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Is the number 846 possible or necessary?"


He thinks we're the same person.


He's been camped out on the desert for three months. Talking to cactus. What's he know about what people wanna' see on the screen! I drive on the freeway every day. I swallow the smog. I watch the news in color. I shop in the Safeway. I'm the one who's in touch! Not him!


I don't mean that. I mean his teeth! His real teeth. First he lost his real teeth, then he lost his false teeth. You never knew that did ya'? He never confided in you. Yeah, he lost his real teeth one at a time. Woke up every morning with another tooth lying on the mattress. Finally, he decides he's gotta' get 'em all pulled out but he doesn't have any money. Middle of Arizona with no money and no insurance and every morning another tooth is lying on the mattress. (takes a drink) So what does he do? AUSTIN: Yeah. They send him the money but it's not enough money. Costs a lot to have all yer teeth yanked. They charge by the individual tooth, ya' know. I mean one tooth isn't equal to another tooth. Some are more expensive. Like the big ones in the back--


It's not like real life! It's not enough like real life. Things don't happen like that


She's five hundred miles away. North. North of here. Up in the North country where things are calm. I don't need any help. I'm gonna' go outside and I'm gonna' steal a toaster. I'm gonna' steal some other stuff too. I might even commit bigger crimes. Bigger than you ever dreamed of. Crimes beyond the imagination!


There's nothin' down here for me. There never was. When we were kids here it was different. There was a life here then. But now--I keep comin' down here thinkin' it's the fifties or somethin'. I keep finding myself getting off the freeway at familiar landmarks that turn out to be unfamiliar. On the way to appointments. Wandering down streets I thought I recognized that turn out to be replicas of streets I remember. Streets I misremember. Streets I can't tell if I lived on or saw in a postcard. Fields that don't even exist anymore.


You really don't think I could steal a crumby toaster? How much you wanna' bet I can't steal a toaster! How much? Go ahead! You're a gambler aren't you? Tell me how much yer willing to put on the line. Some part of your big advance? Oh, you haven't got that yet have you. I forgot.


You're not borrowing my car! That's all there is to it.


do you remeber the movie manhatten? woody allen like realizes hes still in love with mariel hemingway and he like runs down the street and finds her in her doorway. you gotta have . a little faith in people


hey. what do you wanna be when you go up


i dont want the money. im not gonna like rat you guys out but no im sorry i could tell he didnt really want to hire a black guy anyway and


it feels so weird when i sold it to them. its like i gave you that popcorn


now im thinkint it could mean youre the evil man and im the righteous man and mr nine millimeter here hes the sheoherd protecting my righteous ass in the vally of darkness or it could be youre the righteous man and im the shepard and its the world thats evil and selfish


okay so in the dream im dead. i mean ive just died. and im in this weird room which is basically like purgatory and theres a whole bunch of us a bunch of people... honey moon in vegas


pulp fiction was the last truly great american movie


the thing is im actually like im actually like this obsesed punctual person and im like never ever late and this was just like a crazy um anomaly with the buses


today is the one year anniversary of the day i treid to kill myself


well i was thinkin that you guys could go to him and like fess uo to your side of it too and like tell him that you were the ones who told me to do it in the first place


I got her this ring today. Diamond. Well, diamond-esque, but it looks just as good as the real thing. Asked her what size she wore. She say 7 so I go boost a 6 and a half, right? Show it to her and she loves it and I shove it on her finger and its a tight fit right, so she cant just take it off on a whim, like she did the last one I gave her. Smooth, right?


and guess where she was i mean while i was here waiting for her, she was over at her house watching tv. id told her come over thursday abd i got it all wrong


grace i popped her


how you gonna get a women if you dont got a phone. women these days are more cautious and...


im hot i need constant sexual release. if i wasnt taking care of myself by myself...


oh come on man we coukd make money you and me. throwing down the cards 3card and link


she told me to look out for you.. i . told her i was the litt brother and the big brother look after little...


yeah i boosted em they stole from a big ass deparement store tge more money in one day than we will in our whole life i got one for me and i got one for you


you know she was putting her stuff in platic bags she was just putting... i was standing in thuh door,,, pants falling down. they didnt see me.. he was her thursday man...my inheritance she had it all for me 500 dolars


"Breakdown, Mr. Boles. Pure and simple. Nervous breakdown".


"I'd tip my hat to the toddlers, I'd give a helping hand to a couple of stray dogs, everything came natural."


"My mother was the same. My wife was identical."


: "You're dead. You can't live, you can't think, you can't love. You're dead. You're a plague gone bad. There's no juice in you. You're nothing but an odor." Meg's toast: "he's my Stanley now. And I think he's a good boy, although sometimes he's bad"


Have a look in my mouth. Take a good look. You know what I mean? I've never lost a tooth. Not since the day I was born. Nothing's changed. That's why I've reached my position, McCann. Because I've always been as fit as a fiddle. All my life I've said the same. Play up, play up, and play the game. Honor thy father and thy mother. All along the line. Follow the line, the line, McCann, and you can't go wrong....Because I believe that the world..Because I believe that the world....BECAUSE I BELIEVE THAT THE WORLD...My father said to me, keep an eye out for low-lives, for schnorrers (beggar) and for layabouts. Do your duty and keep your observations...And that's why I've reached my position, McCann. Because I've always been as fit as a fiddle. My motto. Work hard and play hard. All the same, give me a blow. Blow in my mouth


You know, sir, you're a bit depressed for a man on his birthday


every second friday of the month my uncle barney used to take me to the seaside, regular as clockwork brighton


i used to go for a walk down the canal with a girl who lived down my road. a beautiful girl.


sit back mccabb relax whats the matter with you i bring you down for a few days to the seaside. take a holiday


who came befoer your father his father and who came beore him who...work hard play hard


you know what i said when this job came up. i mean naturally they approached me to take care of it and you know i asked for it


I lost my life in the service of others

goldbergs father

Now I'll let you in on what happened at the zoo; but first, I should tell you why I went to the zoo. I went to the zoo to find out more about the way people exist with animals, and the way animals exist with each other, and with people too. It probably wasn't a fair test, what with everyone separated by bars from everyone else, the animals for the most part from each other, and always the people from the animals. But, if it's a zoo, that's the way it is. [He pokes Peter on the arm.] Move over.


And let's see now; what's the point of having a girl's picture, especially in two frames? I have two picture frames, you remember. I never see the pretty little ladies more than once, and most of them wouldn't be caught in the same room with a camera. It's odd, and I wonder if it's sad


But I have found a way to keep her off. When she talks to me, when she presses herself to my body and mumbles about her room and how I should come there, I merely say: but, Love; wasn't yesterday enough for you, and the day before ? Then she puzzles, she makes slits of her tiny eyes, she sways a little, and then, Peter ... and it is at this moment that I think I might be doing some good in that tormented house ... a simple-minded smile begins to form on her unthinkable face, and she giggles and groans as she thinks about yesterday and the day before; as she believes and relives what never happened. Then, she motions to that black monster of a dog she has, and she goes back to her room. And I am safe until our next meeting


But every once in a while I like to talk to somebody, really talk; like to get to know somebody, know all about him


He got a piece of my trouser leg, look, you can see right here, where it's mended; he got that the second day I lived there; but, I kicked free and got upstairs fast, so that was that. [Puzzles] I still don't know to this day how the other roomers manage it, but you know what I think: I think it had to do only with me. Cosy. So. Anyway, this went on for over a week, whenever I came in; but never when I went out. That's funny. Or, it was funny. I could pack up and live in the street for all the dog cared. Well, I thought about it up in my room one day, one of the times after I'd bolted upstairs, and I made up my mind. I decided: First, I'll kill the dog with kindness, and if that doesn't work ... I'll just kill him. [PETER winces.] Don't react, Peter; just listen. So, the next day I went out and bought a bag of hamburgers, medium rare, no catsup, no onion; and on the way home I threw away all the rolls and kept just the meat. BUT, there he was; malevolence with an erection, waiting. I put the poison patty down, moved towards the stairs and watched. The poor animal gobbled the food down as usual, smiled, which made me almost sick, and then, BAM. But, I sprinted up the stairs, as usual, and the dog didn't get me, as usua I have no idea why, unless he was a descendant of the puppy that guarded the gates of hell or some such resort. I'm not up on my mythology.


I've been to the zoo. [PETER doesn't notice.] I said, I've been to the zoo. MISTER, I'VE BEEN TO THE ZOO!


No, I don't. I took the subway down to the Village so I could walk all the way up Fifth Avenue to the zoo. It's one of those things a person has to do; sometimes a person has to go a very long distance out of his way to come back a short distance correctly.


No. I wonder if it's sad that I never see the little ladies more than once. I've never been able to have sex with, or, how is it put ? ... make love to anybody more than once. Once; that's it ... Oh, wait; for a week and a half, when I was fifteen ... and I hang my head in shame that puberty was late ... I was a h-o-m-o-s-e-x-u-a-l. I mean, I was queer ... [Very fast] ... queer, queer, queer ... with bells ringing, banners snapping in the wind. And for those eleven days, I met at least twice a day with the park superintendent's son ... a Greek boy, whose birthday was the same as mine, except he was a year older. I think I was very much in love ... maybe just with sex. But that was the jazz of a very special hotel, wasn't it ? And now; oh, do I love the little ladies; really, I love them. For about an hour.


Now, here is what I had wanted to happen: I loved the dog now, and I wanted him to love me. I had tried to love, and I had tried to kill, and both had been unsuccessful by themselves. I hoped ... and I don't really know why I expected the dog to understand anything, much less my motivations . . . I hoped that the dog would understand. [PETER seems to be hypnotized] It's just ... it's just that ... [JERRY is abnormally tense, now.] ... it's just that if you can't deal with people, you have to make a start somewhere. WITH ANIMALS ! [Much faster now, and like a conspirator] Don't you see.? A person has to have some way of dealing with SOMETHING. If not with people ... SOMETHING. With a bed, with a cockroach, with a mirror ... no, that's too hard, that's one of the last steps. With a cockroach, with a ... with a ... with a carpet, a roll of toilet paper ... no, not that, either ... that's a mirror, too; always check bleeding. You see how hard it is to find things ? With a street corner, and too many lights, all colours reflecting on the oily-wet streets ... with a wisp of smoke, a wisp ... of smoke ... with ... with porno. graphic playing cards, with a strong-box . . . WITHOUT A LOCK ... with love, with vomiting, with crying, with fury because the pretty little ladies aren't pretty little ladies, with making money with your body which is an act of love and I could prove it, with howling because you're alive; with God.


We walk past each other safely; we have an understanding. It's very sad, but you'll have to admit that it is an understanding. We had made man attempts at contact, and we had failed. The dog has returned to garbage, and I to solitary but free passage. I have not returned. I mean to say, I have gain6d solitary free passage, if that much further loss can be said to be gain. I have learned that neither kindness nor cruelty by themselves, independent of each other, creates any effect beyond themselves; and I have learned that the two combined, together, at the same time, are the teaching emotion.


What I am going to tell you has something to do with how sometimes it's necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to come back a short distance correctly; or, maybe I only think that it has something to do with that. But, it's why I went to the zoo today, and why I walked north ... northerly, rather ... until I came here


What were you trying to do? Make sense out of things? Bring order? The old pigeonhole bit? Well, that's easy; I'll tell you. I live in a four-storey brownstone rooming-house on the upper West Side between Columbus Avenue and Central Park West. I live on the top floor; rear; west. It's a laughably small room, and one of my walls is made of beaverboard; this beaverboard separates my room from another laughably small room, so I assume that the two rooms were once one room, a small room, but not necessarily laughable. The room beyond my beaver board wall is occupied by a coloured queen who always keeps his door open; well, not always but always when he's plucking his eyebrows, which he does with Buddhist concentration. This coloured queen has rotten teeth, which is rare, and he has a Japanese kimono, which is also pretty rare; and he wears this kimono to and from the john in the hall, which is pretty frequent. I mean, he goes to the john a lot. He never bothers me, and never brings anyone up to his room. All he does is pluck his eyebrows, wear his kimono and go to the john. Now, the two front rooms on my floor are a little larger, I guess; but they're pretty small, too. There's a Puerto Rican family in one of them, a husband, a wife, and some kids; I don't know how many. These people entertain a lot. And in the other front room, there's somebody living there, but I don't know who it is. I've never seen who it is. Never. Never ever


You're a very sweet man, and you're possessed of a truly enviable innocence. But good old Mom and good old Pop are dead ... you know? ... I'm broken up about it, too ... I mean really. BUT. That particular vaudeville act is playing the cloud circuit now, so I don't see how I can look at them, all neat and framed. Besides, or, rather, to be pointed about it, good old Mom walked out on good old Pop when I was ten and a half years old; she embarked on an adulterous turn of our southern states ... a journey of a year's duration ... and her most constant companion ... among others, among many others ... was a Mr Barleycorn. At least, that's what good old Pop told me after he went down ... came back ... brought her body north. We'd received the news between Christmas and New Year's, you see, that good old Mom had parted with the ghost in some dump in Alabama. And, without the ghost ... she was less welcome. I mean, what was she? A stiff ... a northern stiff. At any rate, good old Pop celebrated the New Year for an even two weeks and then slapped into the front of a somewhat moving city omnibus, which sort of cleaned things out family-wise. Well no; then there was Mom's sister, who was given neither to sin nor the consolations of the bottle. I moved in on her, and my memory of her is slight excepting I remember still that she did all things dourly: sleeping, eating, working, praying. She dropped dead on the stairs to her apartment, my apartment then, too, on the afternoon of my high school graduation. A terribly middle-European joke, if you ask me.


[slaps Peter on each "fight"] You fight, you miserable bastard; fight for that bench; fight for your parakeets; fight for your cats; fight for your two daughters; fight for your wife; fight for your manhood, you pathetic little vegetable. [Spits in Peter's face] You couldn't even get your wife with a male child. Peter ... Peter? ... Peter ... thank you. I came unto you [He laughs, so faintly.] and you have comforted me. Dear Peter Peter, I'll tell you something now; you're not really a vegetable; it's all right, you're an animal. You're an animal, too. But you'd better hurry now, Peter. Hurry, you'd better go ... see? [JERRY takes a handkerchief and with great effort and pain wipes the knife handle clean of fingerprints.] Hurry away, Peter. [PETER begins to stagger away.] Wait ... wait, Peter. Take your book ... book. Right here ... beside me ... on your bench ... my bench, rather. Come ... take your book. [PETER starts for the book, but retreats.] Hurry ... Peter. [PETER rushes to the bench, grabs the book, retreats.] Very good, Peter ... very good. Now ... hurry away. [PETER hesitates for a moment, then flees, stage-left.] Hurry away ... [His eyes are closed now.] Hurry away, your parakeets are making the dinner ... the cats ... are setting the table ...


Don't you say that to me! Don't you ever say that to me! (just as suddenly he turns him loose, pushes him away and backs off) You may be able to git away with that with the Old Man. Git him tanked up for a week! Buy him off with yer Hollywood blood money, but not me! I can git my own money my own way. Big money!


Family people. Brothers. Brothers-in-law. Cousins. Real American-type people. They kill each other in the heat mostly. In the Smog-Alerts. In the Brush Fire Season. Right about this time a' year.


Hey, I've about had it with the insults buddy! You think yer the only one in the brain department here? Yer the only one that can sit around and cook things up? There's other people got ideas too, ya' know!


I haven't seen a good Western since Lonely Are the Brave. You remember that movie


Like a paradise. Kinda' place that sorta' kills ya' inside. Warm yellow lights. Mexican tile all around. Copper pots hangin' over the stove. Ya' know like they got in magazines. Blonde people movin' in and outa' the rooms, talkin' to eachother. Kinda' place you wish you sorta' grew up in, ya' know. Lee: The man dies for the love of a horse


No sweat. Hey, ya' know, if that uh--story of yours doesn't go over with the guy--tell him I got a couple a' "projects" he might be interested in. Real commercial. Full a' suspense. True-tolife stuff.


She had green eyes. You know what green eyes do to me?


What'sa' matter with this neighborhood? This is a great neighborhood. Lush. Good class a' people. Not many dogs.


Yeah, operator look--first off I wanna' know the area code for Bakersfield. Right. Bakersfield! Okay. Good. Now I wanna' know if you can help me track somebody down. (pause) No, no I mean a phone number. Just a phone number. Okay. (holds a piece of paper up and reads it) Okay, the name is Melly Ferguson. Melly. (pause) I dunno'. Melly. Maybe. Yeah. Maybe Melanie. Yeah. Melanie Ferguson. Okay. (pause) What? I can't hear ya' so good. Sounds like yer under the ocean. (pause) You got ten Melanie Fergusons? How could that be? Ten Melanie Fergusons in Bakersfield? Well gimme all of 'em then. (pause) What d'ya' mean? Gimmie all ten Melanie Fergusons! That's right. Just a second. (to AUSTIN) Gimme a pen.


Yeah. Contemporary Western. Based on a true story. 'Course I'm not a writer like my brother here. I'm not a man of the pen.


Yeah. Ya' hear the horse screamin' at the end of it. Rain's comin' down. Horse is screamin'. Then there's a shot. BLAM! Just a single shot like that. Then nothin' but the sound of rain. And Kirk Douglas is ridin' in the ambulance. Ridin' away from the scene of the accident. And when he hears that shot he knows that his horse has died. He knows. And you see his eyes. And his eyes die. Right inside his face. And then his eyes close. And you know that he's died too. You know that Kirk Douglas has died from the death of his horse.


Cause its thuh first move that separates thuh Player from thuh Played. And thuh first move is to know that there aint no winning."


I think there was something out there that they liked more than they liked us and for years they was struggling against moving towards that more liked something. Each of them had a special something that they was struggling against. Moms had hers. Pops had his. And they was struggling. We moved out of that nasty apartment into a house. A whole house. It werent perfect but it was a house and theyd bought it and they brought us there and everything we owned, figuring we could be a family in that house and them things, them two separate things each of them was struggling against, would just leave them be. Them things would see thuh house and be impressed and just leave them be.


They say the clothes make the man. All day long I wear that getup. But that dont make me who I am. Old black coat not even real old just fake old. Its got worn spots on the elbows, little raggedy places thatll break through into holes before the winters out. Shiny strips around the cuffs and the collar. Dust from the cap guns on the left shoulder where they shoot him, where they shoot me I should say but I never feel like they shooting me. The fella who had the gig before I had it wore the same coat. When I got the job they had the getup hanging there waiting for me. Said thuh fella before me just took it off one day and never came back.


i know we brothers but is we really brothers you know blood brother or not


nothing it wasnt like bothing he made it seem like it was this big deal this grat thing he was letting me witness but it was nothing... one of his ladies liked me so i would do her after hed don her


one day i was throwing the cards. next day lonny died


replace me with a wax dummy


she coulda been jiving you bro. jiving you that there . really was moneu in this thing. jiving you bing time its like thuh cards and ohh you certainly was persistent.


yr kidding 500 dollars and you aint never open it


That's what you did. You quenched your ugly thirst. You took advantage of me when I was overwrought. I wouldn't do those things again, not even for a Sultan


do you want to have a look at your face.l you could do with a shave do you know that?


he was my first love, eddie was and whatevre happened it was


youve always been a true christian


"I thought your name was Nat."


myself for one i had the honour of an invitation


"I was the belle of the ball."


Well...I mean...is there...is there a wheelbarrow in it?"


: Picasso. (pause) Picasso's in town. Isn't that incredible? Right now. (pause) AUSTIN: Picasso's dead, Mom. MOM: No, he's not dead. He's visiting the museum. I read it on the bus. We have to go down there and see him.


I see. Well, you'll probably wind up on the same desert sooner or later. What're all these toasters doing here?


Oh, hee, hee, hee. I must go. I ... hee, hee, hee. After all, stop, stop, hee, hee, hee, after all, the parakeets will be getting dinner ready soon. Hee, hee. And the cats are setting the table. Stop, stop, and, and ... [He is beside himself now.] ... and we're having ... hee, hee ... uh ... ho, ho, ho.


Stan, don't let them tell you what to do


and this is our like this isnt like a job we have while we go to college this is what we like feed ourselves with


but is this the kind of thing where you want the person to love you back or you actually secretly odnt want themt o love you back


i cant stay attracted to anyone for longer than 4 months all i want to do is like have sex all the time


yeah like everyoneekse is blurry except for me. im like totally in focus and i like look amazing


and it was like everyone was acting so happy and it s like the only actually happy people are reatarded


i like i ****ing love you


i mean i havent really slept for like the past year and a half. and then when i do sleep i dream about you.


im just like i dont know why steve just doesnt ****ing promote me


im that douchbage who brings like random weird ethniic food into a movie theaterq


its one thing if i sold you the food. its one thing if you know legitmately purchased the food.. but to sneak food in


maybe i nver told you about it but theres some really good stuff in my life. and sometimes the people you fall in love with fall in love with you back,. sometimes they dont but sometimes they do and its awesome


Well, that's it then. I mean this is an easy three hundred grand. Just for a first draft. It's incredible, Austin. We've got three different studios all trying to cut each other's throats to get this material. In one morning. That's how hot it is.


Yeah, he said, "In this business we make movies, American movies. Leave the films to the French."


i always have this urge to like i always just kind of want to touch it


a big wheelbarrow and when the van stops they wheel it out and they wheel it up the garden path and then they knock at the front door


i had a unique touch... champagne we had that night. my father nearly came down to hear me. well i dropped him a card anway. but i dont think he could make it.


you succulent old washing bag... and it isnt your place to come into a man's bedroom


"Because it's not a boarding house. It never was."


"Tell me, Mrs. Boles, when you address yourself to me, do you ever ask yourself who exactly you are talking to?"


you know what to look at me. i bet you wouldnt think id led such a quiet life the lines on my face its the drink been drinking a bit down of here


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