Quiz 08 - Coffee and Measurements

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What is the abbreviation for pounds

# which is not a hashtag, it's a pound sign

What are the four types of coffee roasts from lightest to darkest?

1. Partial City Roast 2. Full City Roast 3. French Roast 4. Italian Roast

What are the two ways to measure out 6.5oz of milk?

1. Use 1/2 cup (4oz) plus 1/4 cup (2oz) and a Tablespoon (.5 oz) - 4 + 2 + .5 = 6.5oz or Scale out 6.5oz (liquids, weigh equals volume)

How would you measure out 3/4 cup (if you only had quarters, how would you pay someone 75 cents?)

1/2 cup plus 1/4 cup or three 1/4 cups (

How many ounces in 1# (pound)


How many 1/4 cup in 1/2 cup


What is the ratio of coffee to water

2 Tbls coffee to 6oz water

How many ounces in 1/4 cup

2 fluid ounces

3 teaspoons in a tablespoon, 4 Tablespoons in a 1/4 Cup, how many teaspoons in a 1/4 cup

3 teaspoons times four Tablespoons = 12 teaspoons

How many 1/4 cup in 1 cup


How many ounces in 1/2 cup

4 fluid ounces

How many ounces in 3/4 cup

6 fluid ounces

How many ounces in 1 cup

8 fluid ounces

There are 8 oz (ounces) in 1 cup, there are 4 cups in 1 quart, how many oz are there in 1 quart

8 ounces times 4 cups equals 32 ounces

How to measure out 1 and a half teaspoons

A 1 tsp and a 1/2 tsp or three 1/2 tsp's

How to measure out 3/4 teaspoon

A 1/2 tsp and a 1/4 teaspoon

What four spoons make up a set of measure spoons

A Tablespoon, a 1 tsp, a 1/2 tsp, and a 1/4 tsp

What are the two types of Coffee beans for sale?

Arabica and Robusto

How many cups in a quart


How many quarts in a gallon


Quart/quarter/de cuatro/quatre/quatro . . . in all these languages what number do they mean


Which roast is considered the best balance of flavor and roast?

Full City Roast

To figure out how many tablespoons, just take the number of ounces and. . . .

Multiply by 2

One Tablespoon equals

One fluid ounce

If you use too much water, what happens

Osmosis pulls out all the bad flavors.

Define Pyrolysis (has the word "pryo" right in it)

Pyrolysis are the changes in food because of the application of heat

What does the "tare" or "zero" button on scale do

Resets the scale to zero, removing the weight of the container

What measuring cups are used for liquid ingredients

The clear cups.

What measuring cups are used for dry ingredients

The stainless cups

How many Tablespoons in a 1 cup

There are 2 Tbls in and oz (ounce), 8 oz in 1 cup, 2 Tbls times 8oz equals 16 Tablespoons

In 1/2 cup, how many teaspoons?

There are 4 ounces 1/2 cup, so there are 8 Tablespoons 8 Tablespoons time 3 Teaspoons = 24 teaspoons in 1/2 cup

Teaspoons in a Tablespoon


Tablespoons in an ounce


When measuring dry ingredients in the stainless cups, how do you ensure that the ingredient is level?

Use the back of a knife or something else flat and scrape across the measuring cup

What is the difference between volume and weight?

Volume is space, weight is gravity. 1 cup is 8 fluid ounces of space. 1 cup can weigh anything. 1 cup cotton candy and 1 cup of lead do not weigh the same.

1 cup of water weighs 8oz, 1 cup of flour weighs 4.5oz. Explain

Water and other liquids, including butter, are the same in volume as weight. For dry ingredients, volume does not automatically equal weight.

We use clear measuring cups for liquids so that.....

You can set it on a table, bend down and see where it levels.

What is the abbreviation for "ounce"


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