Public Speaking Final

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At a comedy awards show, Adam Sandler gave a splendid speech explaining why David Letterman was receiving a special award for his achievements in television comedy. According to your textbook, what kind of special occasion speech did Sandler deliver?

A speech of presentation.

Which of the following is an example of a commemorative speech?

A speech praising the architectural accomplishments of Frank Lloyd Wright at the opening of a museum devoted to his work.

Which of the following is an example of a speech of presentation?

A speech presenting a certificate of recognition to an outstanding worker.

Which of the following is an example of a speech for a special occasion?

A speech presenting an award to a retiring newspaper editor.

Which of the following is an example of a speech of presentation?

A speech presenting an award to an outstanding student.

Which of the following is an instance of persuasive speaking?

A union representative urging management to avoid a strike by raising wages.

If you give a persuasive speech advocating a change in policy, your main points often will fall naturally into __________ order.


What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement? Politicians who are guilty of corruption do not deserve to be reelected. Last year our U.S. representative was proved to be corrupt by using campaign donations for personal financial gain. Therefore, our U.S. representative does not deserve to be reelected.

Reasoning from principle

What kind of reasoning is used in the following statement?In recent years there have been a number of highly publicized cases of sexual harassment in business, government, and education. Thus we can conclude that sexual harassment continues to be a problem for women in the workplace.

Reasoning from specific instances

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?Why should we be concerned about Siberian tigers becoming extinct when there are more and more homeless people who need our support?

Red herring

Your textbook recommends using repetition and parallelism to enhance the __________ of your speeches.


Which of the following are mentioned in your textbook as guidelines for the use of inclusive language in public speaking?

Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender.

Which of the following is recommended in your textbook as a method for generating emotional appeal in a persuasive speech?

B. Develop vivid examples. C. Speak with sincerity and conviction.

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?Representative Thompson's school proposal may be first rate, but don't forget that he never attended college himself.

Ad hominem

Which of the following are mentioned in your textbook as guidelines for the use of inclusive language in public speaking?

All of the above (Avoid the generic "he.", Avoid the use of "man" when referring to both men and women., Use names that groups use to identify themselves)

__________ is the repetition of the initial consonant sound of close or adjoining words.


When Carlos Bustamante received the Alumni of the Year award at his alma mater's annual award dinner, he gave a speech thanking the school for recognizing his work. What kind of speech did Carlos give?

An acceptance speech.

The following statement is an example of reasoning from _____________.This program was implemented in Philadelphia two years ago and has provided housing for more than 2,000 people at little cost to the city. If it can work there, it can work here, too.


According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?If you want the most reliable air conditioner, you always should buy the newest model.

Appeal to novelty

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?There is no need to change our company's manufacturing process. Our assembly line has worked for the past 80 years, and it will work just fine for the next 80 years

Appeal to tradition

Fletcher is listening for pleasure as a friend discusses her trip to Australia. According to your textbook, Fletcher is engaged in __________ listening.


As a speaker, you would probably use more connotative words if you wanted to

Arouse an emotional response.

What kind of reasoning is exemplified in the following statement?According to a study by the University of Michigan, married men in the United States earn an average of 31 percent more money than unmarried men. It seems clear, then, that for many men being married is a major factor in financial success.

Causal reasoning

Efram's audience was persuaded by his speech because they perceived him to be sincere, trustworthy, and to have their best interests at heart. Which factor of credibility influenced Efram's audience?


Phrases such as "dry as a bone," "clear as a bell," "dark as night," and "smart as a whip" should be avoided in speeches because they are


According to your textbook, the two most important factors affecting the credibility of a persuasive speaker are

Competence and character.

A new class registration system has been established on campus. Tonight, a representative from the Registrar's office will speak about how to use the new system. You will be listening to the speaker in hopes of understanding the steps involved in registering for classes next semester. As explained in your textbook, you will be engaged in ___________ listening.


Brad is listening to a speaker explain how a new computer program works so Brad can use it in his business. According to your textbook, Brad is engaged in __________ listening.


One main purpose of a speech of introduction is to

Create a welcoming climate to build enthusiasm for the main speaker.

Your textbook recommends __________ as the most effective method of note taking for listening to a speech.

Creating a key-word outline.

According to your textbook, when you listen to evaluate a speaker's message for purposes of accepting it or rejecting it, what kind of listening is involved?


Kristen is listening to a political candidate's speech for purposes of deciding whether to accept or reject the speaker's message. According to your textbook, Kristen is engaged in __________ listening.


According to your textbook, the credibility of a speaker produced by everything the speaker says or does during the speech itself is called

Derived credibility

According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?Either we all sign organ donor cards or medical facilities will start cloning people just to sell their body parts.


Sarah is listening to her roommate to provide emotional support in a time of distress. According to your textbook, Sarah is engaged in __________ listening.


Nuzhat is listening to provide emotional support to her friend Sousan, who is talking about the health of her aging parents. According to your textbook, Nuzhat is engaged in __________ listening.


What contemporary researchers term credibility, Aristotle termed


When giving a persuasive speech to an audience that opposes your point of view, it is especially important that you use ____________ to answer their objections to your views.


"To persuade my audience that a major earthquake will strike Los Angeles before the year 2020" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of


The three types of questions that give rise to persuasive speeches are questions of

Fact, value, and policy.

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement?I always wear my blue sweater when I take an exam, but I couldn't find it yesterday. If I had worn it yesterday, I would not have flunked my accounting exam

False cause

Which of the following is one of the four major causes of poor listening discussed in your textbook?

Focusing on a speaker's appearance or delivery.

What error in reasoning is exemplified by the following statement?French movies are all dull. I saw three of them last semester in my film class and couldn't stay awake through a single one.

Hasty generalization

The denotative meaning of a word is

Its literal or dictionary meaning.

Ted is listening to the introduction of Janine's speech when he thinks to himself, "Man, this is really going to be boring." What aspect of poor listening identified in your textbook is Ted exhibiting in this example?

Jumping to conclusions

Giving excessive attention to the details of a speech is an example of

Listening too hard

Evidence and reasoning are the two major elements of persuasion that Aristotle called


According to your textbook, as a persuasive speaker, your two major concerns with respect to reasoning are to

Make sure your reasoning is sound and convincing.

Because it follows the process of human thinking, __________ is particularly useful for organizing persuasive speeches that seek immediate action.

Monroe's motivated sequence

Which organizational pattern is especially effective for persuasive speeches that seek immediate action by listeners?

Monroe's motivated sequence

Regardless of whether your aim is to encourage passive agreement or immediate action, you must deal with three basic issues whenever you discuss a question of policy. They are

Need, plan, and practicality.

"Our mission is to right wrong, to do justice, and to serve humanity" is an example of


Appeals to audience emotions such as fear, compassion, guilt, or pride are the kinds of appeals that Aristotle referred to as


Of all the kinds of speechmaking, __________ speaking is the most complex and the most challenging


"To persuade my audience that cable companies should not be allowed to own TV stations and networks" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of


Persuasive speeches on questions of __________ argue for or against particular courses of action.


Heather gave her persuasive speech on the problem of teenage alcoholism. In her first main point, she showed how serious the problem is. In her second main point, she explained why the problem had reached its current proportions. In her third main point, she presented some ways of coping with the problem. What organizational pattern did Heather use in her speech?


In her speech about classical ballet, Kyndra mentioned, but did not explain, the terms entrechat and arabesque. Since most of her listeners were unfamiliar with ballet, what error did Kyndra make in her use of language?

She did not use language appropriate to the audience.

"Freedom is like a drum; strike it anywhere and it resounds everywhere" is an example of


"The Philippine Islands look like giant pieces of broken emerald that were dropped into the South China Sea by some giant" is an example of


According to your textbook, the following statement is an example of what type of fallacy?If we encourage elementary school students to use computers in the classroom, they will spend less time reading books. As a result, they will fall way behind in developing reading, writing, and thinking skills. Pretty soon we will have a generation of illiterates on our hands.

Slippery slope

According to your textbook, research has shown that

Speakers can enhance their credibility by delivering their speeches fluently and expressively

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a way to improve your listening?

Suspend judgment until you hear all the speaker has to say.

The __________ is that portion of the whole audience that the speaker most wants to persuade.

Target audience

According to your textbook, the credibility of a speaker at the end of the speech is called ____________ credibility.


Which of the following specific purpose statements is from a persuasive speech seeking immediate action?

To persuade my audience to decrease the amount of electricity they use during the summer in order to prevent blackouts.

As your textbook explains, persuasive speeches on questions of value are most often organized in __________ order.


Persuasive speeches on questions of fact are usually organized in __________ order.


What does your textbook advise regarding the ethical use of emotional appeals in a persuasive speech?

Use emotional appeals to supplement your evidence and reasoning.

Using vivid imagery to help listeners see the benefits of the plan you are advocating is crucial to the __________ step within Monroe's motivated sequence.


The connotative meaning of a word is

What the word suggests or implies.

"To persuade my audience that there should be tougher enforcement of laws to protect the victims of domestic abuse" is a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of


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