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What would be an appropriate statement to include in an clients session notes?

"Jen spelled 8 out of 10 words correctly"

Before beginning an assigned task with a client, it is important for RBTs to communicate to their supervisor if:

There has been no training on the assigned task The tools needed to complete the assigned task are not available They have been assigned tasks by others in addition to the task assigned by their supervisor

Contrived Naturalistic Teaching

.Contrived naturalistic teaching involves preparing the environment to set up or create a teaching opportunity.

Variable ratio schedule

A VR schedule is dependent on the number of responses and the reinforcer is delivered after a variable number of responses that have an average value.

Stacey accidentally jams her finger in a door. She looks down and sees that her nail is broken. Stacey begins to bite her nail until it is no longer jagged. Afterwards, she gets an ice pack to numb the pain. If biting her nail is the target behavior, what is the antecedent?

A broken nail

Jeremy is given a sticker on his "chore chart" each time he completes a household chore. If Jeremy earns at least five stickers by the end of each week, he can pick out a new toy at the store. This is an example of (a):

A token economy behavior change system involving target behavior(s) to be reinforced, and a medium of change (conditioned reinforcer such as tokens) that are traded for backup reinforcers that the learner likes or wants.

Which of the following would be an example of an RBT violating his or her responsibly to maintain professional boundaries when working with clients?

Accepting a gift card to your favorite coffee shop from your client's mother The RBT ethics code prohibits the acceptance of gifts from clients or stakeholders.

Forward chaining

In forward chaining, the steps (responses) of the skill are taught, one at a time, in the same order as they naturally occur.

Each of the following are required components of a behavior reduction plan, except:

Behavioral contracts

Using a variety of examples and varying materials, people, settings, and responses are all ways to program for:


Karen is an RBT and her client is a boy named Eric, when Karen is working with Eric, teaching opportunities occur throughout the day and begin with learning trials initiated by Eric to naturally occurring activities and materials, that is based on Erics motivation. What kind of teaching style is this?

Incidental Teaching

Inter-response time (IRT)

Inter-response time (IRT) is the amount of time between responses.

RBT Lainie observes a new client in the natural environment and writes a paragraph describing the activities of the client, notes about the environment, and information about each time the client engages in the target behavior during a 20-minute observation period. Which type of descriptive assessment is Lainie participating in?

Narrative recording

Naturalistic teaching

Naturalistic teaching involves teaching skills in the natural environment away from an "artificial" setting. ex)incidental teaching

Permanent product

Permanent product is a measure of response products; that is, what is left in the environment after the response occurs. This could include the number of soiled diapers, the number of bite marks, or the number of holes in the wall.

Task modification

Task modification involves changing the task to make it more preferred

Which of the following is an example of a task modification procedure used to reduce problem behavior maintained by escape from a task/demand?

The child does not like to do the dishes. The child must now wash the dishes, but the parent helps the child by drying and putting the dishes away. Task modification is an antecedent intervention used to decrease the aversiveness of a demand task. By helping the child complete the chore, the aversiveness of the chore may be reduced and problem behavior maintained by escape from this task may be avoided.

Unconditioned reinforcers

are stimuli that are effective at producing behavior change (strengthening behavior) without prior learning.

Replacement behaviors

behaviors targeted for increase, taught in order to replace problem behavior

"Everything that an organism can experience that is happening around them." This describes:



fluency is a combination of speed and accuracy. Behavior that is fast, accurate and durable is behavior that is fluent.


is a ratio that expresses the likelihood that some event would occur if given 100 opportunities to occur.

The control condition

is the condition during which leisure items (tangibles) are freely available, attention is given freely, and there are no demands presented.

Bobby loves chocolate chip cookies. When he gets home from school, he asks his mom if he can have a cookie. His mom says, "No, you will not be hungry for dinner later if you eat a cookie now." A couple hours later when Bobby's dad gets home from work, Bobby greets him at the door and asks if he can have a cookie. His dad says, "Sure, but only one cookie, and don't tell your mother!" Now, every time Bobby wants a cookie, he asks his dad. When a behavior occurs more often in the presence of a stimulus (dad) due to a history of reinforcement, this is known as:

not-pairing, instructional, stimulus control

All of the following are important steps for an RBT to take in preparing for data collection during sessions with a client, EXCEPT:

Arriving early to sessions to write the operational definitions for the target behaviors the RBT will be collecting data on for that session

The therapist provides either a reprimand, concerned comment, or statement of recognition following all instances of the target problem behavior. The therapist should ignore all other behavior the client may engage in during this condition. This describes which FA condition?


Which of the following is NOT a component typically listed in a skill acquisition plan?

Caregiver interview documents and record reviews

Client session notes should not include

Caregivers own recall of incidents that occurred with the client

Each of the following are likely to be roles of the RBT in skills assessments, except:

Choosing/selecting which skills assessment to use -this is done by BCBA

Discrete trial Teaching

Discrete trial teaching is a teaching procedure in which learning trials are presented in quick succession, with each trial having a clear beginning and end. These sessions are often conducted "at the table" and are not naturalistic.

An RBT is able to disclose client confidential information without consent under all of the following circumstances, EXCEPT:

Divorced or separated caregivers

Every time Bobby engages in "tantrum" behavior, his mom runs over to him and gives him a big hug. She also sings his favorite song to him to calm him down. Bobby continues to tantrum at least twice a day. If the goal is to reduce Bobby's tantrum behavior, what is likely the most effective way to implement extinction?

Do not attend or speak to Bobby when he tantrums

Each of the following are possible ways for an RBT to prevent a multiple relationship between themselves and their clients from developing, except:

Only accept invitations/gifts from clients with whom the RBT has worked with for 2 or more years

Ryan is an RBT who is working with a new client. Currently, verbal praise is not a reinforcer for this new client, but Ryan wants to use praise as a reinforcer during sessions as well as in the natural environment. How might Ryan establish verbal praise as a

Pair praise with one of the client's known reinforcers

f the target behavior occurs at any point within the interval, the data collector marks an occurrence ("+") for that interval. This describes which measurement procedure?

Partial Interval Recording (PIR)

As an RBT, which of the following would violate a client's dignity in terms of confidentiality?

Posting a picture or video of you with your client on social media

Which procedure is used to gradually transfer control from a prompt to a naturally occurring event in the learner's environment?

Prompt fading

What is considered outside the scope of practice for an RBT?

Providing child care services to current ABA clients Providing services outside of the ABA program (such as child care services) to current ABA clients are not considered behavior-analytic and, therefore, not included within the RBT Task List. Additionally, these services would comprise a multiple relationship as prohibited in 1.06 of the Compliance Code's glossary definition of multiple relationships (i.e., being in a behavior-analytic relationship and non-behavior-analytic relationship with the client at the same time).

Place items, one at a time, in front of the client and mark whether the client moves toward, avoids, or makes no response to the item that is presented. This describes which preference assessment?

Single-Item Approach

Neil is using shaping to teach his client to read a book. The shaping responses are as follows: 1) open the cover, 2) read a sentence, 3) read a paragraph, 4) read a page, 5) read 3 pages, and 6) read the entire book. If Neil is currently teaching response 5 reading 3 pages in a book, which responses should receive reinforcement?

Steps 5 and 6

Farrah is an RBT working with a client named Tanner. Tanner cries and flops to the ground each time Farrah brings him to the work table for math tasks. Instead of using the usual counting blocks and number flash cards as math materials, Farrah decides to use Tanner's favorite toy cars and flash cards with his favorite action heroes on them in attempt to make math work more fun and exciting. Which type of antecedent intervention is Farrah using to decrease Tanner's crying and flopping behavior during math work?

Task modification


to make less likely to occur

As an RBT, what would be appropriate for to discuss directly with a caregiver/stakeholder?

A new, empirically validated resource you found online regarding ABA concepts Communication with caregivers/stakeholders should always be client-focused. It should not include events happening in your or your supervisor's personal life (e.g., what you did this weekend). Questions regarding ethical justification or in-depth research behind treatment procedures should be answered by a supervisor who created the behavior program. If you have questions or concerns about a client's programming, you should address it with the supervisor directly, not the caregiver/stakeholder.


A repertoire is a set of behaviors that a person can do with relative ease.

Graphs with accurate data

Accurate data is important because it allows for supervisors to make data-based treatment decisions, identify any problems with the treatment so they can be solved, prevent potentially serious problems as time with the client progresses, and effectively communicate with other team members that should be aware of client progress.

Omar is a student in Mrs. Jenn's classroom. During the school day, Omar will jump up from his chair, run to the light switch in the classroom, and turn the lights on and off. Mrs. Jenn notices that Omar does the same thing when he is alone in the bathroom and when he is in other classrooms. When Mrs. Jenn shares this with Omar's parents, they confirm that he does the same at home and even when he is alone in his room at night. Based on this information, what is the likely function of Omar's light switch flipping behavior?

Automatic Since this behavior seems to occur in any situation in which there is an opportunity to play with the light switch, regardless of the social consequence, the best hypothesis is an automatic function. The lights turning on and off could reinforce the behavior of playing with the light switch.

Discrete categorization

Classifying responses, prompts, or products of behavior based on a coding system

Matt is the behaver, and the target behavior is burping, immediately after Matt burps his mother says "that's gross" His mother's statement after the burp is a..

Consequence Since the statement from Matt's mother directly follows the burp, it is a consequence.


DRL procedures involve reinforcing low rates of behavior.

functional analysis

Functional analysis involves manipulating specific environmental variables while measuring behavior to determine the function of behavior.

Graduated Guidance

Graduated guidance involves providing physical guidance only as needed (moving in and out) throughout the task.

Graphing data and altering procedures for Skill acquisition Plan

Graphing client data from a previous day's session should always be done the day of the session was held. Additionally, an RBT should never alter plan procedures - this is the role of the Supervisor.

What is Incidental teaching?

Incidental teaching is a type of naturalistic teaching procedure conducted throughout the day that begins with learner-initiated instructional trials to naturally occurring activities and materials and ends with delivery of naturally occurring consequences as reinforcement.

Shelly will appropriately mand for (request) items/activities on 8 out of 10 opportunities (80%) across three consecutive days, with at least two different people. This describes which component of the skill acquisition plan?

Mastery Criteria Mastery criteria are included in the skill acquisition plan and indicate when a skill is considered "mastered."

What are the characteristics of behavior?

Measurable Observable Movement of a living organism

What is Multiple stimulus WITHOUT replacement preference assessment?

Multiple stimulus WITHOUT replacement preference assessments involve presenting several items in an array at once, recording the item selected, and then re-presenting all items for additional selections without replacing the previous item chosen.

What is Pairing ?

Pairing is the process by which stimuli become conditioned reinforcers through learning.

Phase change lines

Phase change lines are vertical lines on the graph, that indicate a change in the intervention or other environmental changes.

Chloe works with a client, Luis, who engages in hitting behavior. Chloe collects data on hitting behavior by pushing a button on an app on her phone each time Luis hits someone. The app records the total observation time as well as the number of times the button is pushed. What type of data is Chloe collecting?

Rate Rate is a count of behavior in a given time period. By pressing the button on the app every time Luis hits, Chloe is measuring the number of responses during the observation time.

Session notes should be..

Session notes should be objective and based on behavior that can be directly observed and measured. "Being motivated, sad, etc" are subjective terms that are difficult to measure and are based more on personal opinions rather than objective, factual information. Session notes should not lack specific details in order to assess a clients overall performance on a task.

The high-probability instructional sequence

The high-probability instructional sequence involves providing several high-probability (high-preference) requests immediately before a low-probability (low-preference) request.

The y axis

The y-axis is a vertical line that runs up and down and represents the various values of the independent variable (behavior).

Whole Interval Recording

Whole interval recording is a recording system in which the observation time is broken into intervals and the response is recorded as having occurred if it occurred throughout the entire interval (beginning to end, the response is continuous).

Fixed and variable intervals..

both require the passage of time plus one response for the reinforcer to be earned. The amount of time is either set (FI) or varies around some average value (VR).

Behavior reduction procedures are found in

the behavior reduction plan or the full behavior plan.

Behavioral functions

Automatic, Attention, tangible, and escape/avoidance

Erroless teaching

Errorless teaching is a teaching method that enhances DTT by prompting the correct response immediately after the instruction.

What is in situ assessment?

In situ assessment is a step within behavioral skill training in which the skill is tested in the natural environment.

James' caregiver: "Hey, I heard you love dogs just like our family does! Maybe you can show me yours on Facebook if we connect?" RBT: "Unfortunately, I am not allowed to connect with the folks I work with on social media due to our ethical compliance code - but that's great that we have a common interest! Now, just a quick update on today's session with James..." Did the RBT violate an ethical Code element in this scenario? Why or why not?

No; the RBT was polite in mentioning the ethical compliance Code and stayed on task by redirecting the conversation back to the client

This type of preference assessment involves presenting stimuli (items) in pairs in front of the client and recording which two of the items the client selects on each trial.

Paired-Stimulus Assessment

What is a Paired-stimulus Assessment?

Paired-stimulus preference assessments involve presenting the stimuli in pairs and recording which of the two items the individual selects or if neither item is selected.

Tyler is an RBT assisting with a functional assessment on a client's behavior. His supervisor has given him a data sheet with pre-selected and defined categories of antecedents, behaviors, and consequences to use during observations. From the pre-selected list, Tyler is to circle the target behavior and the events that occurred immediately before and after that target behavior. Which type of descriptive assessment is Tyler conducting?

A-B-C data collection

Ben is a 4-year-old boy who often cries and bites his hands. Whenever Ben engages in this behavior, his parents hug him, tell him everything will be okay, and always offer to take him to get ice cream or treats, which typically help soothe and calm him down. Ben continues to cry and bite himself frequently. Based on this information, what is the likely function of Ben's crying and biting behavior?

Access to attention and/or tangibles

indirect assessment

Assessment that relies on information from others. The information on the problem behavior, antecedents, and consequences is not derived from direct observation but from retrospective report in interviews and questionnaires.

Which of the following is true? The environment is:

Both within and outside of the skin of an organism

Dillon's kicking behavior is maintained by attention. Which of the following describes the appropriate extinction procedure for Dillion's kicking behavior?

Do not say and/or do anything when kicking occurs Extinction involves withholding the functional reinforcer following instances of problem behavior. Since Dillon's kicking behavior is maintained by attention, to properly implement attention extinction, attention must be withheld each and every time Dillon kicks.

An individual's behavior results in the termination of a non-preferred task or removal from an unpleasant situation, which causes the behavior to continue to occur in the future when non-preferred tasks or situations are presented. This describes which common function of behavior?


What is extinction?

Extinction involves withholding the functional reinforcer following instances of problem behavior. To properly implement extinction, the function of the behavior must first be determined and then this reinforcer must be withheld each and every time the problem behavior occurs.

Cora is an RBT who has been providing services in home to a child with developmental disabilities. Over the past few weeks, she has observed bruises on the child. What should Cora do first in this situation?

Immediately report the suspected abuse to her supervisor, as it is her ethical responsibility to do so

RBT Samantha notices that a fellow RBT on her team is not collecting data during sessions with their client and is entering data "from memory" on the data sheets after the session ends. What is the first step that Samantha should take in this situation?

Immediately seek clinical direction from the supervising BCBA and discuss the other RBT's behavior of falsifying client data

When given at least five opportunities, Daniel will appropriately respond to a peer's greeting on four opportunities (80%) across three consecutive days, with at least two different peers. This describes which component of the skill acquisition plan?

Mastery criteria

In an effort to decrease the likelihood of problem behavior, during an evening routine George implants an antecedent intervention with his daughter. George tells his daughter she can decide to have her bath before or after dinner. What antecedent strategy is this?

Providing choice

Each of the following are situations in which it may be appropriate to disclose/share confidential client information without the consent of the client, except:

Sharing confidential information with an education student who is shadowing in the classroom for the day Sharing confidential information with an education student violates the Code unless consent was provided to allow this individual to have information about the client.

Which information should an RBT discuss with his/her case supervisor?

The client is having his tonsils removed and tubes put in his ears next week Information shared with the supervisor should be client-related. Although the other items are things the RBT may need to address with his/her supervisor, they are unrelated to the client's case.

Time delay

Time delay is a type of prompt fading procedure in which a pause is added between the instruction and when the prompt is delivered.

Courtney engages in property destruction, defined as breaking items. She typically engages in this behavior when her parents ask her to do chores around the house. The functional analysis revealed that property destruction is maintained by escape (breaks) from tasks (chores). The behavior plan specifies using a DRA procedure to decrease property destruction and increase appropriate requests for a break (i.e. saying "break"). When should the RBT deliver the reinforcer of a break from the task?

When Courtney appropriately asks for a break by saying "break"

Kara is an RBT collecting data on Eric's in-seat behavior. Kara observes Eric across 20-second intervals. If Eric remains in his seat for the entire 20-second interval, Kara marks a "+" on the data sheet at the end of the interval. If Eric gets out of his seat at any point during a 20-second interval, Kara marks a "-" for that interval. Which measurement procedure is Kara using?

Whole interval Recording

Jasmine is preparing for the skill acquisition plan before a session with her client. She has reviewed both the skill acquisition and behavior intervention plan, collected all necessary materials to implement procedures, and set up the teaching environment per the plan's directions. Is there anything else Jasmine should be before the client session begins?

Yes; she should also review all notes and data collected from the previous session with the client

Reinforcement and punishment are both types of

consequences (follow the response)

In the control (toy play) condition of a functional analysis, all may be present in the condition, EXCEPT:

demand and instructions

RBT Grant is working with his client, Lukas, on math skills. At the work table, Grant shows Lukas an addition card and asks, "What is 2 + 2?" Lukas responds correctly with the answer "4" and Grant delivers the reinforcer. Grant presents another card to Lukas and asks, "What is 6 + 7?" If Lukas responds incorrectly to this question, what should Grant do next?

implement an error-correction procedure according to protocol


reinforcement is a consequence applied that will strengthen an organism's future behavior whenever that behavior is preceded by a specific antecedent stimulus

effective communication with supervisors include:

respectful interactions, appropriate dress/attire, professional language

Backward chaining

In backward chaining, the steps (responses) of the skill are taught, one at a time, in reverse order.

An RBT teaches her client to throw away trash in the trash bin at the workstation. The client is now throwing away trash in the bins at her home, in the park, at restaurants, etc. Throwing away trash in different bins at varying locations without directly being taught to do so is an example of:

Generalization Generalization is the spread of the effects of reinforcement or training to new, untrained behavior or environments without additional training. This client was taught to throw trash away in one location and in a single trash bin. The spread of this training to new, untrained environments and stimuli (other bins) exemplifies generalization of behavior change.

Total Task Chaining

In total task chaining, all steps of the skill are trained, in order, in one learning trial using prompting for any step the learner is unable to complete.

What are the following steps an RBT should complete when preparing a skill acquisition plan before a client session?

Minimize distractions for the Lerner and RBT Review notes and data from previous session Gather materials and set up the environment as described in the plan.

Noncontingent reinforcer

Noncontingent reinforcement involves delivering the reinforcer based only on the passage of time.

Alex is a young boy who frequently gets out of his seat in the classroom. A functional assessment suggests that attention from his teacher maintains this "out of seat" behavior. To decrease Alex's out of seat behavior, his teacher now only attends to Alex when he is sitting appropriately in his seat and ignores him when he gets out of his seat. Which differential reinforcement procedure is the teacher using in this scenario?

Differential reinforcement of incompatible behavior(DRI) The teacher is reinforcing a response (sitting) that is incompatible (cannot be done at the same time) with the problem behavior and is therefore using a DRI procedure.

What is Discrete trial teaching

Discrete trial teaching is a teaching procedure in which learning trials are pre-planned and presented by the therapist in quick succession, with each trial having a clear beginning and end.

Days, weeks, and session numbers each represent a passage of time. On an equal-interval line graph, successive numbers indicating the passage of time are always indicated on the:

Horizontal X axis The x-axis runs left to right on the graph and is a measure of time.


Maintenance is demonstrated when behavior change lasts over time (after the intervention has ended).

Which of the following is information an RBT should communicate with their supervisor BEFORE beginning an assigned task with a client? X = The RBT has not received training and has no experience performing the assigned task Y = A client performed a skill in a program independently for the first time in months Z = The materials/tools needed to complete an assigned task are not available

Both X and Z

When a client's behavior poses an immediate and significant danger to the client or others in the environment, the RBT may be required to implement:

Emergency/crisis procedures

Lisa is an elementary school teacher preparing for the new school year. Each year, Lisa goes to the store and gets brand new toys, books, and games for her classroom. She also plans new activities and incentives to incorporate throughout class time. Lisa has learned that by adding these reinforcers and activities ahead of time in the classroom environment, her students are less likely to engage in problem behavior during class. What strategy is Lisa using to decrease instances of problem behavior in her classroom?

Environmental enrichment

Each time the teacher tells Carl to work on the problems in his math book, Carl pounds on his desk and screams loudly. The teacher then sends him to the principal's office until math time is over. Carl continues to pound and scream every time his teacher asks him to work on math problems. Based on the information provided, what is the likely function of Carl's pounding and screaming behavior?


A student throws paper balls and airplanes during class. Each time she does this, the teacher, Mr. Brady, sends her out to the hallway for 10 minutes. The student continues to throw paper items every day in class. The BCBA determines that sending the student out of the classroom is maintaining the problem behavior. The BCBA and RBT teach Mr. Brady to keep the student in the classroom, and to no longer send her out to the hallway, when she throws paper items. The BCBA and RBT are teaching Mr. Brady to implement which type of extinction procedure? You Answered

Escape extinction

All of the following are ways an RBT can behave with integrity and promote an ethical culture in his or her work environment, EXCEPT:

Providing services free of charge temporarily to clients struggling to make payments

RBT Molly works with a client named Oliver who has just met all his goals outlined in his behavior plan at the clinic. For Oliver's newly-learned skills to be better maintained in the natural environment, the next step of the behavior plan is working on these same skills outside of the clinic with different individuals. Now, Molly provides behavioral services to Oliver in his school and home as directed in the behavior plan. Additionally, Molly assists her supervisor in training Oliver's parents and teachers on all the procedures within his behavior plan. Shifting Oliver's skills from a controlled clinic setting to the natural environment is an example of:

Stimulus control transfer Stimulus control transfer involves gradually shifting the controlling antecedent for a given response from a prompt to the naturally occurring stimuli, from one stimulus to another, or from one environment to another.

The number of bites of food, percent correct on a math worksheet, rate of kicks per hour, and total duration of crying are all measures of a target behavior. On an equal-interval line graph, the values of the target behavior are always represented on the:

Vertical y-axis

When communicating with stakeholders, it is appropriate for RBTs to discuss:

Work schedules and when the RBT is scheduled to be working with the client next

Which of the following is likely to be a responsibility of the RBT in relation to data and graphing? X = Graph data according to protocol Y = Provide updated graphs to supervisor Z = Make treatment decisions based on graphed data

X and Y only

verbal prompt

In a verbal prompt, instructions or other words that promote the correct response are used.

Dominic is an RBT who is teaching his client, Kevin, to write his name. Dominic places his full hand over Kevin's hand and manually moves his hand to pick up the pencil, tightly grasp the pencil in the correct position, and begin writing Kevin's name on the paper. Which type of response prompt is Dominic using during this task?

Full-physical Because Dominic is providing hand-over-hand guidance to Kevin, this is a full physical prompt.

Zeke loves to play video games. When Zeke gets home from school and sees his little brother, Tim, playing a video game in the living room, he runs over to Tim and hits him. Tim cries and immediately drops the video game controller. Zeke then picks up the controller and begins to play the video game while Tim continues to cry. This same scenario occurs every day after school. Based on the information provided, what is the likely function of Zeke's hitting behavior?

Tangible When Zeke hits his brother, he gains access to a preferred activity (tangible).

The RBT, Joe, provided Serena a preferred sticker every time she answered 5 math problems correctly. Which schedule of reinforcement is Joe using in this example?

Fixed ratio In an FR schedule, the reinforcer is delivered after a set number of responses and this value does not change from one delivery to the next.

Attention, tangible, and escape/avoidance all require ..

a social consequence. *Automatic does not

In a school restroom, the janitor strategically places the garbage bin close to the sink in an attempt to increase the likelihood that individuals will discard their paper towels into the bin after washing their hands. This is an example of which type of stimulus prompt?


An individual's behavior results in some form of sensory stimulation, which causes the behavior to continue to occur in the future in order to access that same form of sensory stimulation. This describes which common function of behavior?


Keri, the RBT, is teaching her client, Mary, how to make her bed. Keri begins the first trial by teaching Mary the last step in the 8-step sequence before delivering praise (the reinforcer). For trial 2, Keri delivers praise only when Mary has completed steps 7 and 8 of the sequence independently. For trial 3, Mary must perform steps 6-8 independently, then Keri provides praise. Keri continues this pattern until Mary can independently complete all bed-making steps in the correct order. This is an example of which chaining procedure?

Backward chaining

Dana is a special education classroom teacher. The class has just finished their reading and spelling period, and next on the class schedule is "free time" centers. Jon, one of Dana's students, is playing with his favorite red train on the toy train tracks. Dana sees this and walks over to Jon and says, "That looks like fun, Jon! What color is that train you are playing with?" This is an example of:

Captured Naturalistic Teaching Captured naturalistic teaching involves taking advantage of naturally existing motivating operations or teaching opportunities.

When Ted whines and screams, he is typically given access to preferred items, such as cookies, toys, games, etc. If the behavior plan indicates to use extinction for whining behavior, how should this be implemented?

Prevent access to preferred items following whining - keep items out of reach

RBT Jerry delivers a small piece of a known reinforcer (cracker) to his client, Mary, each time she reads a word correctly from a deck of flash cards. This is an example of:

Continuous reinforcement


DRO procedures involve providing a reinforcer if the target behavior does not occur for a given amount of time.DRO requires that the reinforcer be delivered if the individual engages in any response other than the target behavior.

Demand fading

Demand fading is an antecedent intervention in which the demand is initially presented at the lowest level of difficulty that does not cause problem behavior and then made more difficult.

RBT Martin receives feedback on his performance from his supervisor and is now developing a plan of action. In his action plan, Martin should include all the following, except:

Detailed records of all meetings with his supervisor

During an art class, Zena gets out of her seat to get materials an average of 10 times in the one-hour (60-min) class period. The art teacher implements a procedure in which she will give Zena her favorite gummy snacks only if Zena gets out of her seat 4 times or less in the one-hour class period. This is an example of:

Differential reinforcement of low rates of responding (DRL)

Objective session notes are based on:

Direct observations Objective session notes are based on facts (i.e., things that are directly observed and measured) on which two or more people can agree.

Franny, the RBT, is working with her client, Brian, on identification tasks. Franny sits next to Brian at their work table and places three animal pictures in a line in front of him. Franny tells Brian to select the animal that has stripes. If Brian selects the correct animal, Franny delivers the reinforcer. If Brian selects the wrong animal, Franny implements error-correction by removing the line of pictures, waiting a few seconds, and re-representing the animal pictures with the same instruction. This is an example of:

Discrete Trial Training Franny is presenting a line of pictures (stimuli) and an instruction. Based on Brian's response, Franny delivers a consequence. This is a structured teaching arrangement. Thus, it represents discrete trial teaching, not naturalistic teaching.

When running the alone/ignore condition in a functional analysis, what should the therapist do if the client engages in the target behavior?

Do nothing; ignore the target behavior The alone condition of a functional analysis requires the absence of any social consequences for problem behavior.

Environmental or other non-discrete conditions that may impact a client's behavior that are not typically specific events, such as physical aspects of the environment or physiological conditions. This describes:

Ecological variables


Extinction is a schedule of non-reinforcement during which the target response does not result in reinforcement.

Matt, an RBT, is providing services to a client in-home. While on a break during his session, he says to the mother of his client, "I just overheard the conversation you were having with your friend. From what I heard, it seems like her son has autism. I would love to meet with her if she is looking for ABA services in the area." Based on the information provided, this is likely an example of:

Failing to respect and maintain a client's dignity by disrespecting the client's privacy

Jackie is an RBT who just received a new program from her supervising BCBA to implement with one of her clients in today's session. Jackie arrives to the clinic a few minutes before session with her client to read over the program. After reviewing the program, Jackie realizes she has never performed the prompt and prompt fading procedures that are listed in the program and does not know how to implement them. What would be the best course of action for Jackie to take?

Immediately inform the BCBA that she has never performed the prompt procedures listed in the plan and ask for training on how to do so before implementing the new program with a client

modeling prompt

In a modeling prompt, the model shows the behaver what to do by demonstrating

intermittent reinforcement

Intermittent schedules of reinforcement specify that some responses are reinforced while others are not and are typically used to maintain behavior.


Interval schedules require both the passage of time and one response prior to the reinforcer being delivered.

Which of the following is NOT one of the steps for receiving feedback to maintain or improve performance as an RBT?

Keeping a mental note about your feedback session is not recommended as you will likely forget your target which would decrease your ability to meet it. Developing a written plan of action, reporting back to your supervisor, and requesting follow-up meetings are all ways to help you maintain or improve your performance.

Which of the following would be an appropriate statement to include in a client's session note?

Kendra spelled 8 out of 10 target words correctly today

Dominic opened a can of soda and drank it. He stopped drinking the soda when the can was empty. What effect did the empty soda can have on Dominic's drinking behavior?

Made it less likely (abated)

Emergency procedures listed in the behavior reduction plan are designed to:

Maintain the safety of all individuals involved

Joy is a client who loves to play on swings. The RBT taught Joy to request the swing by saying, "Swing!" when she is outside on the playground and sees the swing set. Several months later, Joy says, "Swing!" independently each time the RBT takes her outside to the playground. Joy continuing to independently request the swing over time is an example of:


What is Multiple stimulus WITH replacement preference assessment?

Multiple stimulus WITH replacement preference assessments involve presenting several items in an array at once, recording the item selected, and then re-presenting all items for additional selections and replacing the previous item chosen back into the array.

RBT George needs to identify preferred items during his sessions with Peter. George presents an array of seven items and allows Peter to pick one. On the next trial, George presents an array of 6 items (the item Peter previously picked was removed) and again allows Peter to pick one. George repeats this procedure until the last item in the array is left and a ranking of items is determined. Which preference assessment is described in this example?

Multiple stimulus WITHOUT replacement assessment.

Elizabeth, an RBT, wants to identify preferred items to use during her sessions with Harry. She presents an array of five items to Harry and allows Harry to pick one item from the array. She re-presents the same array of five items and allows Harry to pick one item from the same array again. Elizabeth repeats this procedure ten times, representing all five items each time. Which preference assessment is described in this example?

Multiple-Stimulus With Replacement (MSW)

Narrative recording

Narrative recording is a descriptive assessment in which the observer writes a description of the behavior and environment throughout a specific time period.

Teaching takes place in a setting more typical of the learner's everyday environment rather than in an artificial or controlled setting (i.e., work table or station in clinic). This describes which type of teaching approach?

Naturalistic Teaching

Jack is an RBT working with a young boy with autism named Carl. Recently, Carl's dad lost his job and is having difficulty finding a new one. Jack, who also owns a small auto repair shop, offers to hire Carl's dad as a part-time worker. According to the Code, is it appropriate for Jack to offer his client's father a job at his auto shop? Why or why not?

No; Carl's dad may feel he is never allowed to say no to Jack if Jack was to ask him to do something at the shop, which can create an exploitative relationship

Oliver is an RBT who is training a teacher to collect data on her students' on-task behavior. Oliver instructs the teacher to observe her students in the classroom across 5-minute intervals. At the end of each 5-minute interval, Oliver tells the teacher to look around the room and write down (record) how many students are on-task at that time. Oliver is training the classroom teacher to use which measurement procedure?


A student is learning how to swing a tennis racquet. The coach taps the student's elbow to indicate that the racquet needs to be held higher. What type of response prompt did the coach use?

Partial physical

Kayla was playing quietly in her room while her mother made dinner in the kitchen. When dinner was ready, Kayla's mother walked to Kayla's room and saw several colorful crayon marks on the walls. Kayla's mother counted and recorded the total number of crayon marks on the wall. If writing on the walls is the target behavior, which measurement procedure is Kayla's mother using in this scenario?

Permanent Product

What should the therapist do if the client engages in the target behavior in the demand (escape) condition of an FA?

Remove the demand

What is an example of reinforcement

Sarah is the behaver: Dad gives Sarah a cookie when she screams and now Sarah screams more

Carrie often bites her nails and the skin around her fingers until they bleed. She does this throughout the day no matter what she is doing or who else is around. Each morning before session, the RBT tapes Carrie's fingertips. Carrie is still able to bring her fingertips into her mouth, but the tape prevents her from biting the nail or skin around the fingertips. The RBT is using which type of extinction procedure for Carrie's nail and skin biting behavior?

Sensory extinction

Kip is a boy with autism who loves playing sports that involve kicking balls such as soccer and kick-ball, but struggles kicking a moving ball correctly. RBT Antonio begins to teach Kip to kick a moving ball by having Kip stand in one place and kick a stationary ball. If Kip kicks the ball correctly, Antonio lets Kip play with the ball (reinforcer). If Kip engages in another behavior or does not kick the ball, then Kip does not get to play with the ball. Once Kip is reliably kicking the stationary ball, Antonio increases the difficulty in the next step by slowly rolling the ball to Kip from a few feet away while Kip continues to stand in one place. Antonio lets Kip play with the ball if he kicks the moving ball correctly but does not let Kip play with the ball if he engages in another behavior or does not kick the ball at all. Antonio continues to differentially reinforce Kip's successive approximations until he engages in the terminal skill. Which procedure is Antonio using to teach Kip how to kick a moving ball?


Jake heard the "ding" sound of an incoming email on his computer and he clicked on his email tab. He accidentally knocked over his coffee in the process of clicking. Jake immediately jumped up from his chair and ran to get some paper towels to clean it up. If clicking on the email tab is the target behavior in this scenario, the antecedent is:

The ding sound of the incoming mail An antecedent is a stimulus that precedes (comes before) the response.

Behavior analysis studies the relationship between behavior and:

The environment

Fair-pair rule

The fair-pair rule specifies that for every behavior targeted for reduction, at least one behavior should be targeted for increase.

Why is it important for RBTs to effectively communicate with their supervisors?

To ensure that their supervisor is updated on all client information to make effective programming decisions

Which is an example of an objective observation? Joseph:

Threatened a staff member when told he couldn't have a snack

Hillary, the RBT, is teaching her client, Dana, a new skill of identifying items. Hillary delivers a small piece of cracker every time Dana responds (identifies the item) correctly. Which schedule of reinforcement is Hillary using to teach this skill to her client?

continuous Continuous reinforcement (also known as an FR1 or CRF) is a schedule of reinforcement that specifies that each and every response is reinforced. This is the most reinforcement a response can earn, and it is generally used to establish or strengthen new behavior.

Five-year-old Dillon scratches at his skin several times a day in the classroom. RBT Jessie was asked by her supervisor to note the severity of Dillon's scratching behavior each time it occurred. The data sheet instructed her to mark: 0 = no skin mark; 1 = white mark on skin; 2 = red mark on skin; 3 = skin slightly broken open; 4 = skin bleeding Which type of measurement is Jessie using?

discrete-catergorization If data collection involves classifying/categorizing responses based on a coding system, this is known as discrete categorization.

Which of the following would be a consequence delivered by an RBT when conducting a discrete trial with a client?

error-correction following a incorrect response The components of a discrete trial include a therapist-presented antecedent, a behavior from the client, and a consequence provided by the therapist. The question or instruction is the antecedent and a prompt may also be provided prior to the response to promote correct responding. Therapist-provided error-correction may follow an incorrect response as the consequence.

Respecting privacy, providing choices, listening and including the client in client appropriate conversations are all examples of

maintaining a clients dignity

An RBT teaches a specific skill to a client during teaching sessions. If the client continues to perform the skill independently over time after direct teaching is complete, this is a demonstration of:


Stimulus fading-in

the demand is initially presented at the lowest level of difficulty that does not cause problem behavior and then made more difficult.

Evan's RBT is working with him on identification of tasks with cards during a discrete trial teaching (DTT) session. Each time Evan labeled a card correctly, the RBT put the card in a pile on the table. If Evan labeled a card incorrectly, the RBT put the card back in the deck for testing again. At the end of the DTT session, the RBT counted the total number of cards in the "correct" pile on the table. In this example, the RBT is measurin

permanent products The number of cards in the "correct" pile is a product of the correct responses emitted during the session and therefore the RBT is using permanent product recording.

Janice is an RBT who works with a client named Iba to increase Iba's vocal mands by teaching her to request items using that item's name. Iba's favorite activity is bubbles so Janice begins by teaching Iba to say the first sound "b" in the word "bubbles". Janice only blows the bubbles as reinforcement if Iba makes the "b" sound. Janice does not deliver bubbles if Iba makes any vocalization other than "b". Once Iba is able to successfully say the "b" sound to request bubbles after several trials, Janice increases the difficulty of the task and teaches Iba to say, "buh" to request bubbles. Janice provides bubbles if and only if Iba now says, "buh". If Iba makes any other vocalization or says the previous "b" sound, then Janice does not deliver bubbles. What procedure is Janice using to teach the vocal mand "bubbles"?

shaping Shaping is a procedure that is used to differentially reinforce successive approximations to a desired target response or terminal behavior

Mike has been learning to set the table at home. Before dinner, Mike begins to set the table by placing the knife and spoon on the right side of his plate and the fork on the left. Mike's mother notices that he forgot the napkin. His mother says, "Mike, it looks like you forgot something..." Mike looks down at the table, walks to the pantry to get a napkin, and places it under the fork at his seat. Mike's mother saying, "Mike, it looks like you forgot something..." is an example of what type of prompt?

verbal prompt

RBT Rebecca is unsure of the mandated reporting requirements in her state, What should she do?

As an RBT, it is important that you discuss mandated reporting requirements with your supervisor if you are unsure. If an incident of suspected abuse or neglect of a client arises, it is critical that procedures are followed faithfully and quickly.

Terrance is an RBT who travels to his new client's home to provide behavioral services. The behavior analyst on the case provides Terrance with the client's binder that includes program instructions, data sheets, and the operational definition for the target behavior. When Terrance arrives at the client's home for their session, he reads the target behavior definition to begin data collection and finds that the definition is not clear and complete. What would be the best course of action for Terrance to take if he does not understand a target behavior definition?

Call the behavior analyst on the case and ask for clarification on the target behavior definition, including examples and non-examples of instances of the target behavior. The RBT should never consult another RBT who previously worked with the same client, especially if that RBT worked with that client on a past program and is now no longer working with that client anymore (this would be a breach of client confidentiality). Additionally, it is not within the role of the RBT in the service delivery process to make programming decisions alone about a case such as writing his or her own operational definition and training others to use that definition over that of the behavior analysts.

Valerie is an RBT who is assisting her supervisor with the functional assessment process for a new client named Ian. Valerie is instructed to observe Ian's behavior in his natural environment and record events that occur immediately before (antecedents) and after (consequences) his behavior. What type of assessment is Valerie conducting?

Descriptive assessment In descriptive assessment, you will directly observe behavior in the natural environment and record what happens immediately before and after the behavior occurs.

Partial Physical Prompt

Physically guiding the movements of a response, but with less "help" or physical contact than the full physical prompt (less invasive)

Preference assessments

Preference assessments are the process by which a client's preferences are determined so that potential reinforcers may be identified.

Connie, an RBT, is teaching her client Billy to match items to their corresponding picture. The behavior plan lists "physical prompt" as the prompt type for this match-to-sample task. How might Connie fade her physical prompt using most-to-least prompt fading?

Trial 1: full hand-over-hand; Trial 2: touch elbow; Trial 3: touch shoulder; Trial 4: no prompt (independent opportunity) In prompt fading, control is gradually transferred from the prompt to naturally-occurring events in the learner's environment. Since Connie is to use physical prompting and needs to fade this prompt, each trial should have less physical assistance provided until the response is occurring independently.

Each time a client engages in appropriate behavior, the RBT is instructed by her supervisor to make a praise statement (neutral stimulus) at the same time she delivers the client's highest preferred piece of candy (reinforcer). The RBT is:

Using pairing to condition praise as a reinforcer conditioned reinforcers are those that require some kind of learning in order to strengthen behavior. In order for a neutral stimulus (like a praise statement) to function as reinforcement, it must be presented alongside existing reinforcers (candy). This process is called pairing and it results in stimuli that, due to conditioning, strengthen behavior.

Momentary Time Sampling

In momentary time sampling, the behaver is observed at the very end of the interval (when time expires) and the response is recorded as having occurred if the individual is engaging in the response at that moment in time.

Assessment method used for noting the dates and times a target behavior occurs most often, which helps to identify specific patterns of responding in the individual's natural environment. This describes which type of descriptive assessment?

Scatter plot Scatterplots are used to collect data on the days and times the behavior occurs most often to identify specific patterns and provide a graphic display of data in a grid format.

When writing session notes it is important to..

Sessions notes written in professional language consist of clear, objective, and only the most relevant, factual information. Using professional, objective language in session notes is important as these notes are likely to be used as a method of communication between team members and/or reviewed by funding agencies. Session notes should never include vague or imprecise descriptions - notes should be as detailed as needed to adequately describe behavior observed in the session. It is not recommended to involve caregivers in the creation of session notes, as they are not always present for all client sessions, and involving them could lead to more subjective, opinion-based content within session notes.

What is single-item duration Assessment?

Single-item duration preference assessments involve placing items, one at a time in front of the person and timing the total duration the client interacts with the item.

What is not a characteristic of behavior and why?

States of being Behavior involves movements of the muscle and glands of a living organism. These actions can be observed and measured. For example, you can see a person scratch their head and count how many times they do it. Behavior is not a "state of being."

The figure legend

The figure legend is a concise statement on a graph that provides sufficient information to identify the target behavior(s) and the intervention(s).

When implementing an extinction procedure, what should be withheld following a problem behavior?

The functional reinforcer

Skill acquisition plans should always include:

The terminal goal or skill to be taught

Three-step guided compliance

In three-step guided compliance, a prompt hierarchy (say/show/do) is used to ensure compliance with a request.

Ariana is an adult living in a group home. She brushes her teeth 10 times a day, although it is a healthy habit, the frequency at which she does it is interrupting other daily activities. The behavior plan specifies the use of DRL procedure with a criterion of 3 instances of teeth brushing a day. When should the reinforcer be delivered?

Only if Ariana brushes her teeth three times a day or less. DRL specifies that the response not occur more than the specified criterion. In this case the criterion is 3, so the reinforcer should be delivered only if Arianna brushes her teeth 3 times or less in one day.

Lynn is a dance instructor who is collecting data on her student's dancing skills during a 5-minute synchronized dance routine. Lynn breaks down the 5-minute period into ten 30-second intervals. When the timer goes off at the end of each 30-second interval, Lynn looks around the group and writes down how many dancers are in the correct dance position within the routine at that time. Which measurement procedure is Lynn using in this example?

PLACHECK PLACHECK is similar to momentary time sampling in that data are taken at the end of the interval. With PLACHECK, data are collected on members of a group when the interval ends.

Providing choice

Providing choice involves allowing the learner to pick various aspects of activities and tasks to make the task preferable or enjoyable.

In the Ariana example, When should the reinforcer be delivered with NCR?

Providing the reinforcer every 10 minutes regardless of what she is doing when it goes off is an NCR procedure.

In the Ariana example, When should the reinforcer be delivered with DRO?

Providing the reinforcer if Arianna is doing anything else when the timer goes off is a DRO procedure.

Which of the following is likely to be a role of the RBT in the skills assessment process?

Collecting data during assessment implementation

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate way to store of client records/files?

In a public file sharing software program for immediate access by all agency staff members

Kyle is a 10-year-old boy who eats very slowly during meals. Kyle's mother decides to measure the time in between bites of food for each meal. Kyle takes about 5 minutes in between each bite of food. Which measurement is Kyle's mom using during mealtime?

Inter-response time (IRT)

Each of the following underlined words are examples of behavior, except... John:

Knows his mom will get him ice cream knows is subjective and not a behavior

Jamie's teacher tells her to open her reading workbook in class. The teacher starts the timer immediately after she gives the instruction. The teacher stops her timer when Jamie opens her workbook. In this example, the teacher is measuring:


Joan is an RBT who works in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities. She is responsible for collecting data on Mike's punching behavior. Joan's supervisor comes by the group home every week on Friday to assess Mike's progress by reviewing the data that Joan has collected. One Friday morning, Joan realizes that she forgot to record the number of punches on Tuesday: the data sheet is blank on that day. Joan is almost positive that Mike punched that day, but probably not more than five times. What would be the best course of action for Joan to take in this scenario?

Leave the data sheet blank for Tuesday, and report to her supervisor that she forgot to record the data for that day

Maddie is an RBT who is teaching her client Zoey to brush her hair. Maddie pulls out two hairbrushes from her workstation materials bin and puts them on the table. Looking at Zoey, Maddie picks up a hairbrush and makes one brush stroke through her own hair. After seeing Maddie brush her hair, Zoey picks up the other hairbrush and makes a brush stroke through her own hair. What type of response prompt is Maddie using during this task?


Which of the following is true regarding effective communication between RBTs and their supervisors?

RBTs are responsible for delivering case information to their supervisors so they can make important behavior program decisions

Henry is a 3-year-old boy who often engages in hand-mouthing (placing his fingers or hands into his mouth). A functional analysis revealed that this behavior is maintained by sensory stimulation (sensory feeling produced in his mouth). Which of following is the best way to implement a noncontingent reinforcement (NCR) procedure to reduce hand-mouthing behavior?

Before Henry hand-mouths, deliver access to a chew toy item every 2 minutes, no matter what else he is doing

A pre-school teacher sets up five bowls of different colored paint in the back of the classroom. The teacher asks each student in the class to walk over, one at a time, to the paint bowls and identify the colors in each bowl. This is an example of:

Contrived Naturalistic Teaching

A-B-C Data collection

In A-B-C data collection, information is gathered about what happened in the environment immediately prior to and following the target behavior. Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence

Approximately every minute, Roger kicks his peers sitting next to him during "circle time" at the ABA clinic he attends. Following the behavior plan, Roger's RBT is to implement a DRO procedure to decrease Roger's kicking behavior during circle time. At the beginning of circle time, the RBT sets her timer for 2 minutes. If Roger does not kick his peers for the entire 2 minutes, the RBT should:

Deliver the reinforcer to Roger and reset the timer for another 2 minutes

What is the role of the RBT as part of an ABA professional treatment team?

Delivering treatment

When would it be appropriate for an RBT to communicate with stakeholders?

Drop off/pick up time at client sessions and in parent meetings

Jason runs cross country at his high school. The coach of the team measures the amount of time it takes for Jason to run a 3.1 mile race course from start to finish. The coach is measuring:


Grace is a student who frequently asks her teacher for help on various tasks. The teacher sets a recurring timer for exactly three minutes. The first time Grace asks for help after three minutes have passed, she will receive assistance from the teacher. If she asks for help before three minutes have passed, she will not receive assistance from the teacher. Which schedule of reinforcement is the teacher using in this example?

Fixed Interval (FI)

Touching, tapping, pointing to, and nodding head towards a specific stimulus are all examples of what type of stimulus prompt?

Gestural prompt

What is the FIRST step in running a discrete trial with a learner?

Get the learner's attention

When can you share confidential client information without consent

Sharing confidential information due to a court order, suspected abuse, or medical neglect are examples of when consent is not required to share confidential information.

Brenda is an RBT working on several client cases at an agency. She has been offered a job at another agency in a different state and will be moving at the end of the month. Brenda now needs to share her client files with the new RBTs that have been assigned to take over her cases. Which of the following is the best way for Brenda to transfer these files to the new staff?

Store the client files in a locked file cabinet in a locked room at the agency that the new RBTs can access only when the client has signed a release form

John, an RBT, is assisting his supervisor with a functional analysis (FA) on their client, Adam's, hand flapping behavior. At the start of the FA condition, Adam is playing games on his iPad® while the RBT sits in the room. At the start of the session, the RBT tells Adam, "Okay, it's time to stop. It's my turn now," and takes the iPad from Adam. If Adam begins hand flapping, the RBT gives the iPad back to Adam. If Adam does not hand flap, the RBT continues playing on Adam's iPad. Which FA condition is described in this scenario?

Tangible This is the tangible condition. The tangible item is withheld and then delivered only if problem behavior occurs.

A parent has a concern about her daughter's programming and makes a request to the RBT about changing a few things. The RBT should:

Tell the parent that RBTs are not allowed to make case decisions and the information will be relayed to the supervising behavior analyst


Frequency is a simple count of behavior and does not typically involve breaking a recording into intervals or any measure of time.

Amy is assisting her supervisor in running a functional analysis (FA) on their client, Mario's, face slapping behavior. Amy is the therapist for all conditions in the FA. In the current condition, Amy brings Mario into an empty room. Amy immediately leaves the room and observes the entire 10-minute condition through a one-way mirror (out of sight from Mario). She collects data by counting how many times Mario slaps his face with his hands in the empty room. Which FA condition is Amy currently running?


Don is a child who frequently shouts out during class, up to 10 times an hour. A functional assessment has determined that Don's shouting out behavior is maintained by his teacher's attention, as she reprimands him after each time he shouts out in class. Given this scenario, how might a noncontingent reinforcement (NCR) procedure be implemented?

Attend to Don every 5 minutes during class time, no matter what Don is doing Because the functional reinforcer is attention, to properly implement an NCR procedure, attention should be provided on a time-based schedule, independent of Don's behavior.

Which of the following is within the scope of practice for an RBT?

Collecting and summarizing client data

Mica will grab items from other people. Whenever he grabs for an item, Mica typically gains immediate access to that item. The behavior plan states that when Mica attempts to grab for an item, the item should be withheld (don't give it to him). However, when Mica vocally asks appropriately for items, the item will be given to him. Which procedure is being implemented to reduce Mica's grabbing behavior?

Differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA) DRA procedures require that the reinforcer, in this case access to items, be provided for an appropriate alternative response. Here the appropriate alternative response is asking for items.

Leah, an RBT, is teaching her client Caleb to say, "dog" when shown a picture of a dog. During teaching sessions, Leah places a picture of a dog in front of Caleb. Caleb says, "dog," and Leah delivers the reinforcer. Leah removes the dog picture and replaces it with a picture of a cat. Caleb again says, "dog," but this time Leah does not deliver the reinforcer. Leah repeats this procedure several times with the dog picture and other animal pictures. Caleb receives reinforcement if he says, "dog" only in the presence of the dog picture, and not in the presence of other animal pictures. Which teaching procedure is being used?

Discrimination training in discrimination training, teaching sessions are designed to bring the learner's behavior under specific (discriminative) stimulus control. Reinforcement is provided in the presence of one stimulus (saying dog in presence of dog), but not in the absence of that stimulus (saying dog in presence of cat).

Stephen is working on increasing the amount of time he spends running. He collects data on how long he runs on the treadmill each day. Stephen begins his timer when he starts running and stops the timer when he begins his walking cool down. What measure is Stephen utilizing to measure his running behavior?

Duration Duration is a measure of the length (in time) of a given response. The amount of time between the beginning of Stephen's run to the end of the run is a measure of duration.

To be in accordance with RBT Code element 1.03 on truth and honesty, RBTs have the responsibility to:

Encourage others to talk about and/or report ethical dilemma RBT Code element 1.03 specifies the obligations of the RBT in the provision of services. This includes, but is not limited to, being honest and truthful while creating an environment that promotes truthful and honest behavior in others. RBTs must promote an ethical culture in their work environments and make others aware of this RBT code.

Scotty is a 20-year-old man with autism living at a group home who engages in severe aggression and self-injurious behavior (SIB) when presented with demands. Many of the staff are afraid of Scotty so they often times will let him walk around the facility without his shoes and/or shirt. The staff also allow Scotty to lay down in the kitchen and eat bread crumbs from the floor. Based on the information provided, this is likely an example of:

Failing to respect and maintain client dignity As practitioners, we must ensure that we are respecting our clients and maintaining their dignity.Therefore, in order to maintain Scotty's dignity, the staff should teach Scotty to fully dress himself and to eat food at a table with utensils, so he can appropriately participate in meal times with others.

RBT Sheriel is teaching her client, James, how to pack his lunch in the morning. Using a task analysis, she breaks down this skill into 9 total steps. She begins trial 1 by teaching him to complete step 1 independently. For trial 2, she teaches him to complete steps 1 and 2 independently. For trial 3, she teaches him to complete steps 1, 2 and 3 independently, and so on. Which type of chaining procedure is Sheriel using to teach James the skill of packing his lunch?

Forward chaining In forward chaining, the steps (responses) of the skill are taught, one at a time, in the same order as they naturally occur.

A client named Clay does not like to clean up or put away items when he is finished with them. Clay's behavior plan specifically targets putting items away after use. Yara, the RBT on the case, brings Clay to the activity room at the clinic to play with toys and games for a few minutes. Afterwards, Yara tells Clay that it is time to clean up and taps the toy in front of him. Clay picks up the toy but does not put it away. Yara then taps the toy bin, and Clay puts the toy in the bin. What type of stimulus prompt is Yara using to teach Clay to put away his toys


In which step of the service delivery system is the RBT likely to have a major role?

Implementing the treatment plan

The main reason supervisors provide frequent feedback to RBTs is to:

Improve performance of skills being utilized so client outcomes are met


Latency is the amount of time between a stimulus and a response.

Melissa is an RBT who is collecting data on her client, Waynes walking on the track during gym class. Melissa sets a timer for 3 minutes, when the timer beeps Melissa looks up to see if Wayne is walking. If he is she marks a + if he is engaging in a behavior other than walking when the time goes off she marks a - on the data sheet. What type of measurement procedure is this?

Momentary time sampling MTS

What could be an ecological variable that may impact a client's behavior?

Muggy, humid classroom with minimal fresh air Ecological variables are environmental or other non-discrete conditions that may impact behavior of a client. They are typically not specific events, but mostly physical aspects of the environment (e.g., noise level, temperature/weather, staffing, etc) and physiological conditions (e.g., changes in medication, sleep, or other routines).

Cydney is an RBT collecting data on David's motor stereotypy (rocking back and forth) in the classroom. Cydney observes David across 30-second intervals. During each 30-second interval, Cydney marks a "+" as soon as she sees David engage in motor stereotypy. If she does not see motor stereotypy occur during the 30 seconds, she marks a "-" at the end of the interval. Which measurement procedure is Cydney using?

Partial Interval Recording (PIR) In partial interval recording a response is scored as having occurred during an interval if it occurs at any point in the interval (occurs at least once).


Rate is a count of behavior over some period of time. or the number of responses over time.

Greg, the RBT, is teaching his client, Julie, to identify shapes. The first shape he is targeting is a circle. Greg begins by placing two shapes on the table in front of Julie. The shape on the left is a small triangle and the shape on the right is a much larger circle. When asked to find the circle, Julie points to the circle. On the next trial, Greg presents the same two shapes, but this time, he replaces the extra-large circle with a medium-sized circle. Julie correctly identifies the circle again. Greg repeats these steps until the circle is the same size as the small triangle. Which type of stimulus prompt is the RBT using when teaching this skill?

Redundancy of antecedent stimuli Redundancy of antecedent stimuli is a prompt that accentuates features (such as the size, shape, or color) of a stimulus to promote the correct response. In this case, the circle was made larger than the triangle and then the size of the circle was reduced until both shapes were the same size A position prompt may involve placing the circle closer to Julie on learning trials. If Greg were using a gestural prompt, he may nod his head toward the circle or look at it. In a model prompt, Greg would point to the circle. Note that this would be a modeling prompt and not a gestural prompt because the target response is selecting (pointing) to the circle.

Brutus is using shaping to teach his client to complete a math worksheet. The shaping steps are as follows: 1) write name on top of worksheet, 2) complete 1 problem, 3) complete 3 problems, 4) complete all "odd" numbered problems, 5) complete all but one problem, and 6) complete the entire worksheet. If the client is currently on step 2 receiving reinforcement for completing 1 problem, which of the following steps should be placed on extinction?

Step 1-write name on top of paper In shaping, once the individual is reliably engaging in a specific form of the terminal response (in this case, step 1), we would move on to the next closest approximation (in this case, step 2) and reinforce that response, while putting the previous response (step 1) on extinction. The process then continues until the individual is engaging in the terminal response. Only the previously "mastered" responses should be on extinction. It is possible that the client could "skip a step" in the shaping process and progress to later steps or even the terminal response earlier on (in this case, steps 3-6). If that occurred, then would deliver the reinforcer for those responses rather than extinction.

Roles of RBT in skill assessments

The RBT has a supportive role in which they work directly with the client. Observing clients, collecting data, and assisting with the implementation of programs are all within the scope of practice for an RBT.

Instead of hitting people when they are in possession of an item that she wants or when she wants to change activities, Kristi will be taught to ask nicely for a turn with the item (e.g., "May I please have a turn?") or will ask to leave the area to do a different preferred activity (e.g., "I want to go outside now"). This information can be found in which section of the behavior reduction plan?

The Replacement behavior section of behavior reduction plan

Jeremy's mother gives him a sticker when he completes a household chore. Jeremy can choose a favorite activity to do once he has earned a total of five stickers. This is an example of (a):

Token economy

Kendra, the RBT, teaches her client, Sarah, to tie her shoelaces by having her perform all the steps of shoe tying in the correct order for each trial. Kendra uses f guidance for the few steps of the shoe tying sequence that Sarah needs help to complete. This is an example of which chaining procedure? Correct Answer

Total task chaining

Trent is an RBT who is working on folding laundry with his client, Jake. Trent has reported increased progress in Jake's folding skills, with Jake even folding some laundry items independently. In today's session, Trent got out the laundry basket full of clothes and placed it in front of Jake. Jake did not begin to fold the laundry. The behavior plan specifies to use least-to-most prompting, if prompts are needed to occasion the response. How could Trent use least-to-most prompting to occasion the response?

Trial 1 - no prompt (independent opportunity); Trial 2 - make a verbal statement ("Time to fold your laundry"); Trial 3 - demonstrate (model) the correct folding response; Trial 4 - full hand-over-hand

A BCBA has written a behavior reduction plan for a client named Jay who frequently engages in hitting others. Ed, the RBT on the case, has been tracking Jay's hitting for the past month. After the first month, the graph of Jay's hitting behavior indicates a 50% decrease in hitting behavior since the implementation of the plan. Over the next few days however, the number of incidents of hitting suddenly increases. Since there is a team case meeting coming up at the end of the week, Ed decides not to graph the sudden increase in hits. In this scenario, Ed's behavior is:

Unethical; Ed has an ethical obligation to record, graph, and report on all data to the team regardless of the outcome

An RBT is using total task chaining to teach a skill to a learner. During teaching trials, the learner is having difficulty performing some of the steps of the sequence independently. What should the RBT do next when using total task chaining?

Use graduated guidance only for the few steps the learner has difficulty performing graduated guidance:teacher provides manual prompts to complete a sequence of actions and then fades the prompts by changing their intensity and type.

David is an RBT at a behavioral agency. During their weekly individual supervision meetings, David's supervisor only reviews client-related issues regarding the cases he is assigned to, and rarely has time to discuss David's performance as an RBT. A few months later, David's supervisor tells him that he should find another supervisor, as he consistently performing poorly. If he could do things differently, what would have been the best course of action for David to take during the weekly meetings with his supervisor?

Verbally request feedback from his supervisor on his performance if one or two weeks went by without any direct feedback

Kendra heard her cell phone ring. Upon hearing it, she picked up the cell phone to see who was calling. Kendra is more likely to pick up her cell phone when it rings than when it is silent. Therefore, the cell phone ring ________ the response of picking up the phone.

evoked The term evoke means to bring forth (make more likely) and describes the effect of an antecedent stimulus on a response. Kendra was more likely to pick up her phone in the presence of the ringing than in its absence, so the ring evoked the response of picking up her phone.

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