REL 101- Midterm

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cermonial washings

Ablutions are _____.


Olmec culture belongs to _____.


The founder of Jainism is _____.


in religious traditions, ritual often functions to act out or dramatize the foundational stories of that particular religious tradition

is the main way we give ourselves to each other and from bonds of friendship and love

in their discussion about the role of story in human life in the video series "convergence" Phyllis tickle and don miller concluded that telling one's story


many religions have as part of their ensemble of worship or ceremonial and ritual practices a kind of symbolic reenactment of the creation or origins of life and the universe


many ritual gestures are so familiar and so frequently used that their significance can easily be overlooked


modern notions of the word "myth" indicate something that is false; but when used int he context of religious language, myth does not mean something that is false. instead the term myth when used in a religious context refers to a narrative which conveys perception of deep and abiding truths about sacred reality or God and the human condition


most of the linguistic styles or genres in sacred texts like the Bible employ straightforward didactic or scientific writing


rituals are ceremonial acts or repeated stylized gestures used for specific occasions and often employed in everyday life

actually participate in the reality to which they point and are more enduring than doctrinal or credal statements

rooted in the thinking and research of scholar Paul Tillich, one could say that symbols and symbolic affections


strictly speaking ritual is limited to religious events and ceremonies

False Cause

"I failed the math test because my teacher doesn't like girls" is an example of the fallacy called _____.


Each of the following is a branch of Jainism, except for _____.


Each of the following is a school of Mahayana Buddhism, except _____.


Each of the following is one of the "Three Jewels" of Buddhism, except _____.


Each of the following items is a type of yoga, except for _____.


Islam became a dominating force in the culture of India by the _____century CE.

Holy Death

Sallekhana refers to the Jain practice of _____.

initmate and personal

Sikhism promotes the idea that a relationship with God is _____.

16th century CE

Sikhism's origin may be dated from the _____.

the lowest class of untouchables

Sudra refers to the Hindu Caste associated with _____.


The principle of logic stating that a self-refuting statement cannot be true is called "The Law of _____."


"A dog is a mammal belonging to the canine species" is an example of a/an _____ claim.


"All Indians walk single-file" is an example of the fallacy called _____.

Buddha's first sermon

"Dhamma Day" in Theravedic Buddhism is a holy day in Buddhism, celebrating _____.

nature and conditioning

"Don't tell me I'm wrong to think that all white people are racists. It's the way I was raised" is an example of moral and ethical decision-making based on _____.

personal, subjective intuition

"Dropping out of school is a good idea. I just feels in my bones that it is right for me" is an example of moral and ethical decision-making based on _____.


"Everyone should support federal funding for the fine arts" is an example of a/an _____ claim.

external, objective revelation

"God has shown me that I should love other people" is an example of moral and ethical decision-making based on _____.


"I passed the final exam in chemistry because good fortune smiled upon me" is an example of a/an _____ claim.

Appeal to Authority

"Lady Gaga says that Coca Cola is the best soda. It must be the best soft-drink on the market. That's all I'm drinking from now on" is an example of the fallacy called _____.


"Love means never having to say you are sorry" is an example of a/an _____ claim.

Argument from Analogy

"Schools are like prisons. Therefore, students should be treated like inmates" is an example of the fallacy called _____.

Majority rule

"Since most of my friends think sex before marriage is a good idea, that's what I am going to do, as well" is an example of moral and ethical decision-making based on _____.


"The universe will continue to expand forever" is an example of a/an _____ claim.

has the capability of directly connecting with the spirit world

A shaman is someone who supposedly _____.

right warfare

According to Buddha each of the following is one component of the "Noble Eight-fFold Path," except _____.

suffering is an illusion

According to Buddha life's the "Four Noble Truths" include each of the following, except for _____.


According to Buddha the human dilemma of ignorance is best understood as _____.

Siddhartha Gautama

According to legend the founder of Buddhism is _____.


According to tradition Buddha left home to seek answers at age _____.

Argument Against the Man

Adolph Hitler contributed to the design of the Volkswagon automobile. He was a heartless dictator. That car can't be any good" is an example of the fallacy _____.


An enlightened individual who chooses to remain in this world in order to help others in their journeys toward Nirvana are called _____.

the veneration of ancestors

An important component of the primal, indigenous religions of Korea and Japan is _____.

ultimate compassion

Avalokiteshvara is the name associated with the Buddha of _____.


Brahman, the highest Hindu social caste, is associated with _____.

5th century BCE

Buddhism likely began in the _____.


Central America is known for each of the following primal, indigenous religions, except _____.

North American Puebloan Culture

Chaco Canyon is associated with _____.


Christianity and the story of Jesus Christ became influential in the culture of India by the _____ century CE.

a beautiful woman

Each of the following was seen by Buddha when he left his home to explore the world, except for _____.

Indus River Valley

Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro are examples of _____ civilization.

the 6th century BCE

Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism all began approximately in _____.

non-attachment to the world

In Jainism aparigraha refers to the doctrine of _____.


In Jainism each of the following is accepted as scripture, or sacred literature, except for _____.

the two realities of "soul" and "non-soul"

In Jainism jiva and ajiva refer to _____.


In Jainism the doctrine of non-harm is called _____.


In Jainism the idea that everything (including people, animals, plants, and inanimate objects) has life or spirit within is called _____.


In Jainism transcendent humans who have guided mankind in its development toward the highest plain of existence, the plain of pure spirit, have appeared throughout history from a time in the remote and distant past are called _____.

5 K's

In Sikhism the symbols and principles of dedication and service are called the _____.

spirit beings taking human or animal form

In primal, indigenous religions "Skin-Walkers" refer to _____.

South America

Incan culture belongs to _____.

uncreated, and self-existing

Jainism asserts that the universe is _____.

he proclaimed himself to be the divine, the very Son of God

Jesus of Nazareth is unique among all other religious founders because:


Mahayana Buddhism emphasizes _____ as the key to enlightenment.


Mahayana Buddhism holds a _____ view of human nature.


Primal, indigenous religions are generally _____.


Rites of passage include each of the following items, except _____.


Sikh men take the name Singh which means _____.

Hinduism and Islam

Sikhism began as a attempt to resolve conflicts between _____.


Sikhism can be described as _____.


Stephen Jay Gould and Richard Dawkins have dismissed religion as merely a human fabrication. since the publication of their books most scholars of religion have come to agree with their forceful and negative critique of religion


Tantric Sex is most closely associated with _____ Buddhism.

Australian aborigines

The "Dreaming" or "Dream-Time" is associated with the culture of the _____.


The "plumed serpent god" of Aztec culture is known as _____.

West Africa

The "spirit spouse" is an important component of the primal, indigenous religions of _____.


The Buddha's symbolic gestures of enlightenment and power are called _____.


The Dalai Lama is most closely identified with _____ Buddhism.

Puebloan Culture

The Great Mound Builders in Native American Culture include each of the following, except _____.

Brahma, Vishnu, & Shiva

The Hindu Trimurti is comprised of _____.


The Hindu approach to deity is best described as _____.


The Vedas include each of the following texts, except _____.


The analysis and study of "complexity, form, and function" is called _____.


The analysis of "being, existence, and essence" is related to the area of study called _____.


The bracelet worn by Sikh men which represents strength and commitment is called a/an _____.


The concept of liberation, transcendence, and enlightenment is called _____.


The founder of Sikhism is _____.

Bhagava Gita

The heroic epic of Hindu literature telling the story of Arjuna and Krishna is called the _____.


The idea that the empirical/physical world is an illusion is called _____.


The law of retribution, or cause and effect, is known as _____.


The path of following right thought and action is called _____.


The principle of logic stating that a thing exists as "unique" with specific "particulars" which are cannot be fully applied to any other thing is called the "The Law of _____."


The principle of logic stating that two claims which are direct opposites cannot both be true is called "The Law of _____."


The principle of logic stating that two opposing claims must be judged by the same criteria is called "The Law of _____."


The reincarnation wheel/cycle is called _____.


The sacred Hindu text detailing the feud between the Pandava and Kaurava families is called the _____.

Adi Granth

The scripture, or sacred writing, of Sikhism is the _____.


The sword used for defensive purposes in Sikhism is called a/an _____.

oral tradition

The transmission of religious beliefs and practices in primal, indigenous religions was primarily achieved through _____.


The ultimate goal of Hinduism which involves renunciation of worldly things in order to focus on spiritual contemplation is called _____.

the ritualism of the Brahmin priesthood

Theraveda Buddhism rejects _____.

Sri Lanka

Theravedic Buddhism is primarily centered in _____.

Northwest Native American Culture

Totem Poles are often associated with _____.

"Diamond Vehicle"

Vijrayana Buddhism is also known as ____ Buddhism.

Aesthetic Expression

Which of the following has not been a catalyst for change in primal, indigenous religions?


Which of the following is not a goddess consort associated with the Hindu Trimurti?

the "gods" are merely symbolic representations of heroic humans

Which of the following is not an element of many primal, indigenous religions?


Which of the following is not included among the Oceanic cultures?

Only men can be gurus.

Which of the following items does not apply to being a Hindu guru?

Australian Aboriginal Culture

Which of the following primal, indigenous religions did not engage in human sacrifice?

someone chosen by God to relay God's message to others

a prophet is


a refusal to perform a ritual or to perform it properly can be a sign of protest


a ritual that might otherwise be taken for granted becomes suddenly noticed when someone fails to perform it or perform it properly

a person who has discovered some unique truth or truths about existence and who has shared these insights with others either in writings or in personal instruction or both

a sage is


according to the author of your text, religions are formed, at least in part, because primitive people did not have the advantage of the empirical sciences to explain the natural phenomena that overwhelmed them


because the sacred is "set off" from ordinary experience, religious renditions often employ paradoxical and or metaphorical language to express what stye mean by the sacred or God


customs surrounding the use of the flag in the United States and almost every other country are important but would not be considered rituals


even something that seems so ordinary like shaking hands is actually a form of ritual


in dealing with the development and formation of a religion, story functions to give expression to and integrate religious experience into a unified whole leading to a shared sense of the sacred, a shared sense of the meaning of life, and common grounds for morality and ethics; and thus within a religious tradition story draws people together into community, providing necessary social bonding that people long for


in his chapter on the language of the scared, Lawrence Cunningham demonstrates how easy it is to name and describe the sacred or the experiences of the sacred human language false

exodus event Haggadah

the celebration of the Jewish Passover is an important ritual. In it they commemorate the ___________ ____________. During the event, the youngest person present asks why the meal is eaten. The answer comes in the form of a reading from the _____________.


the distinction between "the religious and secular" or "the sacred and profane" is a product of the scholarship of modern western culture, especially that of anthropology. but many of the cultures they study do not, in and of themselves have such a distinction. for these cultures, attention to the sacred or acts of worship are woven into the fabric of ordinary life


the fact that we cam now more or less trace the origins and developmental stages of religious traditions give scholars of religion a better understanding of each religion they ware attempting to understand and critically assess


the process of seeking to understand our origins and the origin of our universe often gives rise to religious belief and practice that satisfies our human need for meaning and belonging


to understand the truth that religious myths intend to convey, the reader must ask the question, "what notions of sacred reality and its relationship to human being and the world like embedded within this story?"


two types of stories that are often employed in religious literature are the parable and the allegory. parables are stories in which the characters and incidents represent figures and events not really part of the story; allegories on the other hand are usually fictional stories in which the narrative thrust is to make a point often by some surprising twist that arrests the hearer of the story and causes them to think of something in a new way


understood property, there really is no conflict between modern scientific theories about the origins of the universe- like the "Big Bang" theory and religious creation myths like the genesis creation story. this is because scientific. theories are attempting to answer questions about "how the world works;" whereas religious ethos and foundational narratives are attempting to answer the question, :why is the world here at all"


whether we like it or not, participating in ritual is part of human life. no person who lives in human society is free from some form of ritual true

to give an empirically accurate account of events that took place in the past so that the members of a give religious tradition can know the full truth

which of the following is NOT one of the functions of "story" in religious traditions:

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