nutrition chapter 6

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What counts as an ounce of protein food

1 ounce of meat poultry or a fish(palm) One slice of deli meat 1/4 cup of cooked dry beans One egg 1 tablespoon of peanut butter Half an ounce of nuts or seeds

What are the 2015 guidelines for Americans

1. follow a healthy eating pattern at an appropriate calorie level across the lifespan 2. shift to healthier food and beverage choices-choose nutrient dense food and beverages across and within all food groups in place of less healthy choices 3. support healthy eating patterns for all-everyone has a role in helping it to create and support healthy eating patterns from home to school to work communities 4. Physical activity recommendations

How long have food group guidance from the USDA been available in the United States


What is daily recommended amount of veggies daily for 19 to 30-year-old woman

2 1/2 cups

What is daily recommended amount of fruit daily for 19 to 30-year-old woman and men

2 cups

What is daily recommended amount of dairy daily for 19 to 30-year-old woman and men

3 cups

What is daily recommended amount of vegetables daily for 19 to 30-year-old men

3 cups

What is daily recommended amount of protein foods daily for 19 to 30-year-old women

5.5 oz

What is daily recommended amount of grain foods daily for 19 to 30-year-old woman

6 ounces 3 ounces of whole gram it at least

What is daily recommended amount of protein foods daily for 19 to 30-year-old men

6.5 oz

What is daily recommended amount of grain foods daily for 19 to 30-year-old men

8 ounce equivalent and at least 4 ounces of whole grain

What are the characteristics of healthful dietary patterns

Adequacy variety balance and health maintenance

How much physical activity should Americans get per week

At least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise to help promote health and reduce risk of chronic disease

What greens should you be consuming according to healthy eating patterns

At least half which our whole grains

What vegetables should you be consuming according to healthy eating patterns

Dark green red and orange colored vegetables

What is the current American diet like-what do we eat too much of

Energy fried and fatty meats salt simple sugar and protein eat large food portions

what are healthy dietary patterns that are not Characterized by the regular consumptions of

Foods and beverages high and added sugar such as sugar sweet and soft drink fruit drink and sweetened teas Foods high In sodium such as some fat and processed foods Refined grain products such as white bread rice cakes and pasta processed meat such as salami and bologna Foods high in saturated fat such as animal fat and tropical oils

How much sodium should you be consuming according to healthy eating patterns

Intake to less than 2000 mg a day

How much sugar should you be consuming according to healthy eating patterns

Limit sugar to less than 10% of total calories

Why is it important to eat fruit

May reduce risk for type two diabetes and stroke and other heart disease May protect against cancer such as mouth stomach colon and rectum cancer maybe useful and helping lower calorie intake May reduce risk of coronary heart disease- water soluble fiber

What fat-free or low-fat dairy products should you be consuming according to a healthy eating patterns

Milk yogurt cheese and or fortified soy beverages

What counts as a cup of fruit

One cup of fruit or 100% fruit juice Half cup of dried fruit One small or half large apple One large peach eight large strawberries One small wedge watermelon 1 in thick small banana

What does one cup of dairy look like

One cup of milk or yogurt 1/2 ounce of natural cheese 2 ounces of a process cheese 1/3 a cup of shredded cheese 2 cups of cottage cheese 2 ounces of processed cheese

What counts as a cup of vegetables

One cup of raw or cooked vegetables or vegetable juice 2 cups of raw leafy greens

what counts as an ounce of grain

One slice of bread one cup of ready to eat cereal half a cup of cooked oatmeal half a cup of cooked rice pasta or cereal half of an English muffin one mini bagel one large would be 4 ounces one pancake

What are healthy eating patterns most consistently associated with

Positive health and nutrient intake outcomes

Why is it important to eat whole grains

Reduce risk of coronary artery disease and constipation help with weight management

What protein products should you be eating according to healthy eating patterns

Seafood lean meat poultry eggs legumes nuts and seeds

How much alcohol should you be consuming according to healthy eating patterns

Up to one drink a day for women and two for men

What fruits should you be eating based on healthy eating patterns

Whole fruits

in adequate diet includes a wide variety of foods that together provide sufficient levels of calories in essential nutrients


What is in the dairy group

all fluid milk products and food made from milk exceptions are milk products that have little to no calcium such as cream cheese cream and butter Most milk choices should be fat-free or low-fat

What is in the protein food group

all food made from meat poultry fish dried beans or peas eggs nuts and seeds Most meat and poultry choices should be lean or low-fat

What is in the fruit group

any fruit or 100% fruit juice counts Fresh canned frozen or dried

What are vegetables in the veggie group

any vegetable or 100% vegetable juice fresh frozen canned or dried/dehydrated

One that provides neither too much nor too little of nutrients and other components of food such as fat and fiber

balanced diet

The fiber rich outer layer that protects the seed and contains be vitamins and trace minerals


What is in the grain group

bread pasta oatmeal breakfast cereals tortillas and grits Whole grains: whole wheat flour Bulger oatmeal haul corn meal and brown rice refined grains

What types of meat and beans did you consume according to my plate

choose low-fat or land meats and poultry bake it broil it or grill it Bury your choices with more fish beans peas nuts and seeds

what do the 2015 Dietary guidelines highlight dietary patterns associated with

decreased risk of obesity heart disease diabetes and nutrient inadequacies

The Quantities proportions variety or combination of different foods drinks and nutrients in diet in the frequency in which they are habitually consumed

dietary patterns

How much fruits should you do according to my plate

eat a variety of fruit choose fresh frozen canned or dried fruit Go easy on fruit juices

How many grains should you consume according to my plate

eat at least 3 ounces of whole grain bread cereal crackers rice or pasta every day (whole before grain on ingredients list)

The middle layer that contains carbohydrates and proteins


What is the healthy dietary guidelines regular consumption of

fruits and vegetables whole grains: Cereal grains that consist of the intact ground cracks or flakes kernels including the bran germ and endosperm nuts legumes poultry lean meat fish and seafood Oil's low-fat dairy products moderate alcohol consumption

The small nutrient rich core that contains antioxidants vitamin EB vitamins and healthy fats


How can fiber help/why is it important

gives volume to the feces to promote good digestive habits slows down absorption of cholesterol

How much dairy you should you consume according to my plate

go low-fat or fat-free if you don't or can't consume milk choose lactose free products or other calcium sources

visual educational tool

healthy US dietary pattern

What are healthy dietary guidelines identified for the United States

healthy US dietary pattern( myplate)/ dietary guidelines for Americans healthy Mediterranean style dietary pattern Healthy vegetarian style dietary plan

Achieving a balance between good taste in good for you

healthy eating

What oils should you be consuming according to healthy eating patterns

limit intake of saturated fat and less than 10% of total calories excluding trans fats

What are choose my plate key points

make at least half of your plate fruits and veggies enjoy your food but eat less Make half of your grains whole grains eat fewer foods that are high saturated fat trans fat added sugar and sodium avoid oversized portions switch to fat-free or low-fat milk drink water instead of sugary drinks compare sodium in foods and choose food with low sodium

Focuses on fruits veggies whole grains not much animal proteins

mediterranean diet

What was the latest revision of the USDA foods guidance materials called


Do most Americans currently consume diets that match the recommendations presented in the dietary guidelines


Why is it important to eat vegetables

reduce risk for type two diabetes and stroke and other heart disease protect against certain cancers: mouth stomach and colon/rectum help lower lower calorie intake

bran and germ removed by milling process fine texture dietary fiber iron in many B vitamins removed White flour degermed cornmeal White bread and white pasta

refined grains

Diet consisting of many different foods from all of the food groups


what Vegetables should you eat according to my plate

vary your veggies eat more dark green veggies eat more orange veggies eat more dry beans and peas

Contain the entire grain kernel - the bran, germ, and endosperm

whole grain

What is the current American diet like- What do we eat too little of

whole-grain products- complex CHO low-fat dairy products fruits and veggies

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