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A 23-year-old woman presents to her physician with the chief complaint that she is anxious about the way she looks. She notes that for "as long as she can remember" she has been obsessed about the fact that something must be wrong with her face. She notes that her eyes are too far apart and her nose is misshapen. She states that this concern is "ruining her life" because she spends all her time isolated from others so that they cannot see her face. The physician did not notice anything unusual a

Body dysmorphic disorder

A 29-year-old man is convinced that the CEO at his company is in love with him despite the fact that there is no evidence to support his belief. The man's belief is best described as which of the following?

An erotomanic delusion

For the past six weeks, a middle-aged woman`s mood has been mostly depressed, but she cheers up briefly when her grandchildren visit or in coincidence with other pleasant events. She is consistently less depressed in the morning than at night. When her children fail to call on the phone to inquire about her health, her mood deteriorates even more. She sleeps 14 hours every night and has gained 24 lbs. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Atypical feature specifier

Moreover, John who was diagnosed a few years ago also experience ______ Sometimes he feels that his energy is drained. He wanted to write a book but had a hard time starting it, after a while he managed to start it but was having difficulty finishing it.


During the first therapy session with a married couple, the husband tells the therapist that, during the past year and a half, his wife experienced three or four periods when she became extremely energetic, talkative, and reckless in her behavior and didn't sleep much. The wife says that each episode lasted about eight or nine days and that, during the last episode, she had two car accidents because she thought she saw her dead ex-husband standing in the road. She also says that, between these p

Bipolar I Disorder

A 32-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room by the police after she was found standing in the middle of a busy highway, naked, commanding the traffic to stop. In the emergency room she is agitated and restless, with pressured speech and an affect that alternates between euphoric and irritable. He father is contacted and states that this kind of behavior runs in the family. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Bipolar disorder

A 27-year-old woman comes to a psychiatrist with the chief complaint of feeling depressed her entire life. While she states that she has never been so depressed that she was unable to function, she never feels really good for more than a week or two at a time. She had never been suicidal or psychotic, though her self-esteem is chronically low. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?


A 26-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room by her husband after she begins screaming that her children are calling to her and becomes hysterical. The husband states that two weeks previously, the couple`s two children were killed in a car accident, and since that time the patient has been agitated, disorganized, and incoherent. He states that she will not eat because she believes he has been poisoning her food, and she has not slept for the past two days. The patient believes that the

Brief psychotic disorder

A 20-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room by her family because they have been unable to get her to eat or drink anything for the past two days. The patient, although awake, is completely unresponsive both vocally and nonverbally. She actively resists any attempt to be moved. Her family reports that during the previous seven months she became increasingly withdrawn, socially isolated, and bizarre, often speaking to people no one else could see. Which of the following is the most likel


A young executive is periodically required to give reports of his department`s progress in front of the firm`s CEO. Although usually confident and well prepared, the young man becomes very anxious prior to each presentation. Once he is in front of his audience, he experiences dry mouth, heart palpitations, and profuse sweating. Which of the following statements concerning this disorder is correct?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been proven to be effective

After witnessing a violent argument between her parents, a young woman develops sudden blindness but does not appear as distraught as would be expected by this development. Her pupils react normally to light, and she manages to somehow avoid obstacles when walking. Her parents, who are in the middle of a bitter divorce, put aside their differences to focus on their daughter`s illness. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Conversion disorder

A 27-year-old woman has been feeling blue for the past two weeks. She has little energy and has trouble concentrating. She states that six weeks ago she has been feeling very good, with lots of energy and no need for sleep. She says that this pattern has been occurring for at least the past three years, though the episodes have never been so severe that she couldn`t work. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?


Robert, age 23, is brought to therapy by his mother. She says that Robert has been acting strange for about seven or eight weeks. Robert claims that people on television are putting thoughts into his brain

Delusional Disorder

A 36-year-old woman is brought to the psychiatrist by her husband because for the past eight months she has refused to go out of the house, believing that the neighbors are trying to harm her. She is afraid that if they see her they will hurt her, and she finds many small bits of evidence to support this. This evidence includes the neighbors` leaving their garbage cans out on the street to try to trip her, parking their cars in their driveways so they can hide behind them and spy on her, and wal

Delusional disorder

A 40-year-old woman is arrested by the police after she is found crawling through the window of a movie star`s home. She states that the movie star invited her into his home because the two are secretly married and "it just wouldn`t be good for his career if everyone knew." The movie star denies the two have ever met, but notes that the woman has sent him hundreds of letters over the past two years. The woman has never been in trouble before and lives an otherwise isolated and unremarkable life.

Delusional disorder

A young woman, who has a very limited memory of her childhood years but knows that she was removed from her parents because of their abuse and neglect, frequently cannot account for hours or even days of her life. She hears voices that alternately plead, reprimand, or simply comment on what she is doing. Occasionally, she does not remember how and when she arrived at a specific location. She finds clothes she does not like in her closet, and she does not remember having bought them. Her friends

Dissociative identity disorder

A young woman who has felt mildly unhappy and dissatisfied with herself for most of her life has been severely depressed, irritable, and anhedonic for three weeks. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Double depression

A 14-year-old boy is brought to the psychiatrist because for the past 15 months he has been irritable and depressed almost constantly. The boy notes that he has difficulty concentrating, and he has lost 5 lbs during that time period without trying. He states that he feels as if he has always been depressed, and he feels hopeless about ever feeling better. He denies suicidal ideation or hallucinations. He is sleeping well and doing well in school, though his teachers have noticed that he does not


A 29-year-old woman comes to the emergency room because she has been feeling depressed for the past three weeks. She complains of an inability to sleep, anergia, anhedonia, loss of libido, and weight loss of 10 lbs. When she is asked about suicidal ideation, she is evasive and refuses to give an answer, stating, "If I talk to you about suicidal ideation, you will put me in the hospital, even if I deny it." She notes that she was hospitalized once previously for a suicide attempt in which she had

Her previous suicide attempt

A middle-aged man is chronically preoccupied with his health. For many years he feared that his irregular bowel functions meant he had cancer. Now he is very worried about having a serious heart disease, despite his physician`s assurance that the occasional "extra beats" he detects when he checks his pulse are completely benign. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?


During your first session with Jennifer, she says she's very worried about a small red spot on her left knee. She's convinced that she has cancer since it runs in her family even though she has been reassured by three different doctors that she's okay. Jennifer says her concern about having cancer has made it hard to concentrate at work and make plans for the future. Based on this information, the most likely diagnosis for Jennifer is which of the following?

Illness Anxiety Disorder

A 24-year-old woman comes to the emergency room with the chief complaint that "My stomach is rotting out from the inside." She states that for the last six months she has been crying on a daily basis and that she has decreased concentration, energy, and interest in her usual hobbies. She has lost 25 lbs during that time. She cannot get to sleep, and when she does, she wakes up early in the morning. For the past three weeks, she has become convinced that she is dying of cancer and is rotting on t

Major depression with psychotic features

The production of symptoms for the purpose of gaining an external reward is characteristic of which of the following DSM diagnoses?


An elderly man has been profoundly depressed for several weeks. He cries easily and is intensely preoccupied with trivial episodes from the past, which he considers unforgivable sins. This patient awakens every morning at 3 AM and cannot go back to sleep. Anything his family has tried to cheer him up has failed. He has completely lost his appetite and appears gaunt and emaciated. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Melancholic feature specifier

A 23-year-old woman arrives at the emergency room complaining that, out of the blue, she had been seized by an overwhelming fear, associated with shortness of breath and a pounding heart. These symptoms lasted for approximately 20 minutes, and while she was experiencing them, she feared that she was dying or going crazy. The patient has had four similar episodes during the past month, and she has been worrying that they will continue to recur. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Panic disorder

A 25-year-old woman delivers a healthy baby boy by Caesarean section. She notes over the next week that she has become irritable and is not sleeping very well. She worries that her child will die and fantasizes that if the child died, she would kill herself as well. She reports not sleeping, and has lost 10 lbs within one week. Over the course of the following week, she begins to investigate how she might commit suicide and calls a friend to see whether the friend will babysit so that the woman

Postpartum depression

The first two weeks of meeting Eric, he was in distress because he claimed that he always sees a woman on the same floor of his condo unit. At first, Eric was fine with seeing her however it has been six weeks now and it became apparent to him that such woman is always around; he sees her every day while heading to the elevator on the way to work. He also sees her when he is doing grocery at the 7-1l nearby. He also sees her from time to time when he goes out for a jog. Eric never bothered to ta

Psychotic disorder not other wise specified

A 21-year-old man is brought to the emergency room by his parents because he has not slept, bathed, or eaten in the past three days. The parents report that for the past six months their son has been acting strangely and "not himself." They state that he has been locking himself in his room, talking to himself, and writing on the walls. Six weeks prior to the emergency room visit, their son became convinced that a fellow student was stealing his thoughts and making him unable to learn his school

Schizoaffective disorder

A 47-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room after she jumped off an overpass in a suicide attempt. In the emergency room she states that she wanted to kill herself because the devil had been tormenting her for many years. After stabilization of her fractures, she is admitted to the psychiatric unit, where she is treated with risperidone and sertraline. After two weeks she is no longer suicidal and her mood is euthymic. However, she still believes that the devil is recruiting people to t

Schizoaffective disorder

A 35-year-old woman has lived in a state psychiatric hospital for past 10 years. She spends most of her day rocking, muttering softly to herself, or looking at her reflection in a small mirror. She needs help with dressing and showering, and she often giggles and laughs for no apparent reason. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?


A 19-year-old man is brought to the physician by his parents after he called them from college, terrified that the Mafia was after him. He reports that he has eaten nothing for the past six weeks other than canned beans because "they are into everything-----I can`t be too careful." He is convinced that the Mafia has put cameras in his dormitory room and that they are watching his every move. He occasionally hears the voices of two men talking about him when no one is around. His roommate states

Schizophreniform Disorder

A 28-year-old sees her physician with the chief complaint of a depressed mood. She also notes she is sleeping more than usual-----up to 14 hours per night-----but does not feel rested and that she feels tired and fatigued all the time. She has gained 14 lbs in the last month, something that she is very unhappy about, but she says that she seems to have such a craving for sweets that the weight gain seemed inevitable. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Since he moved to Maine from his native Florida three years earlier, a college student has had great difficulty preparing for the winter-term courses. He starts craving sweets and feeling sluggish, fatigued, and irritable in late October. These symptoms worsen gradually during the following months, and by February he has consistently gained several pounds. His mood and energy level start improving in March, and by May he is back to baseline. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Seasonal pattern specifier

A 26-year-old woman was brought to the emergency room by her husband. He states that for the past four days she has been increasingly agitated, not sleeping, eating little, and "talking nonsense." On examination, the patient`s speech is notable in that she cannot seem to stick to one topic. When asked a question, she answers with a stream of sentences that seem to be vaguely related to the others, but very rapidly veer off topic. Which of the following statements best describes the finding on th

She has flight of ideas

A 34-year-old secretary climbs 12 flights of stairs every day to reach her office because she is terrified by the thought of being trapped in the elevator. She has never had any traumatic event occur in an elevator, nonetheless she has been terrified of them since childhood. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Specific phobia

A 522-year-old man is seen by a psychiatrist in the emergency room because he is complaining about hearing and seeing miniature people who tell him to kill everyone in sight. He states that these symptoms developed suddenly during the past 48 hours, but that he has had them "on and off" for years. He states that he has never previously sought treatment for the symptoms, but that this episode is particularly bad. He denies the use of any illicit substances. The patient is alert and oriented to pe

Substance Induced Psychosis

At first, I felt that my body was unusually hot. But I ignored the pain since I wanted to sleep but I could not take it anymore. I can feel that I was burning and I was screaming in pain. This is an example of.

Tactile hallucination

Which of the following statements about delusions is true?

They involve a disturbance of thought content

A 25-year-old man comes to the psychiatrist with a chief complaint of depressed mood for one month. His mother, to whom he was very close, died one month ago, and since that time he has felt sad and been very tearful. He has difficulty concentrating, has lost 3 lb, and is not sleeping soundly through the night. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

Uncomplicated bereavement

A DSM-5 diagnosis of Cyclothymic Disorder or Persistent Depressive Disorder requires the presence of symptoms for at least _____ in adults or ______ in children and adolescents.

two years; one year

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