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Storming of the Bastille July 14 1789

-A rumor that the king was planning a military coup against the National Assembly -800 protesters; demand guns and ammunition; troops open fire; prison is stormed -events erupted into revolution -crowd gathered outside the prison -demand weapons -commander fired on the crowd, killing many -mob broke through -freeing prisoners -fall of the Bastille challenged the existence of the ancient régime -Revolution Begins

Adam Smith and classical economics

-argued that the economic system was like a machine functioning by natural and automatic rules, by the "invisible hand" of market forces -law of supply and demand: determined all economic values -The Wealth of Nations in 1776 is usually considered to mark the beginning of classical economics - Wrote "The Wealth of Nations" which explained the free enterprise system; pure capitalism with no regulations

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England?

-stable political order (constitutional monarchy where majority of political power rest in parliament to speak for people rather than a King - most people accepted this political order because they felt like they had a stake in it) - extensive banking and credit system (if you wanted to start a business you can be lended money if proven a good investment) - meager agricultural economy - advanced commercial shipping empire (British navy was the strongest by a long shot and Britain's rulers realized that its power was to protect trade)

Revolutions of 1848

1) France 1848 to 1851 King Louis Philippe is Deposed, second republic is proclaimed, the violent June Days lead to the election of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte as president, second republic is dissolved, second empire proclaimed 1851 2) Prussia 1848 to 1849 King Frederick Wilhelm IV is forced to make constitutional reform but refuses the Frank for parliaments offer to be the king of Germany 3) Austria 1848 to 1849 King Ferdinand and Prime Minister Metternich are deposed, Franz Joesph becomes emperor, make political reforms, refused to grant Hungarian independence 4) Rome 1848 Giuseppe Garbaldi attempts to create a republican united Italy in opposition to Pope Plus IX, efforts crushed by French soldiers

Causes of French Revolution (1789-1799)

1) Influence of enlightenment ideas especially Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau 2) Persistence of absolutism in France, medieval privileges divisions of French society into three estates 3) inspiration of the American revolution although ideas underlying the revolutions were different 4) Chronic indebtedness of the French government inability to reform 5) The personality of King Louis XVI

German Unification 1864-1871

1) Kingdom of Prussia unites most of German speaking Europe to create the German empire 2) The German confederation 3) Key figures: Otto von Bismarck (Chancellor of Prussia) and Wilhelm I (King of Prussia) 4) German-Danish war 1864 5) Austro-Prussia war 1866 6) Franco-Prussian war 1870-1871 7) proclamation of the German empire January 1871 8) autonomous territories: Baden-Wuttemberg, Palatinate and Bavaria 9) Annexation of Alsace and Lorraine

Italian Unification

1) Nationalism Transforms from a liberal Republican to a conservative monarchist political movement 2) Key figures for Italian Unification, Giuseppe Garibaldi and Count Camille Cavour 3) Austrian-Italian war 1859 4) Kingdom of Piedmont Sardinia unifies Italian speaking Europe by 1870, Kingdom of Italy established in 1860 5) Venetian Republic added in 1866 6) Conquest of the Papal States and the city of Rome by 1870 7) Strong Regional differences persist between norther and southern Italy

The Age of Romanticism

1) Reaction against the "cult of reason" which persisted during the enlightenment 2) emphasis on emotions rather than reason 3) viewed the middle age more favorably than the enlightenment 4) discusses the mysteries of nature and the inability of man to control them 5) Rejected the idea of the perfectibility of men and societies 6) Notable Romantics: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Mary Shelley, William Wordsworth, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Sir Walter Scott, and Johann Herder

The Second Industrial Revolution (1850-1900 - GERMANY)

1) key tools were oil and electricity 2) the Prussian Zollverein economic unification and free trade in Germany 3) follow the English model 4) considerable natural resources in Germany or close by 5) major industrial centers emerge before the industrialization or large cities (ex: The Ruhr Valley) 6) major industrial powers in Europe by 1900: United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Austria-hungry, and Russia

The first industrial revolution (1770-1850 - ENGLAND)

1) transition from an economy primarily based on agriculture to one based primarily on industry 2) free-market economics versus mercantilism 3) Key invention James Watts steam engine (1770) 4) Home life now separated from work life 5) growth of urbanization majority of the population now lives in or near cities as opposed to rural areas 6) reasons for the industrial revolution occurring in England (stable political order, extensive banking and credit system, meager agricultural economy, commercial shipping empire, and advanced system or railways)

Third Estate

98% of the population made up of Bourgeoisie, San Cullotes, and the Peasent Farmers. Also has burden by paying all taxes put on by the government (1 and 2 estate exempt)

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens

A charter of basic liberties, proclaimed equal rights for all men, but no political rights for women

Steam Engine (James Watt)

A machine that turns the energy released by burning fuel into motion. Thomas Newcomen built the first crude but workable steam engine in 1712. James Watt vastly improved his device in the 1760s and 1770s. Steam power was then applied to machinery.

The Prussian Zollverein

A massive free trade zone that began in Prussia and expanded all throughout Germany (free to make goods and transport to anywhere else in Zollverein with no tariffs)

The Terror 1793-1794

A period of time where France was under the leadership of Maximilien Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety, tens of thousands deemed enemies of the revolution lost their lives on the guillotine. Shortly thereafter, Robespierre himself was arrested and guillotined, accused of leading France into tyranny and dictatorship. "The revolution," remarked one of its victims, "was devouring its own children."

The French Revolution 1789-1799

A radical revolution against the French monarchy and nobility. Its adherents argued for a new society based on the ideals of egalitarianism, brotherhood, and freedom.

June Days

A revolt during the month of June as a result of the abolishment of national workshops. This event ended the liberal capitalist and the radical socialists tension ending in victory for liberalism and Capitalism.-Also with the June Days it led to having a new constitution demanding a strong executive, which led to the rise of Louis Napoleon.


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

Franz Joseph

Agrees to elected parliament but the ministers and emperor are appointment and removed by him (semi absolutist monarchy)

Problem for German nationalists

Although Germans speak the same language you have a strong divide between a Protestant south and east and catholic north and west. Also Austrian Empire ruled over considerable amount of territories not with germans (gotta decide if you let them in or not)


An increase in the percentage and in the number of people living in urban settlements.

End of Austro-Prussian War

Austrian army was defeated and expelled by German confederation and had to sign an agreement to not unify Germany under its leadership


Believed best form of government should be ruled by a wise and philosophical king (Voltaire looked down on lower class people)

Charles X (r. 1824-1830)

Bourbon king of France after Louis XVIII. He was previously the Count of Artois - one the the first emigres in revolution and very active in organizing the emigres' opposition to the revolution. He was the favorite Bourbon among the most obstinate ex-seigneurs, nobles and high churchmen. He was a reactionary in his reign.

What places were exempted from revolution upheaval?

Britain and Russian Empire (either be as liberal as you can or conservative as you can)

Battle of Nile

British Navy defeated French Navy and Napoleon was forced to retreat to France and still returned to France as a national hero despite the failure of conquering Egypt


Call for a government system in France that resembled what existed in Britain (constitutional monarchy) majority of power in people


Calls for active state intervention in the economy to promote the growth of certain domestic industries and protect from trade of other countries (put out tariffs)

Clergy of Catholic Church (First estate)

Catholicism represents most of French population

Otto von Bismarck "iron chancellor" (1815-1898)

Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist, he led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) and France (1870) and was responsible for the creation of the German Empire (714)

William Lovett and Chartism

Chartist leader in England, the person mainly responsible for drafting the People's Charter of 1838, demanding electoral reform A program of political reforms sponsored by British workers in the late 1830s. Chartist demands included universal manhood suffrage, secret ballots, equal electoral districts, and salaries for members of the House of Commons.

Assembly of all estates

Could not raise taxes unless a meeting of all three estates were called.

The German Empire 1871-1918

Created in 1871 by the maneuvering of Bismarck. Although it possessed the appearance of liberal institutions (parliament, Constitution, etc) it possessed none of the substance of liberalism. It was a government dominated by the conservative Military, Junkers, and Monarchy.

German-Danish War 1864

Danish people were defeated by Prussia and Austria which provided Bismarck an opportunity to initiate war with Austria

Austro-Italian War

Declared by Piedmont Sardinia in an attempt to weaken Austria to drive them out of Italy

Rotten Boroughs

Depopulated areas of England that nevertheless sent representatives to Parliament. a borough that was able to elect a representative to Parliament though having very few voters, the choice of representative typically being in the hands of one person or family.


Electricity was one of the main sources of moving forward and advancing in the Second Industrial Revolution

Committee of Public Safety

Established and led by Robespierre, which was formed in April to protect France against its enemies, foreign and domestic, and to oversee the government. Under his leadership, the committee came to exercise virtual dictatorial control over the French government. fixed bread prices and nationalized some businesses. Basically secret police and also controlled the war effort. Instigated the Reign of Terror.


Expressed by French King Louis 15th who was answerable only to god himself and nobody else with unlimited powers. King can also not share power with his people like Britain.

Frankfurt Parliament 1848-1849

Failed attempt to create a unified Germany under constitutional principles. In 1849, the assembly offered the crown of the new German nation to Frederick William IV of Prussia, but he refused the offer and suppressed a brief protest. The delegates went home disillusioned.

Count Camille Cavour

Forfeit minister of Piedmont Sardinia who was a political conservative (monarchist) but believed Italian nationalism was a force to be reckoned with and that sooner or later the Italians would be one government so he wanted to have control in this process to cut off Garibaldi and gain power

Battles of Austerlitz/Trafalgar 1805

Fought December 2, 1805, and was the deciding engagement of the War of the Third Coalition (1805) during the Napoleonic Wars (1803 to 1815). Having crushed an Austrian army at Ulm earlier that fall, Napoleon drove east and captured Vienna. His 68,000 troops defeated almost 90,000 Russians and Austrians nominally under General M.I.

Estates meeting

Found the assembly hall to be locked so they went to a nearby tennis court where they took an oath vowing not to leave until Louis 15th agreed to reform

Franz Joseph (r. 1848-1916)

Franz Joseph was the emperor of Austria (1848-1916) and king of Hungary (1867-1916). He divided his empire into the Dual Monarchy, in which Austria and Hungary coexisted as equal partners. In 1879 he formed an alliance with Prussian-led Germany. In 1914 his ultimatum to Serbia led Austria and Germany into World War I.

Friederich Wilhelm IV of Prussia

Frederick William refused the crown of a united Germany offered him (1849) by the Frankfurt Parliament on the grounds that a monarch by divine right could not receive authority from an elected assembly. ..

Italian republic

Garabaldi attempted to create the Roman Republic from which he can create the Italian Republic which failed mostly because of French army intervention

Women's March on the Palace of Versailles October 1789

Group of women March from Paris to kings palace demanding that he do something about food shortages. French provinces were not transporting bread to the people. They requested Paris was true capitol and wanted Louis to go with them back to Paris which he did.

Ferdinand III of Austria (r.1835-1848)

Holy Roman emperor who headed the so-called peace party at the Habsburg imperial court during the Thirty Years' War and ended that war in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia.

North German confederation and Prussia alliance

I'd some country declared a war with Prussia the states would ally with Prussia and fight alongside them

Battles of Leipzig 1813/Waterloo 1815

In the 1813 Battle of Leipzig, also known as the Battle of Nations, Napoleon's army was defeated by a coalition that included Austrian, Prussian, Russian and Swedish troops. Afterward, Napoleon retreated to France, where in March 1814 coalition forces captured Paris. Although Napoleon's troops mounted a strong attack against the British, the arrival of the Prussians turned the tide against the French. The French emperor's outnumbered army retreated in chaos. Reportedly fatigued and in poor health during the Belgian campaign, Napoleon committed tactical errors and acted indecisively. He also was blamed for appointing inadequate commanders. Ultimately, the Battle of Waterloo marked the end of Napoleon's storied military career. He reportedly rode away from the battle in tears.

Big Germany vs. Little Germany

In the debate over German unification, the inclusion of Austria causes a problem. If one wishes to have a Germany that includes ALL Germans, Austria must be included. However, including Austria would bring in its eastern subjects (Slavic). This is the Big Germany solution. If one wishes to have a Germany that included ONLY Germans, Austria must be excluded. However, excluding Austria would mean a large number of Germans living in Austria would not be in the new Germany. This is the little Germany solution.

State Terror

Initiated by Robespierre against his own people where many people in and outside of Paris deemed as enemies of Revolution were arrested, tried, and executed even with flimsy evidence

Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882)

Italian revolutionary leader who led the fight to free Sicily and Naples from the Habsburg Empire; the lands were then peaceably annexed by Sardinia to produce a unified Italy. Soldier of fortune who amassed his "Red Shirt" army to bring Naples and Sicily into a unified Italy.

Louis XVI 16 (r. 1774-1793)

King of France whose inability to enact lasting economic & political reforms precipitated the French Revolution; he was eventually deposed & executed by radicals of the Revolution

Victor Emmanuel II

King of Piedmont, Savoy, and Sardinia. Eventually became first king of a united Italy. Led the north in Italian unification and united with Garibaldi's south in 1861. Drove the pope into the Vatican city, and eventually made Rome the capital of Italy.

Wilhelm I of Germany

King of Prussia from 2 January 1861 and the first German Emperor from 18 January 1871 to his death. William was the first head of state of a united Germany, and was also de facto head of state of Prussia from 1858 to 1861, serving as regent for his brother, Frederick William IV. Under the leadership of William and his minister president Otto von Bismarck, Prussia achieved the unification of Germany and the establishment of the German Empire.

Louis XVI escapes country

King tries to leave Paris but gets caught and comes back to France as a prisoner

France Indepted

Known to be very wealthy but had tons of wealth because Kings have made enormous debts from war and also spent money in ridiculous ways

Nicholas I

Last tsar of Russia, he went to the frontlines in WWI to try to rally the troops, but was forced to abdicate after his wife made horrible decisions under the influence of Rasputin.

Execution of Louis XVI

Louis XVI was killed due to his monarchial views on ruling France, which all of the citizens greatly disagreed with

Prussia transition in power

Made transition from absolute monarchy to a semi constitutional monarchy (people are appointed and removed by king)

Congress of Vienna

Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon. The objective of the Congress of Vienna was to provide a long-term peace plan for Europe by settling critical issues arising from the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars. Virtually every state in Europe had a delegation in Vienna

Napoleon Bonaparte

Military leader, led a coup to eventurally make himself empoero of France. Napoleon was an artinjackopon who supported the abolishment of the monarchy, trial of Louis 16th, and a supporter of Robespierre.

Civil Code "Napoleonic code"

Modern legal code to modernize the law system within France and also it worked out a broad accommodation for Catholic Church by ending war between France and Vatican and the France government and its catholic population


Most influential of France eighteenth philosophers on French Revolution. Wrote about a concept he called the general will which is the desire and beliefs of the majority of the France nation. He believed in the perfect ability of man which can be improved by changing social environment in which a person lives

The Directory Government

Most power is given to elected representatives and very little power to the chief executive (Thermidorian reaction)

committee of public safety

Most powerful committee with Maximilian Robespierre who served as chairman being the most powerful person as he was seen as the new leader of France

The French Empire

Napoleon controls Europe except for Britain, Portugal, Sweden, Ottomans, has puppet rulers in some countries, alliances with others, French Empire reaches largest extent from 1807 to 1812

Napoleon declares council for life

Napoleon declared himself council for life at 1801 and with this decision the monarchy of France was officially back but he wasn't officially a monarch yer

French Invasion of Russia 1812

Napoleon hoped to compel Tsar Alexander I of Russia to cease trading with British merchants through proxies in an effort to pressure the United Kingdom to sue for peace. The official political aim of the campaign was to liberate Poland from the threat of Russia. It was the greatest and bloodiest of the Napoleonic campaigns, involving more than 1.5 million soldiers, with over 500,000 French and 400,000 Russian casualties. The reputation of Napoleon suffered severely, and French hegemony in Europe weakened dramatically.

Napoleon defeat at the Battle of the Nations

Napoleon was exiled to Italy and Louis the 18th (younger bro of Louis 16th) restored the thrown


Nationalism transforms from a movement associated with political liberals and republics and becomes a movement associated with conservative political ideologies and monarchies (this is because liberals failed to unify the countries)

King Louis Philippe

Never gained widespread popularity and his governments reputation declined throughout mid 1840. Street demonstrations in Paris drove him from his throne and French second republic was reclaimed

French Nobility (Second Estate)

Nobles and wealthy people who bought noble titles from king

Women s March on Versailles October 5 1789

On October 4, 1789, a crowd of women demanding bread for their families gathered other discontented Parisians, including some men, and marched toward Versailles, arriving soaking wet from the rain. ... The King agreed to meet with some of the women and promised to distribute all the bread in Versailles to the crowd.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Overthrew the French revolutionary government (The Directory) in 1799 and became emperor of France in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain and abdicated in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.

Fall of Robespierre

Overthrown and killed by guillotine and a new government called the directory was created

July Monarchy

Period in France (1830-1848) where the bourgeoisie class was dominant and King Louis-Philippe was at the head of a constitutional monarchy. The monarchy eventually became too rigid and unwilling to change and was overthrown.

Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinian

Piedmont-Sardinia refers to the composite state of Piedmont in northern Italy and the island Sardinia, which were united under the rule of the Duke of Savoy in 1720, with Turin as its capital. The Kingdom was defeated by Napoleon in 1796, and Piedmont was united with France following the occupation of Turin in 1798.

Autonomous zones from Berlin

Places have home rule but cannot set their own foreign or military policies

What country promoted economic and political unification


Austro-Prussian War (1866) Battle of Sedowa huge battle

Prussia demanded that Austria turn over its rights to the territories of Nasting and bulvstein to Prussia but Austria refused which made Prussia launch a war.

France and Prussia War

Prussia wanted to claim Spain thrown but France did not want them to which led to the war declared by France. Prussia formed military alliance against north German confederation and were victorious by 1871

Marie Antoinette

Queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy; she was guillotined along with her husband (1755-1793)

When did Napoleon fight when becoming emperor

Rarely but only when he outnumbered his enemy 2:1 and forced the enemy to have their back to a lake river or mountain range only to counterattack really hard


Rechtsstaat is a doctrine in continental European legal thinking, originating in German jurisprudence. It can be translated into English as "rule of law", alternatively "legal state", "state of law", "state of justice", or "state based on justice and integrity".

King Friedrich Wilhelm IV

Refuses offer to be king and sent in army to break up Frankfort parliament.

Robespierre targeted

Revolution government was seen as illegitimate by conservatives and it wanted to be put to an end. Virtual civil war between peasant/royal armies on one side and revolutionary armies on the other

Roman Republic Government

Romans took the best pieces of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy style governments. Rome had 2 Consuls, these people acted as kings. Their term was a year long. Then they had a senate of 300 people. These people could be from any class. In times of crisis, a dictator could be elected for 6 months.

The German Confederation

Ruled by Protestant Prussia to the north and Catholic Austria to the south

The Decembrists

Russian army officers who briefly rebelled against Tsar Nicholas in December 1825

Prussia riots

Soldiers fire on demonstrators and Wilhelm made reform to satisfy the demonstrators

Tri color flag of france

Symbol of the French people and the nation and then became the symbol of all of France after the revolution

Gold Fluerdelis Symbol

Symbol of the bourbon monarchy that ruled France


Term comes from Emmanuel Caunt who called this French Revolution movement "the enlightenment" ulf clarion

Battle of Sedan 1870

The Battle of Sedan was fought during the Franco-Prussian War on 1 September 1870. It resulted in the capture of Emperor Napoleon III and his army and practically decided the war in favor of Prussia and its allies, though fighting continued under a new French government. Brought the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War and the collapse of Louis Napoleon's regime in France (he was captured).

The Three Estates

The Estates-General of 1789 was a general assembly representing the French estates of the realm summoned by Louis XVI to propose solutions to France's financial problems. It ended when the Third Estate formed into a National Assembly, signaling the outbreak of the French Revolution.

Hungarian Rebellion

The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 was part of a European wide revolution sparked by the flight of Louis Philippe in France and a movement in favor of nationalism among European liberals. The young emperor Franz Joseph I had to call for Russian help in the name of the Holy Alliance. Tsar Nicholas I answered, and sent a 200,000 strong army with 80,000 auxiliary forces. Finally, the joint army of Russian and Austrian forces defeated the Hungarian forces.

Luddite Phenomenon

The Luddites were a secret oath-based organization of English textile workers in the 19th century, a radical faction which destroyed textile machinery as a form of protest. The Luddites aimed to maintain their current labour status and position in society.

Pope's opinion

The Pope was very opposed to Italian nationalism and did not recognize or align with the Italian government

Hundred Days

The brief period during 1815 when Napoleon made his last bid for power, deposing the French King and again becoming Emperor of France

The Three Estates

The clergy made up a very small percentage but owned 10% of the land; the nobles made up another small percentage but also owned most of the land; and the rest of the people made up 97% of France and owned very little land (1st (Clergy, 1%), 2nd (Nobility 2%), 3rd (Everyone else 97%))

Berlin Demonstrations March 1848

The first revolutionary uprisings in Germany began in the state of Baden in March 1848 and within a few days, there were revolutionary uprisings in other states including Austria and Prussia. On March 15, 1848, the subjects of Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia vented their long-repressed political aspirations in violent rioting in Berlin, while barricades were erected in the streets of Paris.

What were some negative parts of the industrial revolution?

The great advancement allowed people to he killed in war in numbers never seen before

Spinning Jenny 1770 (Richard Hargrave)

The machine used eight spindles onto which the thread was spun, so by turning a single wheel, the operator could now spin eight threads at once.

French Second Republic

The new Constitution established another republic in a one house legislature came out of the revolution in 1848, constitution, truly popular and democratic system wanted, universal male suffrage, abolition of death penalty, freedom of slaves, limited workdays,

The Paris Commune

The small government in Paris who wanted to resist the conservative leaders of France and tried to form their own government The revolutionary municipal council, led by radicals, that engaged in a civil war (March-May 1871) with the National Assembly of the newly established Third Republic, set up after the defeat of Napoleon III in the Franco-Prussian War

Russian Autocracy

The three components of Uvarov's triad were: Orthodoxy — Orthodox Christianity and protection of Russian Orthodox Church. Autocracy — unconditional loyalty to House of Romanov in return for paternalist protection for all social estates.

How north and south Italy were United

They shared same exact language and religion

German and Italian Unification

Two most powerful German and Italian speaking states untied most of German and Italian speaking states under their power (nationalism)

When the monarchy was abolished after Louis 16th execution who took control

Under control of the convention which in itself was under control of a number of committees to help govern the country

Garibaldi unification of Italy

Unified by conservative rather than liberal political lines

Bismarck plans

Use the German confederation to unite the rest of Germany cause he wanted Austrian empire gone. All he had to do was fight a series of wars to exclude Austria from the equation and then bring Germany under leadership

Storming of the Bastille July 1789

Where representative of the estates general calling itself the "National Assembly" supper effort by French to take control of prison and access weapons in there so they can have their own army and guards

Garibaldi and Cavour Compromise

Where the kingdom of Piedmont Sardinia would transform itself into the kingdom of Italy and the kingdom of Italy would still get to be a semi constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament (not absolutist but also not so liberal)

We're there factors and working class before industrial revolution

Yes common misconception but the difference is that only a small amount of the population was involved in factory work

industrial center

a place where much manufacturing is done


a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral or ideological considerations.

Great Reform Act 1832

an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom that introduced major changes to the electoral system of England and Wales. It abolished tiny districts, gave representation to cities, gave the vote to small landowners, tenant farmers, shopkeepers, householders who paid a yearly rental of £10 or more, and some lodgers. Only qualifying men were able to vote;

Internal Combustion Engine

an engine that burns fuel inside cylinders within the engine that are used in vehicles, boats, ships, airplanes, and trains.

Battle of Konniggratz 1866

decisive battle of the Austro-Prussian War in which the Kingdom of Prussia defeated the Austrian Empire. The heavily outnumbered Prussian infantry used their superior training and tactical doctrine and the Dreyse needle gun to win the battle and the entire war at Königgrätz on their own

The Consulate

government established in France after the overthrow of the Directory in 1799, with Napoleon as first consul in control of the entire government

where do most people live during industrial revolution

live more in cities (where you lived is where you likely worked)

Napoleon overthrows Directory

n November 1799, in an event known as the coup of 18 Brumaire, Napoleon was part of a group that successfully overthrew the French Directory. The Directory was replaced with a three-member Consulate, and 5'7" Napoleon became first consul, making him France's leading political figure

Industrial Revloution

new form of government formed and comes to power

during industrial revolution you had a permanent transformation of Europe's economies that were based primarily on agriculture and industrial production

primarily engaged in industry over agriculture

July Revolution 1830

rebellion in reaction to King Charles' edicts (the July Ordinances) that imposed rigid censorship on the press, dissolved the legislative assembly, and reduced the electorate in preparation for new elections; Charles fled; Duke of Orleans, his cousin, became king

Blood and Iron

reliance on and use of force especially : the use of military power rather than normal diplomatic means.

Pope Pius IX

strongly denounced rationalism, socialism, separation of church and state, and religious liberty and Pope during unification of Italy opposed creation of federation of Italian states

The French Third Republic 1871-1940

the system of government adopted in France from 1870, when the Second French Empire collapsed during the Franco-Prussian War, until 10 July 1940 after France's defeat by Nazi Germany in World War II led to the formation of the Vichy government in France.

textile industry

the textile industry before the Industrial Revolution, textiles were primarily made of wool and were handspun. But, with the invention of the spinning wheel and the loom, cotton was produced quicker and eventually replaced wool in the textile field. The textile industry significantly grew during the Industrial Revolution. The demand for cloth grew, so merchants had to compete with others for the supplies to make it.

Louis 16th

tried to impose taxation on second estate but this was unsuccessful and govt couldn't reform. Then one day no more money was able to be borrowed

Count Klemens von Metternich

was the Austrian foreign minister who basically controlled the Congress of Vienna. Wanted to promote peace, conservatism, and the repression of liberal nationalism throughout Europe.

French Revolution Frances change of government

went from being absolutist monarchy to a republic then to a semi absolute empire (Napoleon) and then back to a semi constitutional monarchy

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