Public Speaking Exam

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Which of the following is not a psychographic characteristic according to textbook?


Speeches that are read to the audience are _____ speeches.


You are required to buy a book for this course.


You will have how long to complete each quiz?

The quiz is not timed.

You will be required to self-assess your speeches.


How many total points are in this class?


Which organization pattern would be best to organize a speech with the specific purpose: "To describe reasons for and the results of the Black Lives Matter Movement?"


This is a self-paced course (all materials can be turned in at the end of the semester).


Why should you avoid clichés?

all of a-c Some of them are not understood even though people use them a lot. They are predictable and therefore stale. Some of them can be offensive to some ethnicities all of a-c none of a-c

Your voice should have variety or variation in which of the following?

all of the above rate volume pitch pauses all of the above

The meaning of listening is ___.

an active process of making an effort to understand, process, and retain

The following statement is an example of what type of fallacy? "Eliminating the space program is clearly the right thing to do. A recent poll by CBS polling organization showed that 65 percent of Americans thought we should abolish the program."

bandwagon or appeal to popularity

Based on the textbook's definition of persuasion (from Perloff), which of these is not persuasion?

being held-up at gunpoint

This is a portion from Dr. King's I Have A Dream Speech. "One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land Which rhetorical devices does he use?

both a and c Figurative language and metaphors alliteration anaphora hyperbole both a and c

"Janet is a diamond in the rough" is a _____


Which is a good piece of advice if your instructor assigns a symposium?

communicate clearly with your team members to avoid overlapping topics.

Which of these is not a contributing factor to a speaker's credibility?


Informative speeches should be based entirely on ______.


"Rhetoric" is the word originally used for

public speaking

"A series of speeches by experts in front of an audience with possible question-and-answer afterward is a ____________."


A specific purpose statement begins with an infinitive phrase.


Learning from other public speakers, and emulating their techniques, is unethical.


Planned redundancy is not relevant to introductions and conclusions.


Practicing with an audience is unnecessary because it cannot prepare you for the real experience.


Aristotle's term for evidence and good arguments was ____.


The idea of "free marketplace of ideas" originated a____.

17th century England

How many audience members are you required to have while recording your speech?


How many times can you take a reading quiz?


How many formal speeches will you deliver in this class?


Which of the following would you most likely find in a speech introduction?

A startling statement or fact

The term from classical rhetoric, "invention" is essentially the process of

Choosing the particular message and approach for the audience and situation.

What free recording software does the college offer?


Which of these statements is true about listening?

Listening involves making an effort to process and retain information.

Pick the expression that is a metaphor.

She is a Janis Joplin when she gets on a stage.

Mary concludes her speech this way: "In the speech we have seen that organ donation saves lives, does not cause problems for grieving families, and is free for the donor. There are a lot of other good reasons that I could get into, but that should be enough to convince you to sign a donor card, and I have pamphlets here with instructions on how to do that. As the bumper sticker says, 'Don't take your organs to heaven. Heaven knows we need them here." Which is a legitimate critique of it?

She mentions other material she didn't discuss.

What does the "fair use" standard mean?

Since students aren't making money from a source that they use in a speech or paper, it is all right to use the material appropriately and with proper citation.

What is the final speech you will deliver?

Special Occasion

The acronym WIIFM refers to

The audience asking why the subject/purpose is important to them.

What is a problem with using a cause-effect organizational pattern?

The time involved to develop causes and effects is probably longer than most speech assignments.

Which statement is true about process-oriented speeches?

They may either be designed for information purposes only or for the audience to perform the process.

Freda is speaking to a group of college students about investing. "It is the time to get an IRA when you reach an AAE of $30,000."

This is ineffective because of the principle of appropriateness to audience.

Benjamin wants to deliver a informative speech on his favorite topic, comics. Which specific purpose is probably best?

To explain to my classmates the evolution of Batman's character from his creation to the Dark Knight trilogy.

The phrase "the greatest good for the greatest number" is associated with


"Someone with recognized credentials, knowledge, education, and/or experience in a subject" is _________.

an expert

"The attitude of audience toward the speaker based on both reality and perception" is a definition of


The term "probative" means ______

giving proof or evidence of a point

Using research properly relates to the ethics and credibility of a speech.


Helping a friend by giving them the answers to a test or letting them copy my answers on an assignment won't get me in trouble.


I found some great information on a website, so I copied/pasted it into my assignment. Since the information is from the Internet, I don't have to identify the source.


Organization of speech ideas and materials involves three steps, in this order: ordering, labeling and subordinating.


The concept of "target audience" means that you only have a certain number of people in the audience who care about the topic and you should therefore not be concerned about the others.


The most concrete term you can use is always the best choice.


To approximate eye contact, it is a good idea to think of three spaces on the back wall and focus on that.


When thinking about analyzing your audience, you should be careful to give equal weight and attention to each of the demographic characteristics.


When I get really behind, it is OK to get the finished assignment from my friend and submit it.


You can complete this course without a camera to record your speech?


"After a serviceman or woman leaves the military, he or she must find a use for the MOS." This is an example of ____.


The meaning of attitude is ___.

a stable, positive or negative response to a person, idea, object, or policy

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement? "I always wear my blue sweater when I take an exam, but I couldn't find it yesterday. If I had worn it yesterday, I would not have flunked my accounting exam."

false cause

Which is a researched-based observation about how men and women communicate differently?

men are socialized to solve problems even when it's not expected.

One of the problems with a small audience is _____.

the audience's feeling they can interrupt

Which is not an example of feedback?

the temperature in the room

What kind of logical fallacy is this argument? "Governor Deal should not have been elected. After he was re-elected in 2014, the water bills of everyone in my neighborhood went up 20%."

post hoc ergo propter hoc

Use of manuscript speaking requires ____

practice to achieve an animated voice.

When we say that values, needs, beliefs, and attitudes are "constructs," we mean

they are a way of describing and understand sources of human behavior

When the textbook states "Public speaking requires muscle memory" it means public speaking is a physical activity that relies on practice.


Which is a common error made by beginning speakers in writing specific purpose statements?

trying to cover too wide an amount of material

The term "planned redundancy" refers to _____.

using preview and summary statements and internal previews

"To persuade my audience that the newly developed CRISPR genetic technology is morally unjustifiable" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of


The set of three statements that exemplifies deduction (such as, "All DSC students are intelligent," etc.) is called

A syllogism

Your goals as an informative speaker are to expand listeners' knowledge, assist their understanding, or help them apply the information you communicate.


"Domain" refers to what part of the web address?

.org or .com

The concept of labeling involves which of the following?

All of a-c Being sure that the phrasing of your main point accurately reflects the subpoints. Possibly using parallelism in the phrasing of your main points. Phrasing your main points in a way, such as a full sentence, that the meaning is clear. All of a-c None of a-c

A connotative meaning for "red" could be _______.

All of a-c Communism States that tend to vote Republican Experiencing very strong angry emotions All of a-c

Which statement is true about the specific purpose statement?

All of a-c are true. The speaker must be careful not to get off track from the specific purpose statement. It is written as an infinitive phrase. It is not said to the audience; it is only a guide for the speaker. All of a-c are true.

What is a standard about using startling material in the introduction?

All of a-c. It must be factual; otherwise, you have an ethical problem. It should be backed up (According to) It should be relevant to your topic. All of a-c. Two of a-c.

John has been a member of an organization that advocates for criminal justice reform for ten years. He believes it is the primary problem facing our country today. He also works as a paralegal for the organization helping victims of the justice system. Which of the following is true about John's beliefs about criminal justice reform?

All of a-c are true. They would be stable because of his long-term commitment to the organization and issue. They would be salient because of his career and how much time he spends in it. They would be strong because of the support he gets from colleagues, co-members of the organization, and what he reads. All of a-c are true. None of a-c are true.

Which of the following is a basic objective of a speech introduction?

All but one of a-d

Why do most people find persuasion hard?

All of a-d. In general, people avoid cognitive dissonance. In general, change is stressful. In general, people put up rebuttals when they are listening to persuasive messages. In general, people expose themselves to confirming messages. All of a-d.

When the major premise of a deductive argument is omitted to cover the fact that the premise is a stereotype, untrue statement, or opinion, it is called

An enthymeme

What room would not be the best choice to record in?


Utilizing the words And, Or, and Not in a search engine is called

Boolean search

Which of the following is suggested for addressing anxiety about public speaking?

Examine your own thoughts about why you are anxious.

John orders some parts from his car from a big online parts warehouse. In January he gets the delivery but it is not what he ordered, so he has to send it back and deal with customer service. In April he tries again with a different part, and again the company makes a mistake. "I am never going to order parts from an online company again. All they do is mess up." What can we conclude from this example?

John has used faulty inductive reasoning because he has taken too large of a step from the evidence to the conclusion.

Which statement is true about the place of the central idea in actually giving the speech?

It comes after the attention-getting material.

`Why might the study of language be controversial?

Language can be used by the powerful in ways that extends their power.

What prerequisite is required for this course?

No prerequisite is required.

Bonnie is 35 years old, taking her speech class in order to finish her degree after raising her family. Should she be overly concerned about her age difference in relation to her classmates?

No, only if the topic is relevant to the age of the audience's understanding and needs

Which of the following statements is true about supporting materials?

None of a-c are correct They should be placed in the introduction, conclusion, and transitions. They only need citations in persuasion speeches. The speaker needs to start thinking about them after organizing the speech. All of a-c are correct. None of a-c are correct

Which of the following does not fall into the realm of plagiarism, according to cited in the textbook?

Paraphrasing a source that you cite

Picture Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Pick the correct sequence, going from lowest to highest.

Physiological, safety/security, love/belongingness, self-esteem, self-actualization

Which organizational pattern would be best to organize a speech with the specific purpose: "To persuade my audience to support stricter drug testing for Olympic athletes"?


What textbook is required for this class?

Public Speaking: TCC Open Textbooks

Which of the following is not true?

Public speaking is a valuable way to relay a significant amount of detailed information to your audience.

Which of these is a good central idea statement?

Thailand has three distinct regions, and each has its own distinctive culture due to the ethnic and religious practices of the region.

Which of the following statements is true, according to the textbook?

The audience will not see your nervousness to the degree you feel it.

Which is the best approach to dealing with the difficulty of persuading audiences?

all of a-c use two-tailed arguments recognize that the audience needs incentives or rewards for changing attitudes and action revise the amount of change you are trying to achieve all of a-c none of a-c

Which of the following are true about the difference between perception and attention?

all of these are true attention is "the allocation of limited resources," saying that we cannot give attention to many things at once perception is not the same as sensing or taking in sensory impulses attention is basically focus although people's perceptions can differ, attention is even more individual and often due to choice all of these are true

"Dan is a political science major. Therefore, he should be elected Student Government President." This is probably an example of:

an enthymeme

The following statement is an example of _____reasoning. "This program was implemented in Philadelphia two years ago and has provided housing for more than 2,000 people at little cost to the city. If it can work there, it can work here, too, because we have the same population groups and economic diversity as Philadelphia."


"We will fight them on the beaches; we will fight them on the seas" is an example of


Beliefs are true statements about the world around us that determine our behavior.


Freedom of expression is primarily an individual right and necessity.


The specific purpose "To persuade my audience that their Second Amendment rights do not include ownership of assault weapons" is a proposition of


The objective or literal meaning shared by most people using a word or symbol is the _______ meaning.


A rhetorical question is used to get the audience to respond and start discussing the topic among themselves.


A speaker's credibility is consistent throughout a speech.


A symposium is a group of experts holding an open discussion in front of an audience.


All of the philosophers cited in the text would have agreed with "the ends justify the means" in some form.


Anecdotes are almost always the most effective way to start a speech, regardless of the topic.


A speech starts with these two sentences: "Picture this incident: It's an average school day, and you come to campus, park, walk to class. In the middle of class, you hear gunshots in the hall way. . . ." This is example of

hypothetical narrative

Which statement is not necessarily true about a central idea statement?

it is identical to a thesis statement as you would do for English Composition class.

To "read laterally" means to read what other sources say about the material or source of the information.


Which is true about defamation?

it is a false statement of fact

This definition "Quid pro quo sexual harassment can be seen when a supervisor asks a subordinate for a date, is refused, and then put the employee on second shift instead of first."

operational definition

What is the main idea in this list: low numbers of vaccinations, obesity, lack of information on sexual transmitted infections, low birth weights in newborns.

public health issues for teenager

The relationship or connection a speaker makes with the audience is _____.


Several fallacies are related to causal reasoning. Which one of these is NOT related to causal reasoning.

red herring

The members of an audience the speaker most wants to persuade and who are likely to be receptive to persuasive messages constitute the

target audience

What is the best use of hands in a speech?

to use them to emphasize meaning and points

"Decode" is the process of the listener or receiver understanding the words and symbols of a message and making meaning of them.


A common mistake speakers make in regard to the lectern is to grip it.


An example of trying to reinforce an attitude or action would be a political speaker urging the audience to be sure to vote on Election Day for a specific candidate.


Aristotle explained the concept of ethos as one of the sources of persuasion, in the Greek Classical Age.


If your instructors ban electronic devices, they have evidence for doing so other than personal preference.


In the communication process, one person does the encoding and the other person does the decoding.


Monotone voice can come from lack of energy and passion and reading the text of the speech.


Monroe's Motivated Sequence takes the basic problem-solution format and expands it.


One of the best techniques for public speaking is to turn your speech into one long story.


One of the problems with smaller audience size is that audience members may feel it is all right to interrupt.


The speaker should state the source of the quotation used in an introduction before giving the quotation.


Manuel wants to do a really good job on his speech on horror movies of the1920s, which requires at least five reliable sources. He uses the library's databaseof books and scholarly articles to find five or six good sources. He comes up withhis own basic outline and then fills it in with the facts and examples from thearticles. When it goes through the originality checker software for his class, itcomes up flagged as 70% borrowed. In this example, did Manuel plagiarize"


In the example, "According to a study by the University of Washington, single men in the United States develop heart disease at an average of 40 percent higher than single women. It seems clear, then, that being male is a contributing factor in developing poor health." Is a fallacy committed?

yes, false cause

Which is not a type of connective?

All of a-d are types of connectives internal preview internal summary bridging statement signpost All of a-d are types of connectives

This is a portion of an article on Malcolm X that Barry wants to use for a speech on the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s. It is from the book by Bruce Perry, Malcolm: The Life of the Man who Changed Black America, written in 1992: "Malcolm X fathered no legislation. He engineered no stunning Supreme Court victories or political campaigns. He scored no major electoral triumphs. Yet because of the way he articulated his followers' grievances and anger, the impact he had upon the body politic was enormous." Which of the following would be a correct, non plagiarizing use of the source?

Bruce Perry said of Malcolm X that, "because of the way he articulated his followers' grievances and anger, the impact he had upon the body politic was enormous."

________ is sharing meaning between two or more persons.


Which of these statements is not true?

Empathetic listening takes place when listening to music, poetry, or literature.

Why is organization important to a speech?

Good organization benefits speaker credibility. Good organization helps your delivery Good organization takes less time to prepare. All of a-c None of a-c

Public speaking is a valuable way to relay a significant amount of detailed information to your audience.

One reason for studying public speaking is to become aware of the potential for public speaking's limitations or "noise" factors.

Which statement is true about listening, according to textbook?

Our preparation beforehand influences our listening ability.

There are several types of electronic devices that should not be used as your main source for completing work for this course. What is one device you should not use?


Manuel wants to do a really good job on his speech on horror movies of the1920s, which requires at least five reliable sources. He uses the library's databaseof books and scholarly articles to find five or six good sources. He comes up withhis own basic outline and then fills it in with the facts and examples from thearticles. When it goes through the originality checker software for his class, itcomes up flagged as 70% borrowed. What should Manuel do?

Revise his outline so that he summarizes the quotations from other sources.

What is the acronym the textbook author uses to explain that speakers should consider their audience's needs and interests in developing speech topics?


"The act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person" is an adequate and complete definition of plagiarism.


Similarities between the audience and the speaker have no effect on the speaker's credibility with the audience.


Spatial organization is only relevant to topics involving large geographical spaces.


The first step to becoming a better listener is to bring paper and pencil to each listening event.


The philosophy of existentialism emphasizes that we are trapped by systems of other people and have limited control over our choices.


"A process in which other scholars have read a work of scholarly writing and evaluated whether it meets the quality standards of a particular publication and/or discipline" is the definition of _________.


Three terms that are used interchangeably in regard to research are

peer-reviewed, academic, scholarly

Works that are published on an ongoing, regular basis are called


Which is not a barrier to listening given in the textbook?

speaker's use of personal anecdotes

The meaning of channel is ___.

the means through which a message gets from sender to receiver

Which is not a general purpose for a speech?

to articulate

One of the purposes of a connective is to keep the audience's attention through repetition and sense of movement.


Our understanding of the concept of ethos today is somewhat different from Aristotle's in that we understand it as based in the audience whereas he saw it as an innate characteristic of the speaker.


Sometimes a speaker's credibility is influenced by qualities such as sense of humor, appearance, and apparent friendliness.


The correct sequence for formulating your central idea statement is to start with how your own interests, your audience, and your speech context flow together to create the specific purpose and then the central idea.


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