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You are assessing a 4 y/o pediatric patient who looks very sick. The patient is tripoding and drooling. Mother states the patient developed a sudden fever. You check their temperature and it is 40 degrees Celsius. Lung sounds show inspiratory stridor. What condition do you suspect?


The primary emotion in pediatric patient's is:


What bandaging technique is best for an abrasion on the knee?

figure 8

What injury is represented with contusions on the flanks?

grey turner's

When a small child falls from a significant height, the __________ MOST often strikes the ground first.


What injury is the most common cause of maternal death in MVC's?

head injury

You are treating a patient who was working outside in August. The patient is c/o nausea and muscle cramps. The patient is pale, cool with excessive diaphoresis. What condition do you suspect?

heat exhaustion

You are assessing an obstetric patient who experienced abdominal trauma and you are concerned about fetal involvement. Vital signs are BP 112/76, HR 110, RR 22, SpO2 98% on room air. What treatment is most appropriate?

high flow O2

You are assessing a patient is who experiencing extreme thirst and states they are urinating large volumes in high frequency. What condition do you suspect?


Which of the following is NOT part of the H's and T's?


You are treating a patient with a SpO2 of 92% using a BVM. One way you can increase oxygenation is by increasing the FiO2 to 100%. What is the other way to increase oxygenation?

increase PEEP

You are dispatched to a dorm where a 21 y/o has apparently overdosed on several narcotic medications. She is semiconscious and has slow, shallow respirations. You should:

insert NPA and begin PPV

NAME THAT SHOCK: The shock is not a true shock where patients present with a low blood glucose level.


You are treating a 22 y/o male who experienced blunt force trauma to the abdomen. You notice contusions on the flanks and umbilicus. The abdomen is tender and distended. What injury do you suspect?

intraabdominal hemorrhage

Which of the following patients should you apply a Hare Traction Splint?

isolated femur fracture

A CVA in the right cerebral hemisphere will cause hemiparesis in the:

left hemisphere

What is the most common cause of fetal death?

maternal death

NAME THAT SHOCK: This is a distributive shock which presents with bradycardia and warm, dry skin.


You are assessing an obstetric patient at 35 weeks gestation. The patient complains of severe abdominal pain to the point that she cannot stand. Patient states dark red vaginal bleeding started 20 minutes ago. Inspection of the abdomen is unremarkable. What condition do you suspect?

placenta rupture

Which of the following is most likely in a pregnant patient who experiences a fall from height?

placental separation

You are assessing a patient who is c/o shortness of breath, fever and a productive cough producing a green sputum. Which condition do you suspect?


The three P's of hyperglycemia are polydipsia, polyphagia and ______


You are assessing an elderly patient who fell. They are lying on the floor. You notice that their left leg is medially rotated with shortening. What injury do you suspect?


You are treating a man with a closed head injury following an assault by a burglar. The patient has slurred speech and becomes verbally abusive and tells you to leave him alone. You should:

proceed with treatment and utilize law enforcement if necessary

You are assessing a 60 y/o male patient c/o dyspnea. The patient has a history of hypertension and heart failure. The patient states the SOB began several hours ago. The patient has 2+ pitting pedal edema and is experiencing orthopnea. Additionally, the patient is coughing up pink, frothy sputum. What lung sounds do you suspect you will find?


An intoxicated patient would present with all of the following EXCEPT:

rapid respirations

You are assessing a patient who is experiencing dyspnea with exertion. Your exam reveals positive JVD and pitting pedal edema. What condition do you suspect?

right sided heart failure

You are assessing a 32 y/o female patient c/o abdominal pain. Patient states the pain started an hour ago. The pain is dull and it started at the umbilicus, but has moved to the RLQ. The patient states that the pain worsens when she tried to walk. You begin to assess the abdomen. Which of the following signs do you expect to find?


What is the first thing you and your partner should do once you arrive to a scene with an intoxicated patient?

scene safe and BSI

What is the most commonly injured abdominal organ in a child?


What injury do you suspect when a patient presents with Kehr's sign?

splenic laceration

A 27-year-old male with blunt chest trauma from a motor vehicle collision was successfully intubated at the scene. While ventilating the patient, you note resistance with an absence of right chest wall movement. You should suspect a:

tension pneumothorax the development of decreased lung compliance (difficulty in squeezing the bag-mask device) in the intubated patient should always alert you to the possibility of a tension pneumothorax.

The most important treatment for a patient with severe abdominal pain and signs of shock includes:

transporting without delay

Which type of diabetes occurs when the pancreas produces little to no insulin and are always insulin dependent?

type I diabetic

One of the simplest and most effective ways to control disease transmission is to:

wash hands after every call

Epinephrine is indicated for patients with an allergic reaction when:

wheezing and urticaria are present

Which of the following is true regarding the influenza vaccine?

you can still get the flu just less severe

A late sign of shock is:

Blood pressure drop = hypoperfusion.

Which of the following is the first clinical sign of shock in the pediatric patient?

delayed capillary refill

Using Naegele's Rule, determine the due date for a patient whose LMP was 01/14/2021.


You are assessing a patient whose eyes are closed and responds when you say the patients name. They answer your questions, but say the year is 2015 and think Obama is president. When you pinch their arm, they use their other arm to site of stimuli.


You are assessing an OB patient who has a history of P3013G5. How many full term pregnancies has she had?


You are assessing an OB patient who has a history of P3013G5. How many times has she been pregnant?


You just delivered a baby and are performing the 1 minute APGAR. The baby's arms and legs are flexed, pulse is 96 bpm, core is pink and extremities are blue and patient has a vigorous cry. What is the APGAR score?


Which of the following is a contraindication of nitroglycerin?


You are the triage officer of an MCI. Which of the following patients would you designate with a GREEN tag?

A patient who is alert with a broken arm.

You are the triage officer of an MCI. Which of the following patients would you designate with a YELLOW tag?

A patient who is alert with an isolated femur fracture

You are the triage officer of an MCI. Which of the following patients would you designate with a RED tag?

A patient who is breathing and has a pulse who is unconscious with a head injury.

You are the triage officer of an MCI. Which of the following patients would you designate with a BLACK tag?

A patient who is unresponsive with no pulse

Which of the following patients should have a c-collar applied?

A patient with blunt trauma to the neck

Who is likely to be very thirsty?

A person with hyperglycemia

You are assessing a 50 y/o obese female c/o abdominal pain for the past 12 hours. Patient states the pain is in the LUQ and epigastric region which radiates to the back and gets worse after she eats. Patient also c/o nausea and has thrown up twice. When examining the abdomen, you notice contusions about the umbilicus. The patient has a history of alcohol abuse. Patient's last bowel movement was an hour ago and the patient describes it as very oily. What condition do you suspect?

Acute pancreatitis

Pediatric Assessment Triangle

Appearance, work of breathing and circulation to the skin.

Which of the following conditions present with pain at McBurney's point?


Which of the following is most crucial when treating a patient with suspected tuberculosis?

Apply an N95 mask to yourself and your patient if they can tolerate it

Which of the following is proper treatment for heat stroke?

Apply cool packs to neck, groin and armpits

Which of the following is the correct way to treat an abdominal evisceration?

Apply sterile dressing and moisten them with sterile saline

What is the most common cause of cardiopulmonary arrest in the trauma patient?

Hypoxemia Rationale: Hypoxemia is the most common cause of traumatic cardiopulmonary arrest. Acute airway obstruction or ineffective breathing will be clinically manifested as hypoxemia.

You are assessing a 19 y/o female who experienced blunt trauma to the LUQ of the abdomen. The patient is complaining of left shoulder pain. What sign does this represent?


Which of the following is true regarding pulmonary contusion?

Caused by hemorrhage into the lung parenchyma Rationale: Pulmonary contusion is a very common chest injury. It is caused by hemorrhage into lung parenchyma secondary to blunt force trauma or penetrating injury such as a missile. It occurs commonly with flail segment or multiple rib fractures. A pulmonary contusion takes hours to develop and rarely develops during prehospital care.

While drinking beer with his friends near a creek, a 21 y/o male slipped and hit his head. The patient is conscious and alert and in no apparent distress, but presents with confused altered mental status. His friends insist that his altered mental status is due to the alcohol and that he does not need treatment. How should you proceed?

Complete a patient assessment and call for ALS transport

Which of the following is correct when treating burn patient's?

Cover with a sterile, dry dressing

You are assessing a 28 y/o male with dyspnea. Patient presents with a high-pitched cough and patient states he is having difficulty swallowing. You listen to his lung sounds and heard a loud inspiratory stridor. What condition do you suspect?


A 31-year-old male presents with difficulty breathing, rapid and weak pulse, and flat neck veins. His trachea is midline and he has decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion upon assessment of the left side of the chest. You should suspect:

Massive hemothorax Rationale: Clinical signs of shock may be apparent. The neck veins are usually flat secondary to profound hypovolemia, but may very rarely be distended due to mediastinal compression. Other signs of hemothorax include decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion on the affected side.

You arrive on the scene of a 2 y/o female. The patients mother states insidious onset of fever and cough. The patient is in a tripod position and is drooling. The patient's coughed and it sounded like a seal bark. What condition do you suspect?


You are assessing a patient with no significant medical history and no medications who is complaining if polydipsia and polyuria. You check the blood glucose and it reads 90 mg/dL. What condition is most likely?

DI (blood glucose reads normal but has symptoms of hyperglycemia due to ADH hormone inbalance)

You are assessing a patient who is breathing 40 bpm and very deep. They have fruity breath and appear dehydrated. The patient has a history of Type 1 Diabetes. What condition do you suspect?


Signs of a heat stroke include all of the following EXCEPT:


You are assessing a 72 y/o male with a 50 year/pack history of smoking. You notice the patient is on home oxygen at 0.5 LPM. Assessment shows the patient is barrel chested and is pursing his lips with respiration. Lung sounds show bilateral expiratory wheezes. What condition do you suspect?


You are assessing a patient with a history of Type II diabetes. The patient is complaining of a gradual onset of weakness and fatigue. The patient shows signs of severe dehydration. You check the blood glucose and the glucometer reads HIGH. The patient has no significant finds on their breath, breathing is normal and their mental status is altered. What condition do you suspect?


Which of the following is the MOST reliable sign or symptom of an inhalation injury?


Which of the following is correct regarding fresh water drowning?

Hyperkalemia results in cardiac arrest

A 3-year-old is injured in a motor vehicle collision. Vital signs are: respiratory rate, 40 bpm; pulse rate, 130 bpm; and BP, 70/40. The child's skin is cool and pale. Which of the following is the most likely condition?

Hypovolemic shock

What sign of abdominal injury presents with contusions around the umbilicus?


An unrestrained 17-year-old female driver rear-ends a cement truck at a high rate of speed. She is unconscious, pale, cool and clammy, has fast, labored respirations and fast, thready radial pulses. Her neck veins are flat, trachea midline, chest motion is asymmetrical, and absent breath sounds on the left. You should suspect:

Massive hemothorax Rationale: Clinical signs of shock may be apparent. The neck veins are usually flat secondary to profound hypovolemia, but may very rarely be distended due to mediastinal compression. Other signs of hemothorax include decreased breath sounds and dullness to percussion on the affected side.

The correct order for securing straps on a KED is:

Middle, Bottom, Legs, Head, Top

Which of the following is true regarding pelvic fractures?

Pelvic binder should be placed to reduce bleeding

You are assessing a 6 y/o who was struck by a motor vehicle. Which of the following injuries would you not suspect? Hint: Waddell's Triad

Pelvic fracture

All of the following are signs of an increased work of breathing in a pediatric patient except:

Perioral cyanosis

Viagra, Cialis and Levitra are examples of that type of drugs?


How do you treat an open pneumothorax?

Place an occlusive dressing taped on 4 sides

You arrive on the scene of a 36 y/o male who complains of dyspnea. Patient states he has had a fever for the past 24 hours and has a cough producing a brownish sputum. What condition do you suspect?


An unconscious 18-year-old male is involved in a motor vehicle collision. You find him unrestrained behind the bent steering wheel. He is unconscious with cool, pale and clammy skin. Vitals are BP 90/40, P 120 and thready, and R 30 and shallow. Your assessment reveals that he is blue around the lips, has distended neck veins and tracheal deviation to the right. He also has an asymmetrical chest with absent breath sounds on the left. You should suspect:

Rationale: Clinical signs of a tension pneumothorax include dyspnea, anxiety, tachypnea, distended neck veins, and possibly tracheal deviation away from the affected side. Auscultation will reveal diminished breath sounds on the affected side and will be accompanied by hyperresonance when percussed.

Which of the following distinguishes a tension pneumothorax from a simple pneumothorax?

Rationale: Clinical signs of a tension pneumothorax include dyspnea, anxiety, tachypnea, distended neck veins, and possibly tracheal deviation away from the affected side. Auscultation will reveal diminished breath sounds on the affected side and will be accompanied by hyperresonance when percussed. Shock with hypotension will follow.

A 34-year-old female was struck by a vehicle causing blunt force chest trauma. She is unconscious with gasping respirations, almost no air movement, a rapid, thready carotid pulse and flat neck veins. You should:

Rationale: Primary goals in treating the patient with chest trauma are the following:• Ensure an open airway while protecting the cervical spine• Administer high-flow oxygen and ventilate if necessary• Stabilize flail segments• Seal sucking chest wounds• Decompress the chest if needed• Load and go to appropriate level of care• Obtain venous access• Transport to appropriate level of care• Notify medical direction

A 32-year-old male is involved in a motor vehicle collision. The steering wheel is bent. Your assessment reveals present and equal bilateral breath sounds, and a rapid and weak radial pulse that disappears upon inspiration. You should suspect:

Rationale: Pulsus paradoxus, or paradoxical pulse, may be noted. This is where the radial pulse is not felt with inspiration. The major differential diagnosis in the field is tension pneumothorax. With cardiac tamponade, the patient will be in shock with equal breath sounds and the trachea midline.

What type of CVA is characterized by a "Thunderclap" Headache?

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

You are assessing a patient who c/o night sweats and hemoptysis. Patient states that he has been losing weight recently. What condition do you suspect?


You are treating a patient in cardiac arrest with blunt force trauma to the chest. Which of the following is the MOST probable cause?

Tension pneumothorax

Which of the following is true regarding pediatric patients?

They are more susceptible to hypoglycemia because they have less glycogen reserves

A patient had an acute onset of stroke like symptoms that resolved within 24 hour hours with no residual effect. This condition is called a:

Transient ischemic attack

You are assessing a patient who is complaining of nausea and vomiting. The patient has a history of diabetes and takes insulin. They has their right foot amputated 2 months ago. What should you do?

Transport for evaluation of an MI

Which one of the following is NOT a part of Beck's Triad?

absent lung sounds

You are dispatched to the a scene in the food court, where a patient is having difficulty breathing. When you arrive, you notice the patient has urticaria and hypotension. The patient cannot speak, but a bystander said the patient started having trouble breathing shortly after ingesting food. What may the patient be suffering from?


NAME THAT SHOCK: This condition is commonly caused by an MI or myocarditis and results in a decreased cardiac output.


A patient is experiencing ataxia and vertigo. You suspect a CVA in the:


Which of the following is NOT part of the H's and T's?

cerebral thrombus

You are assessing a 55 y/o female who is obese and c/o dyspnea. Skin is cyanotic and patient states she has a 50 year/pck smoking history. Patient states she has had a cough producing a brown sputum for the past several months. What condition do you suspect?

chronic bronchitis

Which of the following is a sign of an opioid overdose?

constricted pupils

You are assessing a patient with a BP 92/60, HR 122, RR 24 with pale, cool and diaphoretic skin. What stage of shock is this patient in?


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