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why is it important to graph behavior?

1. graphing provides a teacher with immediate feedback on the students behavior (or anyone feedback on whoever is being monitored) 2. plotting data points on a graph and connecting them with a line allows teachers to examine the different trends in a students behavior 3. it provides teachers with a visual representation of the effectiveness of the intervention applied 4. graphing provides a vehicle to others aside from those doing the study to judge the effectiveness of the intervention done graphs represent an important source of feedback regarding all the behaviors monitored

describe the steps of "funneling" for generating a hypothesis

1. interviewing: adults aware of the situation are interviewed about the student that is going to be assessed 2. behavioral observations: observations are done on both the problem behaviors that need to be changed, and the appropriate behavior that the student conveys 3. scatter plot: these are created next to help the interviewers get a picture of when the behavior being observed occurs most so they can pinpoint it 4. abc analysis: this is conducted during the time and place that in pinpointed as when the behavior occurs the most. an abc analysis is to pinpoint what things trigger said behaviors and what consequences may help the behaviors decrease 5. protocol: all the information that has been gathered up until this point is then organized in order to create a hypothesis that is actually testable

merlin is presented with reinforcement at the end of every hour that he does not burp in class. after receiving reinforcement at 10:00am and 11:00am he burps at 11:56am. his teacher promptly starts a new hour interval in which Merlin must refrain from burping until 12:56pm in order to receive reinforcement. which type of DRO variation schedule is his teacher employing?

DRO reset schedule

ms. message reinforces Elmer after a specified interval if he has fewer than 8 occurrences of swearing. what type of reinforcement procedure is ms. message employing?


which type of differential reinforcement is the only one that does not require the inappropriate behavior to be completely eliminated in order for a student to receive reinforcement


trudy knocks books off her desk 4 times every hour. Trudy is reinforced every hour she knocks over books fewer than 4 times per hour. Which type of differential reinforcement is trudy's teacher employing?


ms. shopko is implementing a reinforcement program whereby garth is reinforced if 15 minutes passes without him engaging in the target behavior. If garth manages to control his behavior for the 15 minutes, he subsequently must control his behavior for 20 minutes. Which type of DRO schedule is Ms. Shopko employing?

DRO increasing-interval schedule

explain the necessary steps to take before counting behavior:

There are a couple considerations that one should make before beginning to considering the necessary steps to take before counting a behavior. Who can make the observations, what will be observed, where will the observation take place, when will it be counted, and how will it be recorded. After those questions are thought about, one can begin to take the steps necessary to pinpoint a target behavior and test it to see if the behavior is needed to be targeted for intervention. The behavior needs to pass the four tests: The stranger test: a stranger not familiar with a student could take the definition of a behavior and accurately determine if it's occurrence at a level similar to that of the teacher. the so-what test: if there is evidence that the student's behavior is harmful to their or another student's social, physical, emotional or academic well being then it passes the so- what test. dead man's test: if a dead man can do the targeted behavior then we do not have a fair pair. if a dead man can not do the target behavior, then we do have a fair pair. fair pair: this is the idea that it is acceptable to weaken student's bad behavior only if an appropriate behavior is strengthened in its place.

superstitious behavior refers to

a positive reinforcer and response being inadvertently associated together

what do students spend the least amount of time on during a school day?

academic responding

why is social behavior difficult to evaluate?

because there are no pre-determined, well-defined standards for social behavior

ms. intendo just instituted a token economy system with her fourth grade students. She observes that the students enjoy playing with the tokes. Although she plans on introducing a token-storage system later, why is it a good idea to let her students initially play with the tokens?

because this practice helps to establish tokens as reinforcers

which of the following designs is used to determine the effectiveness of two or more interventions?

changing conditions design

which type of curriculum consists of exclusively skills necessary for independent living?

compensatory curriculum

which of the following statements is true regarding contextual hypotheses?

contextual hypotheses typically result in interventions aimed at modifying some aspect of the environment

Ms. Abercromby sees bobby hit jimmy. as a consequence, she has bobby run a mile after school. What type of reductive procedure is she employing?

contingent exercise

which of the following terms refers to a structured set of learning outcomes or objectives?


what type of curriculum focuses on teaching students skills for dealing effectively with real world situations?

parallel curriculum

which of the following is the first step in implementing a changing criterion design?

determine the average performance of the student during the baseline

which of the following elements is not part of a line graph used for viewing behavioral data?

diagonal axis

in order for punishment to be optimally effective, it should be delivered at the end of a behavioral sequence


independent practice provides students with structured time to use newly acquired skills under a teacher's supervision


it is not necessary to have both a horizontal and vertical axis on a line graph


only some types of data collection methods can be put into graphs


social validity refers to the extent to which student's behavior is reliable and valid


transfer of function refers to a behavior that has more than one outcome or intent


when increasing the interval size that must pass without the student exhibiting the target behavior, it is important to establish stimulus control


which type of prompt involves some body movement or signal that directs a child's attention to perform a desired behavior?

gestural prompts

a teacher requires that every student in his class receive a score of 25 or better on a math quiz before anyone can go on a field trip. This procedure is an example or

interdependent group-oriented contingencies

which of the following procedures is used to determine the degree to which two observers accurately record a target behavior?

interobserver reliability

the stranger test ensures that a behavior

is operationally defined

why is it important to reinforce a student immediately after they exhibit appropriate behavior?

it avoids reinforcing the wrong behavior

why is it important to calculate interresponse time before beginning a DRO schedule?

it helps teachers determine an initial amount of time that sets up students for success

which of the following statements accurately reflects the definition of evaluation?

it involves comparing performance to some standard and noting any discrepancies

which of the following is not a component of a good behavioral intervention plan? (BIP)

it makes problem behaviors relevant

which of the following factors often results in the negative reactions that behavior modification receives?

it often has received "bad press" from the media

what is an advantage of the multiple baseline design?

it provides a way to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention when a reversal design is not desirable

how does the multiple probe technique differ from the multiple baseline design?

multiple baseline design provides a way to look at the effectiveness of an intervention on three or more variables. the multiple probe technique is used to figure out the relationship between the variables and the level of intervention

social reciprocity refers to

mutually reinforcing interactive exchanges between individuals

haley is placed in time-out. she behaves appropriately in time out in order to get out as quickly as possible. in this situation, time out can be viewed as

negative reinforcement

explain outcome under the classification of behavioral intent

protection/escape avoidance: when the student's goal is to avoid a task or activity that they are doing, get out of a consequence that they are given, or leave a situation that they're in. for example: when a student purposefully disrupts the class so that they are sent to the office so that they don't have to finish the test that they are in the middle of doing

which of the following definitions describes the instructional approach of remediation?

providing students with special instruction with the goal of eventually catching them up in the curriculum

Mr. Cutlip places kevin in time-out for hitting paul. if kevin's aggression subsequently decreases, the the time-out can be viewed as


albert is a boy with autism who frequently bangs his head against the wall at school. His teacher decides to use a mild form of punishment to suppress this behavior. Although the intervention is effective in suppressing head-banging at school, the behavior increases considerably at home. This phenomenon is known as

punishment contrast

instruction is proactive as correction is to


which type of punishment involves the loss of a specific amount of reinforcement contingent upon the performance of an inappropriate behavior?

response cost

which of the following terms refers to the quantity of content that will be covered and the order in which it will be introduced?

scope and sequence

wha tis a problem with the reversal design?

some behaviors are always irreversible or independent of the intervention once they are acquired

which of the following punishment techniques focuses on repeatedly exposing students to the antecedents of their misbehavior?

stimulus satiation

which of the following statements represents a problem in using subjective terms to describe children's behavior?

subjective terms may set in motion a self-fulfilling prophecy

explain the difference between subjective and objective terms

subjective terms: terms used to describe behavior that have different meanings to different people. some subjective terms are: lazy, hard working, friendly. objective terms: terms that relate directly to the behavior that the person is doing. some objective terms are: cries when doesn't get to be first in line," "has to be told three times to stop talking to classmates"

which of the following are components of contingency contracts?

task, reward, and task record

why might it be necessary to overrule results of a functional assessment?

the behaviors are dangerous to the student or others

which of the following is a disadvantage of the alternating treatments design?

the design is limited in the number of possible interventions that can be evaluated at one time

which of the following terms refers to the process in which an individual's behavior changes as a result of believing he received a treatment when, in reality, he recieved something that lacked any intrinsic treatment value?

the placebo effect

a group-oriented contingency refers to

the presentation of a reinforcer contingent upon the behavior of an individual within the group, a segment of the group, or the group as a whole

which of the following is not a factor that separates a student whose behavior requires intervention from one whose behavior does not?

the severity of the behavior performed

what is the difference between subtasks and tasks?

they have different positions in a skill sequence

which techniques can help teachers manage transition time effectively? explain the importance of time management in the classroom

time management is very important as the more time students spend on their work the more they learn. 1. make sure that all materials for the lessons are prepared and placed out in advance 2. alert students letting them know they have a specific amount of time to finish up their work before the transition 3. make sure that the teachers have all of the students attention before making the transition 4. after teachers do step three teachers can give instructions on how to make the transition 5. teachers should practice using positive reinforcement during transitions 6. teachers also need to give out negative consequences for those who aren't following the transition

which of the following statements is true regarding the effect of tokes on teacher behavior?

tokens remind teachers to reinforce student's appropriate behavior

DRO increasing interval schedules represent a way of making reinforcement more intermittent


a replacement behavior refers to an appropriate behavior that accomplishes the same outcome for a child as the inappropriate behavior


according to ecological theory, ecosystems seek equilibrium


behavior intervention plans should be monitored and evaluated on an ongoing basis


it is impossible for evaluators to make an unbiased diagnosis of mental illness


overcorrection is different from other punishment procedures becuase it focuses on the training of appropriate behaviors


the free access rule refers to the amount of reinforcement the student would want if there were no limits on its availability


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