PY 201 Chapter 4

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Eleni believes that by meditating, she will be able to more deeply understand the motivations and behaviors of others. Which of the following statements most correctly refutes this belief?

Meditation is most useful for developing insight into one's own motivation and behaviors.

Jerome has developed a severe addiction to the barbiturate, methaqualone. If he wanted to overcome his addiction, what would be the best way for him to do so?

Undergo supervised withdrawal in a medical setting.

Binge drinking is usually defined as having

5 or more drinks for men and 4 or more for women.

Which of the following strategies corrects the assumption that periodic spells of extra sleep can make up for sleeplessness later on?

Avoiding naps

Alexander has trouble falling asleep after staying up all night doing work. Sometimes, he brings his laptop with him to bed and tries to get more work done before falling asleep. Which of the following pieces of information would be best for Alexander to know?

Bringing electronics into bed actually makes it less likely that you will be able to fall asleep.

Which of the following drugs produces states of pleasure primarily by working on the neurotransmitter dopamine?


During the winter, bears often hibernate and sleep for days or weeks at a time. The act of hibernation best facilitates which of the following functions of sleep?


Jules is worried that she may have a drug dependence problem. Which of the following questions could she answer to best help her determine if this is an issue for her?

Do you find yourself frequently thinking of ways to acquire more of the drug?

Guilford would like to examine the effects of acculturation on individuals' marijuana use. Which of the following strategies would likely be most successful at investigating this?

Examine the marajuana consumption of people who immigrated from a culture...

Leroy would like to increase the level of detail in the manifest content of his dreams. What advice might Sigmund Freud give him?

Focus intensely on those things that you wish to be true in your waking life.

Alexey has begun to engage in crystal meth use. If he continues, which of the following outcomes is most likely?

He will develop a high level of tolerance to the drug and need more to achieve the same efficiency.

Tyrese needs to stay up later in order to complete a major class project. If he woke up in the middle of the day, what would likely happen to his productivity according to research on circadian rhythms and body temperature?

He would be most productive in the early evening, because this is when his body temperature peaks.

Tabitha is especially interested in how she might determine whether her boyfriend is developing alcoholism. Which of the following questions may she want to answer?

How much does he usually drink at one time?

Hua Lai is concerned that his roommate may have overdosed on alcohol after a long night of partying. Which of the following symptoms would be most important for Hua Lai to look out for?

How responsive is his roommate to touch and verbal communication.

Jordan is worried that his cousin has developed a psychological addiction to the drug, cocaine. What symptom could he look for to confirm this fear?

If his cousin often uses the drug when experiencing daily stress.

Which of the following is an effect that alcohol has on the body?

Impaired reaction time

Which term refers to difficulty falling asleep, remaining asleep, or returning to sleep after nighttime awakenings?


After using a certain drug, Klo experiences a strong sense of anxiety and begins to report delusional beliefs. Klo may be having a bad experience due to the use of


Which of the following strategies involves reducing the amount of engagement one has with electronic media before bed?

Limiting screen time.

Daniel is able to direct his experiences while dreaming. Daniel can

Lucid Dream

Harry has recently begun to use a stimulant that is primarily popular in nightclubs and among older teenagers and young adults. Harry has likely started using


Christi struggles with insomnia and is looking for ways to overcome her inability to get to sleep. Which of the following strategies would be most likely to help her?

Making concrete steps to regulate her sleep-wake cycle.

Due to the demands of her job, Henrietta has been unable to sleep for the past two nights. Which of the following experiences is she most likely to struggle with?

Mental fogginess and trouble maintaining attention.

Lantrell is examining the brain of a dreaming subject. He believes that he is most likely to notice increased electrical signals in the cerebral cortex, and particularly the frontal lobe. Is he correct?

No , the frontal lobe is responsible for higher-order cognitions and is actually the least active area of the brain during dreaming.

Gloria wants to ensure that she is able to be most energetic around the time of her track meet at 4 p.m. Which of the following wake-up times would maximize her energy in time for her meet?

Not 8 am or 10 am

During his next lecture, a psychology professor would like to warn his students against using certain drugs that share similar characteristics in terms of their effects, withdrawal symptoms, and manufacture. Which of the following drug pairs most closely meet the professor's goals for this lecture?

Not Cocaine and mdma

Quan has recently purchased a new smartphone that promises to improve his productivity with customizable work alerts. What is one likely consequence of Quan's purchase?

Not He will remain focused...

A physician is concerned that one of her patients may be developing an addiction to the opiate, Vicodin. Which of the following questions would be best for her to ask to determine if her patient should discontinue use of Vicodin?

Not How have your appetite and sleep...

Higher doses of which of the following drugs is likely to produce delirium, as well as possibly coma and death?


Gabriele has developed a physiological dependence on a certain mild stimulant within the first few weeks of using it. Gabriele has likely become addicted to

Not caffeine

Kris finds it difficult to stay focused on a task for a prolonged period of time. Occasionally, his thoughts begin to wander in a state known as

Not drifting awareness

A friend of yours approaches you seeking advice on how they might go about developing the ability to lucid dream. Which of the following recommendations would be best for them to follow?

Not focus on getting...

Ernest believes that individuals who respond strongly to hypnosis are simply playing into the role of being hypnotized. What could he do to test this assertion?

Not he could invite... or ask only people...

Andrew wants to try a drug that has been used by certain cultures for religious reasons. Andrew most likely wants to try

Not marijuana

Josephine is a researcher who subscribes to the activation-synthesis hypothesis to explain the behavior of the brain during dreams. Assuming she is correct, what is she likely to find occurring in the brain of a sleeping subject?

Not seemingly disconnected patterns of electrical activity in the cerebral cortex and cerebellum

Hannah wants to explain to her friend how different states of consciousness affect a person's functioning throughout the day. Which of the following statements would be most accurate for her to say?

Not state of consciousness broadly reflect...

After one particularly vivid dream, Hua can't get the image of a beautiful blue sports car out of his mind. In his dream, the sports car likely was a form of

Not subconscious content

Giovanni has recently entered the only phase of sleep during which dreaming occurs. Which stage of sleep is Giovanni currently experiencing?

REM sleep

Which of the following sleep stages is most similar to ordinary wakefulness?

REM sleep

Certain features of REM sleep are very similar to another sleep/wake stage. Which of the following statements correctly captures the connections between REM sleep and this stage?

REM sleep is similar to being awake as both stages feature rapid brain wave patterns.

Brenda wants to avoid experiencing alterations in her consciousness while she prepares for an exam. Which of the following strategies would be best for her to do?

She could engage in intense PE to keep her focused.

A researcher wants to compare the neurological effects of cocaine with the effects of a milder stimulant, such as nicotine. How might she best do this?

She could investigate differences in dopamine production and volume among individuals who report using either nic or coke.

Bridget would like to enjoy a night out drinking with a group of her close friends. How might she avoid binge drinking during their night out?

She should be careful to only drink one drink per hour.

Rishika has been prescribed the stimulant Adderall to help her focus and manage her symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. What would be the best strategy for her to do in order to avoid physiological dependence on the drug?

She should only take Adderall as prescribed by her physician.

Jameson is participating in a sleep study. The researchers observe that he is currently in the only phase of sleep during which his brain produces sleep spindles. Which stage of sleep is Jameson in?

Stage 2 sleep

Which of the following sleep stages is defined by spindle-shaped brain waves called sleep spindles?

Stage 2 sleep

Amphetamines achieve their effect by activating which branch of the nervous system?


Lin is explaining the activation-synthesis hypothesis to a classmate of hers. Which of the following statements regarding the role of the cerebral cortex in the activation-synthesis hypothesis is true?

The cerebral cortex creates a story based on random activity in other parts of the brain.

Which areas of the brain are associated with lower levels of activity during dreaming?

The cerebral cortex involved in logical thought.

Gertrude plans to drive home after a night of partying. After about how many drinks should her friends insist that someone else drive her?

Two drinks

Jolene believes that she may have developed a physiological addiction to caffeine. Which of the following signs of addiction may she want to pay the most attention to?

Whether she needs to consume caffeine in order to avoid headaches.

Bremen believes that individuals who struggle with sleep apnea simply need to exercise and eat healthy in order to lose weight, which is the main source of their problems. What information does Bremen's conclusion leave out?

While obesity is correlated with sleep apnea, research has yet to establish a casual link between the two.

Priam is having trouble focusing at work. One likely culprit is

a stressful work environment leading to not enough sleep.

The proposition that dreams represent the brain's attempt to make sense of the random discharges of electrical activity that occur during REM sleep is known as the

activation-synthesis hypothesis

Forms of awareness during wakefulness that are different than a person's usual waking state are known as

altered state of consciousness

Factors such as genetics influence processes of addiction and dependence. These are known as

biological factors

Autumn's parents both have developed alcoholism. Because she does not want to struggle in the same way, she abstains from using alcohol. Autumn's behavior regarding alcohol most closely reflects the influence of

biological factors.

Justini finds that he has the most energy 4-5 hours after waking up. This is the result of daily metabolic changes known as

circadian rhythm

The state of being aware of ourselves and of the world around us is called


A form of consciousness during a waking state in which one's mind wanders to fantasies is known as


A mental state characterized by confusion, disorientation, difficulty in focusing attention, and excitable behavior is called


Martin has begun to experiment with drugs that reduce his reaction time and slow bodily processes such as breathing and heart rate. Martin has begun experimenting with


Drugs, such as alcohol and barbiturates, that dampen central nervous system activity are known as


A process of clearing drugs from the body is called


Muhammed's parents both have trouble handling large amounts of alcohol consumption and generally avoid drinking more than a few drinks at a time. Should Muhammed decide to consume alcohol as an adult, he will likely

experience a negative physiological response to drinking too much.

Grant is trying to determine if he is getting enough sleep. He could ask himself if he

feels rested after waking up

Drugs that alter sensory experiences and produce distortions in visual, auditory, or other sensory forms are known as


Upon being hypnotized, Lucas begins to reexperience certain aspects of his life from years gone by. Lucas is currently experiencing

hypnotic age regression

A hypnotist's recommendation that the subject respond in a particular way following hypnosis is called

hypnotic suggestion

Eamon fails to notice a deer wandering onto the road while riding his bike because he is busy listening to his favorite song. Eamon's behavior exhibits

inattentional blindness

A chemical substance that induces a state of drunkenness is a(n)


According to Freud, the true, underlying meaning of a dream, disguised in the form of dream symbols is known as

latent content

A psychology professor is explaining how brain activity varies between dreaming and wakefulness. It would be most correct for him to say that, during dreaming, the frontal lobe of your brain is actually

less active than other areas, contrary to how your brain functions when you are awake.

Byron has just turned 65. In reflecting on the amount of sleep he used to require as a younger adult compared to the amount of sleep he needs now, Byron realizes that he needs

less sleep

A drug that is used in certain cultural practices among some groups of Native Americans is called


Which of the following hormones is responsible for regulating the body's sleep/wake cycles?


Maxim would like to emphasize an attitude of non-judgment while meditating. Maxim may be most interested in practicing

mindfulness meditation

Ximena is seven years old and often experiences disturbing dreams whenever she falls asleep. She has difficulty controlling these experiences and they occur more frequently than among other children her age. Ximena likely has

nightmare disorder

Stephen comes from a country where underage drinking is heavily discouraged. Stephen's decision to avoid alcohol until adulthood is likely most influenced by

sociocultural factors

After drinking for years, Miguel notices that he now requires more alcohol to achieve the same "buzz" as he used to. Regarding alcohol, Miguel has likely developed a


Abela often finds herself dreaming about completing college and starting a satisfying career. This experience is in line with Sigmund Freud's belief that dreams serve as a form of

wish fulfillment

Farren notices that whenever he drinks a lot of alcohol, his head becomes fuzzy and his perception of social situations changes. When he drinks, Farren experiences

altered states of consciousness

A state of heightened alertness in which one is fully absorbed in the task at hand is known as

focused awareness

A drug that activates the central nervous system is known as a


Maladaptive or dangerous use of a chemical substance is known as

drug abuse

Which of the following stimulants produces mild effects, but is highly addictive?


Georg has recently begun gaining an unhealthy amount of weight. He has also come down with a severe head cold, and feels fatigued. What is one thing he could do to address both of these problems?

He could attempt to regulate his sleep schedule.

Which of the following outcomes is most closely related to sleep deprivation?

Poor immune functioning

Mindy finds herself extremely unhappy with the grade she is receiving in her psychology course. During the next lecture, what is Mindy most likely to do?

Experience an increase in her incidence of mind-wandering.

Which level of blood alcohol concentration is associated with increased relaxation?


As a general rule, about how many hours of sleep do most adults need to feel refreshed and function at their best?

7-9 hours

Sofia would like to plan to observe a subject's sleep over the course of all sleep stages, or one full sleep cycle. How long might she want to prepare to observe her subject?

90 minutes

Which of the following strategies helps your internal body clock stay in sync by going to bed and awakening as close as possible to the same time every day?

Adopting a regular sleep schedule.

Shira has recently completed detoxification and is looking for ways to help her avoid relapsing into patterns of drug use in the future. Which of the following strategies would be best for her to pursue?

Attending counseling sessions focused on strategies for maintaining abstinence.

Jerome wants to induce an experience of focused awareness in himself. Which of the following activities would most likely contribute to this goal?

Browsing social media for half an hour.

Diego does not generally like alcohol, but uses it in social situations where he feels anxious or uncomfortable. His girlfriend, Mariah, enjoys the stimulation of alcohol, but also performs very well in college. Which of the two is most likely to develop an alcohol use problem?

Diego, due to negative reinforcement provided by alcohol.

Which of the following is a sign of alcohol overdose?

Clammy skin

A researcher wants to study the progression of sleep from deep sleep to dreaming. How could he achieve this goal?

Examine a person in a sleep lab as they experience Stage 3 sleep and REM sleep.

Landon has recently started college. Which of the following behaviors is he most likely to engage in?

Excessive drinking

Neil would like to reduce the chances that he will develop alcoholism during his time in college. Which of the following pieces of advice would be most helpful for him to follow?

Find adaptive ways to handle new situations, such as being away from home.

Francesco often finds that he stays awake when he tries to fall asleep. Which of the following strategies would be most helpful in creating conditions for him to get to sleep?

Getting up and occupying himself with a low-arousal task, such as reading or mediating.

Ghery has developed a physiological dependence for opiates. Which of the following strategies will be most effective at reducing his dependence with the least number of severe side effects?

Gradually reducing his use of opiates using medically- supervised alternatives.

Terrell predicts that if he can keep his blood alcohol concentration below .1%, he will be able to drive home from the bar without any problems. Assuming Terrell ends the night with a blood alcohol concentration of .09%, how will his driving likely be affected?

He will be unable to devote the coordination and attention necessary for driving home.

As part of a prank, Dave attempts to wake his older brother during REM sleep by checking for movement of his eyes under his lids. Which of the following is most likely to happen?

His brother will not be very responsive and will appear to leak muscle tension.

Sanvi would like to receive extra help in quitting smoking. She is thinking of asking her therapist to perform hypnosis on her to achieve this. Which of the following details might she want to know?

Hypnosis tends to be most effective as an addition to therapy and with a dedicated practitioner.

Marketh plans to learn how to hypnotize his younger sister into doing his chores for him. Which of the following pieces of information would be most helpful in correcting Marketh's impression of the influence he will have as a hypnotist?

Individuals who are hypnotized are unlikely to engage in behaviors that they explicitly disagree with.

Michelle wants to look out for signs of alcohol intoxication while out drinking with her friends. Which of the following behaviors would be most important for her to be aware of?

Loud arguing and aggression

Which of the following drugs is synthesized in underground laboratories and produces both euphoria and hallucinogenic effects?


Irina has just finished studying for a difficult exam and would like to ensure that she retains the knowledge she has acquired. Which of the following would be best for her to do?

Make sure that she undergoes at least one period of REM sleep.

According to Freud, events that occur in a dream are known as

Manifest content

Abram wants to dispel certain myths about the safety of marijuana relative to other drugs. Which of the following statements would he most likely be able to refute?

Marijuana carries the potential to be psychologically addictive.

A major government organization wants to increase regulatory standards for certain forms of psychoactive drugs. Which of the following drugs would be most difficult to make illegal, and for what reason?

Mescaline, because it has use in cultural practices.

Gustav believes that it is impossible for him to be hypnotized, but worries that if someone could hypnotize him, he may do something terrible. Which aspect(s) of his belief is likely to be incorrect?

Most people can be somewhat hypnotized, though there is currently no evidence that hypnosis can

Gao Yi believes that he can listen to his favorite podcast while preparing for a major class presentation. Which of the following statements best captures the error in his thinking?

Multitasking is only a good idea if one is engaging in routine, familiar activities.

Valentina believes that by exercising two hours before bed, she will create conditions for her to sleep better due to the fatigue she experiences after a workout. Is Valentina correct?

No, exercising before bed creates a higher state of arousal that makes it harder to fall asleep.

A friend of yours informs you that stimulants like caffeine and cocaine can be used to improve a person's focus if taken in moderation. Is this true?

No, while caffeine improves focus for some people, use of cocaine instills a high feeling that is hard to manage in moderation.

Airi attempts to wake up her mother while she is in Stage 4 sleep. Which of the following is most likely to happen?

Not "Her mother will wake up rather easily"

Kimberly predicts that by using marijuana, she will experience a state of delirium, which is one of her main reasons for avoiding the use of the drug. Is she correct?

Not "Yes, delirium is an inevitable..."

During your first psychology class, the professor spends a great deal of time discussing the course syllabus, which many students find boring. As your thoughts begin to shift, you are likely to experience

Not disengagement or drifting awareness

Whenever Hachiko cannot sleep, she gets out of bed and attempts to read or listen to soothing music. Hachiko most clearly engages in which of the following strategies?

Not establishing proper cues for sleeping.

Vito has recently been prescribed an anti-anxiety medication to help manage his anxiety. His medication is most likely a

Not hallucinogen or stimulant.

Elodie's daughter has recently begun experiencing night terrors. What might Elodie want to know as she attempts to help her daughter through this?

Not night terrors are caused by

A psychology professor would like to become better at identifying students whose minds are wandering. Which of the following would be best for her to pay extra attention to in surveying her class?

Not students who appear to be fixated... or students who are chatting...

Inez is a new driver. Her mother is worried about her driving at night, particularly in the early morning hours. What is one rule her mother could enforce to reduce the chances that Inez will have an accident?

Only allow inez to drive at night if she has slept recently and appears rested.

Which of the following functions of sleep makes a sleeping animal less likely to be found and eaten by predators?


While camping, Pho Bai secures his tent and turns off his lantern as he prepares to sleep, ensuring that he won't be found by predators. Pho Bai's behavior best illustrates which function of sleep?


A researcher would like to prove once and for all that hypnosis is a state of consciousness that is different from being asleep. How might she do this?

She could examine the brain wave patterns of individuals who are sleeping and compare them with those who have been hypnotized.

Charise has been studying the work of Sigmund Freud and would like to apply her understanding to glean information about the latent content of her dreams. How might she do this?

She could look for connections between emotionally charged experiences in her waking life and ...

Which of the following sleep stages is defined by small, irregular brain waves?

Stage 1 sleep

Which of the following sleep stages is defined by the appearance of large, slow delta waves?

Stage 3

Gert wants to ensure that he is able to learn a series of vocabulary words for a foreign-language exam that he has the next day. Which of the following actions would be most helpful to Gert?

Studying vocabulary and then sleeping for at least 8 hours.

Daniel is hoping to help his father find ways to manage his narcolepsy. What is one strategy that is likely to be useful for Daniel's father?

Taking periodic naps during the day.

Lea would like to study the impact of meditation on brain structures and activity. What parts of the brain may she want to examine most closely?

The hippocampus and frontal lobes

In what way does consuming cocaine resemble the effects of winning at a competitive sport?

They both trigger the production of dopamine, improving one's mood.

Mackenzie would like to figure out how she can get to bed and fall asleep quickly without tossing and turning all night. She also wants to feel rested when she wakes up the next day. Which of the following strategies would you recommend she engage in?

Try to imagine yourself in a quiet forest enjoying nature silently.

Guadalupe is having trouble understanding the relationship between unemployment and drug abuse. Which of the following statements most accurately describes this relationship?

Unemployment can be both a symptom and a cause of drug use for many individuals.

Bo Phi occasionally helps herself get to sleep by envisioning a relaxing beachfront. Bo Phi most clearly engages in which of the following strategies?

Using mental imagery.

A chemical addiction characterized by impaired control over the use of alcohol, and physiological dependence on it, is known as


After using a certain stimulant, Helga experiences psychotic symptoms that resemble those sometimes reported by individuals with schizophrenia. Helga has most likely used


Which of the following stimulants is the most widely used psychoactive drug?


The pattern of fluctuations in bodily processes that occur regularly each day are known as

circadian rhythm

Elias is currently trying to break a physiological addiction to a powerful drug. His withdrawal symptoms include intense cravings and trouble experiencing pleasure from everyday activities. Elias is most likely addicted to


After experiencing a near-overdose, Tristan has been placed in a program designed to eliminate all traces of addictive substances from his system. Tristan is undergoing


A state of awareness characterized by divided attention to two or more tasks or activities performed at the same time represents

divided consciousness

Rachelle attempts to work on her calculus homework while listening to her favorite podcast. Rachelle is engaging in

divided consciousness

Alcoholism typically begins in

early adulthood

Foster resists the urge to engage in extra activities in bed, which he only uses for sleeping. Foster most clearly engages in which of the following strategies?

establishing proper cues for sleeping

Leeza finds herself engrossed in studying for her upcoming psychology exam. Leeza's experience of studying most clearly matches experiences of

focused awareness

An altered state of consciousness characterized by focused attention, deep relaxation, and heightened susceptibility to suggestion is known as


Kostantina finds herself incredibly relaxed after a friend of hers utters a few repetitive words and asks her to fixate on a slowly moving object. Kostantina is currently experiencing


A loss of feeling or responsiveness to pain in certain parts of the body occurring during hypnosis is

hypnotic analgesia

The failure to notice something right in front of one's eyes because one's focus is directed elsewhere is known as

inattentional blindness

Klara struggles to stay awake upon arriving in a different time zone after a long flight. Klara is most likely experiencing

jet lag

Poppy is a frequent coffee drinker. Which of the following effects is she likely to experience?

jitterness and nervousness

Hernando recently dreamt of a large elephant that followed him wherever he went. His psychoanalyst informs him that the elephant represented a strong sense of guilt that he has yet to shake off, and is one example of

latent content

Generally-speaking, women tend to become intoxicated after consuming

less alcohol compared to men.

What is the term for dreams in which the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming?

lucid dreams

A sound or phrase chanted repeatedly during transcendental meditation is called a


Fedor finds it difficult to remember new information after using a certain drug for an extended period of time. Fedor has likely been using


A sleep-wake disorder characterized by sudden unexplained "sleep attacks" during the day is called


Lena is careful to take her pain reliever, Vicodin, only as prescribed by her physician. She knows the overuse of it can lead to addiction due to Vicodin being a


Addictive drugs that have pain-relieving and sleep-inducing properties are known as


In her psychology class, Maria Jose argues that hypnosis actually represents a split in an individual's awareness. Maria Jose's argument best describes


A state of dependence on a drug caused by repeated usage that changes body chemistry is called

physiological dependence

A friend of yours describes seeing a family member engage in using multiple drugs at once. You tell your friend that this behavior may be an indication that their family member is a


A disruption of sleep-wake cycles caused by the shifts in time zones that accompany long-distance air travel causes many people who travel to feel

tired or over-rested depending on time zone

Giovanna would like to learn how to build her ability to focus during meditation for a prolonged period of time. Giovanna may be most interested in practicing

transcendental meditation

After undergoing hypnosis, Ishan feels more willing than usual to act out the requests of his hypnotist. Ishan is experiencing

posthypnotic suggestion

Chemical substances that affect a person's mental or emotional state are called

psychoactive drugs

Ling Yi expects that using cocaine will provide her with a high that she has never achieved before. Ling Yi's interest in cocaine use most directly demonstrates the influence of

psychological factors

Josephina is explaining to her best friend how alcohol affects academic performance. One point she may want to mention is that alcohol consumption tends to

reduce academic performance due to loss of sleep.

Cases in which a person experiences a temporary cessation of breathing during sleep most likely indicate the presence of

sleep apnea

Madison frequently wakes up in a cold sweat with a strong sensation of fear. However, she has trouble linking her fear to any particular dream. Madison likely has

sleep- terrors disorder

A diagnostic category of psychological or mental disorders involving disturbed sleep patterns is known as

sleep-wake disorders

Certain factors lead to different groups of people being more or less likely to use drugs or develop negative reactions to drug use. These factors are called

sociocultural factors

Over the course of a day, Jonas drifts from sleeping, to being awake, to daydreaming, to being focused. These different conditions constitute different

stages of consciousness

Olavi regularly uses certain drugs to keep him focused and alert. Olavi most likely uses


Hilgard's term for a part of consciousness that remains detached from the hypnotic experience but aware of everything that happens during it is

the hidden observer

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