Public Speaking Resume Questions

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what is starbuck's mission statement?

"To inspire and nurture the human spirit — one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time."

How long would it take for you to start make a real contribution to the organization?

As soon as my first day I would make a major contributino to Starbucks, because I'm an extremely hard-working that gets jobs done quickly and efficiently

Teach me something new.


What have you learned most from your past job?

Due to my last job being babysitting, I have learned personal skills by being patient and kind to others. Everyone has different feelings at different times and by being respectful will lead to positive events.

Tell me about yourself

I am currently a sophomore at Burlington High School. In my free time, I like to volunteer and help others. I would describe myself to be passionate, hard working, and responsible. You can always count on me, and I will be a great addition to the Starbucks team.

Convince me to hire you.

I believe that you should hire me, because I'm am a strong hard-worker that never gives up. I keep striding for the best of my ability and I don't quit when things begin to get difficult

Tell me about how you deal with difficult people.

I deal with difficult people with my appreciation to our customers, I understand not everyone will be the friendliest, but I am prepared to assist every customer's needs

What did you not like about your last employer?

I did not have a job before this, but what I don't want in an employer is someone who discourages his or her employees, because we are here to get the job done and not get verbally beat up on.

What kind of people do you dislike the most?

I dislike people who are not nice at all, I have trouble comprehending how people are able to not have any thoughts or feelings about their statements. But, I'm able to persevere through this obstacle because when i deal with rude people I just have to treat them with kindness to one day change their interactions to people

Why do you want to work here?

I have always admired the skill and hard-work it takes to make these delicious drinks, also the time and effort that is put in to create new recipes for customers.

Why did you leave your last job?

I have never had a steady paying before, but I have always admired the teamwork and business of Starbucks and knew that one day I would want to work here.

What do you know about our company?

I read on your website that I could promote positive change in the world while working in my community. I was very intrigued by the awards won that represented equality within the Starbucks team.

What are your weaknesses?

I tend to over think things, especially when i learn something new. I'll spend too much time thinking about it in my head. There were times that this has hindered my ability to perform with the quickness and efficiency that many situations require. However, i'm ready to overcome this obstacle to increase my barista skills.

How do you handle working for people you don't like?

I try to stay away from this type of person as much as possible, not because I wouldn't work irresponsible with them there, but because it would be better for the work environment with the other employees.

This is a highly competitive job? What sets you apart?

I work harder than the rest, even with what I struggle on I always try to overcome difficulties. I'm also very passionate in creating new drinks for people and enjoy being in a calm setting.

If you were an animal what would you be?

I would be a bird. I'm afraid of heights and i think having wings would mitigate that fear. This represents how new difficulties that could arise during my life can be fixed by performing the task to my best ability

What would you not like to do in this job?

I would not enjoy being in manufacturing and distribution, because my personal skills are very high I would want to be with others and help them. However, if needed I would definitly be able to be in this specific field if it were low on employees.

Give me an example of a situation where in your values were compromised.

I've never had my values compromised in a work setting, however, last year during my club volleyball season I was forced to listen to my coach talk about my teammates behind their backs, this discouraged me as a player because it was then on difficult for my team to feel whole again.

What questions can I answer for you?

If I were hired for this role, what would you want me to achieve in my first two months?

What is your favorite game? How does it apply to your position here?

My favorite game is UNO, and it applies to my position here because no matter what card I am given I will perservere through the difficulties to satisfy my customer to 100%

What is your personal mission statement?

My personal mission statement is "to always make sure that every and any customer is 100% satisfied with their product/purchase)

What would your job references say about you?

My references would most likely say that I am valuable to this organization because my specific qualifications are vital to helping our community's Starbucks imerge.

What are your future goals?

Once I graduate high school I am planning on majoring in Psychology at either a UW university or an out-of-state school, preferibly Arizona State University

Tell me about a time that you didn't work well with a supervisor. What was the outcome and how would you have changed the outcome?

Since I haven't had a first job yet, last year during volleyball season I had a terrible relationship with my head coach. He wasn't capable of listening to my thoughts or opinions and I never did anything about it. If I could I would have changed the outcome of every conversation to have me state my opinions firmly into his brain without my other passive strategies.

What do you think your job duties would entail?

Since I want to become a barista, I believe that I will take orders at the counters or drive-thrus and then ultimately either give my coworker the recipe or actually make the drink for the customer.

What is your typical working week in hours

Since I'm still in high school, for the remaining of the year I would like to only work weekends as a 5 or 6 hour day ranging from week to week on the set times

Why shouldn't I hire you?

Sometimes I end up working too hard and, I end up with too much spare time on my hands with nothing else to do. But, I'm learning to slow down my speed to increase my perfection while creating recipes

Describe a decision you made that was a failure. What happened and why?

The biggest failure I've ever faced was last year during the sport I was most passionate about, I accidentally chose the wrong volleyball team without acknowledging any of the negatives that were sprouting. Eventually throughout the season these negatives spiraled out of control and caused chaos throughout my life, but I have learned since then that this failure was a positive because it showed me what disrespect actually was.

Give me an example of a difficult situation on a prior job.

The latest job I've had was babysitting and I babysat three younger kids at the same time, so there was definitly a lot of noise. Micellanious things here and there would happen, like a mini crisis for a child but I would always help them regroup and calm down.

What's the most difficult work challenge you've had to overcome?

The most difficult challenge I've had to overcome was loss, in every shape. No matter what minor losses or major losses I've perservered through them all and implemented major efforts to help along the way.

Tell me about a time that you misjudged a person.

When I encounter someone new in the hallway during school I always see them as kind and interesting. This isn't always a negative, but sometimes I'll get my hopes up, because not every time the person will want to display respect as much as I do.

Are you risk taker

Yes, I love to go on new adventures out of my comfort zone, this will help me to become a more confident barista because I will be able to create long recipe drinks for any customer

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