REE VA & Math

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A house is sold for $105,500 and the commission rate is 6 percent. If the commission is split 60/40 between the selling broker and the listing broker, respectively, and each broker splits his share of the commission evenly with his salesperson, how much will the listing salesperson receive from this sale?

$1,266 $105,500 contract price x 0.06 = $6,330 total commission; $6,330 x 0.40 / 2 = $1,266 listing salesperson's share

Assuming the FHA qualifies borrowers based on a 31% debt ratio, if a borrower's monthly gross income is $4,400, what monthly payment for housing expenses can this person afford based on this ratio?

$1,364 Explanation: $4,400 monthly gross x 0.31 = $1,364 possible monthly payment.

If a house sold for $40,000 and the buyer obtained an FHA-insured mortgage loan for $38,600, how much money would be paid in discount points if the lender charged four points?


The annual property taxes of $1,700 were paid in arrears by the buyer. If the closing took place on June 4th and the seller paid through the day of closing, how did this appear on the settlement sheet if the 360-day method is used?

$1,700 ÷ 12 = $141.67 monthly rate, $141.67 ÷ 30 = $4.72 daily rate; Seller owes 5 months: $141.67 x 5 = $708.35; Seller owes 4 days: $4.72 x 4 = $18.88, $708.35 + $18.88 = $727 DS, CB (Debit seller, credit buyer)

If the roof a property cost $14,000 and its economic life is 18 years, what would its value be after four years using a straight-line method of depreciation?


A strip mall generates $215,000 in effective rental income and $3,000 in other income. The same mall has $102,000 in operating expenses and $15,000 as reserves. What is the net operating income of the strip mall?


A property is purchased for $480,000. The land is valued at 10% of the initial purchase price of the property. Given a 39-year depreciation term, what is the annual depreciation expense?

$11,077 =$480,000 - 10 = 432000/39 = 11076.92307692308

A farmer wants to net at least $10,000/acre on the sale of his 80-acre property. If he allows for a total of 10% for commissions and closing costs, what should his listing price be per acre? Assume the farmer has no mortgage.

$11,111 (Desired net + closing costs) / (1 = commission rate) = sale price, so $10,000 desired net / (1 - .10 commission rate =) .90 = $11,111 sale price per acre.

The lender quotes closing costs of $800 plus 2 points on a $610,000 loan. How much will the borrower have to pay?

$13,000 1 point = 1% of loan amount, so 2 points = 2% of loan amount, or $610,000 loan x 2% = $12,200 + $800 closing costs = $13,000.

A home seller wants to net $15,000. If he has agreed to pay a 5% commission, the loan payoff is $94,000 and closing costs are $16,000, what must the minimum listing price be? Round to the nearest $100.

$131,600 Sales Price = 100%, Commission = 5%. All deductions from the sales price other than the commission = 95% of the sales price. $94,000 loan payoff + $16,000 closing costs + $15,000 net proceeds = $125,000 deductions other than commission. $125,000 / .95 = $131,578.94 (($131,600). $131,578.94 x .05 = $6,578.94 sales commission. $125,000 + $6,578.94 = $131,578.94 ($131,600)

An FHA-insured loan in the amount of $57,500 at a 6 ½% interest rate for 30 years was closed on March 17. The first monthly payment is not due until May 1. If the interest is paid monthly in arrears, how much pre-paid interest does the buyer owe at closing? (Use a 360-day year)

$145.32 $57,500 loan x 0.065 = $3,737.50 annual interest; $3,737.50 ÷ 12 = $311.45 monthly interest; $311.45 ÷ 30 = $10.38 daily rate; March 17 through March 30 is 14 actual days; $10.38 x 14 = $145.32

A borrower obtains a 30-year $210,000 amortized loan at a 6% interest rate. If his monthly payment is $1199.10, how much is applied to the principal balance in the first month?

$149.10 $210,000 loan x 0.06 interest rate = $12,600 annual interest; $12,600 ÷ 12 = $1,050 monthly interest; $1199.10 payment - $1,050 monthly interest = $149.10 applied to principal balance

A home sells for $150,000 and has a mortgage loan balance of $100,000 at closing. If the commission is 5% and other closing costs are $6,000, what is the seller's net?

$150,000 x 0.05 = $7,500, $150,00 - $100,000 - $6,000 = $44,000, $44,000 - $7,500 = $36,500

A property is being appraised by the cost approach. The appraiser estimates that the land is worth $33,000 and the replacement cost of the home is $110,000. A new $20,000 garage was recently added. Total depreciation from all causes is $7,000. What is the indicated value of the property?

$156,000 Value = land value + (improvements + capital additions - depreciation), so $33,000 land value + ($110,000 home replacement cost + $20,000 garage addition - $7,000 depreciation) = $156,000.

Assuming that the listing broker and the seller broker in a transaction split their commission equally, what was the sales price of the property if the commission rate was 6 ½ percent the listing broker received $5,187?


A tax rate on a building with a $530,000 taxable value is 4.5 mills per thousand dollars of assessed valuation. What is the annual tax liability?

$2,385 $530,000 ÷ 1,000 = $530, $530 x 4.5 = $2,385

A lender offers an investor a maximum 85% LTV loan on the appraised value of a property. If the investor pays $160,000 for the property how much will the investor have to pay as a down payment?

$24,000 = 160,000 - 85%

A homeowner bought a house one year ago for $250,000. Since then, the homeowner has spent $4,000 to pave the driveway and has added a screen porch at a cost of $3,000. Total depreciation has been $6,000. What is the homeowner's adjusted basis?

$251,000 $250,000 sales price + $4,000 improvement + $3,000 improvement - $6,000 depreciation = $251,000 adjusted basis

A lender determines that a homebuyer can afford to borrow $220,000 on a mortgage loan. The lender requires an 85% loan-to-value ratio. How much can the borrower pay for a property and still qualify for this loan amount (to the nearest $1,000)?

$259,000 $220,000 loan ÷ 0.85 LTV = maximum sales contract price, $258,823.53, which rounds up to $258,900.

A fine jewelry store leased a space at the mall with a base rent of $1,800 a month, plus 4% of all sales over $200,000. If the gross sales were $325,000, what was the total amount of rent paid by Heinz Fine Jewelry at the end of the year?


A building generates $103,000 in effective rental income and $900 in vending machine income. The same complex has $40,700 in operating expenses and $36,000 in debt service payments. What is the pre-tax cash flow of the complex?

$27,200 $103,000 effective rental income + $900 vending machine income = $103,900; $103,000 - $40,700 expenses -= $63,200 NOI; $63,200 NOI - $36,000 debt service = $27,200 pre-tax cash flow

Sean, age 37, sold the home he purchased three years ago and now rents an apartment. He had originally purchased his home for $86,500 and sold it for $115,300. What is Sean's capital gain?

$28,800 $115,300 - 86,500 = $28,800

Ralph is buying Terry's house. The buyer's loan amount is $105,580. If the buyer has agreed to pay 3 points at closing, how much will he pay for the points?

$3,167 A discount point or point is a fee charged by the lender to lower the interest. Since 1 point COSTS 1% of the loan amount and the buyer is purchasing 3 points, multiply the loan amount of $105,580 x 3 = $3,167

Anne obtains a new loan @ 80% of her home's price of $740,000. The loan constant is 5.645. What is Anne's monthly payment?


A buyer secured a $‎125‎,‎000 ‎loan at ‎4‎.‎5‎% ‎interest rate‎. To receive a lower interest rate, the buyer was required to buy down three discount points. How much were the discount points?


A property has sold for $185,000. The listing agreement calls for a commission of 6.5%. The listing broker and selling broker agree to share the commission equally. What will the listing agent receive if the agent is scheduled to get a 65% share from his broker?

$3,908 = 185000*.065 = 12000/2 = 6012.5*.65

Shelly bought a house five years ago for $150,000 and obtained an 80% loan. Now the home is worth $140,000 and her loan balance has been reduced by $12,000. What is Shelly's current equity?


Agent Daisy agrees to a 5% commission to list a home at $330,000. The property is sold through another cooperating brokerage with that firm to receive 50% of the total commission on the $330,000 sale. If Daisy receives 55% of her broker's commission and does not bring the buyer. How much does Daisy's broker receive from the sale?

$330,000 x 0.05 = $16,500 total commission; $16,500 ÷ 2 = $8,250 to each side. Since Daisy only listed the house and did not bring the buyer, her brokerage receives only half, $8,250; If Daisy receives 55% of her broker's commission that means that the broker keeps 45%, $8,250 x 0.45 = $3,712.50.

An investor paid $43,000 for a lot and $520,000 to have a strip mall constructed on it. He has depreciated the property for the past 15 years on a 39-year straight-line schedule. If he sells the property this year and realizes $710,000 after closing expenses, what is his capital gain?

$347,000 Depr. = Depreciation Depreciable basis/Depr. term (# years) = total Depr. Depreciable basis - total Depr.= adjusted basis. Amount realized = adjusted basis = capital gain. So, 520,000 depreciable basis / 39 term = $13,333.33 x 15 yrs = $200,000 total Depr. $520,000 - $200,000 = $320,000 adjusted basis. $320,000 plus land of $43,000 = $363,000. $710,000 amount realized - $363,000 = $347,000. Depr. ( basis) : $520,000 + $43,000= 563,000-$43,000=$520,000. Note: Land does not depreciate for accounting purposes, that's why it is removed from the depreciated basis and added to the adjusted basis. The adjusted basis = full investment in the project. Total Depr.: $520,000*39= $13,333.33 x 15 years = $200,000. Adjusted basis: $520,000+$43,000 (beginning basis or original investment) -$200,000=$363,000. Amount realized= 710,000 (sold). Capital gain: $347,000

Dan is buying Jessica's house. The closing date (day belongs to seller) of the sale transaction is March 9th. Current year real estate taxes are $1,900 (will be billed to Dan next year). Use the 365-day method for prorating. What is Jessica's share of the real estate taxes for the current year?

$354 Annual amount / 365 days or monthly amount /length of month = daily amount. Daily amount x # days = proration. So, $1,900 / 365 = $5.21 daily amount x (31 January days + 28 February days + 9 March days =) 68 days = $354.28, or $354 Jessica's share.

A property is being appraised using the income capitalization approach. Annually, it has an estimated gross income of $48,000, vacancy and credit losses of $3,600, and operating expenses of $15,000. Using a capitalization rate of 8%, what is the property's value (rounded up to the nearest $1,000)?


A sale transaction on rental property closes on December 10th. The landlord received the December rent of $4,400 on December 1. Assuming the closing day is the seller's, and that the 360-day method is used for prorating, how much will the seller owe the buyer?

$4,400 ÷ 30 days = $146.66 per day; $146.66 x 10 = $1,467, $4,400 - $1,467 = $2,933

An apartment complex generates $905,000 in effective rental income and $14,000 in other income. The same complex has $415,000 in operating expenses and $39,000 as reserves. What is the net operating income of the complex?

$465,000 Rent income + other income - operating expenses - reserves = NOI, so $905,000 rent + $14,000 other = $919,000 GOI - $415,000 operating expenses - $39,000 reserves = $465,000 NOI.

$450,000 x 1.08 x 1.08 x 1.08 = $566,870. The 1.08 comes from adding the 8% appreciation to 100% for 108%. Then convert that to a decimal, 1.08 and multiply as needed.

$5,187 x 2 sides = $10,374 total commission; $10,374 ÷ 0.065 = $159,600 sales price

A rented office space has a monthly income of $3,800. A suitable gross income multiplier derived from market data is 11.1. What would the estimated value be? Round to the nearest $1,000.

$506,000 The gross income multiplier is an annual calculation. $3,800 x 12 = $45,600, $45,600 x 11.1 = $506,160, which rounds down to $506,000.

A property currently valued at $450,000 is expected to appreciate 8% each year for the next 3 years. What will be its appreciated value at the end of this period?

$566,870 $450,000 x 1.08 x 1.08 x 1.08 = $566,870. The 1.08 comes from adding the 8% appreciation to 100% for 108%. Then convert that to a decimal, 1.08 and multiply as needed.

A seller wants to net $55,614 from the sale of her house after paying a 7% commission. Her minimum sales price will have to be?


Tyler Holdlong owns a small retail property that he inherited from his father. There are no mortgages or interest expenses connected with the property. Tyler takes an annual cost recovery expense of $3,000. The property has a monthly gross income of $3,500 and monthly operating expenses of $1,100. Tyler's taxable income from this property will be taxed at a rate of 25%. What is the tax liability for the year?

$6,450 NOI - cost recovery expense - operating expenses = taxable income x tax rate = tax liability, or $3,500 NOI x 12 = $42,000 annual NOI - $3,000 cost recovery - ($1,100 x 12 =) $13,200 operating expenses = $25,800 taxable income x 25% = $6,450 tax liability.

A sale transaction closes on April 15th. The day of closing belongs to the seller. Real estate taxes for the year, not yet billed, are expected to be $2,110. According to the 365-day method, what is the seller's share of the tax bill?


A property was listed at $200,000. The buyers made an offer of 90% of the list price which was accepted by the sellers. The home appraised for $185,000 and the buyers were obtained an 85% loan for 30 years at 5%. What is the first month's interest payment?


A building has 9 apartments generating annual potential rent of $1,500 each month. Vacancy = 6% and annual expenses are $84,000. Vending machines yield $1,800 per year. What is the NOI?

$70,080 NOI = potential rent - vacancy loss + other income - operating expenses, so $1,500 x 9 units = $13,500 monthly x 12 = $162,000 annual potential rent - $9,720 (6% vacancy) = $152,280 + $1,800 vending income = $154,080 - $84,000 expenses = $70,080 NOI

Two parcels of land priced at $1,200 per acre were purchased. One parcel was 15 acres in size and the other was 1 mile square in size. How much did these two parcels cost together?


If a hotel has an annual net operating income of $812,000 at a 9.35% cap rate, what is its current value (to the nearest thousand)?

$812,000 NOI ÷ 0.0935 cap rate = $8,684,000 current value

The current value of a property is $60,000. For real estate tax purposes, the property is assessed at 30 percent of its current value, with an equalization factor of 1.25 applied to the assessed value. If the tax rate is $4 per $100 of assessed valuation, what is the amount of tax due on the property?


Natalie wants to make a 25% profit on her $70,000 land investment (there is no mortgage). She figures agents charge a 6% commission, and that closing costs will be an additional $1,200. What should she accept as a final sale price (to the nearest hundred)?


If a transaction is not consummated, eventually what happens to the money?

- All the principals agree in writing to the disposition of the funds - the funds are disbursed through court order - the broker will decide to whom the funds belong

If a person is licensed elsewhere as a salesperson or broker, the Virginia board:

- does have the authority to waive all of the pre-licensing requirements - does have the authority to waive part of the pre-licensing requirements

For what might a licensee face disciplinary action from the board?

- obtaining a license fraudulently - allowing someone else to take the exam in the "licensee's" place - falsifying the application

Broker license educational courses will include:

- real estate law - brokerage - real estate finance

Advertising, under Virginia law, includes:

- telephone communications - insignias - business cards

The principal broker must hold:

- the firm license - the principal broker license - the license of every salesperson and broker associated with or employed by the firm

Land sells for $9,000 an acre. What will 750,000 SF of land sell for? Round to the nearest thousand.

1 acre = 43,560 sq/ft, 750,000 sq/ft ÷ 43,560 = 17.218 acres, 17.218 x $9,000 = $155,000

If one discount point costs the borrower 1% of the loan amount, and increases the lender's yield by 1/8th of one percent, how many discount points must be purchased to lower the interest rate by 1%?

1/8th = 0.125; 1.0 ÷ 0.125 = 8

If the tenant is allowed within the lease to sublease, the sublessee must be approved by the landlord within ___ days of written notice.


If a Virginia license applicant has passed the exam, he has____ months to apply for a license.


Virginia real estate license applicants must pass a written license examination approved by the Virginia Real Estate Board within _____ months of license application.


All active brokers and salespeople must complete at least __ hours in approved continuing education during each licensed term.


Upon the death or disability of a licensed real estate broker who was engaged in a proprietorship or who was the only licensed broker in a corporation or partnership, the estate, an adult family member, or an employee of the licensee conclude the broker's business for ____ following the death or disability of the broker.


A 198-foot x 330-foot lot sold for $30,000. What was the price per acre?

198' x 330' = 65,340 sq/ft; 65,340 sq/ft / 43,560 sq ft = 1.5 acres; $30,000 / 1.5 = $20,000.

If a buyer purchases 25% of a lot in the spring and then purchases 50% more later in the fall, what percentage of the lot is still available for purchase?

25% Explanation: 25% + 50% = 75%. 100% - 75% = 25%.

A five-sided lot has the following dimensions: side A = 44', side B = 67', side C = 91', side D = 18', and side E = 55'. What is the perimeter of the lot?

275 feet 44' + 67' + 91' + 18' + 55' = 275'

Escrow records must be kept for ____ from the date of closing or ratification, if the transaction does not close.

3 years

A written notice must be given to the board in the event of any change of business name or location within ______ days of the change of name or location.


If a property owner has more than ___ single family homes or condominiums located in an area governed by either a county executive or a county manager, the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act is in full force and effect.


Phillip advised his clients they needed to paint their master bedroom before showing the property. The walls of this room were 11' high. The wall lengths were 13', 19', 13', and 17'. If a gallon of paint covers 180 SF, how many whole gallons would the homesellers have to buy?

4 gallons = 2(13*11) + 19*11 + 17*11 = 682/180 = 3.788888 = 4

What is 0.0475 converted to a percentage?

4.75% To convert a decimal to a percentage, move the decimal to the right two spaces. 0.0475 become 4.75%

If a lot contains 48,000 square feet and is 240' wide, how deep is the lot?

48,000 sq ft ÷ 240' = 200'

Six years ago a commercial property owner paid $490,000 for her complex which included 10 acres of land valued at $100,000. Using a 40-year straight-line depreciation method, what would be the current value of the apartment complex?

490,000 - $100,000 (land does not depreciate) = $390,000/40 years = $9,750 per year depreciation. $9,750 X 6 years age = $58,500 accumulated depreciation. $390,000- $58,500 = $331,500 Plus the land = $431,500

The Virginia Real Estate Board currently requires anyone wishing to obtain a real estate license to complete and pass a state-approved ____-hour course on the principles of real estate.


A developer wants to develop a 18-acre subdivision. He figures that the streets and common area will take up about 20% of this overall area. If the minimum lot size is to be 10,000 SF, how many lots can the developer have on this property?

62 lots (43560*18 - 20%)/10,000

If a corporate building has nine office suites that rents for $14,800 per month each, but suffers from a 14% vacancy rate and annual expenses of $21,100, what is the NOI of the building (round to the nearest $100)?

9 units x $14,800 per month x 12 months x .86 - $21,100 = $1,353,524 ($1,353,500)

If a rectangular office space is 72 feet wide and has a 410-foot perimeter, what is its area?

9,576 SF area 72 F x 2 = 144 F (length of 2 sides), so 410 F perimeter - 144 F = 266 (length of other 2 sides. 266 / 2 = 133 (length of 1 other side). 133 x 72 = 9,576 SF area.

An apartment building that sold for $780,000 had a monthly gross income of $8,000. What is its monthly gross rent multiplier?


Violet has a FHA loan for $90,000. The lender is requiring a 1% discount point to the lower the interest rate. What amount is the lender charging for the discount point?

A discount point or point is a fee charged by the lender to lower the interest. Since 1 point COSTS 1% of the loan amount and the buyer is purchasing 3 points, multiply the loan amount of 90,000 x .01= $900.00

_____ is one in which the licensee is associated with a broker, who must certify the new licensee's license application that he has agreed to be associated with this new licensee.

An active license

A property sells for $140,000 two years after it was purchased. If the annual appreciation rate is 6%, how much did the original buyer pay for it?

Beginning value x (1 + annual rate ) x (1 + annual rate) = appreciated value. So, working backwards with the appreciated value, 1.06 (1 + annual rate) x 1.06 (1 + annual rate) = 1.1236. $140,000 / 1.1236 = $124,600.

The active license always hangs in the _____.

Broker's main office

A town has a tax base of $411,000,000 and a budget of $850,000. What is the tax rate in terms of mills?

Budget / tax base = tax rate, so $850,000 / $411,000,000 = .00206, or .21%, or 2.1 mills

A property's taxes are $9,540 and are paid for in arrears. The property was sold, and closing took place on March 7. The seller was responsible for the day of closing. Using the 360 day method, how will taxes be prorated?

Credit the buyer $1775.50 and Debit the Seller $1775.50 Divide the tax bill by 360 ($9540/360 = 26.50) to get your daily rate. Add up how many days the seller is responsible for (30 in Jan, 30 in Feb, + 7 in March=67). Multiply the daily rate by the number of days ($26.50 x 67 = $1775.50).

A buyer will receive a power bill for an estimated $140 at the end of the month. At closing, the seller has used an estimated $67 in power. What should appear on the closing statement?

Credit the buyer $67 and debit the seller $67

Stacey owns a lot that has 180 feet of front footage and contains 36,000 square feet. He purchases two identically-sized lots adjacent to each side of his lot. These side lots are each 200 feet deep and each side lot contains 19,000 square feet. What is the total front footage of all three lots?

First, calculate the depth of the original lot: 36,000 ÷ 180 = 200; Next, calculate the front footage of the side lots using the area: 19,000 ÷ 200 = 95. Total up the front footage dimensions: 95 + 180 + 95 = 370 total front footage

If a borrower's monthly interest payment on an interest-only loan at an annual interest rate of 7.3% is $877, how much was the loan amount (rounded to the nearest hundred)?

First, since all interest computations are calculated annually, multiply $877 x 12 = $10,524; Then, $10,524 ÷ 0.073 = $144,200

What is 25% converted to a decimal?

Move the decimal point to the left two spaces, 25% becomes 0.25

What is the number one rule of adjusting properties when using the sales comparison approach to value?

Never adjust the subject property The primary rule when using the sales comparison approach is to never adjust the subject property.

What is the volume of a 90' x 20' x 12' house?

The formula for volume is L x W x D. 90' x 20' x 12' = 21,600 cu/ft

If a square-shaped lot measures 125' on one side, what is the square footage of the lot?

The formula to calculate square footage is L x W. Since each side of a square is of equal length and each side measures 125', multiply 125' x 125', which equals 15,625 square feet.

Amy agreed to a contract price of $100,000 for a home and secured a mortgage loan for $80,000. If the appraised value is $110,000, what is the loan to value ratio?

The lender will use the lesser of the contract price or the appraised value. $80,000 loan ÷ $100,000 contract price = 0.80, which is an 80% LTV.

How many acres are there in the N ½ of the NE ¼ and the NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of a section?

There are two parcels in this question. N ½ of the NE ¼ is 2 x 4 = 8; 640 ÷ 8 = 80 acres; NE ¼ of the SE ¼ is 4 x 4 = 16; 640 ÷ 16 = 40 acres; 80 acres + 40 acres = 120 acres.

In which case may a commercial real estate licensee be allowed to substitute training in other state and federal discrimination laws for fair housing continuing education?

after submitting a notarized affidavit stating that he does not and will not practice residential real estate to the board

Under the Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act, landlords are allowed to charge an application fee to a prospective tenant. If a rental agreement is not made, ___.

and the fee exceeds $32, and the property is not rented, the refund will be all fees in excess of the expenses and damages. The fee must be refunded within 10 days, unless paid by check (in which case it has to be refunded by 20 days)

The broker's records should include:

any funds received, and the source of those funds the date the funds were received the date of the deposit of the funds

A _____ firm license is one in which any corporation, LLC, association, or non-broker owner sole proprietorship must have a Virginia real estate firm license.

business entity

Once a contract is ratified, any earnest money or down payments MUST be put into the escrow account by the end of the _____ , unless otherwise agreed to in writing.

fifth business banking day

Every Virginia Broker must have a place of business:

in VA

All advertising must be done:

in the name of the firm

____ leases have "automatic renewal" clauses, stating that the lease will automatically renew with the same terms unless one of the parties notifies the other party in writing within a specified number of days before the termination of the lease.


If a licensee is selling his own property, he must clearly disclose that he is licensed in the following media:

newspaper advertisements signage on the property

What percentage of licensing fees paid in Virginia are refundable:


If a person has passed the state exam, and does not apply for a license within the time allotted by the law he/she must

retake and pass the exam again

What immediately happens to funds in an escrow account if the transaction is not consummated?

they remain in escrow for the time being

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