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(-flozin) decrease glucose absortption in PCT AE: glucosuria (candida), hyperkalemia, orthostatic hypotension, weight loss


(-inide) close K channels to cause Ca influx AE: disulfiram, weight gain, hypoglycemia


(-liptin) decreased glucagon and gastric emptying AE: increased satiety, infections


(-zone) activate PPAR take several weeks to work AE: weight gain, MI, fractures, edema


-fungins inhibit B-glucan synthesis of cell walls uses: aspergillosis AE: GI upset, flushing

meningitis organisms by age

0-6mth (GEL): group B, E.coli, listeria 6-6yrs (SHiN): s. pneumo, HiB, neisseria, group B, enterovirus/coxsackie 6-60yrs: neisseria, s. pneumo, HSV2, enterovirus/coxsackie +60yrs (SHINGL): s. pneumo, HiB, neisseria, group B, listeria HIV: cryptococcus

Pompe disease

1,4 debranching deficiency cardiomegaly, weakness

Cori disease

1,6 debranching deficiency normal blood lactate levels fasting hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, hepatosplenomegaly

relative risk reduction formula


hypersensitivity examples

1: anaphylaxis 2: graves, goodpasture, hemolytic reactions, rheumatic fever, myasthenia gravis 3: SLE, serum sickness, post-strep glomerulo 4: PPD, contact dermatitis, MS, DM1, organ rejection, hashimoto, GBS, RA

rib muscles

1: anterior scalene 2: posterior scalene 3-5: pectoralis minor 6-9: serratus anterior 10-11: latissimus dorsi 12: quadratus lumborum

tuberous sclerosis

1: chromosome 9 -- hamartin 2: chromosome 16 -- tuberin cardic rhabdo, ash leaf spots, renal angiomyolipomas

cranial nerve exits in skull

1: cribriform plate 2: optic canal 3, 4, V1, 6: superior orbital fissure V2: rotundum V3: ovale 7: stylomastoid or IAM 8: IAM 9, 10, 11: jugular 12: hypoglossal


2, 7, 9, C, S given orally generalized skin necrosis give with heparin to avoid transient hypercoagulation


3 or more groups

Turner syndrome

45XO nonfunctioning ovaries (low estrogen, high FSH/LH) aorta coarctation, bicuspid aortic valve

Kleinfelter syndrome

47XXY low testosterone, high FSH/LH gynecomastia, hypogonadism, sterile


A: factor 8 B: factor 9 increased PTT joint bleeding and bruising


ABO blood groups

cross arm test

AC joint

anterior drawer sign

ACL tear

odds ratio formula


AD, AR, XD, XR inheritance patterns

AD: song AR: younger and more severe XD: daughters from fathers XR: sons from mothers

small cell lung cancer

AKA oat cell small dark cells hypocalcemia and SIADH

wide fixed S2


Menkes disease

ATP7A copper: low in brain/liver, high in gut/kidneys symptoms: kinky hair, hypotonia, cerebral aneurysms


B-cells tumor hypoglycemia, high C-peptides

staph aureus

B-hemolytic, heat stable virulence: protein A binds Fc-IgG to inhibit complement activation and phagocytosis causes: skin infections, organ abscesses, secondary pneumonia, endocarditis, septic arthritis, osteomyelitis MRSA: altered penicillin binding protein on mecA gene TSS: fever, vomiting, rash, liver failure (from tampons or nasal packing) food poisoning: meat, mayo, custard

incomplete penetrance


BRCA chromosomes

BRCA1: 17 BRCA 2: 13

complement protein for cell migration

C3A mostly neutrophils

complement protein for opsonization



C5 complement paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

axillary nerve

C5-C6 deltoid sensation to lateral arm

musculocutaneous nerve

C5-C7 bicep reflex sensation to lateral forearm forearm flexion and supination

median nerve

C5-T1 ape hand wrist flexion and thumb opposition sensation to thenar eminence

radial nerve

C5-T1 grip strength wrist drop extension of wrist and fingers

ulnar nerve

C8-T1 claw hand radial wrist deviation

Huntington's disease

CAG repeat chromosome 4 decreased ACh & GABA increased dopamine causes chorea in basal ganglia and caudate


CD20 non-Hodgkin's lymphoma





fragile X syndrome

CGG repeat large ears, long face, large testes

when are beta blockers contraindicated

CHF, asthma, COPD, diabetics, cocaine use

ocular cranial nerves and movements

CN III: levator, SR, MR, IR, IO CN IV trochlear: SO CN VI abducens: LR away from nose: SR up, IR down towards nose: IO up, SO down

obstructive lung disease

COPD, emphysema, asthma trouble exhaling decreased FEV, FEV/FVC, FVC increased TLC PEFR low increased compliance alveolar wall destruction


D-ala cell wall synthesis C.difficile and MRSA AE: nepro/ototoxic, red man syndrome


EGFR colon, throat cancer

Von Gierke's disease

G6P deficiency high blood lactate levels fasting hypoglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, hepatosplenomegaly

Friedreich ataxia

GAA repeat frataxin defect increased Fe in cells, damaged mitochondria steppage gait, scoliosis, pes cavus, HCM


HER2 breast cancer


HHV6/7 fever first then rash trunk to extremities

chromosome 4 disorders

Huntington, ADPKD2, achondroplasia


IIa/IIIb glycoprotein on platelets CAD


IL-12, IL-23 psoriasis

heart block poem

If the R is far from P, then you have a 1st degree. Longer, longer, longer drop, then you have a Weinkebach (Mobitz 1). If some Ps don't get through, then you have a Mobitz 2. If Ps and Qs don't agree, then you have a 3rd degree.


IgE allergies/asthma

classic complement pathway

IgG or IgM mediated C1 - C2B - C3B - C5B - MAC

vault hold finger placement

Index: greater wing of sphenoid Middle: preauricular portion of temporal bone Ring: mastoid process of temporal bone Pinky: squamous portion of occipital bone

CYP450 inducers

John's CRAP GPS: st. john's wort carbemazepine rifampin alcohol phenytoin griseofulvin phenobarbitone sulfonylureas

genitofemoral nerve

L1-L2 cremaster reflex sensation to medial thigh and scrotom/majora

lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

L2-L3 anterior lateral thigh sensation

obturator nerve

L2-L4 medial thigh sensation adduction

femoral nerve

L2-L4 patellar reflex medial leg sensation leg extension

common peroneal nerve

L4-S2 dorsiflexion and eversion lateral leg and dorsum sensation

sciatic nerve


tibial nerve

L4-S3 plantarflexion and inversion

inferior gluteal nerve

L5-S2 gluteus maximus trouble rising and climbing stairs

abnormal passive adduction

LCL tear

varus stress test

LCL tear

homonymous hemianopsia with macular sparing

MCA or PCA stroke (but not both) occipital lobe lesion

abnormal passive abduction

MCL tear

valgus stress test

MCL tear

medullary thyroid carcinoma

MEN2A and 2B calcitonin


MERFF (myoclonic epilepsy w/ ragged red fibers)


Metabolizes acetaminophen and diazepam

intermediate acting insulin


posterior draw sign

PCL tear



penicillinase sensitive penicillins

Penicillin G: strpe, neisseria, syphilis Amphicillin/amoxicillin: HHELPSS: H influ, H pylori, Ecoli, listeria, proteus, salmonella, shigella AE: hypersensitivity, hemolytic anemia, interstitial nephritis, pseudomembranous colitis

coxiella burnetii

Q-fever unpasteurized milk


RANKL osteoporosis


RET gene mucosal, medullary thyroid, pheochromocytoma (marfanoid harbitus)


RET gene parathyroid, medullary thyroid, pheochromocytoma


RSV F-protein

heart sounds

S1: AV closure S2: aorta/pulmonary closure S3: CHF, dilated cardiomyopathy S4: AV opening (only heard in vent. hypertrophy)

CYP450 inhibitors

SICK QV AGE: sulfonamides isoniazid chloramphenicol ketoconazole quinidine valproate amiodarone grapefruit juice erythromycin

male fetal development

SRY gene causes testes development testes secrete testosterone wolfian ducts become sem. tubes, epidy, vas def testes secrete anti-mullerian for degeneration

iliohypogastric nerve

T12-L1 suprapubic sensation



cranial techniques and what they are used for

V-spread: any suture dysfunction venous sinus: decrease dural sinus congestion parietal lift: squamous suture CV4: increase amplitude, breastfeeding (restrict flexion, enhance extension)

ventilation and perfusion

V/Q mismatch: anything causing hypoxemia high V/Q at top of lungs (high V, low Q) low V/Q at lower lungs (low V, high Q) all V: dead space all Q: shunting


VEG-F colon cancer

pathological gaits

Waddling: Duchenne Trendelenburg: superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1) Steppage: common peroneal nerve (L4-S2) foot drop Truncal ataxia: wide based cerebellar gait (vermis lesion) Staggering: Friedreich ataxia Choreiform: Huntington

Hunter disease

X-linked recessive 2-iduronate sulfatase deficiency gargoylism, aggresion

attributable risk formula


relative risk formula



a-4 integrin MS, Chrons


a-cells tumor dermatitis, diarrhea, DVT, declining weight, diabetes treat: octreotide

Fabry disease

a-galacosidase deficiency ceramide trihexose buildup angiokeratomas (skin spots), hypohidrosis, neuropathy

Hurler disease

a-iduronate sulfatase deficiency corneal clouding, gargoylism


acarbose, miglitol inhibits brush border glucose absorption AE: bloating, GI

insulin moa

activates tyrosine kinase increases glucose and TG storage increases K uptake in cells

subdural hematoma

alcoholics and elderly who fall crescent shaped bridging veins

osteoporosis with history of breast cancer

alendronate type of bisphosphonate inhibits osteoclast mediated resorption

cervical HVLA technique

always flex and only change one thing

50s binders

aminoglycosides (-micin) tigecycline tetracycline doxycycline

which antibiotics can cause a rash if given for a viral infection

amoxicillin ampicillin

myasthenia gravis

antibodies to postsynaptic ACh receptors symptoms: proximal muscle weakness, eye issues, dyspnea, dysphagia treat: pyridostigmine (AChE inhibitor)

Lambert-Eaton syndrome

antibodies to presynaptic Ca channels decreased ACh release associated with small cell lung cancer symptoms: proximal muscle weakness, dry mouth, constipation, impotence, hyporeflexia

TCA overdose

anticholinergic symptoms treat: sodium bicarb


atypical pneumonia, chlamydia, pertussis AE: GI motility, prolonged QT, eosinophilia

meningitis treatment

bacterial: ceftriaxone + vancomycin pseudomonas: cefepime listeria: add ampicillin HIV: amphotericin + flucytosine HSV: acyclovir

benzos and barbiturates moa seizures

benzos: increase GABA frequency barbs: increase GABA duration


block sodium AE: zero order kinetics, fetal hydantoin


block sodium, increase GABA AE: anemia, hepatotoxic, spina bifida

beta blocker side effects

bradycardia, dyslipidemia, sexual dysfunction

common metastatic sites

breast: brain and bone prostate: bone lung: brain melanoma: brain colon: liver

sick sinus syndrome

bursts of tachy and bursts of brady

anticholinergic symptoms

can't see can't pee can't spit can't shit


causes hydatid cysts in liver rupture causes anaphylaxis from ingesting eggs with dog feces intermediate host is sheep treat: albendazole

4th generation cephalosporin

cefepime pseudomonas

30s binders

chloramphenicol clindamycin linezolid macrolides (erythromycin, etc)

what malarial drugs are safe during pregnancy

chloroquine mefloquine (safe in 2-3 trimesters)


chlorpromadine, tolbutamide, glipizide, glyburide close K channels to cause Ca influx AE: disulfiram, weight gain, hypoglycemia

bile acid resins

cholestyramine, colestipol, colesevelam decreases LDL AE: GI upset, decrease absorption of fat vitamins

sickle cell

chromosome 11 glu to val mutation

wilms tumor

chromosome 11 hematuria, fever


chromosome 11 pituitary, pancreatic, parathyroid tumors


chromosome 13

wilson disease

chromosome 13 kayser-fleischer rings

Patau syndrome

chromosome 13 rocker bottom feet, cleft palate, midline defects

marfan's disease

chromosome 15 fibrillin defect MVP, upward lens subluxation, aortic dissections

Angelman syndrome

chromosome 15 maternal deletion happy puppet, sleepless

Prader-Willi Syndrome

chromosome 15 paternal deletion constant hunger, obesity


chromosome 17 neurofibromin -- inhibits RAS cafe au lait, wilms, pheochromocytoma, lisch nodules

Edward's syndrome

chromosome 18 rocker botton feet, overlapping fingers, micrognathia


chromosome 22 -- merlin bilateral schwannomas, ependymomas, juvenile cataracts

von hippel lindau

chromosome 3 hemangioma, renal cell carcinoma, angioblastoma


chromosome 5 APC gene 100+ GI polyps


chromosome 5 cat cry and VSD


chromosome 6 cirrhosis, diabetes, hyperpigmentation

cystic fibrosis

chromosome 7 absent vas deferens, greasy bulky stool

William's syndrome

chromosome 7 elfin face, extremely friendly, hypercalcemia, aortic stenosis


colicky pain in small instines


common w/ chronic granulomatous disease has aflatoxin associated w/ hepatocellular carcinoma treat: voriconazole + caspofungin

subfalcine herniation

compresses ACA bitemporal hemianopia

isotonic exercises

concentric: towards you eccentric: away from you

granulosa cells

convert androgen to estrogen in resonse to FSH

epidural hematoma

convex ball does not cross suture lines has lucid intervals middle meningeal artery usually common with skull fractures

acid fast stool staining



decrease Na and glutamate AE: steven johnson

G6PD deficiency

decreased NADPH Heinza bodies and bite cells avoid: fava beans, sulfa drugs, antimalarials back pain, hemoglobinuria

PCSK9 inhibitors

decreases LDL inactivates LDL receptor degradation to increase removal of LDL AE: myalgia, dementia, neurocog issues


decreases LDL prevents cholesterol absorption at small intestine brush border AE: diarrhea, hepatotoxic


decreases calcium AE: steven johnson


decreases glucagon and gastric emptying AE: increased satiety, hypoglycemia

von willebrand disease

defect in platelet plug formation/adhesion asymptomatic until injury increased PTT treat: desmopressin


delta-cells tumor lowers glucagon, insulin, gastrin, cholecystokinin symptoms: diabetes, steatorrhea, gallstones treat: octreotide

long acting insulin

determir glargine

DHT (dihydrotestosterone)

develops male external genitalia XY without DHT = internal male, external female

penicillinase resistant penicillins

diclo, nafcillin, oxacillin aureus except MRSA AE: hypersensitivity, interstitial nephritis

draw brachial plexus

draw brachial plexus

type III dyslipidemia

dysbetalipoproteinemia protein: ApoE increased: chylomicrons, VLDL remnants symptoms: CAD w/vasculitis, palmar xanthomas

estrogen types

estrone (E1)- post menopause estradiol (E2)- pre menopause estratriol (E3)- pregnancy

cholinergic symptoms

excess actylcholine DUMBELLS: diarrhea, urination, miosis, bradycardia, emesis, lacrimation, lethargy, salivation Nicotinic: dilated pupils, tachycardia Muscarinic: constricted pupils, bradycardia


excess amniotic fluid TE fistula, duodenal atresia, esophageal fistula maternal DM, hyperglycemic baby


exenatide, liraglutide decrease glucagon and gastric emptying AE: weight loss, pancreatitis

2nd generation cephalosporin

fa, fox, fur HENS PEcK: H influ, enterobacter, neisseria, serratia, proteus, Ecoli, klebsiella

1st generation cephalosporin

faz, phalex PEcK: proteus, Ecoli, klebsiella

malaria infection pathway

female anopheles injects sporozoite (infective) merozoites spread through body (pathogenic)

Still's technique

first toward ease then towards restriction (indirect then direct)

diphyllobothrium latum

fish tapeworm causes B12 deficiency treat: praziquantel

tonsillar herniation

flaccid paralysis unconsciousness


flavivirus (enveloped +ssRNA) symptoms: high fever, easy bruising/bleeding, pain in joint/back/back of eyes treat: acetominophen

serotonin syndrome

from SSRIs or linezolid hyperreflexia treat: cryptoheptadine (H1 and serotonin blocker)

locked-in syndrome

from basilar arteries can only do vertical eye movement and blink


from rose gardens treat: itraconazole (14-demethylase ergosterol synthesis inhibition)

neuroleptic malignant syndrome

from typical antipsychotics rigidity


from undercooked pork or bear larva enters blood and encysts in muscle symptoms: fever, N/V, periorbital edema treat: bendazoles

Krabbe disease

galactocerebrosidase deficiency globoid cells, optic atrophy, neuropathy

which STD can change pH

gardnerella treat: metro or clindamycin


gemfibrozil, -fibrate decreases triglycerides activates PPAR to induce HDL synthesis AE: myopathy, gallstones


german measles togavirus associated with PDA symptoms: fever, lymphadenopathy, blueberry muffin, rash of face that spread centrifugally to trunk and extremities

Gaucher disease

glucocerebrosidase deficiency AVN, hepatosplenomegaly, osteoporosis

McArdles disease

glycogen phosphorylase deficiency symptoms: hypoglycemia and muscle cramps with exertion, myoglobinuria


gram negative anaerobic rod pneumonia in alcoholics nosocomial decubitus ulcers

follicular thyroid carcinoma

hematogenous spread caricinoma = invades capsule adenoma = contained in capsule

brown sequard syndrome

hemisection of spinal cord ipsilateral: corticospinal tract UMN ipsilateral: dorsal column (proprio, fine touch) contra: 3 segments down LST (pain, temp)

pinpointed pupils

heroin or opiate overdose treat: naloxone

isometric exercises

holding a weight still

locus heterogeneity

homocysteinuria MEN2B marfanoid habitus

uncal herniation

homonymous hemianopia CN3 palsy ipsilateral body weakness



Conn syndrome

hyperaldosteronism hypernatremia, hypokalemia, HTN

type II dyslipidemia

hypercholesterolemia proteins: LDL receptors, ApoB increased: LDL symptoms: CAD, tendon xanthomas

type I dyslipidemia

hyperchylomicronemia protein: lipo lipase, ApoC increased: chylomicrons symptoms: pancreatitis, skin xanthomas

protein C and S deficiency


Cushing's syndrome


cephalosporin AEs

hypersensitivity, disulfiram, vitamin K deficiency

type IV dyslipidemia

hypertriglyceridemia protein: Apo A-V increased: VLDL symptoms: obesity, diabetes

insulin AEs

hypoglycemia lipodystrophy hypersensitivity


increase Na refractory AE: steven johnson, SIADH

causes of edema (starling forces)

increased capillary pressure increased capillary permeability increased interstitial oncotic pressure decreased plasma proteins


increases HDL AE: flushing


inhibit ergosterol synthesis (14-demethylase) AE: gynecomastia, liver dysfunction from P450 inhibition Uses: less serious systemic mycosis and candida mucor/rhizopus: isavuconazole aspergillis: voriconazole


inhibits 5-fluorouracil DNA synthesis uses: cryptococcus AE: bone marrow suppression


inhibits GABA and glycine


inhibits mGPD AE: weight loss, B12 deficiency, lactic acidosis, GI


inhibits microtubules uses: dermatophytes AE: teratogenic, carcinogenic, disulfiram, induce P450/warfarin metabolism


inhibits squalene epoxidase uses: nail, hair, skin dermatophytes AE: GI upset, hepatotoxic, taste disturbance


injection site necrosis


kills malaria cysts in liver

cavitary lung lesions

klebsiella pneumonia think nursing homes and alcoholics makes it easier to get TB

O'Brien test

labrum tear

muscle used to open jaw

lateral pterygoid


leprosy pneumocystis prophylaxis AE: G6PD, agranulocytosis

rapid acting insulins

lispro aspart glulisine

acetaminophen overdose

liver failure symptoms treat: N-acetyl-cysteine

paired t-test

looking for mean difference

Addison's disease

low cortisol and aldosterone (dark skin, low BP, thin, hypotension, hypoglycemia)

bird beak sign

lower sphincter of esophagus cannot relax lost innervation seen in Chagas


lymphatic filariasis elephantiasis worms in lymph nodes from mosquito treat: diethylcarbamazine

papillary thyroid carcinoma

lymphatic spread psmomma bodies

drugs that cause prolonged QT

macrolides class 1a, 1c, III

theca cells

make androgen in response to LH

lectin complement pathway

mannose mediated C1 like - C4B - C3B - C5B- MAC

variable expressivity

marfan NF1


measles symptoms: fever, cough, coryza, koplik spots rash from head downward treat: vitamin A

counterstrain for elbow epicondyles

medial: flex, adduct, pronate lateral: extend, supinate

malaria prophylaxis

mefloquine, atovaquone, doxycycline

most common cancers in men and women

men: prostate, lung women: breast, lung mortality men: lung, prostate mortality women: lung, breast

McMurray test

meniscus tear (LIME: lateral meniscus-int rotation, medial meniscus-ext rotation)

aspirin overdose

metabolic acidosis treat: sodium bicarb


metabolizes cardiovascular drugs


metabolizes ethanol


metabolizes warfarin

abortion medications

mifepristone: blocks progesteron misoprostol: inhibits gastric acid E1

rheumatic fever heart problems

mitral stenosis from strep pyogenes


most common

candida treatment

mouth: nystatin (tears ergosterol) blood: amphotericin (tears ergosterol) vagina: metro or topical azoles pregnant: topical azoles

atypical pneumonia

mycoplasma, legionella, chlamydia usually both lungs interstitial infiltrates everywhere

visual field defects and lesion locations

nerve: complete loss in same eye chiasm: bitemporal hemi tract: opposite homo hemi parietal radiations: inferior quad temporal radiations: superior quad

female fetal development

no SRY gene causes ovary development no testosterone causes wolfian degeneration no testosterone allows mullerian to develop


nodular: deep and worst prognosis basal cell: upper lip and higher, less aggresive, pearly and telangiectasia squamous cell: lower lip, ulcer looking, keratin pearls

most common lung cancer in non-smokers

non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma)

growth charts

normal velocity = parallel to curve = no worries

subarachnoid hematoma

on bottom of brain follows tracts from AVM or aneurysm CSF is yellow (xanthrochromic) worst headache of my life associated wtih PKD

extra pyramidal symptoms

parkinsonism: tardive dyskinesia, dystonia, akathisia treat: benzotropine (anticholinergic) or beta blocker

PIGA mutation

paroxysmal noctural hemoglobinuria complement mediated hemolysis CD55/59

enterobius vermicularis

pinworms scotch tape test nocturnal anal itching


pityriasis or tinea versicolor hypo or hyperpigmentation shagetti and meatball microscopy common after sun exposure treat: selenium sulfide

restrictive lung disease

pneumonia, fibrosis, sarcoidosis trouble inhaling normal or slightly decreased FEV decreased FVC normal or high FEV/FVC decreased TLC PEFR normal

nosocomial pneumonia

pseudomonas usually from ventilators

drugs to avoid in G6PD

quinidine isoniazid sulfa drugs aspirin/NSAIDs quinolones nitrofurantoin

anaplastic thyroid carcinoma

rapid onset older people large neck


rat urine hemorrhagic jaundice

short acting insulin


strep. bovis

related to colon cancer

onchocerca volvulus

river blindess black fly

typical pneumonia

s. pneumo, influenza, aureus secondary usually one lung consolidations in lungs treat: ampicillin, azithromycin, ceftriaxone


sandflies skin sores, dyspnea

hilar lymphadenopathy

sarcoidosis tuberculosis


seen with India ink (halo and red capsule) latex agglutination test gray matter with soap bubble lesions soil and pigeon droppings

dexamethasone suppression test

should decrease cortisol levels if levels stay high = Cushings

most common lung cancer in smokers

squamous cell carcinoma causes hypercalcemia

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors

statins lowers LDL decrease mortality in CAD patients AE: hepatotoxic, myopathy

central herniation

sunset eyes dilated & fixed pupils

alternative complement pathway

surface mediated C3 - C3B + Bb - C3B - C5B - MAC

benzo overdose

symptoms: confusion, bradycardia, resp distress, ataxia, slurred speech, hypotension, red eyes treat: flumazenil

5th generation cephalosporin

taroline MRSA


tears ergosterol uses: candida topical use only

amphotericin B

tears ergosterol uses: systemic mycoses and mucor AE: fever/chills, phlebitis, anemia, hypotension, nephrotoxic

Wallenberg test

tests for vertebral artery insufficiency


togavirus (enveloped, +ssRNA) can co-infect with Dengue symptoms: high fever, intense joint pain, rash treat: acetominophen


too little amniotic fluid bladder obstruction PCKD potter syndrome: pulmonary hypoplasia, oligo, twisted facies, extremity deformities, renal agenesis


treats ER+ breast cancer binds estrogen decreases breast cancer risk increases endometrial cancer risk

syphilis heart problems

tree bark appearance of aorta

3rd generation cephalosporin

tria, tax, pod, taz crosses BBB (lyme disease, meningitis)

heart problems in IV drugs users

tricuspid valve issue from aureus or viridans

Necator americanus

type of ancylostomas hookworms subcutaneous transmission from barefeet serpiginous rash cause iron deficiency anemia treat: bendazoles (microtubulin) or pyrantel pamoate (depolarizing neuromuscular block)

carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

types: acetazolamide uses: altitude sickness, glaucoma, metabolic alkalosis moa: decrease Na reabsorption area: PCT AE: acidosis, hypokalemia

loop diuretics

types: furosemide, ethacrynic acid, bumetanide uses: edema, HTN, hypercalcemia moa: prevents Na/K/Cl transporter area: thich ascending loop AE: ototoxic, hypokalemia, hypomagnesium, gout, metabolic alkalosis, interstitial nephritis

potassium sparing diuretics

types: spironolactone, amilioride, triamterene uses: hyperaldosteronism moa: decrease Na reabsorption, decrease K excretion area: DCT and collecting duct AE: hyperkalemia, gynecomastia

5a-reductase deficiency

unable to make DHT male internal, ambiguous external really high testosterone levels during puberty


undulant fever from unpasteurized dairy treat: doxycycline, streptomycin, or cipro

dilated pupils

upper overdose (cocaine, meth, PCP, LSD) treat: benzos treat cocaine: benzo and labetalol

thiazide diuretics

uses: HTN, osteoporosis, CHF moa: inhibits Na/Cl reabsorption area: DCT AE: hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia, hypokalemia

seizure medications and uses

valproate: first line for general seizures phenytoin: prophylaxis/reoccurrence ethosuximide: absence seizures carbamazepine: trigeminal neuralgia lamotrigene: seizures & bipolar benzos/barbiturates: stop active seizure


vasculatis with rash

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