Quiz for ch.6,7,10

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The physician has prescribed a hypotonic IV solution for a patient. Which IV solution should the nurse administer?

0.45% sodium chloride

A nurse is explaining the phases of pain to a client. Place the sequence of the phases in order, from first to last.

1. Transduction 2. Transmission 3. Perception 4. Modulation

The nurse is correct to state that a client's body needs to have adequate nutrition to maintain energy. Which type of transport of dissolved substances requires adenosine triphosphate (ATP)?

Active transport

A 75-year-old client had surgery for a hip fracture yesterday. The client is under stress because of the pain, the medications, sleep deprivation, and hospital surroundings. Which nursing intervention to treat the client's pain should the nurse question when ordered by the doctor?

Advil for pain management

Which is the most common cause of symptomatic hypomagnesemia?


The nurse is aware that prior to infusing any medication into an existing intravenous infusion, what assessment takes priority?

Assess for blood return at the IV site.

The nurse is caring for a patient with a diagnosis of hyponatremia. What nursing intervention is appropriate to include in the plan of care for this patient?

Assessing for symptoms of nausea and malaise Monitoring neurologic status Restricting tap water intake

A 54-year-old male patient is admitted to the hospital with a case of severe dehydration. The nurse reviews the patient's laboratory results. Which of the following results are consistent with the diagnosis?

Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of 23 mg/dL Serum osmolality of 310 mOsm/kg Serum sodium of 148 mEq/L Urine specific gravity of 1.03

The nurse is caring for an older adult client with an IV infusing at 100 mL/hr. What should the nurse monitor this client for?

Circulatory overload

The nurse is caring for a client with laboratory values indicating dehydration. Which clinical symptom is consistent with the dehydration?

Dark, concentrated urine

The nurse is aware that when corticosteroids are administered, it is important that which of the following occurs?

Doses are tapered when discontinuing.

The nurse caring for a client with an intravenous infusion is looking up her institution's policy on changing IV equipment used in a venipuncture. When is most IV tubing changed?

Every 72 hours

The nurse is assessing a client for local complications of intravenous therapy. Which are local complications?

Extravasation Infection Hematoma Phlebitis

The client is going out on pass for the afternoon with his family. The physician has ordered that his venipuncture device needs to be temporarily capped. How will the nurse ensure that the vein remains patent?

Flush the lock with saline or heparinized saline.

The nurse is caring for a client with chronic back pain. The nurse is aware of the following characteristics of chronic pain.

Lasts greater than 6 months Persists beyond healing stage

A client is brought to the emergency department with full-thickness burns to 27% of the body. The nurse knows to prepare intravenous (IV) fluid administration from which solution group?

Lower osmolarity solution

The calcium concentration in the blood is regulated by which mechanism?

Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

A client with renal disease requires IV fluids. It is important for the nurse to

Place the fluids on an electronic device

A client who is being treated for pneumonia reports sudden shortness of breath. An arterial blood gas (ABG) is drawn. The ABG has the following values: pH 7.21, PaCO2 64 mm Hg, HCO3 = 24 mm Hg. What does the ABG reflect?

Respiratory acidosis

Which of the following statements about hypotonic solutions are true?

They are often indicated for clients with diarrhea. They initiate cellular swelling that can increase blood pressure.

The client experienced abdominal surgery the previous day and has just received an opioid medication for report of pain. The client is sitting in a chair next to the bed. An additional activity that the nurse uses to relieve pain is

encourage the client to watch television

As Americans live longer, relatively rare conditions are becoming more commonplace - one of which is hypervolemia. What are early signs of hypervolemia?

weight gain increased breathing effort

A nurse is discontinuing an intravenous infusion. After washing the hands, the nurse clamps the tubing, removes the tape holding the dressing and venipuncture device in place, and dons clean gloves. Place in order the remaining steps of the procedure that the nurse would follow.

1. Gently press a dry, sterile gauze square over the site. 2. Remove the venipuncture device by pulling it out without hesitation, following the course of the vein. 3. Cover the site with a dressing or bandage. 4. Continue to apply pressure to the site for 30 to 45 seconds while elevating the forearm to control bleeding. 5. Remove gloves and wash your hands. 6. Record the time the IV infusion was discontinued, the amount of fluid infused, and the appearance of the venipuncture site.

The nursing instructor is discussing the different types of IV fluids with the nursing students. What type of fluid would the instructor tell the students is used to replace circulating blood?

Colloid solutions

A 73-year-old female patient with cirrhosis of the liver is evaluated for clinical manifestations of FVE. (fluid volume excess). Which of the following signs are consistent with that diagnosis?

Crackles Hematocrit level of 32% Blood pressure of 140/110 BUN of 8 mg/dL

The emergency department nurse is caring for a client who has just been admitted by ambulance for a suspected myocardial infarction. The physician orders IV fluids of normal saline to be hung at 100 mL/hr. The nurse knows that this is what type of IV solution?


A nurse caring for a patient who is receiving an IV solution via a central vein suspects the complication of an air embolism. Which of the following are signs and symptoms consistent with that diagnosis?

Cyanosis Shoulder pain Dyspnea Tachycardia

When flushing an intravenous (IV) lock with saline, the nurse avoids forcing the injection into the client. Which is the best rationale for this action?

Minimizes potential for clot release

The nurse is caring for a client admitted with a diagnosis of acute kidney injury. When reviewing the client's most recent laboratory reports, the nurse notes that the client's magnesium levels are high. The nurse should prioritize assessment for what health problem?

Diminished deep tendon reflexes

The nurse is assessing the client for the presence of a Chvostek sign. What electrolyte imbalance would a positive Chvostek sign indicate


Potassium can be administered by which of the following forms?

IV Tablet Elixir

The nurse is caring for a client with multiple organ failure and in metabolic acidosis. Which pair of organs is responsible for regulatory processes and compensation?

Lungs and kidney

A client with pancreatic cancer has the following blood chemistry profile: Glucose, fasting: 204 mg/dl, blood urea nitrogen (BUN): 12 mg/dl, Creatinine: 0.9 mg/dl, Sodium: 136 mEq/L, Potassium: 2.2 mEq/L, Chloride: 99 mEq/L, CO2: 33 mEq/L. Which result should the nurse identify as critical and report immediately?


A nurse is caring for a client with hypovolemia. The nurse will use which nursing intervention to manage the client's fluid deficiency?

Provide the bulk of the fluid intake with meals. Find out what types of fluids the client prefers. Ensure fluids are an appropriate temperature.

The nurse is preparing to administer a blood transfusion to a client and plans to spend the first 15 minutes of the transfusion with the client observing for what manifestations of an incompatibility transfusion reaction?

Rapid pulse Back pain

Which of the following is a function of calcitonin?

Reduces bone resorption Increases urinary excretion of calcium Increases deposition of calcium in bones

The client is postoperative for a right total-knee arthroplasty, and medications include lidocaine 5% (Lidoderm). Past history includes a left mastectomy and herpes zoster following treatment with chemotherapy. The best nursing action is to:

Remove the patch after 12 hours.

The nurse is caring for a healthy adult client who developed a gastrointestinal virus in the last 24 hours that has caused vomiting and diarrhea and now has a diagnosis of dehydration. The nurse should know that a health care provider's order to initiate intravenous therapy is given primarily for which reason(s)?

Replace electrolytes. Replace fluids.

A client is experiencing intractable pain related to terminal pancreatic cancer. What does the nurse understand is the goal of palliative sedation for this client?

To administer sedative medication at the minimum dosage necessary to decrease consciousness and relieve pain

The nurse is caring for a client who has just had total parenteral nutrition (TPN) ordered. The LPN is correct when informing the client that TPN is used for what?

To meet the client's caloric and nutritional needs

The nurse is caring for a postsurgical client who speaks very little English. How should the nurse most accurately assess this client's pain?

Use a chart with English on one side of the page and the client's native language on the other so he can rate his pain.

The nurse administered an analgesic to a client who was reporting pain. The medication is ordered as needed every 3 hours. Forty minutes later the client states he has had little relief. The nurse does all of the following:

evaluates the pain level using the established pain scale assesses respirations, pulse, and blood pressure

A client who was inadvertently hit on the hand with a hammer is brought to the Emergency Department. During the interview and assessment, the client vomits as a result of the painful hand. What type of pain is the client experiencing?


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