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"Quinceañera Birthday Bash Preserves Tradition" includes many direct quotations from real people personally or professionally involved in quinceañera celebrations. What does the author achieve with her use of direct quotations? A. She makes the article more lively and personal by sharing authentic viewpoints about quinceañeras. B. She contrasts her own ideas about quinceañeras with the ideas of real people who take part in them. C. She repays the interviewees for their time and information by quoting and naming them in the article. D. She uses the quotations to make the article more appealing to sociologists and students of contemporary culture.


How does Vanessa Negrete feel about the party thrown in her honor in "Quinceañera Birthday Bash Preserves Tradition"? A. She looks forward to it beforehand and enjoys herself thoroughly at the party. B. She is terrified of it beforehand but finds herself enjoying it once it gets started. C. She is disappointed that the party is small-scale but still enjoys herself on the day. D. She thinks it is silly and unnecessary but pretends to enjoy it for her parents' sake.


How is Saeng's experience with the driving test in "The Winter Hibiscus" different from her experiences with other tests? A. She doesn't pass this test. B. This test is difficult for her. C. This test has importance for her. D. She hasn't prepared to take this test.


In "Childhood and Poetry," why does the young Neruda most likely put a pinecone through the hole in the fence? A. He wants to repay the generosity of the boy next door. B. He is pretending that the pinecone will feed the toy sheep. C. He hopes the boy next door will exchange something for it. D. He wants to show off a possession that he considers valuable.


In "Just Be Yourself!" what does the author encourage her teen self to do? A. get to know herself over time B. find one hobby and stick with it C. join more social groups at school D. trust others to make good choices


In "The Medicine Bag," why does Grandpa say he has arrived for a surprise visit with the family? A. He wants to see where his only existing descendants live, and he wants to give Martin the medicine bag. B. He feels that death is now very near, and he wants to be buried where his only existing relatives live. C. He wants to teach his grandchildren lessons that will help them respect the old ways. D. He wants to see his family in person to discuss the resentment he has felt for years.


In "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World," what do both Musoni and Nhamo love? A. each other B. airplanes C. their home D. adventures


In "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World," what does young Nhamo plan to do tomorrow? A. leave home B. fly in an airplane C. go to work for his father D. seek advice from a wise man


In "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World," where does the conversation between father and son take place? A. in a field B. in the village C. in the family home D. in a series of letters


In "Translating Grandfather's House," what has the speaker most likely been asked to do? A. draw a picture of a relative's home B. draw a picture of a made-up house C. draw a picture of a favorite movie D. draw a picture of a city building


In "You Are the Electric Boogaloo," what advice does the author give his teen self? A. Keep dancing, for it is making you a creative and interesting person. B. Learn from your mistakes and then make needed changes going forward. C. Dance for another year and then switch to a more respectable career path. D. Make good friends, for in the future they may help you get discovered.


Why is it appropriate to refer to "Translating Grandfather's House" as a narrative poem? A. It has a plot and other traditional story elements. B. Its main character is similar to the reader. C. Its language sounds musical at times. D. It has a realistic setting.


Part AIn "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World," how does Old Musoni support his family? A. He is a farmer. B. He is a scientist. C. He is a beekeeper. D. He is a metal worker. Part BWhich passage from "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World" most clearly supports the answer to Part A? A. Old Musoni raised his dusty eyes from his hoe and the unchanging stony earth he had been tilling and peered into the sky. B. What do you know of the false honey bird that leads you the whole day through the forest to a snake's nest? C. You have sent me to school and told me the importance of education, and now you ask me to throw it on the rubbish heap. D. Tomorrow, before sunrise, he would go to see Chiremba and ask him to throw bones over the future of his son.

a, a

According to "Quinceañera Birthday Bash Preserves Tradition," why do friends and associates of the girl's parents help pay for "quinces"? Choose two options. A. They expect the girl's family to return the favor in the future. B. They have known and loved the girl throughout her childhood. C. They hope to help the girl set aside money for a college education. D. They want to wish the girl good luck as she prepares to leave home. E. They want to provide an opportunity for the girl to meet young men. F. They want to show their approval of the girl's decision to join the church.

a, b

Part ARead this excerpt from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.When she chose to smile on me, I always wanted to thank her. The action was so graceful and inclusively benign.What is the most likely meaning of benign? Choose based on context clues in the excerpt. A. kind B. grateful C. peaceful D. humorous Part BWhich phrase from the excerpt is a context clue that most clearly supports the answer to Part A? A. When she chose B. to smile on me C. I always wanted D. to thank her

a, b

Part AIn "The Medicine Bag," Grandpa describes a piece of iron his father once found.What does the piece of iron most likely symbolize? A. his father's purpose in life B. his father's death in a coming war C. his father's distrust of white people D. his father's refusal to learn from his elders Part BWhich quotation from "The Medicine Bag" most clearly supports the answer to Part A? A. He did not understand his vision of finding something belonging to the white people, for in that time they were the enemy. (paragraph 64) B. At first Iron Shell resisted the teachers' attempts to change him, and he did not try. (paragraph 66) C. As he walked into the place, he knew that his medicine had brought him there to learn and work with the white man's iron. (paragraph 66) D. I kept the bag until my son, your mother's father, was a man and had to leave us to fight in the war across the ocean. (paragraph 69)

a, c

Part ARead this sentence from "You Are the Electric Boogaloo."Don't lie there in bed, your guts churning, as you replay the terrible scene.Which word in the sentence has the strongest connotations? A. churning B. replay C. terrible D. scene Part BWhat feeling does the word churning in Part A most likely create in the reader? A. joy B. regret C. irritation D. discomfort

a, d

The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.Part AIn "You Are the Electric Boogaloo," what is the author's most likely purpose for writing the letter? A. to show compassion for his younger self B. to persuade friends to support his younger self C. to keep his younger self from making mistakes D. to entertain his younger self with stories from the past Part BWhich quotation from the selection best supports the answer to Part A? A. You and your friends from the rural Wisconsin hills have that K-Tel how-to album (including posters and diagrams). B. Maybe you're right. Maybe a talent scout will be driving between Stitzer and Hazel Green. C. I especially love what happened at Dubuque's Five Flags Center a few months later. D. Just go to sleep, kid, and get ready for the next dance. It's all going to be great, okay?

a, d

The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.Which statement most clearly describes Martin in the early part of "The Medicine Bag"? A. Martin worries about his friends' opinions. B. Martin is cruel and insensitive toward others. C. Martin appreciates and respects Grandpa's behavior. D. He never reveals to his friends that Grandpa is a Sioux. Part BWhich sentence from "The Medicine Bag" best supports the answer to Part A? A. Maybe we exaggerated and made Grandpa and the reservation sound glamorous.... (paragraph 2) B. We usually had some authentic Lakota article to show our listeners. (paragraph 3) C. I watched the group as it slowly came closer and saw that in the center of the strange procession was a man wearing a tall black hat. (paragraph 7) D. His getup wasn't out of place on the reservation, but it sure was here, and I wanted to sink right through the pavement. (paragraph 12)

a, d

In "Hanging Fire," what does the speaker think about? Choose three options. A. dying B. vacation C. her sister D. failing a test E. wearing braces F. the boy she likes

a, e, f

As Grandpa explains in "The Medicine Bag," how is the medicine bag to be passed down from generation to generation? A. only through chiefs B. only through males C. only through females D. only through firstborn children


In "Cub Pilot on the Mississippi," why does Brown fail to hear Henry's shouted instruction to stop at the landing? A. He dislikes Henry. B. He is partially deaf. C. He is too busy yelling at Twain. D. He has fallen asleep at the wheel.


In "Just Be Yourself!" why does the author's teen self spend so much time in the library? A. Her classes are challenging. B. She feels like an outsider. C. Her friends eat lunch there. D. She admires the librarian.


In "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World," what most worries Musoni? A. He worries he will soon die. B. He worries his son will get hurt. C. He worries the airplane will crash. D. He worries the charm won't work.


In the selection from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, what problem does Mrs. Flowers bring up with Marguerite? A. Marguerite cheats customers in Momma's store. B. Teachers say that Marguerite does not speak. C. Momma may be forced to sell her store. D. Marguerite is not doing well in school.


Near the end of "The Medicine Bag," Grandpa gives Martin the medicine bag and says, "[You] need not wear it." What do these words show most clearly about Grandpa's thinking? A. Grandpa knows that the medicine bag has power even if Martin does not wear it. B. Grandpa realizes that the medicine bag will be more meaningful at a later time. C. Grandpa feels sad that Martin does not want to wear the medicine bag. D. Grandpa understands that Martin is uncomfortable about his heritage.


Read this passage from "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World."Old Musoni did not look at his son as he left him. Already, his mind was trying to focus at some point in the dark unforeseeable future. ...He noticed that the sun was going down and he scraped the earth off his hoe.How does this passage demonstrate the point of view of the story? A. The narrator is the main character. B. The narrator uses pronouns such as he. C. The narrator uses pronouns such as I. D. The narrator shares only one character's thoughts.


Read this sentence from "Childhood and Poetry."Just as I once left the pinecone by the fence, I have left my words on the door of so many people who were unknown to me, people in prison, or hunted, or alone.Based on this comment, whom does Neruda most clearly identify as the audience for his poetry? A. people who are kind and generous B. people who are lonely or in trouble C. people who prefer to live in the past D. people who are filled with joy and light


The author of "Quinceañera Birthday Bash Preserves Tradition" describes the party guests as follows:Grandmas in support hose and sandals danced side-by-side with little girls in party dresses. Wives slow danced with their husbands, their babies balanced between them. Children chased balloons, and young men in sharply pointed boots and dinner-plate belt buckles guided their dates onto the dance floor.What can you infer from this excerpt about the atmosphere at a typical quinceañera? A. Guests at a quinceañera stick closely to their own family members instead of mingling. B. A quinceañera encourages people of all ages and both sexes to celebrate together. C. A quinceañera is a highly formal occasion at which people behave very politely. D. Children are expected to keep out of sight and play quietly at a quinceañera.


What feeling for her grandmother does the author of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings reveal most clearly in her descriptions? A. fear B. respect C. impatience D. protectiveness


Which detail from "Translating Grandfather's House" most clearly shows that the speaker's memories are real? A. Memories once certain as rivets / Become confused.... (lines 17-18) B. The roof Oscar Jartín / Tumbled from one hot Tuesday.... (lines 22-23) C. ...[W]ith wildgrass / rising from sidewalk cracks like widows (lines 28-29) D. Beaming, the teacher scrawls / an A+ in the corner.... (lines 31-32)


Which of these sentences best states Nhamo's point of view in "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World"? A. Young people do not respect their elders. B. Young people long to do things on their own. C. Young people are more skilled than older people. D. Young people will die even though they don't know it yet.


Which statement presents a main way in which "Hanging Fire" and "Translating Grandfather's House" are similar in theme? A. Both poems focus on the absence of a caring mother. B. Both poems focus on the frustrations of a teenager's life. C. Both poems focus on the fears that people have about the future. D. Both poems focus on the difference between imagination and reality.


Part ARead this passage from "Just Be Yourself!"Psst! Hey! You in the corner of the library with your nose stuck in a book.Yes, you. Don't recognize me without that awful perm, do you?(Remind me again why you thought that was a good idea?)Anyway, I hope you don't mind if I sit with you for a minute, but we need to talk.What is the author's tone in this passage? A. shy and awkward B. casual and chatty C. mocking and rude D. warm and inspiring Part BWhich of the following quotations from the passage most clearly conveys the tone identified in Part A? A. Psst! Hey! You in the corner B. Don't recognize me C. that was a good idea D. sit with you for a minute

b, a

Part AIn "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World," how does Old Musoni feel about the world beyond his homeland? A. He longs to explore it. B. He believes it is dangerous. C. He does not think other places exist. D. He believes a home can be made anywhere. Part BWhich passage from "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World" most clearly supports the answer to Part A? A. The white speck whose sound had disturbed his work and thoughts was far out at the edge of the yellow sky, near the horizon. B. He saw nothing now but disaster and death for his son out there in the world. C. Words are handles made to the smith's fancy and are liable to break under stress. D. And if there were a couple of ancestors who needed appeasement, he would do it while he was still around.

b, b

Part AIn "Just Be Yourself!" what does the author's teen self most want to do? A. find a friend at the library B. find a place to fit in C. be a good citizen D. be attractive Part BWhich quotation from the selection best supports the answer to Part A? A. ...[W]e need to talk. Don't worry about the "no talking in the library" rule. I'm sure we'll be fine. Librarians aren't as bad as they seem. B. Judging from your hair and braces I'd have to guess you're in your junior year. Yes? Thought so. C. ...[Y]ou joined every school club you could ... not to mention the numerous after-school activities you're involved in. D. We don't all have one single rock-star talent, and honestly, I think those of us who don't are the lucky ones.

b, c

At the end of "The Medicine Bag," for which of the following is the medicine bag most clearly a symbol? Choose two options. A. Martin's desire to please his friends B. Martin's respect for his grandfather C. Martin's dislike for his Sioux heritage D. Martin's acceptance of his family heritage E. Martin's feelings of embarrassment about Grandpa

b, d

Part AIn "Childhood and Poetry," which of the following items does Neruda most clearly use to represent his poetry? A. a sheep with faded wool B. a sweet-smelling pinecone C. a tiny hand through a fence D. a fire that nourishes human life Part BWhich of these quotations from "Childhood and Poetry" best supports the answer to Part A? A. ... I came upon a hole in one of the boards of the fence....All of a sudden a hand appeared—a tiny hand of a boy about my own age. By the time I came close again, the hand was gone, and in its place there was a marvelous white sheep. B. The sheep's wool was faded. Its wheels had escaped. All of this only made it more authentic. I had never seen such a wonderful sheep. C. To feel the intimacy of brothers is a marvelous thing in life. To feel the love of people whom we love is a fire that feeds our life. D. ... I attempted to give something resiny, earthlike, and fragrant in exchange for human brotherhood. Just as I once left the pinecone by the fence, I have since left my words on the door of so many people who were unknown to me....

b, d

Part AThe author of "Quinceañera Birthday Bash Preserves Tradition" says the following about the money people spend on a "quince":A low-budget quince costs around $10,000, but clients have spent as much as $250,000.... Locally, quinces are more modest, but they still don't come cheap, said Sanchez. Negrete's parents both work full-time, and with four children at home, money is tight.Why do Negrete's parents throw huge party in spite of their need to be careful with money? A. They are required to host a "quince" as part of their religion. B. They consider the "quince" to be a major moment in their daughter's life. C. They enjoy throwing large parties because family members always attend them. D. They know that their daughter will not succeed in life without a "quince" celebration. Part BWhich quotation from the passage best supports your answer to Part A? A. As one of two Spanish-speaking priests in Cowlitz County, Woodman officiates over as many as two quinces a week during the busy summer season. B. "Now that I've turned 15 and had my quinceañera, it's an opportunity to date without hiding it from my parents." C. In some parts of the U.S. where Hispanic tradition and wealth are more firmly established, these celebrations can reach incredible heights of extravagance and expense ... D. "Really for us, it's a tradition," Sanchez said. "It means that you've started a new phase of your life."

b, d

According to "Childhood and Poetry," what is the main way that Neruda's experience with the boy next door helped to inspire his work? A. It has moved him to write poetry about the simple things in life. B. It has taught him to try to capture the world of nature in his poetry. C. It has prompted him to give the gift of poetry to people he does not know. D. It has encouraged him to write poetry that draws on his personal experiences.


In "Hanging Fire," where is the speaker's mother? A. at a dance party B. at a school contest C. behind a closed door D. in the baby's nursery


In "The Medicine Bag," why is the pouch referred to as a medicine bag? A. It holds rocks that carry magical energy. B. It holds leaves that can overcome sickness. C. It holds items that protect and guide the wearer. D. It holds powders needed in the work of a Sioux shaman.


In "The Winter Hibiscus," why does Saeng decide to help her mother in the garden instead of leaving early for the driving test as she had intended? A. The bitter melon being harvested by her mother is one of Saeng's favorite foods. B. She knows that her mother cannot get the necessary work done without her help. C. The way that her mother asks for her help appeals to Saeng's sense of family and duty. D. She realizes that being early for the test would mean she'd have to stand around and wait.


In "You Are the Electric Boogaloo," why does the author's teen self feel humiliated? A. His silver pants burst during a break-dancing performance. B. He and his friends participated in a break-dancing performance. C. His shirt got stuck to the floor during a break-dancing performance. D. He was escorted from the mall during a break-dancing performance.


Read this passage from "Translating Grandfather's House."The teacher saysThe house is fromSome ZorroMovie I've seen."Ask my mom," I protest."She was born there—Right there on the second floor!"Crossing her arms she moves on.How does this passage help tell a story? A. It wraps up the plot. B. It solves the problem. C. It reveals the conflict. D. It establishes the setting.


The following passage is from the end of "Cub Pilot on the Mississippi." Why does Twain make this statement?During the brief remainder of the trip I knew how an emancipated slave feels, for I was an emancipated slave myself. A. Twain no longer has a conflict with the captain. B. Twain has experienced a conflict with Brown. C. Brown no longer can create conflicts with Twain. D. Brown's conflict with the captain has not been resolved.


What do the following sentences from "Cub Pilot on the Mississippi" tell you about how young Twain feels about Brown?As I have said, I soon got the habit of coming on duty with dread. The moment I was in the presence, even in the darkest night, I could feel those yellow eyes upon me, and knew their owner was watching for a pretext to spit out some venom on me. A. Twain respects Brown in spite of his flaws. B. Twain finds Brown to be stern but fair. C. Twain fears and dislikes Brown. D. Twain finds Brown funny.


Which detail most clearly shows that, as a teen, the author of "You Are the Electric Boogaloo" wanted to be famous? A. I love your silver butterfly pants (with forty-six zippers) ... Beautiful. B. ...[W]hen security comes to escort you out, you scream, "Dancing is not a crime!" C. You imagined the roaring crowd lifting you onto their shoulders. D. Would success have gone to your head? Or would you be a rich banker? Or a lawyer?


Which is true of both Musoni and Nhamo in "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World"? A. Each tells a string of lies. B. Both freely speak their minds. C. Neither says everything he thinks and feels. D. Each says only what the other wants to hear.


Which sentence best reflects Old Musoni's attitude toward his son in "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World"? A. You should be on your own. B. I will love you only if you obey me. C. Everything I have will always be yours. D. If you displease me, I will put a curse you.


Why does the speaker in "Translating Grandfather's House" draw a second picture? A. The first picture makes him homesick. B. He can't think of a title for the first picture. C. The teacher thinks that he didn't follow directions. D. He decides that the first picture has incorrect details.


in "Just Be Yourself!" which activity does the author's teen self truly enjoy? A. writing B. dancing C. reading D. singing


Part A As an adult, how does the author of "You Are the Electric Boogaloo" view his failures as a break-dancing teen? A. He views them as embarrassing. B. He views them as forgettable. C. He views them as humorous. D. He views them as tragic. Part BWhich quotation from the selection best supports the answer to Part A? A. Humiliation and hilarity are closely linked, my little friend. B. You spin on your backs. You windmill. In fact, you're not even that bad! C. Because now, so many years later, you can barely remember your victories (although there were some). D. What if you hit it big at that contest? Would you be a professional break-dancer now?

c, a

Part AIn "Translating Grandfather's House," where is the house in the speaker's first picture? A. in a hot, dusty place B. in a crowded, noisy place C. in a beautiful place with rich soil D. in a distant place with imaginary people Part BWhich quotation from the poem best supports the answer to Part A? A. Rows of lemon & mango / Trees frame the courtyard (lines 2-3) B. The shadow of a palomino / Gallops on the lip / Of the horizon. (lines 6-8) C. "She was born right there— / Right there on the second floor!" (lines 14-15) D. Classmates finish drawings of New York City / Housing projects on Navy Street. (lines 26-27)

c, a

Part AIn "Hanging Fire," the lines "and momma's in the bedroom / with the door closed" are repeated. How does the repetition serve the purpose of a lyric poem? A. It furthers the plot of the poem. B. It hides the poet's powerful feelings. C. It creates a vivid and constant impression. D. I have to learn how to dance / in time for the next party Part BWhat does this repetition reveal about the poem's speaker? A. It reveals her true talent. B. It emphasizes her loneliness. C. It shows how young she really is. D. It emphasizes the mother as a strong character.

c, b

Part AIn "The Medicine Bag," before Grandpa comes to visit, how does the narrator feel about talking to his friends about his Sioux grandfather? A. He makes fun of how Grandpa dresses and where he lives to amuse his friends. B. He becomes angry when the other children make fun of Grandpa's heritage. C. He likes the fact that his stories about Grandpa appeal to the other kids. D. He never reveals to his friends that Grandpa is a Sioux. Part BWhich sentence from "The Medicine Bag" most clearly supports the answer to Part A? A. He was my great-grandfather, and he didn't live in a tipi; he lived all by himself in a part log, part tar-paper shack on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. (paragraph 1) B. Our friends, who had always lived in the city and only knew about Indians from movies and TV, were impressed by our stories. (paragraph 2) C. He taught me a Lakota chant to sing while I beat the drum with a leather-covered stick that had a feather on the end. (paragraph 3) D. We never showed our friends Grandpa's picture. (paragraph 4)

c, b

Part AWhich sentence best states Nhamo's attitude in "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World"? A. He feels the old beliefs and traditions are important. B. He feels the old beliefs and traditions are beautiful. C. He feels the old beliefs and traditions are worthless. D. He feels the old beliefs and traditions are challenging. Part BWhich passage from "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World" most clearly supports the answer to Part A? A. Nhamo crouched in the dust near his father and greeted him. B. Charms were for you—so was God, though much later. But for us now the world is godless, no charms will work. C. Space had no bounds and no ties. Floating laws ruled the darkness and he would float with the fiery balls. D. He was the sun, burning itself out every second and shedding tons of energy which it held in its power, giving it the thrust to drag its brood wherever it wanted to.

c, b

Part AIn "Childhood and Poetry," what main insight did Neruda gain from his experience with the boy next door? A. Poetry should focus on simple things. B. The best things in life come by surprise. C. Each person is connected to everyone else. D. Simple gifts are often the most valuable gifts. Part BWhich of these excerpts from "Childhood and Poetry" best supports the answer to Part A? A. ...I came upon a hole in one of the boards of the fence. I looked through the hole and saw a landscape like that behind our house, uncared for, and wild. B. The sheep's wool was faded. Its wheels had escaped. All of this only made it more authentic. C. That exchange brought home to me for the first time a precious idea: that all of humanity is somehow together. D. Yet maybe this small and mysterious exchange of gifts remained inside me also, deep and indestructible, giving my poetry light.

c, c

Part AWhat is the best way to describe the speaker in "Hanging Fire"? A. hopeful B. determined C. lonely and overwhelmed D. enthusiastic and outspoken Part BWhich quotation from the poem best supports the answer to Part A? A. the boy I cannot live without / still sucks his thumb / in secret (lines 3-5) B. I have to learn how to dance / in time for the next party (lines 12-13) C. There is nothing I want to do / and too much / that has to be done (lines 19-21) D. I should have been on the Math Team / my marks were better than his (lines 26-27)

c, c

In "Childhood and Poetry," which of these words best describes the young Neruda's first reaction to the toy sheep? Choose two options. A. jealous B. amused C. delighted D. surprised E. frightened F. disappointed

c, d

Part AIn "Cub Pilot on the Mississippi," which sentence best describes the captain's response to Twain's attack on Brown? A. The captain is worried that he will be blamed for what happened. B. The captain cannot decide whether to punish Twain or to praise him. C. The captain is surprisingly delighted and supports Twain. D. The captain is very angry and punishes Twain. Part BWhich quotation from "Cub Pilot on the Mississippi," best supports the answer you chose for Part A? A. "So you have been fighting, Mr. Brown?" B. "Do you know that that is a very serious matter?" C. "Are you aware that this boat was plowing down the river fully five minutes with no one at the wheel?" D. "I'm deuced glad of it! Hark ye, never mention that I said that."

c, d

Part AIn "The Winter Hibiscus," Saeng bursts into tears when she visits the greenhouse. Which reason best explains her reaction? A. She sees many familiar tropical plants. B. She can't bear the sight of the plants' beauty. C. She is overpowered by memories that the plants bring to mind. D. She is dismayed to see plants in pots instead of growing naturally. Part BWhich excerpt from "The Winter Hibiscus" best supports the answer to Part A? A. She gasped. It was like walking into another world. A hot, moist world exploding with greenery. B. There, in a shaft of the wan afternoon sunlight, was a single bloodred blossom. C. How strange to see it in a pot, Saeng thought. Back home it just grew wild. D. A wave of loss so deep and strong that it stung Saeng's eyes now swept over her. ... it was all gone. Irretrievably, irrevocably gone.

c, d

As explained in the selection from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, why does Marguerite like to estimate the weight of a sack of flour before weighing it? Choose two options. A. She feels that it is an easy task. B. She likes the texture of the grain. C. She feels smart when she performs the task. D. She likes not having to use complicated equipment. E. She likes being praised when her estimate is correct.

c, e

Which words best describe the author's tone in "You Are the Electric Boogaloo"? Choose two options. A. dull B. harsh C. kindly D. formal E. amused F. regretful

c, e

According to the selection from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, what work did Momma (the narrator's grandmother) do before she built the Store? A. She managed the barber shop. B. She worked at the lumberyard. C. She baked for the town restaurant. D. She sold lunches to local workers.


In "Cub Pilot on the Mississippi," George Ealer, the other pilot, is very different from Brown. Which of the following words describes George Ealer? A. lazy B. unfair C. forgetful D. kindhearted


In "Cub Pilot on the Mississippi," why does Brown command Twain to "round the boat to"? A. Brown wants to teach Twain a new skill. B. Brown has forgotten how to do it himself. C. Brown knows that Twain will do a good job. D. Brown wants Twain to fail so he can yell at him.


In "The Medicine Bag," how does Grandpa arrive at the narrator's home? A. He is driving an old, dust-covered car. B. He is riding in the back of an old pickup truck. C. He is traveling to the narrator's home in a police car. D. He is walking down the street with dogs following him.


In "The Medicine Bag," why does Grandpa collapse after arriving at the house? A. He has been injured in an attack by dogs. B. He is shocked by life in the suburbs. C. He is overcome with grief. D. He has heat exhaustion.


In "The Winter Hibiscus," what is most appealing to Saeng about the hibiscus plant that she finds in the greenhouse? A. its color B. its smell C. its hardiness D. its familiarity


The narrator of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings introduces Mrs. Flowers by calling her "the lady who threw me my first lifeline." A lifeline is a rope that helps a person to escape from danger. What "lifeline" does Mrs. Flowers offer the narrator? A. She teaches the narrator to read. B. She teaches the narrator to make tea cookies. C. She shows the narrator how to start a business. D. She shows the narrator that she can have self-respect.


The point of view in "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World" is one in which the narrator knows everything that happens, including the thoughts and feelings of each character. What is this point of view? A. first-person point of view B. first-person limited point of view C. third-person limited point of view D. third-person omniscient point of view


Which comment from the author of "Just Be Yourself!" most clearly shows that the author enjoys work as an adult? A. Don't recognize me without that awful perm, do you? B. I'm still having nightmares about the fifth position! C. Let me ask you, how's it all working out? Not very well, am I right? D. You'll eventually find something you're good at, I promise.


Which of the following best describes the religious element of a "quince," according to "Quinceañera Birthday Bash Preserves Tradition"? A. The girl begins formal religious study under the priest. B. The girl reads aloud from the Bible during a long service. C. The girl is formally confirmed as a member of the church. D. The girl accepts responsibility for her own spiritual well-being.


Which of the following excerpts from "The Winter Hibiscus" best supports the idea that Saeng regains some hope after she returns home? A. Saeng did not dare to look her mother in the eye. Instead, she stared at the hibiscus plant and nervously tore off a leaf, shredding it to bits. B. There was a frail, wiry beauty to her [Saeng's mother] that touched Saeng deeply. C. . . . [Saeng] realized that many of the things that she had thought of as strange before had become . . . almost familiar to her now. D. . . . Saeng vowed silently to herself, in the spring, when . . . this hibiscus is budding, then I will take that test again.


Which quotation from "The Medicine Bag" shows most clearly that Cheryl's reaction to Grandpa's visit differs from Martin's? A. My kid sister, Cheryl, and I always bragged about our Lakota grandpa, Joe Iron Shell. (paragraph 2) B. As we supported him up the steps, the door banged open and Cheryl came bursting out of the house. (paragraph 18) C. So even after she married my dad, who's not an Indian, and after Cheryl and I were born, Mom made sure that every summer we spent a week with Grandpa. (paragraph 30) D. Nothing bothered Cheryl about bringing her friends to see Grandpa. (paragraph 45)


Which sentence best states Nhamo's feelings about home in "The Setting Sun and the Rolling World"? A. It is too hot and noisy. B. It is a place without love. C. It is charming but boring. D. It is a place with no future.


Why is "Hanging Fire" considered a lyric poem? A. It tells a true story about the poet. B. It is a poem that can easily be set to music. C. It shares facts about the life of a modern-day teenager. D. It presents a focused, powerful impression of its speaker.


Part AAccording to "The Winter Hibiscus," what is the main way in which Saeng sees David and the tall, blond girl as different from her? A. They are short, and she is not. B. They are quiet, and she is talkative. C. They behave well, and she does not. D. They fit in easily, and she is an outsider. Part BWhich excerpt from "The Winter Hibiscus" best supports the answer to Part A? A. "Would you ... I mean, if you'd like, I could buy ..." Saeng faltered as she saw that David wasn't even listening to her. B. For a moment they sat there laughing and talking in the car. So carefree, so casual—so American. C. This girl could have been David's twin sister, and Saeng would still have felt this stab of pain, this recognition that They Belonged, and she didn't. D. Another car drove slowly past her, and she caught a glimpse of her reflection on its window. Her arms were hanging limply by her sides, and she looked short and frumpy.

d, c

Part AIn the selection from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, how does Marguerite feel about working in the Store? A. She finds it dull. B. She finds it stressful. C. She finds it annoying. D. She finds it enjoyable. Part BWhich sentence from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings most clearly supports the answer to Part A? A. We lived with our grandmother and uncle in the rear of the Store (it was always spoken of with a capital s), which she had owned some twenty-five years. B. Customers could find food staples, a good variety of colored thread, mash for hogs, corn for chickens, coal oil for lamps, light bulbs for the wealthy, shoestrings, hair dressing, balloons, and flower seeds. C. Until I was thirteen and left Arkansas for good, the Store was my favorite place to be. D. Whenever I walked into the Store in the afternoon, I sensed that it was tired.

d, c

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