Public Speaking Final Exam

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106. George is preparing a PowerPoint Presentation to use with his speech about Yosemite National Park. He is unsure of what he needs to do to properly cite the sources of several images he found online in the speech. What should George do?

Include the source information on each PowerPoint slide that contains an image without verbally mentioning the source.

140. Ellen is preparing a persuasive speech about time management. Which of the following is an appropriate specific purpose statement for such a speech?

To convince my audience to make use of one of the excellent time management tools available online.

102. Bailey is preparing an informative speech entitled "Shaun White's Snowboarding Techniques." Which of the following organizational patterns would NOT be appropriate for this speech?


20. Institutional stories tell us how individuals should act in the organization and the values it emphasizes.


23. "Cause-and-effect" pattern of organization can be used for either Informative or Persuasive Speeches.


25. Institutional narratives are stories from organizations or corporations.


26. You should choose your keywords carefully and consider alternatives to your original choice in order to produce a range of results.


61. Informative speaking involves deepening understanding, raising awareness, or increasing an audience's knowledge about a topic.


64. The specific purpose of your speech tells the audience what you want to achieve in your speech.


66. According to your textbook, when writing interview questions, in general, your questions should be neutral and open-ended.


74. It is important to offer oral citations of your sources in your speech.


78. One way to heighten the audience's interest in a topic is to use similes that juxtapose objects, processes, or ideas in unique and novel ways.


82. A transition that indicates a key move in a speech, making its organization clear to the audience is called a signpost.


87. In an informative speech a speaker describes, explains or demonstrates something but does NOT tell the audience what to think or do about it.


90. Audiences focus closely on the trustworthiness of a female speaker's sources but are more concerned with how a male speaker organizes his ideas, maintains eye contact, and uses his voice.


117. When you email an expert for information on you topic, how should you deal with that information in your speech?

You should ask permission and name your source in your speech

171. Nicole's informative speech on starting a fantasy football league would be a speech about ____.

a process

105. "Josh was flopping like a fish on a line" is an example of ____.

a simile

166. Which of the following is NOT characteristic of ethical speakers?

Ethical speakers present accurate information

80. Hypothetical examples are based on actual events.


83. Most words have several connotative meanings and infinite denotative meanings.


84. All informative speeches should be organized using the topical pattern of organization.


161. Which of the following is NOT a cause of listening anxiety?

Fear that you may not able to take accurate notes

135. "Looking for wild asparagus is like hunting for mushrooms; they are relatively hard to find, but well worth the effort when you do find them." This type of comparison is called ____.

an analogy

126. Rob is going to a concert to hear his favorite band play. While there he will likely be engaged in what type of listening?


158. When you go to a comedy club for entertainment, you are engaging in ____.

appreciative listening

120. A source's complete citation, including author, date of publication, title, place of publication, and publisher is called ____.

bibliographic information

133. Once you have a list of ideas for your topic, it is a good idea to

distill each idea down to a single word

164. Metasearch engines should be used when you want to find:

general information about your topic

170. The thesis of your speech should

incorporate the main points you plan to address

172. In a good speech outline, ideas that make up any main heading or subheading have a logical connection to one another. This is called ____.

internal consistency

163. Fred's headache was causing him to have trouble concentrating on his classmate's speech. This type of distraction is called ____.

internal noise

122. Transitions which review what you just discussed prior to moving on to the next point in your speech are called ____?

internal summaries

144. Which of the following would NOT be found in a campus library?

interview guides

137. One of the questions Nick asked during his interview with a nuclear physicist was, "Wouldn't you agree that the benefits of nuclear power out way the risks?" This is what type of question?


145. Which of the following types of links will likely NOT be found on most campus library websites?

links to nonprint sources

153. Selecting, assigning meaning to, responding to and recalling sensory stimuli is part of what process?


143. After Brandon brainstormed for ideas associated with his topic, he identified themes and then grouped those themes by category. These categories will become the ____ of Brandon's speech.

main points

132. Eun-Jeong wanted to select an organizational pattern that would help her encourage audience involvement and participation. Which pattern should she use?


152. Using the ____ pattern of organization for an informative speech can add suspense and drama to the topic.


134. Which step in Monroe's motivated sequence will lead the audience to think, "There is important information I'm lacking" (informative speech) or, "There's a problem that needs my Attention" (persuasive speech?).


139. When you ask yourself, "What is the central idea I want my audience to get from my speech?" you are beginning the process of

phrasing your thesis

148. Which of the following principles are NOT discussed in your textbook regarding the construction of your main points?


155. Which of the following is not one of the main parts of a speech?


169. Carol's reference to the impact of visitors to the Rocky Mountains in her speech about the fragile eco-system of the mountains is considered a(n) ____.

specific example

136. Which type of example gives listeners the most detail?

specific examples

175. When you combine your general purpose, topic, and audience to identify the particular objective you want to accomplish, you have formed the ____ of your speech.

specific purpose

149. Mariana's informative speech on postmodernism is probably is best described as which type of an informative speech?

speech about ideas or concepts

167. Which of the following is a primary source of information about Dr. Tracy Adams research?

A journal article written by Dr. Adams about her research

160. Taking accurate notes can help you prevent plagiarism. Which of the following strategies is NOT recommended in your textbook as a method for identifying quotes and their sources as you gather information?

Always use quotation marks around any material that you copy verbatim from a source.

98. Hypothetical examples are based on ____.


174. When Bill has finished listening to Sally's speech, he challenges her by opening his comments with, "I am sure you are wrong about the statistics you used to support you point about the dangers of cloning." This creates which kind of communication climate?

defensive communication climate

147. When a speaker defines something by explaining how it works or what it does, this is called what?

definition by function

150. Which of the following is NOT discussed in your textbook as one of the four core parts of every speech?


142. According to your textbook the first step in preparing to research your topic is to ____.

examine your own experience

173. In Dave's speech about the history of civil rights in the U.S., he used quotes from Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. Dave used ____ to support his points.

expert testimony

124. Jason found himself having trouble focusing on the content of his professor's lecture because the classroom was uncomfortably warm. Jason was experiencing ____.

external noise

138. Because they appeal to logic, audience members generally find ____ convincing in persuasive situations.

facts and statistics

162. As a general rule, your interview questions should be

neutral and open-ended.

111. "The Secret Spices of Thai Food" is an example of an informative speech about

objects and places

130. "The Allure of Old Baseball Fields: Wrigley and Candlestick Parks" is an example of an informative speech about

objects and places

151. When developing your complete sentence outline, each main point or sub-point should express

only one idea

129. While researching her speech on the Salvation Army, Jean found a particularly useful quotation. During her speech, she put the quote into her own words. In doing so, Jean is ____ the quotation.


115. Which of the following refers to emotional appeals?


121. Which of the following types of speeches is appropriate when the speaker wants to change the audience's attitudes towards a topic?


112. Which patterns of organization is most appropriate for convincing audience members to agree with a course of action?

problem-solution pattern

154. "Basic Steps for Removing Computer Spyware" is an example of an informative speech about


125. One aspect of accuracy in informative speaking is

recognizing that audience members act as gatewatchers

128. The specific purpose for an informative speech should begin with a phrase such as:

to make my audience understand

123. Jimmy's specific purpose for his speech is "to advocate for more recycling on campus," this speech likely has which general purpose?

to persuade

165. Kellie is preparing a speech in which she plans to demonstrate how to make a hummingbird feeder using recycled materials. Which pattern of organization should she use?

topical pattern

104. Effective storytellers create a sense of drama, develop, compelling characters, and

use evocative language to transport the audience members' imaginations into the narrative

131. Which of the following refers to how closely a web page's content is related to the key words used in an Internet search?


107. In which step in Monroe's motivated sequence does the speaker show the audience the benefits of the proposed solution or the costs of not implementing the solution or both?


21. When conducting an interview to gather research for your speech your first step is to select the interviewees.


13. Ethical public speaking requires a dialogue between speakers and listeners.


14. When giving a speech to entertain your goal is to reinforce, modify or change audience members' beliefs, attitudes, opinions or values.


15. Social media sites are especially useful in learning about current trends and can provide ideas for speech topics.


17. Brainstorming for topic ideas should be done well before your speech date and should be done over several sessions.


28. According to your textbook, when presenting an informative speech it is important to avoid expressing your personal views on a topic.


29. Special occasions like awards ceremonies, company parties, roasts, and toasts often provide the context for persuasive speeches.


30. According to your book, words that attack groups such as racial, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities are termed hate speech.


31. "Signposts" are a kind of transition that let your audience know where you are in your speech and where you are going.


33. Before selecting the topic for your speech it is important to consider the audience you are speaking to.


93. A primary question is a question that introduces a new topic or subtopic in an interview.


114. As you review your working outline, you should apply which of the following principles to help you identify what points to include and what points to leave out?

balance, clarity, relevance

119. Effective public speakers provide oral citations during their speeches. Oral citations are

brief references to their sources

118. Susan checked the headlines of her local paper and looked through current magazines to come up with ideas for her speech topic. This is part of a process called ____.

building a working outline

116. "The History of Mardi Gras in New Orleans" is an example of an informative speech about


108. When giving his speech on the Civil War, Carl quoted a section of President Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" without crediting Mr. Lincoln. Carl is guilty of ____.


100. Two primary tasks in the opening portion of an interview are

to establish rapport and provide orientation

10. At the end of your working outline, you should list the references for your speech-the sources of all the supporting material you included.


12. Most search engines are able to access all of the websites on the Internet.


16. Research shows that less than ten percent of college students are willing to admit to having copied information directly from an Internet source without providing a reference.


18. According to your textbook the "deep web" contains websites that are usually accessible through search engines like Google.


19. Listening is NOT a part of ethical communication.


2.The main point of brainstorming is to select the specific topic you will talk about in your speech.


22. Conflict always produces negative outcomes.


24. It is not necessary to write the topic, general purpose, or specific purpose on your complete sentence outline, since you already decided upon these elements when preparing your working outline.


3.According to your textbook, testimony dramatizes a topic and helps the audience identify with the speaker's ideas.


45. Facts and statistics used as supporting materials are never subject to interpretation and manipulation.


47. When documenting sources in your bibliography you need to list the author's last name and then their first initial⎯NOT full first name⎯when using MLA STYLE.


48. "Signposts" wrap up the speech with the speaker reviewing the main points, restating the thesis and providing closure.


51. Ethnocentric listeners usually respond positively to a speaker who does not share their cultural background.


52. Without the usual gatekeepers watching over bloggers, you cannot trust any of the information available in the blogosphere.


57. The body of a speech includes the introduction, main points, and the conclusion.


58. Institutional stories transmit basic values and accepted behaviors, often told in the form of a fable or myth.


65. Including too few points is one of the biggest problems students encounter when learning how to develop a topic.


67. Your introduction and conclusion are NOT part of your outline, only the body of the speech is part of the outline.


69. According to your textbook, due to the advances in technology and information on the Internet, books are not a key source of information for your speech.


7. Information found in an encyclopedia is an example of a primary source.


71. Informative speakers should use a large amount of presentation media in order to keep the audience's attention.


79. While making a connection to your audience is important in a persuasive speech it is something to avoid doing in an informative speech.


81. According to your textbook, connotative meanings are the ones you would find in a dictionary.


85. Dialogic ethics require speakers engage in one-way communication.


86. When giving a speech to inform your goal is to reinforce, modify or change audience members' beliefs, attitudes, opinions or values.


88. In today's online environment, books are no longer a key source of information.


97. Digital technology has decreased the ethical responsibilities communicators must accept when they interact with others.


110. ____ involves monitoring news sources to analyze and assess the information produced by those sources.


1.According to your textbook, for an informative speech to connect with listeners it needs to have three qualities: be meaningful, be clear and be well argued.


11. A complete-sentence outline offers a highly detailed description of your ideas and how they're related to one another.


27. When documenting sources in your bibliography you need to list the author's last name and then their first initial⎯NOT full first name⎯when using APA STYLE.


34. According to your textbook, mythos refers to appeals to cultural beliefs and values.


35. According to your textbook, supporting materials provide the substance of your speech − they provide the evidence for your ideas.


36. According to your textbook, one common type of informative speech would be a speech about a concept.


37. The main points of your speech should be about equal in importance relative both to your topic and to the other points.


39. While audiences tend to find examples persuasive used in conjunction with other forms of supporting materials-especially statistics and facts-examples alone usually are not convincing.


40. There are actually four different types of listening.


42. Relating your own narrative personalizes the topic and helps listeners why you choose it.


46. It is important to include a conclusion preview in your interview guide.


49. Every speech has three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion.


5.In an outline, subordinate points are those that are under the main points, and provide evidence and information that support your main ideas.


54. The most useful ideas usually emerge from brainstorming on your own, but asking whether another knowledgeable person to brainstorm with you can also work.


6. You use brainstorming techniques twice as you develop your speeches-first for identifying possible speech topics and later for coming up with material to use in your presentation.


68. A speech of tribute is likely to follow the narrative organizational pattern.


70. Spatial organization links points together based on their physical relationships, such as their locations.


73. For informative speeches that demonstrate how to do something, the best approach is to use a chronological pattern that leads the audience through the process step by step.


75. Metaphors rely on an implicit comparison while similes make an explicit comparison.


76. Informative speakers can make a speech topic come alive by connecting the topic to the audience in meaningful ways.


77. Your thesis summarizes your plan for achieving the specific purpose of the speech.


92. Phrasing the thesis of your speech clearly helps you to identify exactly what you want to say to your audience.


96. Copyright laws, including the Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998, require you to get permission from authors if you want to use their original published and unpublished works. Fair use, however, allows you to use limited portions of an author's work if you credit the source of the information.


103. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in your text as a method to help you effectively relate your topic to the audience?

correct any errors made by previous speakers to enhance your believability

99. Which of the following types of narratives best represent mythos?

cultural stories

101. Which of the following is an example of gender neutral language?


109. The average price of a home in your town is most likely what type of evidence?


113. A point or sub-point should have at least how many pieces of information to support it?


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