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The house that Ray and Charles Eames deisgned for themselves as part of the case study houses program used expensive materials imported from different parts of the world.


Anne Tyng

Luois Kahn

Villa Mairea, Noormaku, Finland

Aluar and Aino Aalto

Who among the following architects collared with Le Corbuiser?

Charolette Perriand

Theo van Doesburg and Cornelius Eestern, members of the De stijl movement, propsed a series of hypothetical architectural projects. What was their preferred type of architectural represenation?

Axonometric Drawing

School of Architecture, Ahmendabad, India

Balkrishna Doshi

Upon departing from the Bauhaus, textile artist Anne Albers worked and taught at which American insitute of higher education?

Black Mountian College, Ashville NC

Matteotti Neighborhood, Terni, Italy

Giancalo de Carlo

What is the architectural relavance of Gerrit Rietvald's orginal training as a furniture designer?

He applies prinicples of furniture joinery to spatial articulations

Which spefic local tradition is present in the memorial to Ghandi designed by the Indian architect Charles Correa?

Indian Mandela

River-Kahlo House, Mexico City, Mexico

Juan O'Gorman

Charolette Perriand

Le Corbusier

Lily Reich

Ludwig Mies van der Rone

Byker Wall, Newcastle, UK

Ralph Erskine

Designed by Hassan Fathy, the village of New Gourna in Egypt was acclaimed by the villagers and the local community, showing the success of modern architecture adapted to local conditions


To ensure a solid training across the curriculum, all freshmen students had to take the same classes, regardless of their major


Gerrit Rietveld

Truus Schroder

What is the De Stijl movement?

an artist and architectural movement that promoted an abstract artist language

What do the Rivera-Kahlo House and Luis Barragan house have in common?

both houses employ a modern language strongly influenced by local traditions

There are certian design aspects that have proven to contribute to successful social housing. What are some of these features?

green spaces and public spaces for social interaction and design variety

Which of the following are causes of frequent failures of subsized housing in the US?

inadequete funding and racial segregation

What consitutes an innovative feature of Paul Revere Williams design for Frank Sinatra's residence in LA

interior acoustial treatment

Which of the following consitute features of public housing in communist contries?

prefabrication in order to advance cheap and rapid construction standardization based on the assumption that all people are the same

Which of the following is true about the E. 1027 houses?

the furniture is intergrated with the architecture and architectural spaces and furninature pieces have multiple uses

What role have the textiles used in the Tugendhat Villa?

they act as theartical devices that reveal or hide the spaces in the house and cover windows and spatial dividers

Which of the following were goals of the Bauhaus education and practice?

to bring together architecture, arts, crafts and decorative arts

In the early 20th century, Charolette Perriand revolutionized furniture design. What spefic features of her design consituted a radical departure from the conventional furniture of time?

use of industrial materials

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