Public Policy and the Black Community-Michael Coard

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"America" is a land originally called_______________, that was inhabited by the __________________, who ultimately constituted _____________ here thousands of years before Columbus-_____________________ was born.

"America" is a land originally called **Turtle Island***, that was inhabited by the ** indigenous Red people, Onkwehonwe** , who ultimately constituted **500 separate nations** here thousands of years before Columbus- **Who never set foot in America** was born.

Racial profiling is manifested most often in _______________- styled policies.

"Stop and Frisk"

Black men between the ages of _______ are killed by police at a rate of _____________ than that of whites.

15-34, five times higher

The CMOS writing and format style, founded in ________, is the abbrev. for _____________ and it focuses on ______________________________.

1906, Chicago Manual of Style, editorial practice.

The APA writing and format style, founded in _____, is the abbreviation for ____________________________, and it focuses on _________________________________________.

1929, American Psychological Association, word choice that reduces bias in language

Modern-day suburbs and ghettos were created after the federal government from

1934-1962 backed 4120 billion in home loans exclusively to whites in what's known as "redlining."

President Clinton's so called anti crime policy known as the ___________________________ create today's mass incarceration.

1994 Omnibus Crimes Bill

The police killings of Blacks since 2015 is higher at more than __________ than were lynched from ________________________.

2 weekly, 1882-1892, which was 1.25 weekly.

________ percent of police officers admit to witnessing or using excessive force and say ______% of that was based on skin color.

84% excessive force, 25% skin color

Public policy is

A government's fundamental objective regarding a particular issue

Affirmative action is not designed to take anything away from whites, Instead it is designed to _________________. Therefore, the ultimate goal of affirmative action is ___________________.

Affirmative action is not designed to take anything away from whites, Instead it is designed to ***level the playing field***. Therefore, the ultimate goal of affirmative action is ****equity, not equality****.

ALEC, which is an acronym for the _____________, is a powerfully influential white male led lobbying org that gets right wing and corporate policy implemented throughout American State Legislature.

American Legislative Exchange Council

As a student, plan to make your ________ your _______. It is that, not ________, which brings ___________.

As a student, plan to make your **vocation** your **vacation**. It is that, not **wealth**, which brings **happiness**.

Slavery began in this land on

August 25th, 1619 in the Virginia Colony in Old Point Comfort when 20 captured Angolans were sold and leased.

The _________________ at Fourth and Queen in S. Philly is a historic cemetery where __________________ are still buried under a trash dump and city playground.

Bethel Burying Ground, 8,000 Blacks from the early 1800s

Blacks were legally enslaved in the ____colonies in America for _____ years from _______ and the Civil Rights Act was not passed until ______, which means purported freedom for blacks did not begin until a mere _____ years ago.

Blacks were legally enslaved in the **13 **colonies in America for **246** years from **1619 - 1865** and the Civil Rights Act was not passed until **1964**, which means purported freedom for blacks did not begin until a mere **55** years ago.

The claim that the Confederate flag is nothing more than a symbol of southern heritage is a racist lie because

Confederate VP Alexander Stephens of Georgia admitted in his famous 1861 Cornerstone Speech, "(The) Negro is not equal to the white man--- (and) slavery - subordination to the superior race- is his natural condition. (And) African Slavery... was the immediate cause of the present revolution" i.e., the Civil War.

The word "*n*i*g*g*e*r*" was created by **southern enslavers** to

Describe the African people that they viewed as **subhuman property**.

Under ________________, for whom the city of philly allowed his statue to be on public property, Philly in _________ became the first city in the country to be prosecuted by the U.S. Justice Department for systemic police brutality.

Mayor Frank Rizzo, in 1979

The ___________________________, which is where America's 1st "White House" stood, at 6th and Market is where Prez. GW enslaved ____________ Blacks he had held in bondage at his Mt Vernon Plantation.

President's House/Slavery Memorial, 9 of the 316 Blacks

Property taxes __________________, which means upper class and middle class students get a better education than lower class students.

Property taxes ***fund neighborhood schools**, which means upper class and middle class students get a better education than lower class students.

Racism is

an invisible system of discrimination and injustice that was established and is upheld by America's policies.

When whites, in response to "Black Lives Matter," say "All Lives Matter," what they are actually saying is

Slavery, sharecropping, convict leasing, Jim crow, police brutality, and other racist discrimination did and do affect all "races" the same.

"Race" can be argued one of two things: It is either a ________________________________ or a _______________________.

Social construct without biological meaning, genetic distinction that distinguishes human beings.

The _____________________ laws, which exist in _____states including Pennsylvania, are fundamentally based on the historic policy of allowing white men to kill Black men and boys.

Stand Your Ground, 27

SCHTS is an acronym for intellectual growth towards ultimate truth:

Suppositon Conjecture Hypothesis Theory Science

There are more African American adults under criminal court control in 2019 _________________________ in 1850.

There are more African American adults under criminal court control in 2019 than were enslaved in 1850.

Your _______ on social, political, and religious issue is _________ if you don't sometimes ________ it yourself.

Your position on social, political, and religious issue is **weakened** if you don't sometimes **challenge** it yourself.

The most important thing I learned this course is


Race is

a social construct based on what people look like

When you engage in political debates your arguments must be based on

measurable data, meaning facts, not on emotional assertions, meaning opinions.

The most pragmatic policy to address racism and to move toward equality is


Black men are jailed at _________ the rate of white men based on new laws like those that sentenced defendants __________ for cheap rock cocaine, (crack) than for powder coke.

six times, 100 times

Black drivers are __________________- as whites to get pulled over by police, despite the fact that Blacks constitute only ___________ of the population.

twice as likely, 13 percent

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