PUB 210 Final Exam

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Select the three 90-90-90 goals of HIV prevention and treatment - 90% reduction in HIV infections - 90% of the people with HIV will know their HIV status - 90% of those with HIV will be receiving antiretroviral therapy - 90% of those being treated will have suppressed viral loads

- 90% of the people with HIV will know their HIV status - 90% of those with HIV will be receiving antiretroviral therapy - 90% of those being treated will have suppressed viral loads

What were the modalities used in the information campaign of Vietnam's mandatory helmet law for motorcycles? Select all that apply. - Concerts - Billboards - Television commercials - Street theatre

- Concerts - Billboards - Television commercials

Choose the most effective intervention(s) for reducing the burden of HIV. - Condom promotion - Prevention of MTC transmission - Voluntary male medical circumcision

- Condom promotion - Prevention of MTC transmission - Voluntary male medical circumcision

Which of the following were the key components of Masa? Select all that apply. - Free donation of ARTs by Merck - Mandatory HIV testing - Decentralization of administration of treatment to satellite districts around the country - Health system strengthening and health worker training

- Free donation of ARTs by Merck - Decentralization of administration of treatment to satellite districts around the country - Health system strengthening and health worker training

Select the top 3 causes of death of under-5's globally. - Preterm birth complications - Malaria - Congenital abnormalities - Lower respiratory infections

- Preterm birth complications - Malaria - Lower respiratory infections

Which SDG aims to eliminate hunger? - SDG 1 - SDG 2 - SDG 3

- SDG 2

Zambia's National Malaria Control Program led to a reduces share of children under five with what disease? - Severe anemia - HIV/AIDS - Scabies - Tuberculosis

- Severe anemia

Approximately how many girls in Tanzania who are married before the age of 18 years.

1 in 3 girls married before 18 years old 43% those aged 20-24 give birth before 18 years old

List the countries of origin for two-thirds of the world's refugees.

2/3 of refugees come from just five countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar and Somali.

Approximately how many people are living with HIV globally?

36.9 million people globally were living with HIV in 2017.

Global percentage of under-5 deaths among neonates.

44% of under-5 child deaths occur among neonates

Approximately, how many deaths among under-5's occur globally per year?

6.3 million children under 5 years of age die each year

Describe the 90-90-90 goals for HIV prevention and treatment

90% of the people with HIV will know their HIV status 90% of those with HIV will be receiving antiretroviral therapy 90% of those being treated will have suppressed viral loads

List the 5 countries where half of deaths among under-5's occurs.

99% of childhood deaths are in low- and middle-income countries Half of these deaths occur in India, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, and China.

Approximately how many people died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2017 globally?

AIDS-related deaths have been reduced by more than 51% since the peak in 2004. In 2017, 940 000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses worldwide.

Know the differences between adolescents and young children.

Adolescence - the WHO defines an adolescent as a person between the ages of 10 and 19. Adolescence is an age of opportunity for children, and a pivotal time for us to build on their development in the first decade of life, to help them navigate risks and vulnerability, and to set them on the path to fulfilling their potential. Young children 5-10 years old

Which of the following was a requirement for states participating in the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI)? - Create and maintain reliable cold supply chain, transportation system to deliver, vaccine stockpiles - Hire, train and supervise healthcare workers - Monitor immunization programs using 1) administrative method and 2) community-based surveys

All of the Above - Create and maintain reliable cold supply chain, transportation system to deliver, vaccine stockpiles - Hire, train and supervise healthcare workers - Monitor immunization programs using 1) administrative method and 2) community-based surveys

At what stage of life is the onset of most mental health issues?

At onset of puberty, risk of depressive disorders increases substantially among girls. Girls remain 1.5 - 2 times more likely than boys to be diagnosed with depression.

How many people globally were estimated to be internally displaced due to armed conflict, generalized violence or human rights violations?

At the end of 2017, some 40 million people were internally displaced due to armed conflict, generalized violence or human rights violations, according to Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC).

Define a "case"

Case - an individual with a particular disease

Approximately, how many child deaths are caused by Malaria?

Cause of almost 600,000 child deaths per year Leading cause of death in children under-5 in sub-Saharan Africa Extremely high morbidity; estimate some people in sub-Saharan Africa have about five episodes per year

Name the disease that is a key public health concern in camps/temporary shelters housing IPDS or refugees, with outbreaks having occurred recently in Mozambique and Haiti.

Cholera Cholera transmission is closely linked to inadequate access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Typical at-risk areas include peri-urban slums, and camps for internally displaced persons or refugees, where minimum requirements of clean water and sanitation are not been met.

Describe how Cholera is acquired/transmitted

Cholera is an acute diarrheal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated. Cholera transmission is closely linked to inadequate access to clean water and sanitation facilities. Typical at-risk areas include peri-urban slums, and camps for internally displaced persons or refugees, where minimum requirements of clean water and sanitation are not been met. Provision of safe water and sanitation is critical to control the transmission of cholera and other waterborne diseases.

What percentage of deaths in low- and middle-income countries are caused by communicable diseases?

Communicable disease cause 31% of deaths and 40% of DALYs in low- and middle-income countries

Describe one effective intervention to reduce the burden of HIV globally

Condom promotion Screening and treatment for STIs Prevention of mother-to-child transmission Voluntary male medical circumcision Interventions that target populations that transmit the virus from high-risk to low-risk populations

What are some consequences of communicable diseases?

Constrain health and development of children, affecting schooling and adult productivity Strong stigma and discrimination associated with HIV, TB, and others such as leprosy Limit productivity and income of adult workers Costs of treatment burden families High rates of communicable diseases reduce investment in a country's development

Define "disease control"

Control (disease control) - reducing the incidence and prevalence of a disease to an acceptable level.

Name the countries in which the Ebola crisis

DRC, Uganda, South Sudan, Republic of Congo, Gabon, Italy, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Spain, UK, US

Define "elimination of a disease"

Elimination (of disease) - reducing the incidence of a disease in a specific area to zero

What is Sustainable Development Goal #2?

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Sustainable Development Goal #3

Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages

True or False? Young children have evolving capacities on how they think about their health and future.

FALSE - Adolescents have evolving capacities on how they think about their health and future.

True or False? Cholera is transmitted through foodborne pathways.

FALSE. Cholera is transmitted through waterborne pathways.

True or False? Hepatitis is transmitted through waterborne pathways.

FALSE. Hepatitis is spread via blood borne pathogens.

True or False? Early childhood is when the onset of most mental health problems present themselves.

False Early ADOLESCENTS is when the onset of most mental health problems present themselves.

True or False? HIV is generally concentrated among adolescent girls ages 15-19 years when it first appears in a population

False. HIV is generally concentrated in MSM, sex workers, and drug users.

True or False? Koala care is a low-cost, effective thermal support intervention for newborns.

False. KANGAROO care is a low-cost, effective thermal support intervention for newborns.

True or False? Disease control is defined as reducing the incidence of a disease in a specific area to zero

False. ELIMINATION is defined as reducing the incidence of a disease in a specific area to zero. Disease control is defined as reducing the incidence of a disease to an acceptable level.

True or False? South Asia has the highest infant mortality rate.

False. Sub-Saharan Africa

(Males/Females) are more likely to diagnosed with depression.

Females. Girls remain 1.5 - 2 times more likely than boys to be diagnosed with depression.

Define "perinatal"

First week of life

Perinatal refers to... - First week of life - First month of life - First year of life

First week of life

Describe how Salmonella is acquired/transmitted

Foodborne, E.coli bacteria

What is the name of the international agreement signed in 2016 where signatories committed to improving the way humanitarian aid is delivered by making it more effective and more efficient? - The Great Bargain - Global Bargain - Grand Bargain

Grand Bargain

In which countries was the Ebola outbreak concentrated in 2014-2016? - Tanzania, Zambia, Kenya - Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone - South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland - Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso

Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone

Which of the following are the top three causes of death of adolescents globally? Select all that apply. a. Drowning b.HIV/AIDS c.Self-harm d.Road injury

HIV/AIDS, Self-Harm, Road Injury

Approximately how many newborns were infected with HIV in 2013?

In 2013, there were 200,000 newborns infected with HIV and more than 90% of them were in sub-Saharan Africa

Approximately how many people are living with tuberculosis globally?

In 2016, 10.4 million people developed TB disease, 1.2 million were living with HIV.

What are IDPs?

Internally displaced people (IDPs) - people who are forced to flee or migrate and leave their homes during a disaster or complex humanitarian emergency but stay in the country in which they were living

Define "neonatal".

Neonatal: referring to the first month of life

Top 3 causes of death for under-5's globally

Prematurity Acute lower respiratory infections Birth

List the top 3 causes of death of adolescents globally

Road Injury HIV/AIDS Self-Harm

Describe how Hepatitis is acquired/transmitted

Sexual or bloodborne transmission

As of 2014, ____________ was the leading cause of death among 15-19 year old girls globally. - Drowning - Suicide - Road Injury - Intimate Partner Violence


What is the leading cause of death for girls ages 15-19 globally as of 2014?

Suicide. As of 2014, suicide had surpassed maternal causes as leading death of 15-19-year-old girls.

What is the leading cause of death among those living with HIV?

TB remains the leading cause of death among people living with HIV, accounting for around one in three AIDS-related deaths. In 2016, 10.4 million people developed TB disease, 1.2 million were living with HIV.

What is "case fatality rate"? - An individual with a particular disease - The proportion of persons with a particular condition (cases) who die from that condition - Reducing the incidence and prevalence of a disease to an acceptable level - Reducing the incidence of a disease in a specific area to zero

The proportion of persons with a particular condition (cases) who die from that condition

Define "case fatality rate"

The proportion of persons with a particular conditions (cases) who die from that condition.

Describe the "Grand Bargain".

The world's major humanitarian donors and aid organizations signed the Grand Bargain during the World Humanitarian Summit, 59 signatories to the Grand Bargain (including international humanitarian donors, UN agencies, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, non- governmental organizations, and local partners) The Grand Bargain covers topics that reflect long- standing demands in the humanitarian landscape and takes on board challenges faced by both donors and humanitarian organizations. It increased transparency, scaling-up of cash programmes (provide more flexibility to address beneficiaries' needs, it also reduces delivery costs and fuels the local economy), harmonized reporting to reduce bureaucracy, multi-annual funding and reduced earmarking, joint needs assessments, and increased coordination with local responders as well as with development actors

Describe how Rabies is acquired/transmitted

Traumatic Contact

True or False? 1 in 3 girls in Tanzania are married before the age of 18 years.


True or False? 200,000 newborns were infected with HIV in 2013.


True or False? 44% of under-5 child deaths occur among neonates


True or False? 600,000 child deaths are caused by malaria.


True or False? Females are more likely than males to be diagnosed with depression.


True or False? India, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, and China are the five countries where half of under-5 child deaths occur


True or False? Ischemic heart disease is the leading cause of DALYs globally.


True or False? SDG #3 aims to "Ensure health lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages"?


True or False? The Global Alliance for Vaccines aims to promoting and strengthening immunization programs through a public-private partnership


List the top 3 causes of DALYs of adolescents globally.

Unipolar Depressive Disorder Road Injury Iron-Deficiency Anemia

Name the vitamin deficiency that increases risk of death from Measles

Vitamin A Children under-5 years and either vitamin A deficient or HIV-infected are more vulnerable to complications.

In what groups of people is HIV generally concentrated when it first appears in a population?

When HIV first appears in a population, it is generally concentrated in sex workers, men who have sex with men, or injection drug users.

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