PUBP 3610 - Introduction to Law
define property law
- general introduction to property concepts and different types of property interests, particularly real property. - The course surveys present and future estates in land, ownership, and concurrent ownership
U.S. Constitution 1. dated signed 2. times amended and most recent amendment 4. amendments 1-10 4. amendment 12 5. amendments 13-15 6. amendments 16/17/19
1. September 17, 1787; Effective in 1789 after ratification 2. 27; 1992 3. bill of rights 4. changed the process for electing the Vice President 5. Civil War amendments, abolishing slavery and requiring universal (male) suffrage and "equal protection" under the law — Southern states had to sign on to re-join the Union 6. -The "progressive" amendments: #16/17/19 allowed an income tax (1913), direct election of senators (1913), and gave women the vote (1920)
list four areas of tort law (4)
1. battery 2. medical malpractice 3. products liability 4. debates about tort reform
lis the legal requirements for enforceable contracts (4)
1. consideration 2. consent 2. conditions 4. and the effect of fraud, mistake, unconscionability, and impossibility
list the six goals of the preamble
1. form a more perfect Union 2. establish Justice 3. insure domestic 4. provide for the common defense 5. promote the general Welfare, and 6. secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity
define constitutional law
1. introduction to the structure of the U.S. Constitution, and the rights and liberties it defines. 2. judicial review, federalism, congressional powers and limits, the commerce clause, and the 10th Amendment are covered, as are the equal protection and due process clauses.
list six areas of property law
1. leasehold interests 2. gifts and bequests 3. covenants and servitudes 4. conveyancing 5. various land use restrictions 6. eminent domain 7. intellectual and personal property issues are also considered
how is the constitution structured according to is articles?
1. legislature 2. executive 3. judiciary 4. federalism 5. amendment process 6. supremacy/debts 7. ratification
three standards of conduct explored in tort law (3)
1. liability for intentional wrongdoing 2. negligence 3. liability without fault, or strict liability
list the district courts for the 11th circuit court of appeals (AL,GA,FL) (9)
1. northern district of AL 2. middle district of AL 3. southern district of AL 4. northern district of GA 5. middle district of GA 6. southern district of GA 7. northern district of FL 8. middle district of FL 9. southern district of FL
lis two styles legal writing
1. objective office memoranda 2. persuasive briefs
list eight evidence topics (8)
1. real and demonstrative evidence 2. relevance 3. authentication 4. competence and examination of witnesses 5.impeachment 6. expert testimony 7. hearsay, privileges 8. burdens of proof
judicial hierarchy
1. supreme court 2. court of appeals 3. multiple trial courts
24th amendment
Abolition of Poll Taxes (1964)
13th amendment
Abolition of Slavery (1865)
14th amendment
Citizenship Rights, Equal Protection, Apportionment, Civil War Debt (1868)
27th amendment
Congressional Compensation (1992)
12th amendment
Election of President and Vice President (1804)
8th amendment
Excessive Fines, Cruel and Unusual Punishment (1791)
1st amendment
Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition (1791)
5th amendment
Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, Self Incrimination, Due Process, Takings (1791)
what did congress establish in 1879?
In 1789, Congress established a Supreme Court, 13 district courts, 3 ad hoc circuit courts, and the position of Attorney General.
16th amendment
Income Tax (1913)
marbury v. madison (1803)
It is emphatically the province and duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is. Those who apply the rule to particular cases must, of necessity, expound and interpret that rule. If two laws conflict with each other, the Courts must decide on the operation of each.
7th amendment
Jury Trial in Civil Lawsuits (1791)
9th amendment
Non-Enumerated Rights Retained by People (1791)
17th amendment
Popular Election of Senators (1913)
define evidence
Presents the rules for fact finding in the judicial process, with particular emphasis on the federal rules of evidence.
25th amendment
Presidential Disability and Succession (1967)
20th amendment
Presidential Term and Succession, Assembly of Congress (1933)
23rd amendment
Presidential Vote for D.C. (1961)
18th amendment
Prohibition of Liquor (1919)
3rd amendment
Quartering of Soldiers (1791)
21st amendment
Repeal of Prohibition (1933)
2nd amendment
Right to Bear Arms (1791)
6th amendment
Right to Speedy Trial by Jury, Witnesses, Counsel (1791)
15th amendment
Right to Vote Not Denied by Race (1870)
26th amendment
Right to Vote at Age 18 (1971)
10th amendment
Rights Reserved to States or People (1791)
4th amendment
Search and Seizure (1791)
11th amendment
Suits Against States (1795)
define criminal law
This course explores the basic principles of Anglo-American criminal law with emphasis on the structure and interpretation of modern penal codes, including: 1. criminal offenses 2. necessary predicates for criminal liability 3. the major concepts of justification and excuse 4. the conditions under which offenders can be liable for attempt.
22nd amendment
Two-Term Limit on Presidency (1951)
19th amendment
Women's Right to Vote (1920)
define litigation
a law concept used to describe the process of enforcing or defending an entity's legal rights. It is a contested action usually made in front of a judge between two opposing sides.
define tort
a wrongful act or an infringement of a right (other than under contract) leading to civil legal liability.
define legal writing
covers fundamental legal research techniques and two styles of legal writing: objective office memoranda and persuasive briefs. Students may also present an oral argument.
define civil procedure law
covers the procedures courts use in deciding lawsuits that do not involve criminal misconduct and concerns the following: 1. process of litigation in trial courts 2. pleadings 3. pretrial process and discovery 4. jurisdictional rules that determine in which court a lawsuit may be brought.
define contracts
examination of the legal obligations that attach to promises made in a business contract or otherwise, including the remedies that may be available for promises that are not kept and examines the legal requirements for enforceable contracts
define tort law
examines liability for civil wrongs that do not arise out of contract. It explores three standards of conduct as well as issues associated with civil liability, such as causation, damages, and defenses
define discovery
exchange of legal information and known facts of a case; procedures to uncover facts known or held by the adverse party, ensures all of the evidence is available to both parties