Public Speaking Test 2

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sequence of actions over time

Even more than examples and other types of supporting materials, narratives are good for describing _____.

vicarioius experience

"It's a beautiful, cold, clear January day. You have been cross-country skiing for hours in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, and are now miles from the lodge. An avalanche suddenly begins high above you. Picture what you would do." This speaker is using a(n) _____ narrative.

prestige testimony

A civic leader is asked to give a ceremonial speech at the dedication of the new city park. Which type of testimony would act as a source of inspiration in such ceremonial speaking, lending a heightened sense of elegance and wisdom to her dedication speech?

quoting out of context

A dynamic speaker uses actual testimony that is based on reality, but he twists quotations so that they no longer reflect the original intent of their authors. He is _____.


A fact-based interpretation is much more useful and adds far more value to a speech than an opinion, because it has authoritative support - though someone could still argue with it.

lay testimony

A local politician really wants to bring home his message to ordinary people and voters who appreciate common sense, folk wisdom, and street smarts. Which supporting materials would help him the most in accomplishing this?


A speaker begins with these words: "If you were young in the 1980s, chances are you had a Cabbage Patch doll or knew someone who did." What is the principal type of supporting material that she is using here?


A speaker has found such fascinating stuff while doing research that she throws in a couple extra facts that have nothing to do with her precise topic or her main points, saying, "By the way, did you know that ??" She has forgotten to test her materials for their _____.


A speaker must decide whether the general way or the precise way of expressing facts will work best for the speech. If uncertain, the text advises that it is best to err on the side of generalization.

Which political hero is often invoked in speeches at political conventions, and has recently been mentioned by motivational speakers for Starbucks and Estee Lauder to demonstrate leadership in times of crisis?

Abraham Lincoln


Amber decides to use a brief narrative to help make her point, and as she concludes it she reflects on the meaning of the little story and applies this to her larger idea. What element of the narrative is Amber now describing


As values are quite resistant to change, listeners need to see that your proposal agrees with the principles they already accept.

consciousness raising

Awareness involves knowing about a problem and paying attention to it. This phase of persuasive speaking is sometimes called _____.


Because narration and storytelling are more intimate forms of communication, speakers should come out from behind the lectern or desk and move closer to the listeners while presenting these segments of the speech.

our attitudes and behaviors conflict with our core values

Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort and frustration we feel when _____.

distorts information to advance a hidden agenda

Disinformation refers to any type of communication that _____.


During the integration stage of the persuasive process, the goal is to have listeners grasp the meaning of the message. Then during the enactment stage, the goal is to have listeners see that it makes sense and they can accept it.

"Am I able to publicly defend the ethics of my message?"

Elana is outspoken and opinionated, but realizes she must be careful not to appear unethical in her powerful statements. What question can Elana ask herself to make sure she will be acting as an ethical speaker in her persuasive attempts?


Factual examples will give very strong support for your ideas because they involve things that actually did happen - so they validate and authenticate the point you are trying to make.


Gallup International's "The Voice of the People" gathers and disseminates the viewpoints of the public. This is just one of many popular opinion polls representing the feelings and beliefs of ordinary citizens, creating a collective form of _____ testimony.

siting sources your audience recognize as experts on the topic

Generally, what is the most authoritative and qualified way to use testimony for establishing the validity of your assertions, particularly when the subject is controversial, complicated, or unfamiliar to listeners?

examples and narratives

If your ideas seem too distant or abstract, the text suggests you add which two types of supporting materials?

stock issues

In attending a persuasive speech, a thoughtful person would likely ask himself or herself some basic, generic questions called _____ before simply agreeing to a change in behaviors, policies, or procedures.

reluctant testimony

In preparing a speech on high blood pressure, Grace found a quote from a drug company executive admitting that research shows a healthy diet, exercise, and relaxation are just as effective in lowering blood pressure as his company's popular medication. This statement is an example of _____.


In public speaking, a story that illustrates an idea, establishes a mood, or conveys the theme of a speech is referred to as an example.

narrative fidelity

In testing the two brief stories that support two points in her speech, Sarah wants to make sure that they seem plausible and authentic, and that they ring true for her listeners, considering their interests and experiences. Sarah is particularly concerned about _____.

narrative probability

Jennifer uses what is intended to be a humorous narrative to support a main point in her speech, but it fails to really move toward a climax - in fact, it does not even have a punch line. In this way, it has failed in the area of _____.


No matter how they think or feel, all people tend to seek consistency between their values and behaviors.

understand the nature of the problem

Once a speaker has brought the issue to the attention of the audience, the next task to focus on is getting the audience to _____.


Persuasion helps us deal with the uncertainties related to the truth, their evaluation or interpretation.

facts that can be measured mathmatically

Statistics are defined by the text as ________.


Syrena reviews her ideas with her professor and is advised to find supporting materials that act as illustrative examples, define and explain basic concepts, and provide analogies familiar to the audience. Most likely, Syrena's topic is highly _____.

organizational setting

The Nabholz Wellness Program met significant resistance before many were persuaded to try it. This example showed that the co-active approach is useful not only in public speaking, but also for dealing with sensitive policy issues in _____.

awareness, understanding, agreement, enactment, and integration

The elements of successful persuasion may be grouped into five stages: _____.

may distort the truth in order to make a point

The text cautions speakers to use hypothetical examples with care, particularly because these types of examples _____.

created a boomerang effect

This morning, the mayor proposed an immediate city-wide smoking ban in all bars. Tonight, bar owners have banded together, alerted the media, and highlighted the negative impact this would have on the city's economy. They also donated to the mayor's opponent for the upcoming election. The mayor's speech _____.

great expectation fallacy

Though his topic was new and surprising to listeners, Jack was still disappointed when they did not readily agree with his proposal to issue universal I.D. cards to every U.S. resident. What is Jack experiencing?

modest goals of building awareness or understanding

What kinds of goals should be set for a speech to be given before a hesitant or reluctant audience?

laughing with them

What special technique, described in the text in the story about former Texas Governor Ann Richards, can sometimes create identification between speakers and hostile audiences?

statistics and expert testimony

What types of supporting materials are combined in this speech excerpt? "Mayor Jane Blake recently stated that our city has seen a drastic rise in unemployment. At this time last year we had an unemployment rate of 9 percent. Now it is 11.5 percent."

when there is anything from small concessions to total acceptance

When can speakers feel satisfied that listeners agree with them - that is, what defines "agreement"?


When you acknowledge and then refute arguments, you also help your credibility in two ways - by enhancing your trustworthiness and enhancing your competence.

our beliefs

Which aspects of our lives represent what we know - or what we think we know - about people and the world?


Which element will most help a speaker present a convincing problem-solution speech?

Your honest opinions and personal convictions are fine to express, but should be justified with facts.

Which of the following is TRUE concerning the use of facts and statistics in your speeches?

one who gets a call a week later from an interested listener

Which speaker has just realized that a speech has had a sleeper effect?

The motivated sequence design is a five-step persuasive approach, based roughly on the idea that you can convince people by _____.

identifying a need and showing how to satisfy it

The speaker is dynamic, knowledgeable, and convincing. The listeners are beginning to connect these newly found attitudes with their previously held beliefs and values, so there is a good chance of lasting change. The speaker has reached the _____.

integration stage

gaining fair and favorable consideration for our points of view

persuasion is the art of

The text lists seven ways that persuasive speaking differs from informative speaking. One of them is that it _____.

uses supporting materials as evidence or proof rather than as illustration or example

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