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For every "A" that Linsey earns on her report card, she is rewarded with a trip to movies. Linsey really loves going to the movie theatre, so she begins studying harder to get better grades, and more "As" on her report card. Which perspective applies to what Linsey is experiencing?

. Behavioral

Chris is studying distracted driving behaviors and his professor asked him what exactly that included. The research had included a variety of behaviors but Chris had not thought about what this specifically meant for his research. What does Chris need to do to solve this dilemma?

. Chris needs to operationally define what distracted driving behaviors he is interested in.

Allison and Daniela sat together in the same class. Allison paid specific attention to the professor's lecture and was even inspired by some of the points made. Daniela was very tired and spent most of the class daydreaming about her upcoming trip to the beach. Each student seemed to have a different experience in Tuesday's class based on what they paid attention to. Which psychological concept supports this situation?

. Consciousness

Holly is conducting a study to see if eating three servings of vegetables everyday increases weight loss. Which of the following is this an example of?

. Hypothesis statement

How does the left hemisphere process information?

. Sequentially

Which of the following is a behavioral remedy for insomnia?

. Strenuous exercise during the day

Barry can speak a language, while his dog cannot. This is related to the fact that Barry's _______.

. cortex is more wrinkled

Albinism, hemophilia, muscular dystrophy, sickle cell anemia, and cystic fibrosis are examples of _______.

. genetic disorders

A study in which participants remain unaware of whether they are in the experimental group or the control group is called a _______ study.

. single-blind

Approximately how fast does a nerve's action potential move down the axon?

200 miles per hour

Consider interviewing for a job. Which of the following would NOT help to show the interviewer that you are listening?

Adjusting your tie

According to Ebbinghaus, after you make the effort to encode the name of someone you just met at a networking event, at which of the following points will you most likely forget the person's name?

After about one hour

Aika bought an energy drink to help her stay awake to study for her nursing exam. She did well on this exam, so she decided to do the same thing every day to help her pass her classes. This past week she could not afford an energy drink. Which of the following can Aika expect to happen?

Aika will experience caffeine withdrawal, which will include fatigue and a headache

Mia came home from a party on campus and had a hard time focusing and concentrating on everything in her room. Which of the following conditions is she currently experiencing?

Alcohol myopia

The decay theory of forgetting is grounded in which of the following?

Altered neurons

Anna has been having some vivid dreams where she is fighting with her sister. Anna is still a little mad about her sister getting the car for Friday night instead of her, but she has not said anything to her sister about this. Which of the following is Anna experiencing?

Anna is repressing her anger with her sister about getting the car.

Which of the following is a lifetime disorder whose primary features are impaired communication and social interaction?

Autism spectrum disorder

Based on the number of pain points per square centimeter, which of the following bodily regions is the most sensitive?

Behind the knee

Which of the following forms of drug abuse is popular among college students but still quite dangerous in its ability to inhibit brain development in young adults?

Binge drinking

In the sensory system, what does the term kinesthesis refer to?

Body position and movement

Brandon likes to have a beer when he gets home from work each night. Which of the following best describes what happens because of this behavior?

Brandon gets tired and wants to sleep due to depressive properties in alcohol.

Which of the following is a hypothesis which states that autism may arise in infants who have a certain neuron system damaged by genetic defects or environmental risk factors?

Broken mirrors

Darrell is a defense attorney with a very important case. The stress of the month-long trial is causing Darrell to lose sleep. He keeps running through the details of the trial in his head and cannot get to bed. What condition would Darrell be diagnosed with?

Chronic insomnia

A woman witnesses a child abduction at a public park. Two days later, the woman returns to the park with the police, who encourage her to recall details of the abduction using sights and sounds of the park as retrieval cues. What memory improvement technique are the investigators using?

Cognitive interviewing

Which technique is used by police and attorneys to help improve the memory of witnesses?

Cognitive interviewing

Cybill is practicing her letters, numbers, shapes, and colors with her dad to get ready for kindergarten. This relates to which of the following?

Cognitive learning

After playing the saxophone for years, Collin wanted to focus on a different sound, so he bought a clarinet. Which statement describes Collin's likely experience in making this change?

Collin learned to play the clarinet quickly due to positive transfer.

Carol says she is having a hard time turning off her thoughts at night to go to sleep. Her sister tells her that she has no problem going to sleep since she has learned a new deep breathing technique. Which of the following has Carol's sister suggested to her

Concentrative meditation

In which exercise does one attend to a single focal point, such as an object, a thought, or one's breathing?

Concentrative meditation

Developing a strong fear of being in any small space after getting stuck in an elevator for five hours demonstrates which of the following?

Conditioned emotional response

Janessa is convinced that her favorite purple shirt is lucky. Whenever she wears it, good things happen to her. Except for the one time that she spilled coffee on herself, and another time when she was late for the bus. But Janessa is convinced those events don't have anything to do with her purple shirt—only the luck does. What is this an example of?

Confirmation bias

Patricio remembers getting in his car to drive to school, but he does not remember how he got there. He does remember thinking about what he needed to buy at the grocery store after school. In which mental state was Patricio during these occurrences?


marketing firm is looking to revamp packaging so that it will be more eye catching for shoppers in an effort to increase sales. Which psychologist applies his research to this field?

Consumer psychologist

Allison has begun reading some books on the Japanese art of feng shui and how it can help individuals harmonize themselves with their environment. Which of the following elements of subjective well-being is Allison most likely experiencing?

Continued personal growth

Which of the following types of intelligence best describes your knowledge of the months of the year, numbers, letters, and math concepts?


According to Aamodt, which of the following should one be aware of when listening to others?

Do not be distracted by the speaker's mannerisms, hair, or accent.

Deficiency of which of the following neurotransmitters may lead to Parkinson's disease and reduced feelings of pleasure?


If Candice experiences an increase in motivation, which neurotransmitter was likely released in her brain?


Which of the following will create the most meaningful and lasting memory?

Elaborative processing

Fatima is small for her age and fairly shy, so she is quiet in school and doesn't respond when her middle school classmates tease her. But Fatima is a different person online. She tracks other people who seem smaller and more vulnerable than her and posts nasty comments on their social media accounts and "likes" mean comments posted by others. Which term describes Fatima's actions outside of school?

Electronic aggression

In which of the following situations is the right hemisphere most useful?

Empathizing with others

Behaviorists believe that they can take any infant at random and train them to be anything they wanted. According to behaviorists, which contributing factor would be the most influential in achieving this goal?


A person whose eyes widen with positive anticipation while hearing a trivia tournament question is likely experiencing which of the following?

Feeling of knowing

Which of the following refers to organizing a perception so that part of a stimulus appears to stand out against less prominent surroundings?

Figure-ground organization

An employee who received theater tickets when her manager noticed her working hard now makes sure she "looks busy" when any member of the management team approaches her cubicle. Which term describes the employee's perception of the managers?


Excess of which of the following transmitters may lead to neuron death and autism?


Shu-Lin eventually comes to ignore the sound of a barking dog next door. This is most clearly an example of which of the following?


Mark is intoxicated and is convinced he hears someone in his empty house. Mark's perception can be best described as which of the following?


Which part of the limbic system is important for storing memories?


George's company is restructuring, and he was told it is likely that his department will be part of these cuts. George suddenly feels stress as this poses an unexpected financial pressure for his household. Which of the following will also likely be impacted by this unexpected change?

His identity will be impacted since many adults base their identity on their work.

How does the right hemisphere of the brain process information?


Which of the following is a drawback to posing questions to the eyewitness of a crime?

How the questions are worded may influence the eyewitness' testimony.

According to Aamodt, who among the following is the most effective listener?

Hua tries to understand the speaker's perspective.

Carrie decided that she wanted to study digestion in dogs, just like Pavlov did. She decided to gather all the neighborhood dogs for her research study, but not tell the pet owners. Which statement best describes how Carrie violated research guidelines? Carrie did not obtain permission from the ethics board to use the dogs.

Humanistic psychology

The study of people as inherently good and motivated to learn and improve is called _______.

Humanistic psychology

A human resource manager at a large organization is looking to enhance his hiring skills by taking additional psychology courses at a local college. Which area of psychology would be most beneficial for him?

Industrial-Organizational psychology

Bob is in his eighties and enjoys talking to his children and grandchildren about his life experiences. He admits there are a few regrets, but overall he has been happy with how his life has turned out. Which of the following is he likely experiencing?


Janice was starting a new yoga class which had a meditation component to it. She learned how to focus on her breathing and inner emotional state while in class. She was able to use her new skills as she encountered new experiences the following week. Janice learned what skill in her class?


Which of the following refers to thinking that makes little or no use of reasoning and logic?

Intuitive thought

What is the consequence of the presence of a weapon in the context of eyewitness perception

It impairs an eyewitness's ability to identify the culprit's face and other personal details.

Jennifer started out with drinking one beer each night to relax her. Now, she drinks six beers each night to obtain the same effect. Which of these statements best describes what has happened?

Jennifer's tolerance for alcohol has increased.

Jesse is a 25-year-old college graduate living at home with his parents. He is not married, has no children, and has no stable career. Which of the following is most likely for Jesse?

Jesse is in the social status known as emerging adulthood where he is exploring possibilities

According to Aamodt, you should do which of the following when listening to someone?

Make direct eye contact

According to Erikson, which of the following activities during middle adulthood involves reworking old identities, achieving valued goals, finding one's own truths, and preparing for old age?

Midlife transition

____________ likely stimulates creative thinking and enhances sports and music performance skills, according to research.

Mild sensory deprivation

Joel recently returned from a work retreat that taught employees how to be less judgmental and to live in the moment. He learned how to tune into his thoughts and emotions without reacting to them. What skill did Joel recently learn?


Why is it misleading to claim that a creative person, like an artist for example, is "a right-brained person"?

Most actions involve both sides of the brain at the same time.

At around what age is an infant's eyesight comparable to that of his/her parents?

One year

What is top-down processing in the context of sensory perception?

Perception guided by prior knowledge or expectations

Which of the following refers to past experience, motives, context, or suggestions that prepare you to perceive in a certain way?

Perceptual expectancy

The Olympic symbol is five partial rings of different colors, which overlap each other. They appear as interlocking rings. Which of the following best explains this perceptual trick?

Principle of continuity

Where would the memory of how to ride a bike be stored?

Procedural memory

Which of the following accurately characterizes the executive functions of the brain?

Processes that allow us to regulate and coordinate our own thought processes

Which theory of dreaming, popularized by Freud, emphasizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious forces?

Psychodynamic dream theory

Which of the following parts of your eye opens to quickly adapt to a dramatic increase in the brightness of the surroundings?


April's son has been acting violently toward other children in school. She decides to take her son to a child psychologist, who takes a sample of April's son's blood to test his testosterone levels. With this, the psychologist can confirm that they are in balance with his age and maturity level. Which psychological perspective applies to April's situation?

Random selection

At every one-mile interval along the marathon route, a team of people gives the runners orange slices, bottles of water, and shouts of encouragement. What are the race organizers demonstrating?

Response chain

Rosa's colleague Nico is known for wearing strong cologne, and she's thankful that he works on a different floor. Every day for a week, Nico sneaks up to Rosa's cubicle wearing a scary mask and pops his head over the wall, eliciting a scream of fear from Rosa. The next Monday at her desk, Rosa suddenly smells Nico's cologne and screams. Which of these statements best describes what occurred on Monday?

Rosa smells the cologne (CS) and lets out a scream (CR).

An infant is born with weak arousal reflexes, and at one month old the child has come down with a slight cough. Which of the following sleep disorders is the infant at the highest risk of experiencing?


Researchers are interested in seeing how many drivers are on their cell phones while leaving the parking lot. The parking lot has one exit so the two researchers each write down driver gender, car color and whether the driver was on the phone or not. Data gathered would then be analyzed for significance. What process did the researchers use to gather data?

Scientific observation

Which of the following refers to giving priority to a particular incoming sensory message?

Selective attention

Which neurotransmitter participates in mood, appetite, and sleep?


Carlotta was injured in a car accident and has been told by her doctor that she sustained damage to the left hemisphere of her brain. Which of the following problems will she most likely face?

She will not be able to speak properly

What is alcohol myopia?

Shortsighted thinking and perception that occur during alcohol intoxication

One spring day, Michael decides to attend all his classes in a Halloween costume. His classmates point and giggle at his clown costume. What behavior is he displaying?

Social norm violation

What term refers to the origins of a memory being misremembered?

Source confusion

If you find yourself on a ship at sea in the moonlit night, and you begin to feel motion sickness, which of the following is the MOST likely to help ease your symptoms?

Stare at the moon in the sky.

False memories can be caused by hypnosis through which of the following?


A large university is interested in finding out what majors make up their enrollment for this academic year so they know what classes to offer in the upcoming semesters. What research option would be best used to obtain this information?

Survey method

If a person with a fear of heights is standing on the edge of a mountain, which body system would be activated?

Sympathetic nervous system

Ayanna has a serious fear of heights, but she really wants to go on the hiking trip to the Swiss Alps with her friends. Which of the following could help Ayanna reduce her fear and enjoy the hike?

Systematic desensitization

Cora does not consider herself addicted to caffeine. He only has one cup of coffee in the morning and one cup in the middle of the day. How might even such modest amounts of caffeine affect Cora's behavior?

The amount of caffeine Cora ingests may cause her to experience headaches and fatigue

How is consciousness defined in the field of psychology?

The awareness of one's internal thoughts and external surroundings

Jimmy is a good student who also love singing and working on cars. He is finishing high school next year, and everyone keeps asking him what he is doing after this achievement. He has no idea what he wants to do and keeps telling everyone he will figure it out closer to that time. Which of the following is Jimmy likely experiencing?

The child will generally become truly attached to his/her mother by around seven months

Which of the following is the most appropriate definition of the parasympathetic nervous system?

The division of the autonomic nervous system that quiets the body and conserves energy

Every night, Tuan's dog waits in the kitchen for a dinner of premium canned food. However, the dog only gets canned food twice a week. This occurs on whatever nights that Tuan works late, because he feels guilty leaving the dog for so long. Which of these best describes the feeding schedule?

The dog is fed canned food on a partial reinforcement, variable interval schedule.

After having a fight with her brother, Alicia dreams about having an intense verbal dispute with a pharmacist at the checkout counter. Which of the following is this an example of?

The manifest content of Alicia's dream is the ongoing fight with her brother.

What is neurogenesis?

The production of new brain cells

How is behaviorism defined?

The school of thought in psychology that emphasizes study of observable actions over study of the mind

Clara witnessed a crime and was brought to court to testify. She elected to be hypnotized to improve her memory of the crime. Why might the course dismiss Clara's testimony.

The sleep spindles produce short bursts of brain waves that mark true sleep, whereas the hypnic jerk produces small, irregular waves

The students in Dr. Sanchez's psychology class studied last night for the chapter exam. They expected to take a true/false and multiple choice exam, but Dr. Sanchez surprised them with an oral exam, in which each student was asked three complex questions to be answered in front of the others. The students' performance on the exam was awful. What is the best rationale for their poor performance?

The students had focused on rote learning the previous night.

Which of the following terms refers to the understanding that people have mental states, such as thoughts, beliefs, and intentions, and that other people's mental states can be different from one's own?

Theory of mind

Gloria progressed from sitting to standing to walking and skipped the crawling phase. What effect might skipping the crawling phase have on Gloria's development?

There is no effect. Gloria's development is still considered orderly.

Ashton likes to carry his fuzzy blanket around the house with him. His sister prefers to carry her tiny little green flannel pillow. What are these items serving as for these children?

These items are contact comfort for the children.

According to the serial position effect, why are the first few digits in a long string of numbers more likely to be remembered?

They are rehearsed more

WHY [capitalization] do the contrasts [italics] in this sentence draw attention [bold]?

They are unexpected

After playing a violent video game at home all afternoon, Peter and some friends snuck into a movie that was rated R for graphic violence. The first scene was a loud, bloody shootout in which many people died, yet Peter and his friends snickered and giggled during it. What explains their reaction to the movie?

They had become desensitized to violence from the video games.

According to Erikson, which of the following is a psychosocial dilemma faced by infants from birth to one year of age?

Trust versus mistrust

Jeffrey is watching television and a commercial comes on for diet pills. Someone in a lab coat similar to the one his family doctor wears guarantees that these pills will cause weight loss. Jeffrey orders the pills since he trusts the person wearing the lab coat, like he trusts his family doctor. Which of these is this an example of?

Uncritical acceptance

Developing a fear of heights simply by hearing friends talk about their fear of heights is an example of which type of conditioning?


Gail has just finished reading a research paper and was intrigued by some of the source material listed in the paper. She begins to look up all of the websites listed in the reference material. What should Gail remember when confirming the accuracy of web-based information?

Websites that claim to be scientific and that quote studies can sometimes be unreliable in their assessment of source material.

Semantic memory can be described as ________

a part of declarative memory that records impersonal knowledge about the world

Addison is taking a test on the names of the states in Mexico. He is missing two of the state names and begins to go through the alphabet and thinks of state names that may begin with each letter. Addison is using ____________________.

a retrieval strategy

Amphetamines can have a severe impact on a user's consciousness, and its prolonged use can even damage the brain to the point where the user suffers paranoid delusions, becomes violent, or becomes even suicidal. This condition is called ________.

amphetamine psychosis

Shopping at a different grocery store and joining a different gym so you don't encounter a former romantic partner is an example of ________.

avoidance learning

Biopsychology is the study of:

b. the brain, nervous system, and other physical origins of behavior.

Mental pictures

based on imagery and thinking

Farhad finds a wallet on the ground in front of a coffee shop. He takes it into the coffee shop to turn it in. Celia asks Farhad why he turned it in when she knows he could use the money from in the wallet. Farhad said he would like to think that if he lost his wallet, someone would turn it in without taking anything. Farhad's behavior is in accordance with which psychological perspective?

c. Humanistic

A ticket stub that triggers an episodic memory of being at a wild rock concert is considered a _____.

c. retrieval cue

Many psychologists believe that people's phobias are the result of ________.


Perceptions are ________.

constructions of reality

Taylor was introduced to his roommates at band camp and, while he was glad to meet them, he had to quickly go to the registration table to sign up for his trombone sectionals. When he returned he was unable to remember his roommates' names. Taylor's quick loss of memory can most likely be attributed to ________.


An individual's current state of physical, emotional, and intellectual growth is known as his/her _______.

developmental level

Mirror neurons get their name because they become active when a person ________.

does a motor action or watches someone else do the same action

Behavior known to promote creative thinking

drawing writing daydreaming

A combined effect of two drugs that exceeds the addition of one drug's effects to the other is called _______

drug interaction

In Freudian theory, the parts of the mind that are beyond awareness, especially conflicts, impulses, and desires not directly known to a person, are referred to as _______.

dynamic unconscious

Weapon focus is a form of inattentional blindness whereby a witness ________.

fails to notice details of the attacker because scrutiny is fixed on the knife or gun used

A collection of conditions occurring in children whose mothers consumed alcohol during pregnancy is known as _______.

fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Abilities requiring speed or rapid learning are known as _______.

fluid intelligence

According to Erikson, the emotional balance in middle adulthood that is expressed by caring about oneself, one's children, and future grandchildren is known as _______.


According to the multimedia principle, hearing a person introduce himself or herself while noticing the tattoo on his or her neck will ________.

help you remember his or her nam

According to Erikson, if children aged 6-12 years are praised for productive activities, like building, painting, cooking, reading, and studying, they learn a sense of _______.


The ability to think about the tactics and approaches you use in your everyday life in an effort to improve upon those strategies is considered metacognitive __________.


Members of a football team who watch video of their previous game to enhance performance in the next game are using informational feedback or ________.

knowledge of results

A key factor distinguishing secondary reinforcers from primary reinforcers is that secondary reinforcers are ________.


Any relatively permanent change in behavior that can be attributed to experience is known as __________.



mental catagory for classifying things based on common features

According to Kohlberg, in the preconventional moral reasoning level,:

moral thinking is guided by the consequences of actions (punishment, reward, or an exchange of favors).

Having difficulty learning to play a small viola after years of playing a large cello is likely due to the effects of:

negative transfer.

Biopsychologists and others who study the brain and nervous system, such as biologists and biochemists, comprise the broader field of _______.


A chemical that moves information from one neuron to the next through the synaptic gap is known as a(n)_______.


A model serves as the critical factor in all types of ________.

observational learning

Allen's young daughter Krista heard him use a curse word when he was driving her to preschool. When Allen picked her up at the end of the day, the teacher told him that Krista had used the word several times when arguing with other students over toys. The teacher warned Allen to be more aware of the impacts of ________.

observational learning

An employee who earns a set amount of money for every 10 widgets he or she paints is undergoing ________.

partial reinforcement

Ingrained patterns of organization and attention are known as _______.

perceptual habits

A change in the brain that modifies how we construct sensory information into perception is known as _______.

perceptual learning


productive thinking ideas

A medical doctor who prescribes drugs and treats serious mental disorders is known as a ________.


The lifelong process of developing relationships with parents or caregivers, other children, and other adults is known as _______.

psychosocial development

Anaya, a chemistry student, hears the trivia question "What is the atomic weight of hydrogen?" on the radio and calls in with the correct answer. To access the correct answer from her memory, Anaya directly retrieved the information using ________.


While reading her psychology textbook, Ursula stops at the end of each paragraph to say aloud a summary of the paragraph, using paraphrases of what she read. Ursula is using a retrieval strategy known as __________________________.


As a child, Kirima listened to old songs about her family's cultural traditions. Now she is working on a presentation for her sociology class. Kirima finds that she can memorize the lyrics to the old family songs that she'd forgotten faster than she can memorize the lyrics to a contemporary song from her native country. Kirima's experience supports the concept of ________.


Asher is studying for a geometry exam. He is quickly repeating the formulas over and over in an attempt to memorize them. To help prepare for the exam by moving the formulas from short-term memory into long-term memory, Asher is using ________.

rote rehearsal

A person who wants to lose weight and gets feedback on his or her efforts by keeping a daily chart of calories consumed and pounds gained or lost is engaged in ________.


The abbreviations for the chemical elements on the periodic table would be stored as ________.

semantic memories

A cell in the nervous system that transmits information from organs like the eyes, nose, and ears to the central nervous system is called a _______.

sensory neuron

A learned desire to receive approval from others would best be classified as a ________.

social reinforcer

After Kristin completed her presentation to the potential client, her boss commended her on doing a fantastic job that clearly made a favorable impression. Kristin will likely continue to work hard for her boss after receiving this ________.

social reinforcer

A person "remembers" going to a concert with John years ago. In reality, the person went to the concert with Ronnie, but lived on the same dorm floor as John. This is an example of ________

source confusion

A column of nerves that transmits information between the brain and the peripheral nervous system is called the _______.

spinal cord

Psychophysics is the study of how the mind interprets the physical properties of _______.


A toddler who smiles at the sound of a parent's voice but gets anxious at the sound of a stranger's voice is demonstrating ________.

stimulus discrimination

According to Skinner, wearing your favorite shirt on exam days because you think it improves your test-taking performance is an example of ________.

superstitious behavior

A factor that distinguishes a right-handed person from a left-handed person is that for the former ________.

the dominant hemisphere is most likely the left hemisphere

Frank is introduced to Dorothy at a party for the first time and makes a connection in his memory to an image of ruby slippers. Later, Frank uses her name when he says goodbye to Dorothy at the end of the party. Being able to hold Dorothy's name and the image in his short-term memory without interference is an example of ________.

the multimedia principle

A major concern related to the use of anabolic steroids by athletes is that users may experience episodes of _______.

uncontrollable rage

A failure to evaluate claims with sufficient logical rigor is called _______.

uncritical acceptance

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