity

What behaviorist think of cognition and what they think causes behavior

stimulus changes in our environment

hostile sexism

teasing a boy who plays with dolls

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

the overdevelopment of the adrenal glands from birth - the enzyme needed to produce cortisol and aldosterone is not working properly

Professor Kraig is known for his difficult quizzes, which automatically make the students anxious. Immediately before each quiz, he always turns off the projector. Students soon notice that they start to feel anxious when Professor Kraig turns off the projector. BEFORE acquisition has occurred (before the quiz and the projector have been associated together), the students feeling anxious (because of the quiz) is called a(n)

unconditioned response -

Klinefelter syndrome

when men are born with an extra X chromosome - XXY

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