Quiz 2

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What structure is found around PNS axons that is NOT found around CNS axons? A. nodes of Ranvier B. myelin sheath C. neurilemma D. plasma membrane

C. neurilemma

Neurogenesis is the formation of new______ from neural stem cells A. ependymal cells B. astrocytes C. neurons d. All apply

C. neurons

Which ion's movements is responsible for repolarization? A. influx of K+ B. influx of Na+ C. outward diffusion of K+ D. outward diffusion of Na+

C. outward diffusion of K+

Cells supporting neuron cell bodies in ganglia are termed A. astrocytes. B. ependymal cells. C. satellite cells. D. Schwann cells.

C. satellite cells.

Edema will result if a person has an abnormally low concentration of plasma proteins.


Which of the following is NOT a primary active transport pump? A. GLUT4 B. calcium pump C. sodium/potassium pump D. proton pump


Which of the following is NOT true of cyclic AMP? A. It is found on the outside of a plasma membrane. B. It is a second messenger for polar regulatory molecules. C. It is made from ATP. D. It activates enzymes inside a cell to produce the desired effect.

A. It is found on the outside of a plasma membrane

What type of proteins are present in gap junctions that form water-filled channels between neurons? A. connexins B. myelin C. terminal boutons D. cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)

A. connexins

Inhibition of receptor-mediated endocytosis A. could induce hypercholesteremia. B. could induce diabetes mellitus. C. could prevent diabetes mellitus. D. could prevent heart disease.

A. could induce hypercholesteremia.

What type of cell signaling uses chemicals called neurotransmitters to innervate its target organ? A. synaptic signaling B. paracrine signaling C. endocrine signaling D. gap junctions

A. synaptic signaling

Transport of materials through an epithelial cell is called A. paracellular transport. B. transcellular transport. C. bulk transport. D. exocytosis.

B. transcellular transport.

MAO inhibitors may cause hypertensive crisis by a person eating foods rich in A. phenylalanine. B. tyramine. C. glutamic acid. D. tryptophan.

B. tyramine.

The average resting membrane potential of an axon is A. -70mV. B. -85mV. C. 0 mV D. +30mV.

A. -70mV.

Which of the following is NOT true of long-term potentiation (LTP)? A. Associated with the removal of AMPA glutamate receptors B. Repeated stimulation enhance excitability C. Associated with insertion of AMPA glutamate receptors D. It is a form of synaptic plasticity

A. Associated with the removal of AMPA glutamate receptors

____________ is an acetylcholinesterase antagoinist used to treat myasthenia gravis. A. neostigmine B. muscarine C. Nalaxone D. Nitric Oxide

A. Neostigmine

Relaxation of cerebral blood vessels would be stimulated by excessive ________ activity. A. Nitric Oxide B. Acetylcholine C. Norepinephrine D. Glutamate

A. Nitric Oxide

Which of the following is able to passively penetrate the plasma membrane? A. O2 B. small charged particles C. large polar molecules D. All apply.

A. O2

What medication acts by increasing the action of nitric oxide as a treatment for erectile dysfunction? A. Viagra B. Marijuana C. Prozac D. Naloxone

A. Viagra

Poisoning the Na+/K+ pump would cause the volume of the cell to __________. A. increase B. decrease C. remain the same

A. increase

Which of the following is NOT a structural classification of neurons? A. motor neuron B. bipolar neuron C. multipolar neuron D. pseudounipolar neuron

A. motor neuron

Temporal summation A. occurs when a single neuron releases neurotransmitter rapidly. B. occurs because of the convergence of many neurons on a single postsynaptic cell. C. only involves excitatory postsynaptic potentials. D. only involves inhibitory postsynaptic potentials.

A. occurs when a single neuron releases neurotransmitter rapidly.

Which of the following is NOT true of dendrites? A. transmits action potentials toward the cell body B. are thin extensions of the cell body C. transmit graded electrochemical impulses toward the cell body D. contain receptive areas

A. transmits action potentials toward the cell body

Secondary Active transport A. utilizes energy. B. cannot transport molecules against a concentration gradient. C. cannot be saturated. D. requires cofactors.

A. utilizes energy.

Excitatory postsynaptics potentials are produced by A. glycine B. Glutamic acid C. Gamma-aminobutyric acid D. benzodiazepines

B. Glutamic acid

The normal effect of beta-endorphin can be blocked by A. curare. B. naloxone. C. muscarine. D. nicotine.

B. Naloxone

Whose equation allows one to calculate equilibrium potential for a particular ion? A. Avogadro's B. Nernst's C. Fox's D. Dalton's

B. Nernst

Endocannabinoids are retrograde neurotrasnmitters, meaning they are A. released from presynaptic neurons and diffuse to the postsynaptic neuron. B. Released from the postsynaptic neurons and diffuse to the presynaptic neuron C. Released from presynaptic neurons and diffuse back to the presynaptic cell body D. None apply

B. Released from the postsynaptic neurons and diffuse to the presynaptic neuron

The transport maximum is related to the property known as A. competition. B. saturation. C. specificity. D. inhibition.

B. Saturation

The gap of exposed axon in the myelin sheath is the A. neurilemma. B. node of Ranvier. C. sheath of Schwann. D. white matter.

B. node of Ranvier.

Acetylcholine can induce hyperpolarization by A. binding to nicotinic receptors B. binding to muscarinic receptors C. binding to alpha-adrenergic receptors D. binding to beta-adrenergic receptors

B. binding to muscarinic receptors

Impaired motor coordination in Parkinson's disease is often due to A. degeneration of the red nucleus. B. degeneration of the substantia nigra. C. lack of regulation of the cerebral peduncles. D. degeneration of the mesolimbic system.

B. degeneration of the substantia nigra.

How do small ions like Na+ of K+ pass through the plasma membrane? A. gated channels B. ion channels C. carrier proteins D. simple diffusion

B. ion channels

Which of the following is NOT a type of glutamate receptor? A. NMDA receptor B. muscarinic receptor C. kainate receptor D. All of the choices are correct.

B. muscarinic receptor

The gap of exposed axon in the myelin sheath is the A. neurilemma. B. node of Ranvier. C. sheath of Schwann. D. white matter.

B. node of Ranvier.

Spatial summation A. occurs when a single neuron releases neurotransmitter rapidly. B. occurs because of the convergence of many neurons on a single postsynaptic cell. C. only involves excitatory postsynaptic potentials. D. only involves inhibitory postsynaptic potentials.

B. occurs because of the convergence of many neurons on a single postsynaptic cell.

Glucose transported via the GLUT carrier is characterized as A. active transport. B. passive transport. C. co-transport. D. receptor-mediated endocytosis.

B. passive transport.

The osmotic pressure of a solution is directly related to its ___________ concentration. A. water B. solute C. solvent D. matrix

B. solute

Which of the following is NOT true of a person who is dehydrated? A. plasma osmolality increases B. hypothalamus stimulates release of ADH C. ADH causes the kidneys to excrete water D. increased osmolality causes thirst

C. ADH causes the kidneys to excrete water

The glucose carrier of skeletal muscle is designated as A. GLUT2. B. GLUTSk. C. GLUT4. D. GLUT5.


___________________ comprise an important family of enzymes that can break down extracellular matrix proteins but require a zinc ion cofactor. A. Matrix metallohydrolases B. Matrix phosphokinases C. Matrix metalloproteinases D. None apply

C. Matrix metalloproteinases

Blocking ____________ channels would prevent neuron depolarization. A. K+ B. Cl- C. Na+ D. Mg2+

C. Na+

During an action potential A. Na+ efflux causes depolarization. B. K+ influx causes repolarization. C. Na+ influx causes depolarization. D. K+ influx causes after-hyperpolarization.

C. Na+ influx causes depolarization.

What type of receptors will bind ATP and Adenosine A. Cotransmitter receptors B. pyrimenergic receptors C. Purinergic receptors D. None Apply

C. Purinergic receptors

Channels present in the membranes of some cells that allow rapid movement of water are called A. water tubes. B. aqueducts. C. aquaporins. D. streams.

C. aquaporins.

he blood-brain barrier results mostly from the action of __________, a type of glial cell. A. ependymal cells B. microglia C. astrocytes D. oligodendrocytes

C. astrocytes

Local anesthetics block conduction of action potentials in sensory neurons by A. inhibiting the release of acetylcholine. B. binding to potassium channels. C. binding to sodium channels. D. binding to calcium channels.

C. binding to sodium channels.

At what region of the neuron are action potentials first produced? A. dendrites B. cell body C. initial segment of an axon D. axon hillock

C. initial segment of an axon

The disease ______________ is characterized by destruction of CNS myelin sheaths and the formation of hardened scars. A. Parkinson's B. Alzheimer's C. multiple sclerosis. D. myasthenia gravis

C. multiple sclerosis.

Osmotic pressure is a measure of the force needed to A. open aquaporins. B. cause osmosis. C. stop osmosis. D. stop edema.

C. stop osmosis.

What type of neurons are found in the precentral gyrus? A. sensory neurons B. lower motor neurons C. upper motor neurons D. middle motor neurons

C. upper motor neurons

If the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ was 10mEq/L and the extracellular concentration was 150mEq/L, the Ca2+ equilibrium potential would be A. -37.9mV. B. -71.8mV. C. +35.9mV. D. +37.58mV.

D. +37.58mV.

The sodium equilibrium potential using an extracellular Na+ concentration of 145 mEq/L and an intracellular concentration of 10 mEq/L would be about A. -90mV. B. +62mV. C. -62mV. D. +71mV.

D. +71mV.

The Na+/K+ pump transports _______ into the cell and ________ out of the cell per cycle. A. 3Na+, 2K+ B. 2Na+, 3K+ C. 3K+, 2Na+ D. 2K+, 3Na+

D. 2K+, 3Na+

Which of the following are natural analgesics A. endorphins B. enkephalins C. dynorphins D. All Apply

D. All apply

Protein carrier mediated transport of molecules display A. specificity. B. competition. C. saturation. D. All apply.

D. All apply.

Retrograde transport A. moves toward the cell body. B. moves membranes, vesicles, and viruses. C. uses molecular motor proteins of dynein. D. All apply.

D. All apply.

Cerebrospinal fluid is found A. Within the central canal B. within the ventricles C. within the olfactory bulbs D. Both within the central canal and within the ventricles

D. Both within the central canal and within the ventricles

Hyperpolarization in the postsynaptic cell is caused by A. excitatory postsynaptic potentials. B. inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. C. movement of K+ out of the cell. D. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and movement of K+ out of the cell are correct.

D. Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and movement of K+ out of the cell are correct.

________ are a class of glycoproteins that bind to components in the extracellular matrix thereby acting as adhesion molecules between cells and the matrix. A. Glycocalyces B. Aquaporins C. Desmosomes D. Integrins

D. Integrins

What type of neuron is found entirely in the CNS? A. sensory neuron B. interneuron C. association neuron D. Interneuron and association neuron are correct.

D. Interneuron and association neuron are correct.

Endogenous cannabinoids have effects similar to the active ingredient in A. cocaine B. nicotine C. amphetamines. D. Marijuana

D. Marijuana

The period of time when Na+ channels are recovering from their inactive state and K+ channels are still open is the A. repolarization. B. absolute refractory period. C. relative refractory period. D. Repolarization and relative refractory period are correct.

D. Repolarization and relative refractory period are correct.

Action potential transmission in the PNS is decreased if which cells are damaged? A. astrocytes B. microglia C. oligodendrocytes D. Schwann cells

D. Schwann cells

Individuals suffering from cystic fibrosis have defective ____________ ion channels. A. sodium B. potassium C. calcium D. chloride

D. chloride

In secondary active transport, if the other substance is moved in the same direction as Na+ , it is called A. cotransport. B. symport. C. antiport. D. cotransport AND symport.

D. cotransport AND symport.

In secondary active transport, if the other substance is moved in the same direction as Na+ it is called A. cotransport. B. symport. C. antiport. D. cotransport AND symport.

D. cotransport AND symport.

Ion channels that can be opened by physiological stimuli are said to be A. polar. B. aquaporins. C. hypertonic. D. gated.

D. gated.

Axonal regeneration is inhibited by A. brain-derived neurotrophic factor. B. nerve growth factor. C. neurotrophin-3. D. myelin-associated inhibitory protein.

D. myelin-associated inhibitory protein.

What action produces an IPSP on the postsynaptic membrane? A. influx of Na+ ions B. opening of Ca2+ channels into the neuron C. outflow of K+ ions D. opening of Cl- channels into the neuron

D. opening of Cl- channels into the neuron

What type of cell signaling occurs through the extracellular matrix to nearby target cells? A. endocrine signaling B. synaptic signaling C. gap junctions D. paracrine signaling

D. paracrine signaling

What type of cell signaling occurs through the extracellular matrix to nearby target cells? A. endocrine signaling B. synaptic signaling C. gap junctions D. paracrine signaling

D. paracrine signaling

The resting membrane potential is closest to the equilibrium potential for A. sodium ions. B. chloride ions. C. calcium ions. D. potassium ions

D. potassium ions

Glycosuria occurs when the ____________ of the renal glucose transport protein is exceeded. A. transport minimum B. transport maximum C. saturation level D. transport maximum and saturation level

D. transport maximum and saturation level

What cofactor do matrix metalloproteinases need to be functional? A. calcium B. copper C. chromium D. zinc

D. zinc

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