Quiz 3

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A nurse researcher is developing a sampling plan for a study. Which participant is most likely to drop out of a research study?

55-year-old unemployed father of three children in high school

When a nurse finds that evidence that has been collected and analyzed is weak, what action should the nurse take when considering making a practice change?

Abandon the evidence-based practice question.

A nurse researcher considers age of participants when designing a study. Which age group is at particular risk for dropping out of a study?


What are steps in the process of evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing? (Select all that apply.)

Asking clinical questions that are answerable with research evidence, Searching for and collecting evidence that addresses the question, Appraising and synthesizing the evidence, Integrating the evidence with the nurse's clinical expertise, client preferences, and local context

A researcher is planning a quantitative study on the effect of early ambulation in hip replacement clients. What data collection methods are appropriate for this quantitative study? (Select all that apply.)

Biophysiologic measures, Self-reports, Observation

Which of the following measures of validity concerns whether an instrument has the appropriate sample of items for the construct being measured?

Content validity

What aspects of validity should an instrument or scale examine? (Select all that apply.)

Content validity, Criterion-related validity, Construct validity, Face validity

Which of the following areas related to research may nurses engage in? (Select all that apply.)

Contribute an idea for a study., Gather information from those taking part in a study., Advise clients about participating in a study., Search for research evidence to address a practice problem., Discuss the implications of a study in a journal club in the practice setting.

Which role specifically describes the nurse who develops policies and procedures for a health care agency after analyzing the available research?

Critique relevant research studies.

When planning a study, a nurse researcher aims to prevent attrition bias. Which study design is likely to be associated with increased attrition?

Data collection that includes five interviews over 2 weeks

Which of the following factors would likely be associated with increased attrition in research studies?

Data collection that includes seven interviews over 1 month

A nurse researcher plans interventions to decrease attrition of a sample. The researcher is considering offering an incentive such as a $25 gift card to study participants. What effect is this likely to have on attrition rates?

Decrease attrition rates

Community nurse researchers engage in a variety of research roles. Which role specifically describes the nurse who conducts a study on the availability of healthy food options in the community?

Design and implement studies.

If researchers fail to develop a thorough recruitment strategy, their study results may be weak. For what reasons might data collected in a study be weak? (Select all that apply.)

Does not represent the entire population, Is insufficient

What is the primary focus for appraising the evidence before clinical action is taken?

Evidence quality

Providing an incentive such as a gift card to recruit subjects for a research study is considered to be an ethical violation. true or false


Study participants who drop out of a research study do not have an impact on the generalizability of study findings. True or False


The primary purpose for conducting community health research is to:

Gain new knowledge that will improve health services

When planning recruitment activities, the researcher must consider if there will be direct access to the population within a research site or if it will be necessary to negotiate with the:


External validity is important to evidence-based practice (EBP) because it allows researchers to:

Generalize evidence from controlled settings to real-world practice settings.

A nurse who is going to study educational approaches for improving blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes is most likely planning on conducting which type of study?


A researcher is studying self-efficacy in a population of patients with newborn babies. Due to the length of time of data collection, data is collected from these individuals anywhere from 5 days after giving birth to 4 weeks after giving birth. What threat to internal validity does this situation represent?


Which of the following data collection methods are commonly used in qualitative studies? (Select all that apply.)

Participant observation, In-depth interviews, Photographs

A nurse is considering making a practice change based on research evidence. Which factors must be considered before initiating a practice change? (Select all that apply.)

Patient safety, Cost of treatment, Effect size of the change

In evidence-based practice research, which component of the PICO acronym is affected most by a strong recruitment strategy?In evidence-based practice research, which component of the PICO acronym is affected most by a strong recruitment strategy?


A nurse studies the role of research on health promotion and disease prevention. The aim of the study is to find out how education classes on using seatbelts increase the use of seatbelts in adults. Which type of research inquiry would this nurse be most likely to do?


Nurse researchers work in a variety of roles and settings. What are the three primary domains where nursing research has an impact?

Public policy, nursing practice, nursing professional status

Identify common threats to external validity. (Select all that apply.)

Reactivity, Experimenter, Novelty

Which statement is true about research utilization?

Research utilization emphasizes translating research findings into real-world application.

What does a researcher's sampling plan identify? (Select all that apply.)

Sample selection, Number of subjects

To be able to make inferences about study results, researchers recognize that the actual sample should most closely represent the delineated, target population. What is the term used for distortions that arise when a sample is not representative of the population from which it was drawn?

Sampling bias

After researchers have identified the population sample for their study, recruitment of subjects is the next step. Which method would be considered inappropriate for recruitment of study participants?

Searching hospital records

Identify common threats to internal validity. (Select all that apply.)

Selection, History, Maturation, Mortality

A researcher who is gathering data for a quantitative study knows what information they need to obtain and can develop appropriate questions to gain this information. What type of data collection method is best to use to collect the necessary information?


A nurse researcher planning a study is concerned about subject attrition rates. What strategies can be used to retain study participants? (Select all that apply.)

Simplify data collection procedures., Follow up with occasional reminders., Maintain a trusting relationship with participants.

When finding research evidence for an evidence-based practice endeavor, where should the researcher begin their search? (Select all that apply.)

Systematic reviews, Clinical practice guidelines

A nurse researcher plans a qualitative study on the experience of miscarriage. Why would interviews be preferable to questionnaires when studying this topic?

The quality of the data tends to be higher with interviews.

nternal validity measures which of the following?

The research results for accuracy

A nurse is studying sources of bias in a research study. Which description is related to attrition bias?

The sample is no longer representative of the population.

A nurse studying the problem of ventilator-acquired pneumonia plans for data collection in the intensive care unit. Which statement is most accurate regarding measuring biophysiologic variables?

These measures are reliable when measured correctly.

A quantitative instrument can be reliable without being valid. True or False


External validity refers to the ability to generalize results from a research study sample to a larger population. True or False


The higher the rate of attrition in a research study, the greater the risk of bias. True or False


The role of the nurse in serving diverse communities includes strategic emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention, and risk reduction. True or False


Which type of sampling is most vulnerable to bias? a.Convenience sampling b.Consecutive c.Quota sampling d.Purposive sampling

a.Convenience sampling

What process is associated with descriptive phenomenology? a.Emic perspective b.Bracketing c.Fieldwork d.Lived human relation

b. Bracketing Rationale: Descriptive phenomenology involves four steps, the first of which is bracketing. Emic perspective and fieldwork are associated with ethnography. Lived human relation is characteristic of phenomenology in general.

Tell whether the following statement is True or False. Stratified random sampling is associated with a larger sampling error, but it is more efficient. True False

b. False Rationale: Stratified random sampling enhances representativeness; cluster sampling is associated with a larger sampling error but is considered more efficient.

Tell whether the following is statement True or False. When applying grounded theory methods, the researcher obtains the sample first and then collects data. a.True b.False

b. False Rationale: When using grounded theory methods, data collection, data analysis, and sampling occur simultaneously.

What is a major advantage of using a questionnaire? Higher response rates Diversity of audience is not a problem. Lower cost Questions can be clarified if needed.

c. Lower cost Rationale: Because each subject does not need to be seen face-to-face, questionnaires are associated with lower costs than interviews.

Which phrase best describes the key objective of critical theory research? a.Long-term data collection b.Gender domination c.Transformation d.Vulnerable groups

c. Transformation Rationale: A key objective of critical theory research is transformation. Data collection over time is common in case studies. The effect of gender domination and discrimination is associated with feminist research. Groups or communities vulnerable to control or oppression are associated with participatory action research.

Which procedure would be classified as an in vivo biophysiological measure? Tissue biopsy Blood glucose level Bacterial culture Body temperature

d. Body temperature Rationale: In vivo measures are those performed directly within or on living organisms, such as blood pressure, body temperature, and vital capacity measurements. Tissue biopsy, blood glucose level, and bacterial culture are examples of in vitro measures.

After a nurse has researched available evidence to make a practice change and has determined the evidence is of high quality and consistent, the practice change should always be implemented. true or false


In qualitative research studies, the researcher never participates in any way with the social group being observed. True or false


A nursing student studies data collection in nursing research. What is the most widely used data collection method by nurse researchers?


An advantage of using biophysiologic measures (biomarkers) to assess clinical variables is the accuracy and precision of the data. True or false


If research evidence to make a practice change is inconsistent or inconclusive, the nurse should conduct an original research study to investigate the topic further before abandoning the evidence-based practice (EBP) change. true or false


A large number of patient satisfaction surveys indicate inadequate pain control on a surgical unit in an acute care hospital. The chief nursing officer needs to address this issue and asks the nurses on the surgical unit to measure their patients' pain once per shift. Which scale is the most appropriate to use to gather this data?

visual analog scale

A researcher is planning a study in which pain levels are measured. What is the name of a self-report pain scale that utilizes a straight line measuring 100 mm?

visual analog scale

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