Rel 250 Final

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Three of the instances in which Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith in modern times

First Vision- Savior's death is important to Him personally Kirkland Temple- Jesus personally accepted the Kirkland temple Vision w/ Sidney rigdon- resurrection- right hand of the Father- He lives!

Sermon of Christ's (Olivet Discourse)

- Second Coming and how His disciples can faithfully wait for it

2 corinthians-

3rd mission- had rebuked them in a previous letter, now they felt godly sorrow and repented

Know who (in order) conquered the Jews during this time

Assyria, Babalon, Persia

How a knowledge and testimony of the Savior's Resurrection can bring profound peace when we deal with death

We will all be resurrected

The names of the twelve men chosen by Jesus as His original Twelve Apostles

NOT Luke- Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Lebbaeus, Simon, Judas Iscariot

Explore how you can participate with Jesus Christ in gathering Israel today.

"Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that. Missionary and temple work

What is Luke trying to teach us about Jesus and ourselves through The Good Samaritan?

"Go and do likewise" Love God, and love your neighbor.

The variety of Christian perspectives surrounding the Fall of Adam and Eve

"In our increasingly secular society, it is as uncommon as it is unfashionable to speak of Adam and Eve or the Garden of Eden or of a 'fortunate fall' into mortality. Nevertheless, the simple truth is that we cannot fully comprehend the Atonement and Resurrection of Christ and we will not adequately appreciate the unique purpose of His birth or His death . . . without understanding that there was an actual Adam and Eve who fell from an actual Eden, with all the consequences that fall carried with it." Most religions, especially creedal Christianity, believe and express the idea that 'there was nothing fortunate about the fall of man. It was a total tragedy for God and man.'"

The three most common historical settings in which we can interpret Isaiah's prophecies

"Isaiah's day or the circumstances of the next generation." "in the meridian of time," meaning the first century AD when Jesus and His Apostles lived. "the events attending the Second Coming of the Savior." Since we live in the latter days, this interpretive approach brings things right to us!

The seven statements of Jesus Christ on the cross and their possible meanings

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Totally alone and abandoned on the cross- He knows how that feels so we can reach out to Him Found in Matthew and Mark "Father, forgive them


"to lead out of"- let the meaning come "out" of the scriptures to you- original context—what did the original author mean when they spoke to the original audience? Read in context, helps unify scriptural meaning Understanding the message based on context "Ex" = context

The Temptations tie to OT

- Jesus in the desert for 40 days parallels the Israelits in the desert for 40 years

Jesus' Baptism tie to OT

- John the baptist is compared to Elijah

Good Samaritan found in

- Luke

Lazarus and the Rich Man found in

- Luke

Prodigal Son found in

- Luke

Laborers in the Vineyard found in

- Matthew

The Unmerciful Servant found in

- Matthew

Parable of the Sower found in

- all 3

Parables of the ten virgins, the talents, the sheep and the goats

- all given at Olivet discourse Ten virgins- prepare spiritually for the second coming Talents- we are accountable to the Lord for what we have done with spiritual gifts. He will reward us for developing those gifts Sheep and goats- the Lord will judge each of us. Those who have faithfully served their fellowman will sit on His right hand- sheep on His right hand, goats on the left

Harmony approach

- combining all the stories to get a full picture- If we try to blend together the different voices, there's inevitably things that we'll lose from doing that.

Matthew 18

- discourse on the church- Leadership in the kingdom will rely on childlike humility. The Savior calls on His disciples to not allow one of God's children to be lost and to exercise forgiveness with each other if they are to be members of His kingdom.

President Nelson's encouragement to focus on Christ the person instead of the Atonement

- it is not an entity with its own power.


- synopsis is where you take an individual story, and then read side-by-side and compare what Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John say about the same story. Find similarities and differences- similarities/differences lead to great spiritual discoveries harder to do- effort to match up account side-by-side

The Sermon on the Mount

- the Lord's moral teachings in which He exhorts His followers to live righteous, kingdom-focused lives focused on heavenly rewards rather than earthly gain.

Corinthians letter

-Resurrection- corinthians- all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive

Matthew 10

-mission discourse or little commission (according to wikipedia) A discourse in which the twelve disciples are chosen and commissioned by Jesus to minister to and teach the Jewish people. He gives them power and authority to perform miracles and also gives them particular instructions related to the purpose of their mission.

Matthew 13

-parabolic discourse- Jesus teaches about the coming of the kingdom of God using parables—real life stories with veiled meanings. All believers are called to participate with Him in bringing the kingdom to its fullness.

Review the commission Christ gave to Abraham and his descendants to share the covenant with all the world

. Christ also gave Abraham and Sarah and their descendants the specific responsibility to be the ones to share the covenant and all its blessings from that time forth. Forever after, Christ's program for sharing His gifts with all people of the earth would be intertwined with the destiny of Abraham and Sarah's posterity

Which followers of Jesus were present at His Crucifixion

3 Marys (mother of James, Magdalene, mother of Jesus), Salome, women from Galilee Matt- Mary Mag and Mary mother of James Mark- Salome, Mary mother of James, Mary Mag Luke- women form Galilee John- Mary, mother of Jesus, Mary Mag

How long did Christ remain with the apostles after his resurrection

40 days


: "to lead into"- put your own ideas, interpretations, and concerns "into" the scriptures- primarily concerned with your own context. Make old scriptures relevant and fresh again Personal application "I so" need this

Core doctrine

: Unchanging doctrine (Baptism is necessary)

Supportive doctrine

: elaborative, descriptive, timely teachings expanding on core doctrine


: greek-like culture blending with local cultures

Policy doctrine

: timely statements related to applications of supportive and eternal teachings.

Esoteric doctrine

: unknown or only partially revealed or yet to be revealed truths

Review some of Jesus' final teachings from John

A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another as I have loved you, that you also love one another Serve- washing their feet "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." He's about to do that. But I think often in our lives, we can show our love for others connecting that with the selfless service we've been describing in very simple ways.

Also - pay attention to when the lesson notes how restoration scriptures (Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith Translation, etc.) expounds on the above stories

Alma- know how to succor His people (temptations) Baptism- restoration scripture teaches what baptism should mean for us D&C- how Jesus came to a realization of who He was when He was baptized- grace for grace

Basic elements of Israelite history that are particularly relevant in the book of Isaiah

About a thousand years before Jesus was born, all the Israelite tribes were united as a single country ruled by a single king—first Saul, then David, and finally Solomon. However, after Solomon died, this united kingdom split into two separate countries, each ruled by its own kings. 2 countries called Israel and Judah Capital of Israel- Samaria Capital of Judah Jerusalem Frenemies Israel destroyed, Judah almost destroyed Assyrian empire- vassal state- pay lots of taxes- they didnt like that so they rebelled- because of wickedness, Israel was destroyed Babylonian Empire Defeated the assyrians, but then made Judah a vassal- Babylonians destroyed Judah and they were exiled- what Lehi warned them would happen if they did not repent Persian empire Played nicer, they still paid taxes, but let them return home

The early church as outlined in Acts 1-8

Acts 1: Mathias is called Acts 2: pentecost- 50 days after passover- Holy Ghost given to the apostles- they speak in tongues- gift of tongues is to speak to foreigners Peter's discourse: Jesus was the Son of God, suffered and died to save mankind, condemned, rose again from the dea, ascended to heaven, people should act in response to this knowledge (repent and be baptized) Apostles arrested and persecuted for preaching Stephen was the first martyr Gospel starts to grow

The key events relating to the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness, their significance for Jesus's ministry, and their significance for Christian discipleship

After his baptism and revelatory clarity, He leaves to the desert where He struggles various temptations for 40 days Had to come to terms with His revelations and what each temptation meant Parallels with Moses and the Israelites facing temptations in the desert for 40 years If you really are the Son of God, prove it- who do you think you are?- Satan's words to Jesus while tempting Him Jesus is legitimately tempted- can I do it? Should I do it? Turn these rocks into bread Pinnacle of the temple- throw yourself off and the angels will catch you- Jesus quotes scripture that you should not tempt God (Deut.) Goes back to desert, Satan shows Him a vision of the glories of the kingdoms of Earth- this is what you could have if you worship me We experience the same pattern: revelation, followed by doubt/ temptation Jesus knows what it's like to be tempted and face human affliction bread , jump off temple, glories of the kingdoms- Jesus knows what its like to be tempted- this was a time for Him to ponder His epiphany at His baptism- 40 days like 40 years of Moses and Israelites

Jesus Christ himself speaks many powerful words throughout the Doctrine and Covenants

All that receive the gospel are His sons and daughters Crucified, advocates for us to the Father Look unto me in every thought, - behold the wounds

The grammatical and theological meaning behind the phrase "the Lord" in the King James Version of the Old Testament

Although the ancient Israelites commonly spoke the name Yahweh, in the centuries between the Old and New Testaments, Jews came to believe that the name was too sacred to say out loud. Because the name Yahweh appears 6,828 times in the original Hebrew of the Old Testament, many Jews began to substitute the Hebrew title adonai, meaning "lord" or "master," whenever they came to the name Yahweh. The small capitals serve as a code from the translators, letting you know that the Hebrew behind this phrase is not adonai but rather Yahweh. When the Hebrew really does use the title adonai, the King James Version spells "lord" with normal, lowercase letters. Hannah is addressing the high priest Eli, and out of respect she addresses him as adonai, or "lord." Later, she refers to God by His name Yahweh. Lord in small capitals means that the original Hebrew had the divine name Jehovah, not the title Lord.


Associate them with the dead sea scrolls from the Dead Sea Scrolls and from the writings of Josephus, the Essenes were a group of temple priests who believed that the Jerusalem temple had fallen into a state of apostasy. Separated themselves from the Jerusalem temple, went to the Dead Sea to Qumran Opposed to Jerusalem leadership and temple Waited for the day when God would start an apocalyptic war and send 2 Messianic figures to cleanse the Jerusalem temple and society and return legitimate priests back to their position as administrators of the temple Mission statement- ministry of John the Baptist

Understand some of the more difficult concepts surrounding the miracles found in Matthew 8-9

Another way to think of the miracles in the synoptic Gospels is as being presented as enacted parables of the kingdom. Categories of these enacted parables include the following: nature miracles (withering the fig tree, feeding multitudes, calming storms, walking on water . . . all of which show God's power and presence in the kingdom) exorcism miracles (showing the diminishing of Satan's kingdom and the establishment of God's kingdom on the earth) the healing miracles (showing the renewal of life and creation that will attend the kingdom) miracles with social implications (anytime He touches an unclean person, showing the nature of God's kingdom in terms of fellowship, etc., in contrast to other contemporary visions of God's community) He healed people who didn't fit in with Jewish laws/ customs (lepers, gentiles, those selling pigs against Mosaic law, etc.) He mixes with unclean things


Asks Jesus how can a grown person be born again, Jesus answers born of water and the spirit (baptism!) Nicodemus still is caught up in that one verse- Jesus is like are you really a priest/ teacher to so many and you don't understand this small idea? Related the story to Moses and the Serpent cause its what Nicodemus knows (Law of Moses and all that) When people are guilty they avoid light- come into the light and let yourself be healed by the Savior

What Jesus teaches about baptism, the sacrament, and prayer

Baptism: its important- come unto me to be baptized- in my name Witness to God and the public of repentance and committing to follow Jesus Sacrament: new ordinance- look back on Christ's atonement External: in remembrance of Jesus's body and blood Internal: eating His body and drinking His blood Remembrance of His sacrifice and celebration of his triumph over death Prayer:

What it means to be a child of Christ according to the Doctrine and Covenants

Be born again spiritually- He is the Father of our spiritual rebirth

Understand the Sermon on the Mount in its first-century Jewish context and identify how to apply its principles in our day

Beatitudes (blessed are the) and the mission of the Savior's disciples Identifies hypocrisies and outlines general guidelines for disciples of Christ Hungry and thirsty- lots of poor Jews listening Persecuted for righteousness's sake- they were waiting for a Messiah to save them from the oppression Salts- used it to soak up the earth- you can be used by Christ but you need to remain untainted by the world

Gain a better understanding of Paul in his scriptural, doctrinal, and historical setting

Because he is a roman citizen and bilingual, Paul leads the ministry to the gentiles, peter to the jews Paul confronts Peter about leaving from dining with the gentiles when the jews show up- lose-lose situation for Peter Served 3 missions

How New Testament writers (including Paul and the authors of the Gospel of John, the Book of Revelation, and the Letter to the Hebrews) found meaning in Jesus's death by comparing it the atoning sacrifice of animals in the Jerusalem temple

Because of animal sacrifices to atone for their sins before Christ's death- His atonement replaced that- He was the ultimate sacrificial atonement Connects Him to the passover lamb- lamb that would die to provide Israel with redemption/ escapre from slavery i egypt Hyssop branch- when Christ says He is thirsty they dip one in wine and raise it to Jesus's lips so that He could drink from it- Israelites applied the blood in the same way to their door posts Bodies off the cross, Roman soldiers broke the legs of victims to expedite their deaths- didn't need to with Christ because He had already died- died with no broken bones- passover lamb was supposed to be slaughtered with no broken bones When Jesus is being assigned to the cross, passover lambs were being prepared to be sacrificed

Why Jesus Christ sometimes must judge and destroy the wicked

Because of their wickedness and abominations that they are fallen- that the blood of the prophets shall not come up any more unto me against them

Which of the parables we covered are found in which gospels

Book of John has no true parables Mark has one parable unique to his gospel- Mat and Luke used Mark's gospel as the basis for their writing Luke: good samaritan, prodigal son, Lazarus and the rich man Mark:the seed growing secretly (didn't talk about this one) Matthew: laborers in the vineyard, unmerciful servant, All 3: Sower

Understand the Savior's regard for the Law of Moses and in what ways He created a higher law for His disciples

Can you see that the Savior, He's turning the Mosaic Law and saying, let's focus on your inward spirituality more and less on your outward religious behavior.

Which group of people were the Savior's principal opponents in His capture and trial

Chief priests

Jesus feeds the five thousand

Christ can make more of us that we are- sometimes we feel small

The importance of the name "Jesus Christ"

Christ=the anointed one- Jesus was called Christ because His Father commissioned Him with power and authority to be our Savior

Godly Sorrow

Come to the realization that you have offended God - worketh repentance to salvation- inspires change and hope through the atonement

How the sacrament relates to an older covenant

Covenant that the Israelites make with God after Moses received the ten commandments Moses sprinkles blood on the people- blood of the old covenant Shedding His blood (sacrament) is the blood of the new covenant

Jesus walks on water

Demonstrates His power over the elements - OT states that Messiah would have power over elements. Christ has overcome the world spiritually and physically and controls the destiny of the earth and can therefore calm "the tumult of the people"

The differences between the Pearl of Great Price's Creation story and Genesis

Did you notice what the Holy Ghost said to Adam and Eve? He said, "You have fallen, but you can be redeemed. There is hope for you." it weren't for our transgression, "we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient." The Savior was chosen as the central figure in the plan from the beginning

How to personally prepare yourself to meet the Savior

Doing things that invite the Holy Ghost into our lives Doing good with the gifts and opportunities the Lord has given us Caring for those around us who are in need

What does the Kirtland Temple have to do with the Abrahamic Covenant?

During the dedication the keys of the gathering of Israel and the commission given to Abraham to bless everyone were restored- D&C 110:11-12- Joseph and Oliver's vision

the Covenant Code

Exodus 20-23, in context of Moses's ascent to Mount Sinai are often used for divine decrees, are presented as unconditional, and often lack a penalty (such as "honor thy father and thy mother" or "thou shalt not steal") set out a general precept and then provide varying cases that determine whether the individual's behavior is allowed (such as "if a man shall steal an ox, he shall restore five oxen") Marginalized groups such as the poor, widows, orphans, refugees, and non-Israelites

Four Parts of Gospel According to 3 Nephi 27

Faith Repentance Baptism Gift of the Holy Ghost Enduring to the End Final Judgment

The events that will precede and culminate with the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

False Christs, coming afflictions and persecutions, a general lack of love, false prophets Dramatic and the whole world will recognize it The elect of God will be able to discern the signs of the times and when they see certain signs happening, they will know the second coming is very near.- like when leaves bud on a fig tree summer is near The preaching of the gospel will go to the ends of the earth Days of noah and right before second coming- dramatic event occurs, despite warnings many are caught off guard

Understand the Bread of Life Sermon found in John 6 and its implications in Jesus's ministry

Foreshadowing of the institution of the sacrament Weeded out the people who were just there for a meal- Peter says where else shall we go? You have the words of eternal life

What is Luke trying to teach us about Jesus and ourselves through Raising the dead son of the widow back to life

Fulfillment of the "coming one" to bring good news to the poor through teachings and miracles Shows Jesus's compassion He lived the Law of Moses by caring for her, even though by touching her dead son He was ritually unclean- juxtaposition

Three unique aspects of the Gospel of Matthew

Fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy, connection between Moses and Jesus, connection between Jesus Christ and David.


Gardener throws seeds. Some seeds get eaten by birds (those who didn't understand the message at all), some fell onto stony ground and the sun scorched them ( those who endure for a while but don't when persecutions hit), some fell among thorns and the thorns took their nourishment (those who give their time and energy to unimportant things), some got good soil and were nourished(understood what they were hearing, endured)

The portrayal of Jesus's birth in the Gospel of Luke (chapters 1-2), which presents Jesus as the Savior of the world

Gentiles and second-class citizens were his audience themes of universal salvation and compassion to the outcasts, and Jesus as the manifestation of God's love for all humanity Takes the geneology all the way back to Adam- part of larger human family Emphasis on Mary Angel Gabriel appears to her Sings Magnificat when she goes to visit her cousin Elizabeth The one that most families read during Christmas Area should be taxed, so mary and joseph have to return to Bethlehem Probably actually were going to stay with extended family- but there were so many of them there is no room to have a baby Emphasizes that He was born and laid in a manger Sheperds Hints that Jesus is the Lamb of God Baby presented at temple They leave bethlehem and Jesus grows in wisdom and stature

message of Good samaritan

Go and do thou likewise

What instructions does Jesus leave His apostles after His Resurrection? (review Matthew and John's accounts)

Go and teach the nations, baptizing them

What the Gospel authors teach about Christ's experience in Gethsemane

Go to the garden, cold, christ goes off to pray asks the cup to be taken from Him- not my will but Thine- shows meekness and submission (not recorded in John) Peter, James, and John fall asleep Suffers for every sin and infirmity, bleeds from every pore, an angel appears to comfort Him (only in Luke) In john doesn't show Jesus's struggle/ human side- they all fall down astonished when He says His name Judas betrays Him with a kiss, Peter cuts off the ear of one of the guys and Jesus heals him (only heals in Luke)

What does Joseph F. Smith have to do with our knowledge of the Spirit World?

Got revelations that the righteous, including the great people in the scriptures were preaching the gospel to the dead

The main role of Aaronic priests and High priests in ancient Israel

Group of hereditary priests- mediators between Israel and God- tribe of Levi was set apart to be these mediators- Levites were temple servants Aaronic high priests- those who descended from Aaron's firstborn- oversaw all of this

Art and media

Has a variety in ways to depict Christ Artists share testimony of Christ through their work Pay attention to words while singing- find Christ in music

the subsequent rule of the Hasmonean dynasty over Judea (which would be an independent Jewish state until a few decades before Jesus's birth)

Hasmoneans gained their independence, but adopted hellenistic ideals which was disappointing for traditionalist Jews, but they were still happy to have their own state Hasmonians started conquering and spreading- colonized Galilee region

Explain how Christ sends His everlasting covenant to all the earth by giving it to some people who then share it with others.

He gives the everlasting covenant to some people and ask them to go and share that covenant with everyone else on the Earth. Sent the Holy Ghost, angels and prophets to share the good tidings of His coming those who have the covenants offered through Jesus Christ are the instruments by which "the residue of men"—everyone else on earth—can develop faith in Christ and partake in the covenants He wants everyone to have. Abraham's posterity

What 3 Nephi teaches about Jesus Christ's resurrected body

He had the form of a human being, dressed in white with the appearance of an angel, marks on hands, feet, and side, tangible body Wounds in His side- empathy- He had suffered just as they do They too can overcome their trials

The key events and developments relating to the Roman rule of Judea and the basic cultural landscape of Roman Palestine as the context for Jesus's teachings and activities in these settings

Hellenistic culture in Jesus's time Greek-speaking wealthy Jews- scriptures written in Greek Judea and nationalism ideas flourished in Jesus's time Farming and fishing families met Jesus

What is Hellenism and how did it impact the Jewish lifestyle?

Hellenization: greek-like culture blending with local cultures Can Jews still be Jews and accept Hellenization? Can they still be holy or set apart? Started speaking Greek- Torah was translated to Greek Wealthy families accepted it in big cities- traditionalists/smaller towns rejected it

message of the Laborers

Holland: We aren't racing to see who gets there first His concern is for the faith at which you finally arrive, not the hour of the day in which you got there Oaks: What is essential is that our labors in the workplace of the Lord have caused us to become something- instead of judging others, be concerned for ourselves Some will come to Christ later than others, we are all equally worthy of salvation- be happy for them not jealous or upset

Why the death and Resurrection of Jesus are central to Christianity

If Christ had not risen, our preaching would be in vain- its the cornerstone of CHristianity

Jesus heals a blind man

If Jesus can heal eyes, He can restore our physical bodies in this life and in the next Jesus commanded the man to go to Siloam to wash- Siloam=Shiloh= Jehovah

How the miracles found in Matthew 8-9 show Christ's love and also confirm to the author's first-century Jewish audience that Jesus is the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament.

In the first 7 chapters, the writer of the Gospel of Matthew has paralleled the life of Jesus to the life of Moses- instead of chronological order of Jesus's time A key purpose of the Gospel of Matthew is to emphasize Jesus as the fulfillment of prophecies made by ancient Israelite prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Micah. in the next two chapters, we read of Jesus' saving ministry to the people—healing them both physically and spiritually.

How to learn about Jesus Christ as you interpret Isaiah in different historical settings

Isaiah's time: how He acts as Jehovah Meridian of times- His mortal ministry- look for types and shadows Our day- His work right now and future reign as King- liken historical patterns

One possible meaning of "Barabbas" as well as the first name of Barabbas as given in some ancient manuscripts

Jesus Barabbas- it was a common name then "Barabbas" could refer to Bar Abba, literally meaning "son of the father." Perhaps Matthew is trying to stress that the people had a choice between "Jesus, son of the father" and "Jesus son of the Father."

What important signs and teachings did Christ give the Lehites?

Jesus Christ saves people in groups, not just individually He is active in history Knew about the great apostasy and prepared for the latter-day Restoration The great issue of the last days is whether people will follow Jesus Christ

The metaphors of sacrificial atonement and priestly mediation that derive from the rituals and priesthood of the ancient Jerusalem temple

Jesus as the redeemer- redeemer was someone who bought a slave out of slavery- He buys us back out of our sins and sets us free Jesus as our Savior- a hero who fended off enemies and protected us at the cost of his own life- like Greco-roman heroes of that era Atoning sacrifice for humanity Mediation between God and humanity as our great High Priest Temple is where God dwells and is the meeting place between heaven and earth

Organization of the Church tie to OT

Jesus calls 12 apostles- a very significant and symbolic number in the OT (12 tribes, Moses set apart 12 princes)- Jesus is hoping to reconstitute Israel Also calls 70- Moses called 70 elders, 70 Gentile nations in Genesis 10

How Jesus Christ defined His Gospel to His disciples in the New World

Jesus came down to do the will of the Father, died on the cross to draw us unto Him

Who created the earth and why it was created

Jesus created the earth under God's direction- to put the plan of salvation in motion

Woman at the well

Jesus goes through Samaria because He doesn't care about Jewish prejudices Comes in the middle of the day to the well, some think she is avoiding social interaction "Where's your bucket to get water? Are you greater than our father Abraham?" Jesus doesn't answer this question but instead talks about the living water that He offers Shes interested but thinks its actual physical water He finds out that she is sinning in her life benign unmarried- she calls Him a prophet Asks Him if He is the Messiah- he says yes Woman becomes a missionary

Jesus heals a crippled man

Jesus has the power to correct false religious traditions. He publicly exposed and dispelled false traditions

Miracles specific to Luke

Jesus heals a crippled woman First miraculous catch of fish Jesus Heals a Man With Dropsy on the Sabbath Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers Jesus Heals a Servant's Severed Ear Jesus raises a widow's son in Nain

Miracles specific to Mark

Jesus heals a deaf and dumb man Jesus heals a blind man and Bethsaida

Miracles specific to Matthew

Jesus heals two blind men Miraculous Temple Tax in a Fish's Mouth Jesus Heals a Man Unable to Speak

Did Jesus perform miracles on behalf of both Jews and Gentiles, or Jews only? What might we learn from this?

Jews and Gentiles- He doesn't favor anyone over anyone else

What were Jesus's teachings about being poor/rich? What does the concept of poverty mean in Luke's world?

Jesus is not condemning all wealthy people, but he is condemning the practice of hoarding resources that could be shared with those in need. In addition to limited financial means, it also included other indicators of low status in a community that could include gender, family lineage, religious purity, etc. Care for and minister to the poor

Jesus heals a nobleman's son

Jesus is not limited by geographic distances- didn't need to travel to Capernaum. Comforting because we aren't physically with Jesus but His miracles can still reach us Our faith in Christ is the fulcrum upon which the power of God rests in our lives

The portrayal of Jesus's condescension in the Gospel of John (chapter 1), with its description of Jesus as the premortal Logos ("Word") who created the world and who then became flesh to dwell with humanity

Jesus is the direct image of God, existed before the earth, mediates between God and humanity His body is a temple filled with the Glory of God

Three unique aspects of the Gospel of Luke

Jesus is the universal savior, greater emphasis on women, ministry to the poor and the outcast.

Miracles specific to John

Jesus turns water into wine Jesus heals a man born blind Jesus heals an official's son Jesus heals an invalid at Bethesda Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead Second miraculous catch of fish

The meaning of the name "Jesus Christ"

Jesus- same as Joshua- very common in that time- means deliverance, help, salvation Christ- similar to Messiah in Hebrew- Cristo is greek for Messiah- the anointed one- Christ is a title, not a surname

How the synoptic Gospels differ from the Gospel of John regarding the Resurrection story

John tells intimate stories and conversations

Four ways in which John portrays Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God

John the Baptist sees Jesus approaching and says behold the Lamb of God Jesus died at 3 o clock, the very time the lambs were being killed for the passover meal Hyssop branch was used to get a spinge of vinegar to the Savior's mouth while on the cross- same branch used in the passover to put blood on the door frames Didn't break Jesus's legs cause they saw He was already dead- original passover- "neither shall ye break a bone thereof"- the passover lamb provided deliverance from death and so too does the crucifixion of Christ

Which gospel accounts teach which key parts of Christ's experience at the Last Supper and in Gethsemane

John- Jesus washing the disciples' feet- teaching them to be servants to others as He is to them M,M,L- eat passover meal/ focus on sacrament

Two unique aspects of Christ's walk to Golgotha (one in Luke and one in John)

John- Simon doesn't help carry Jesus's cross- shows high Christology Luke adds detail about Christ speaking to the women- consistent with Luke's emphasis on Jesus and women The scriptural emphasis on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ in atoning for our sins Over and over again, there's a very heavy scriptural emphasis and from church leaders on the atoning power of the death of Jesus Christ. Many church members underemphasize the importance of the crucifixion. Christ Himself emphasizes the cross- we know our worth because He died for us- we can have new life because of the death of Christ

Know what parts of the story are unique to each gospel!!!! Remembering the author's audiences/messages is crucial for this section.

John- shows Jesus as divine Savior without weakness- people fall down at His name Luke- only gospel to say that He bled from every pore and was comforted by an angel, also only one to show Christ healing the servant's ear John- takes the meaning of Caiaphas's speech as more spiritual- a prophecy that He must die to have not peace of the decade among cheift priests, but peace through the atonement. John records trial with Caiaphas's father in law, M,M,L record only Caiaphas's trial

What is the key that the Prophet Joseph gives for interpreting scripture? How does that key help us understand Jesus's story of the Good Samaritan?

Know the question that led to Jesus's teachings

There may be a question that asks which parables are only found in ________ gospel.

Knowing the theme of the gospel authors will really help you answer this type of question because the parables usually reflect their theme.

the Holiness Code

Leviticus 1-7 and 17-27, in context of sacrificial instructions and legal instructions The burnt offering ('olāh in Hebrew) was characterized by the entire animal being placed on the altar and consumed by fire. The purpose of these offerings was to "make atonement" for the individual The sin offering was divided into two subforms, the "uncleanliness" offering (hatt'āt) and the "trespass" offering ('āshām). They were characterized by daubing the offering's blood on different items, particularly the altar. The purpose of these offerings was to seek forgiveness and repair one's spiritual state after having become unclean The peace offering (shelāmîm) was divided into two subforms, the "thanksgiving" offering (tôdāh) and the "vow" or "voluntary" offering. They were characterized by the offerer taking most of the animal home to consume with friends and family. The purpose of these offerings was to enhance a positive event, such as the completion of a project or the fulfilling of a vow The Holiness Code contains precepts for religious worship, as well as moral and ethical commandments. While many of these commandments are similar to the social behavior encouraged in the Covenant Code, the Holiness Code has a unique emphasis linking proper behavior with holiness The Holiness Code stresses that the people of the covenant needed to "be qādôsh, for I the LORD your God am qādôsh" (Leviticus 19:2). In other words, Israel was expected to be made up of individuals who moved others toward the divine state, as God Himself did

Teachings from the document, "The Living Christ"

Light, life, hope of the world- His way is the path that leads to happiness Thank God for the gift of His Son Firstborn of the Father None other has such a profound influence on everyone ever

Nephi's desire to liken scriptures (like Isaiah) - why and what does it mean?

Likens them to his own people and to our time Invites comparisons- use Isaiah to learn more about our own situations

The portrayal of Jesus's birth and infancy in the Gospel of Matthew (chapters 1-2), which presents Jesus as the new Davidic king

Lineage to David, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and other important Jewish leaders- Wants his audience to know that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of Abraham (fills the Abrahamic covenant), the son of David images of Jesus being presented as a new Davidic king, presiding and reigning over a new Davidic Kingdom images of Jesus as a new Moses with a new law. Jewish imagery and Jewish scripture and Jewish symbolism to teach Jesus to his original audience, which themselves probably have Jewish background. Young couple, find our that Mary is pregnant and Joseph is not the father, angel appears to Joseph and tells him not to divorce her cause the baby is from God, marry her and raise the son as your own, Joseph's genealogy becomes Jesus's through adoption Matthew seems to be setting up a very close parallel between Joseph in the Jesus story and Joseph of Egypt. Genealogy at the beginning, parallels with Joseph of Egypt and Joseph, Jesus's adopted father- Jesus born in the city of David (another link to David) Born at the end of the reign of Herod the Great- Conflict of who is the real king of Jews- Jesus or Herod Wise men- ONLY in Matthew Works OT stories into his account Herod's paranoia- decree to kill boys under the age of 2- parallel with Moses Angel communicates with Joseph and tells them to leave and return when it is safe

Galatians letter-

LoM is not necessary or salvation- faith in Jesus Christ is needed- distinguishes law of moses from law of the gospel- enjoins saints to live by the spirit

Laborers in the vineyard:

Lord of the vineyard gets workers and promises them a penny as a daily wage. Realizes that he doesn't have enough workers so he goes back at the third hour and hires more workers, doesn't specify how much money they will get. Does the same the 6th hour, 9th hour, and 11th hour. 11th hour people standing idly by- probably very desperate for work if they stayed there all day long. Lord of the Vineyard pays those who came last first. Wanted the workers who had been there all day to see. They were paid a day's wage. People working all day get the same wage and they are upset.


Mark emphasizes the imperfections of the disciples Jesus works with all of us, no matter how imperfect we are!

Be able to discuss specific examples, including the Magnificat, Jesus's interpretation of Isaiah 61 in His sermon in the Nazareth synagogue, and the law of Moses teachings on those who were vulnerable in Israelite society.

Magnificat One of the ways that Luke introduces Jesus's acts of and teachings on compassion verse 52: "he hath put down the mighty . . . and exalted them of low degree" verse 53: "he hath filled the hungry with good things

One of the central messages of Jesus's mortal ministry—the proclamation of the Kingdom of God—and how that message is reflected in His movement, miracles, and teaching

Main theme in Christ's public ministry: proclamation of the kingdom of God- the King is among you in the Old Testament, there's this developing hope that one day the kingdom of God will meaningfully come down to this Earth and will replace the current systems of either foreign occupation or human suffering. Jesus calls the 12 and 70 When the disciples came to Jesus in the Gospels and asked Him to teach them how to pray, one of the first things Jesus told them is, when you pray, pray to God that His kingdom will come on Earth, just like it is in Heaven. Beatitudes: blessed/ happy are those who...- message of what we need to do but also of hope Parables, miracles, the beatitudes, the Lord's prayer all reflect Jesus's proclamation of the kingdom of God

Good samaritan

Man gets robbed and left for dead Priest passes by on the other side, Levite looks at him but passes by Samaritan traveling from jerusalem to Jericho binds his wounds, pours oil and wine, takes him on his own beast, takes him to an inn, takes care of him all night, gives money to the innkeeper to care for him "Go and do thou likewise"

Where Mark and John fit on a scale of Christology

Mark- low Christology John- high Christology

How each synoptic Gospel tells the Savior's Resurrection story

Mark: mary mag, mom of james and other women bring spices after the passover See that the stone has been removed and a man is sitting there and tells them not to be afraid and that Christ is risen Tells them to go find peter and the other apostles to tell them what happened Verses after this were added centuries later Account of resurrection, but not of an appearance of the resurrected Christ Matthew: Mary Mag and other women go to the sepulcher Earthquake, angel descends and rolls away the stone and sat upon it- fear not for ye seek Jesus who is risen Go and find the disciples On their way, Jesus meets them- they hold Him by His feet and worship Him Go to Galilee where the appointed place was to meet Hikm- He appears but some doubt Tells them to go and teach all nations and baptize them- Great Commission Luke: go to sepulcher- stone rolled away- two angels stood by them- he is risen Returned from the sepulcher and told disciples Peter runs to the sepulcher to see it is empty (only in Luke) Story of disciples walking to Emmaus only in Luke Don't recognize Him at first- had lost their faith because His death didn't fit their expectations- Christ teaches them- they want Him to abide with them Their eyes were opened and He vanished- did not our hearts burn within us? Savior appears to His apostles- peace be unto you- why are you shocked? Feel my hand and feet John: Mary Mag conversation- sees that Jesus's body is not there- runs to tell Peter and John- they come to see- they go away Mary stays and is weeping- two angels appear and asky why she is weeping- because I don't know where they laid Him- turned back and saw Jesus standing there but didn't know that it was Jesus Woman, why weepest thou?-thinks He's the gardener- tell me where He is and I'll take His body- Mary.- sees that it is Him- touch me not- told the disciples Another story original to John: Jesus meets them out when the disciples are fishing- do you love me, feed my lambs/sheep- 3x-


Mary's song of praise to God—known as the Magnificat—about her opportunity to become the mother of the Son of God

What unique things about Jesus' birth/infancy does each gospel provide? (Note: One of the gospels does NOT have a pre-earth/birth/infancy story.)

Matthew talks about wise men, killing of babies and Herod Luke talks about Shepherds John talks about Jesus's nature in premortality and as a tabernacle- walking temple

How does each Gospel author tie Jesus back to the Old Testament?

Matthew- David, Abraham, compares to Moses and David, parallels Joseph with Joseph in Egypt Luke- lineage to Adam, suggests sacrificial Lamb John- premortal- starts in the same way as Genesis - "in the beginning"

How do different Gospels approach Mary and Joseph? What is noteworthy about that?

Matthew- focus on Joseph- relates to Joseph in Egypt Luke- Focus on Mary- poor, outcasts

Who was the audience that each Gospel author was trying to reach?

Matthew: Jews- the MOST Jewish Mark: gentile converts Luke: Women, gentiles John: Christians in late first century debating the nature of Christ

What themes did each author use in their Gospel?

Matthew: fulfillment of OT prophecy, connection to David and Jesus and Moses and Jesus Mark: low Christology, imperfections of disciples, Jesus works with us despite our imperfections Luke: Jesus is the universal Savior, emphasis on women, ministry to the poor and outcast John: high Christology, talks about Christ's doctrine a lot- divine nature of Christ, power of Christ

Why Jesus performed miracles during His earthly ministry.

Miracles were an important part of the Savior's compassionate mortal ministry and they also evidenced His power and authority, giving credence to His claim that He was the Messiah and showing that the power and presence of God was in the kingdom He was preaching.

The Deutoronimic Code- found in Deuteronomy

More aware of the previous codes, made some updates an assumption that people are living in an urban setting, instructions for rule by kings, and an emphasis on worshipping only in one designated place The Deuteronomic Code contains some injunctions to completely annihilate certain non-Israelite communities. These extreme instructions can be very troubling and difficult for us to understand as modern readers. However, based on other principles outlined in the text, as well as archaeological evidence, it is possible that these instructions represent a later addition to the original text

The meaning of "scourging" as it relates to Roman practices and Jesus Christ

More severe than being whipped- weaken the victim almost to the point of death- accompanied by mocking

President Nelson and President Benson's teachings about the Plan and the Fall

Nelson: The Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement were planned long before the actual work of the Creation began Our lives will be more purposeful if we understand god's plan We are to be creators in our own right—builders of an individual faith in God, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and faith in His Church. Benson: No one adequately and properly knows why he needs Christ until he understands and accepts the doctrine of the Fall and its effect upon all mankind.

How We See the Savior in Each Book of Scripture

Old Testament: Premortal Jehovah, prophecies of His future life New Testament: accounts of mortal ministry, letters of apostles Book of Mormon: guiding remnant of Israel to promised land, personal ministry after His resurrection Doctrine and Covenants: revelations given to Joseph Smith and His voice giving commandments and testimony to our modern world Pearl of Great Price: premortal role as Creator, latter-day work and Second Coming

Relevant scriptural passages from the New Testament that teach about the Second Coming

Olivet discourse- Matthew 24 and JSM Thessalonians 4 and 5- those who die before He comes will still have a share in the resurrection- prepare- even though it wasn't happening right that second Revelations- there will be triumph- imagery and symbols about the second coming that aren't always easy to understand-colors, numbers, physical attributes- John the beloved is the author

Contrasts between Nicodemus and woman at the well

One during the day one at night One of high social status (nicodemus), one of low social status Woman becomes a missionary Nicodemus does not

Prodigal son

One son takes his inheritance and goes off to the city and spends it all a famine hits and none of his rich friends are there to help him Goes and eats from a pig trough Humbles himself and returns home, father welcomes him with open arms Brother is upset, father tells him to stop

The two apostles mainly featured in the book of Acts and details about Acts

Peter (and John), Paul

How our testimony of Jesus connects to our future kingdom of glory

Our testimony influences which degree of Glory we inherit- D&C 76:51,74,79,82 Those who were baptized and followed the covenant path will inherit Celestial kingdom Terrestrial- died without law, spirits kept in prison, didn't receive testimony in the flesh but did after, honorable people blinded by the craftiness of men- presence of the Son but not the fulness of the father-Not valiant in the testimony of the Jesus Telestial- did not receive the gospel of Christ nor the testimony of Jesus

The main characteristics of Judaism at the end of the Old Testament and the history of Judea during the Persian period as the background to the central beliefs and practices inherited by the Jewish community in the time of Jesus

Persian Empire: For about a 200-year period at the end of the Old Testament and following, Judea with its capital in Jerusalem is now part of a larger Persian Empire. Jerusalem that had been destroyed by the Babylonians in the time of Jeremiah and Lehi. But in the Persian period, the Persian King Cyrus the Great destroyed Babylon and allowed Jewish leadership to go back to Jerusalem, rebuild the City of Jerusalem, rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem, which is now called the Second Temple. Now Jerusalem is a province in Persia Started speaking Aramic By that point, Jewish scripture will largely be centered on the Torah or the Law of Moses, which makes Israel holy. Believed in dietary, sabbath, circumcision, and marriage laws Believed that God dwelled in the temple and you needed to be holy or "set apart" to dwell there

A lesson we can learn from Peter's denial of Christ

Peter says he will never betray Jesus, but he does Even though he stumbled, he's not out of the game- we will stumble and fall but we aren't off the Lord's team

Pilate's backstory, understanding how it may have influenced Pilate at the trial of Jesus Christ

Pilate is a prefect that has offended the religious sensibilities of his subjects Pilate doesn't remove laws that interfere with Jewish worship, they lay on the ground for 5 days until Pilate sends his troops but when he realizes they are willing to die he changes the law for them Takes from temple treasury to build an aqueduct- sent his soldiers disguised among the people to beat up protesters when he gave the signal- but they went too hard and lots of people died- pilate is victorious Dedicated some shields to annoy the multitude- the people appeal to pilate to redress the infringement on their traditions caused by the shields- they say they will appeal to the emperor which could expose his other misconduct- Tiberius the emperor was mad at pilate and made him take the shields down When he finds no fault with Jesus, he sees that he can't afford another disagreement with the jews- peer pressure and veiled threats- doesn't have the courage to do what is right

How Jesus planned to use 3 Nephi to teach His gospel in the last days

Plain and precious truths were lost- BoM to fill in the gaps and confirm foundational truths

Specific ways in which Jesus Christ is central to the plan of salvation

Pre-earth Life: "Jesus Christ is central to God's plan. Through His Atonement, Jesus Christ fulfilled His Father's purpose and made it possible for each of us to enjoy immortality and exaltation." The Creation: "Under the direction of the Father, Jesus Christ created the earth as a place for us to live and gain experience." Agency and the Fall of Adam and Eve: "The Lord spoke to Adam and taught him the plan of salvation and redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ." Our Life on Earth: "We are helpless without the Atonement of Jesus Christ." The Atonement: "As we rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, He can help us endure our trials, sicknesses, and pain. We can be filled with joy, peace, and consolation. All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ." The Spirit World: "Christ conquered physical death." The Resurrection, Judgment, and Immortality: "Eternal life is a gift of God given only to those . . . who are freed from sin and suffering through the Atonement of Christ. . . . It is to know God and Jesus Christ and to experience the life they enjoy." Kingdoms of Glory: "Those who have repented of their sins, received the ordinances of the gospel, and kept the associated covenants will be cleansed by the Atonement of Christ."

How New Testament writers (including the authors of Revelation, Hebrews, and the synoptic gospels) found meaning in Jesus's death by comparing it to the mediating work of High Priests in Israel's ancient temple practices

Priests were Levites who were the mediators- high priest was the ultimate mediator- Christ is our mediator

The key events relating to the baptism of Jesus, their significance for Jesus's ministry, and their significance for Christian discipleship

Restoration scripture focuses on what the baptism means for us today, but biblical account focuses on what it meant for Jesus at that time After growing up in Nazareth, Jesus goes to the river Jordan in His early adult life, finds John the Baptist and is baptized by him All the synoptic gospels describe John beforehand- holy man in the Judean Desert who seems to believe that contemporary Jerusalem society has become corrupt. Parallels with OT Elijah- he also preached in this area and had weird clothing and appearance and diet Malachi predicts that Elijah would return one day and turn the hearts of the children back to the covenants of their fathers. Fulfill Isaiah's prophecy- prepare the way for the Lord Jesus is baptized, Heavens open and the Holy Ghost descends upon Him- probably had a moment of messianic clarity/ revelation-divine epiphany "You are my beloved Son, in you I am well pleased" Spirit descending, anointing Him to be the Messiah Mortal Jesus had to grow and learn like us Told He is the Davidic King

Lazarus and the rich man

Rich man focuses on obtaining riches throughout his life, while Lazarus is a poor man Lazarus was poor and was carried by angels at his death. The rich man was rich and died and saw Lazarus and wanted him to serve him, even though in life he wasn't good enough to toss bread crumbs to. But he still sees Lazarus as a servant. Comforted vs tormented. The applications of the parables used by apostles in the lesson

How atonement was provided for Israel's sins under the law of moses

Rituals of animal sacrifice-altar set up in the outer court- just to the North of the altar is were animals were sacrificed Blood from these rituals allowed Israel to repent of its sins and be reconciled with God- main mechanism of atonement

Who was Herod the Great? How did he impact the socio-religious world that Jesus lived in? Who are the other Herods?

Romans take over Appointed local client King, Herod the Great Builds new cities, Romanizes them Theaters, marketplaces, hippodrome, temple Renovated Jewish temple and made it look Roman although it was still a Jewish temple

How to learn about Jesus Christ by looking for types and shadows (symbolic meanings) of Him in the law of Moses Sacrificial lamb

Sacrament-Just as animal sacrifices helped people look forward to Christ's atoning sacrifice, the sacrament can help people look back in remembrance and appreciation of His atoning sacrifice. People offered up their prize animals, we can offer up a broken heart and a contrite spirit

Why the Savior's ministry to the spirit world occurred and who was involved

Savior didn't go to all of the dead, He teaches faithful spirits and commissions them as missionaries to go and teach those spirits in prison

Purpose of the law of moses according to Paul

Schoolmaster (tutor) to bring them unto Christ- means to an end but not an end in and of itself

Luke contains a shortened version of the "Sermon the Mount." What is it called and what does the lesson highlight from it?

Sermon on the plain The kingdom belongs to the poor

Unmerciful Servant

Servant is forgiven a huge debt by his master, but won't forgive a tiny debt that someone owes him

How do we fully receive the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant?

Share the gospel, receive all the ordinances and make covenants with the Lord "Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel. It is as simple as that.

What is Luke trying to teach us about Jesus and ourselves through Jesus eating with Simon the Pharisee and having his feet washed by the woman?

Simon did not understand mercy and forgiveness fully. Christ kindly teaches him that we need to forgive others and love them, even if they have sinned. Christ has compassion for the owner and leads him to learn for himself the importance of forgiveness. He calls Simon to repentance. Jesus loves the woman just as much as anyone else, even though she has sinned more than others. He offers her forgiveness. He accepts her humble repentance and shows her compassion.

Paul's conversion as outlined in Acts 9

Started as a prosecutor of the church- takes care of the garments of those who stoned stephen While on the road to Damascus, he has a vision of the risen Lord which causes a change- goes blind for 3 days and then spends the rest of his life preaching Ananias heals him from his blindness

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead

Stays where He is for a few days Weeps with Martha and Mary How, like the followers of Christ during His mortal ministry, present-day disciples of Jesus Christ can exercise faith in Him and receive of His great power and feel His compassion for us Miracles are dependent on our faith

What 3 Nephi teaches about the resurrected Christ's feelings and emotions

Suffering for and with humanity vulnerable

What the different items in the parable of the sower represent

Sun:persecution, tribulation, temptation Soil: heart of the individual hearing the message Thorns: the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, the lusts of other things, and the pleasures of this life

Historical elements of the Roman practice of Crucifixion

Suspended, not always impaled, sometimes alive, sometimes dead, most frequently used for political rebellion Torture extended for long periods of time- torture preceded crucifixion Upper class were often spared Crucified naked to increase humiliation Bodies are not to be refused to their relatives

Symbolism of baptism according to Paul

Symbolic of Jesus's death, burial, and resurrection Symbolizes the death of our old life and the beginning of our new life with Christ

Which are the "synoptic" Gospels and one theory (Mark + Q) of how they came to be

Synoptic gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke 2 source hypothesis (sometimes called 4 source hypothesis)- The idea is that because Matthew and Luke sometimes have stories that Mark doesn't have, but Matthew and Luke had the exact same story and they're often word for word, that they must have another source, besides Mark, that they're drawing from. Scholars have invented a source called Q that stands for the German word quell, meaning source. -Hypothesizing that there's some other source out there that we no longer have. The reason why some call it the four-source hypothesis is because Matthew has some material that's unique to Matthew and Luke has some material that's unique to Luke.

Themes of Matthew

THEME- kings- wise men, relation to David, juxtaposition against Herod ONLY one to include wise men, killing babies- supports kingly theme THEME- OT relationships- lineage of Joseph links Jesus to David and other OT peeps- Works OT stories into his account- parallels with Moses- killing babies- jewish imagery and symbolism- born in city of David so supports Him as Davidic King

themes of Luke

THEME: universal salvation and compassion to the outcasts- manifestation of God


Talks about Christ's doctrine a lot High Christology

The doctrine of the Fall and its effects upon all humanity

The Fall was necessary- Adam and Eve were in a state of innocence- if they didn't eat the fruit they would have remained static. Without the highs we can't experience the lows Agency and accountability came from the Fall Wouldn't have children and wouldn't know misery


The Sadducees were known in early historical writings as being Hellenized or Romanized Jewish elite families, mostly who lived in Jerusalem, who were heavily involved in Judean Roman power politics, and who were very popular among the upper-class priests and Temple Administrators. Don't believe in oral fence laws, resurrection, or coming of Messiah The torah- first 5 books of the Old Testament is their only scripture- doesn't say a lot about the Messiah or resurrection Trials of the crucifixion were mostly led by the sadducees-saw Jesus as a political threat

message of Lazarus and the rich man

The Savior did not say that the rich man was an evil man—only that with all the blessings he had been given, he did not give from his great wealth to someone in need. It may have surprised the Pharisees to hear that the rich man went to hell, while Lazarus went to paradise. be wise in how we use the temporal and spiritual blessings given to us.

message of the Sower

The Savior seems to be saying that everyone who hears the gospel won't be the exact same, some will bring forth fruit or actions that are a lot, some a little, and some in-between Don't let yourself be distracted by unimportant things- President Oaks

Understand Christ's role in scattering and gathering Israel.

The commission given to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to bless all the nations/kindreds/families of the earth is basic to Christ's work of salvation here in mortality.

How to learn about Jesus Christ by looking for core doctrine (eternal principles) in the law of Moses

The core doctrine remains the same, even when the policies change

Which spiritual gift is listed first in Doctrine and Covenants 46

The gift of the Holy Ghost

The law of Moses in its historical and literary context

The law of Moses is a collective term we use for the commandments, ordinances, and teachings that were taught and practiced among the people of ancient Israel—including remnant groups like the Nephites—from the time of Moses's revelations on Mount Sinai (in approximately the thirteenth century BC) until the death of Jesus Christ (in the first century AD)

The scriptures

The literal teachings of Christ They were written in different languages, on different materials, for different reasons. That diversity not only makes the scriptures more interesting, but it also helps us learn in different ways from different people who had different perspectives on the Savior. Scripture interprets and reinterprets scripture- restoration scripture builds on ancient scripture

Personal revelation, worship, and service

The point isn't to know about Jesus, but to know Jesus. Our gospel learning must lead us to become more like the Savior- read the scriptures and then exercise our faith unto repentance- see what you need to do and act on those instructions

A little context about who Isaiah was and when he lived

The prophet Isaiah lived in Jerusalem in the late eighth century BC (i.e., the late 700s BC). For perspective, that means Isaiah lived About three hundred years after kings David and Solomon

Look for specific applications of the sermons, symbolism within the sermons, and how people responded to them.

There is no other stream

Apostles and other Church leaders

They not only teach of Christ, but exemplify Christ Good and bad examples point us to Christ- Christ is perfect and leaders' imperfections point us to Him

What are some blessings promised through the Abrahamic Covenant?

They would have a numerous posterity, land for their inheritance, and protection from God They would have lots and lots of children—a posterity as numerous as the dust of the earth or the stars in the heaven (Genesis 13:16 (Links to an external site.)

How can everyone partake of the Abrahamic Covenant?

Those which are not literal descendants of Abraham and Sarah can be adopted into the family of Israel as we enter into covenant with the Lord.

A key purpose of scripture being to testify of Jesus Christ

To persuade us to believe in Jesus Christ

How you can extend your understanding of Jesus Christ after this course is over

Topical guide Memorize living Christ Read books Watch movies Synopsis study

How our faith and patience relate to Christ's healing power

Trust God in good times and bad- in times of healing and waiting We might continue to suffer despite our faith

Academic study

Use the intelligence God has given us Historians, scholars, and other experts help us to learn all that we can about Him Religious study center, byu studies, Neal A Maxwell Institute for religious Scholarship Sometimes scholars may disagree because there is more than one legitimate way to interpret the data. All scholarly conclusions, no matter how well researched, are subject to re-evaluation in light of new information (either through prophetic revelation or by updated scholarship). Jesus the Christ

How does the scattering of Israel fulfill the Abrahamic Covenant?

We are to gather Israel Second, sometimes Christ scattered the Israelites because they were righteous- But moving them away from Israelite "home base" also allowed Christ to extend the reach of gospel blessings to other parts of the world that did not have access to Abraham and Sarah's posterity in the land of Israel. Moving to new areas allowed righteous Israelites to share the covenant with new Gentile neighbors, enabling them to fulfill the commission given to Abraham.

The additional insights on Christ's role in the Creation of the world and the Fall of Adam and Eve that we gain from latter-day scripture such as the Book of Moses and the Book of Mormon

We learn that the fall was necessary We need to be redeemed from the fall by our Redeemer Everyone is given the choice of good from evil Christ atoned for our sins, but we must offer ourselves up with a broken heart and a contrite spirit Man has potential to become like Heavenly Father

The roles Jesus Christ plays as the God of Israel

We live in the time when ALL His promises will be fulfilled Involved in what happens to peoples and nations- history will play out according to his purposes

message of Unmerciful servant

We owe a debt to Christ- we need to forgive others Holland: But notwithstanding even the most terrible offenses that might come to us, we can rise above our pain only when we put our feet onto the path of true healing. That path is the forgiving one walked by Jesus of Nazareth, who calls out to each of us, "Come, follow me." sometimes it's hard to forgive those who have severely wronged us

Key topics that were part of Christ's final discourse

We've talked about having the spirit of Lord, is it I, instead of Lord, who is it? We've talked about the sacrament, this New Covenant that Jesus Christ establishes. We've talked about remembering the washing of the feet on the Sabbath day, and serving other people selflessly, as well as the savior's commandment to love one another. Don't worry- let not your heart be troubled, peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. I will not leave you comfortless Have peace- In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Importance of keeping His commandments I am statements- larger theme in John Jesus is the way, nobody comes to Heavenly Father except through Jesus Christ Teachings about the Holy Ghost- comforter from the Father, shall guide you to truth, Jesus and Heavenly Father are two different people Prays that they may know Jesus and Heavenly Father through serving them and keeping their commandments

Why the Savior used parables

Well, the Bible dictionary says the parable conveys to the hearer religious truth exactly in proportion to his or her faith and intelligence- maybe they are just there to eat bread and so a parable would just be a story for them, but would have religious meaning for those actually interested in hearing Christ's message

message of Prodigal son

When we repent of our sins, it's a similar joy you would feel to seeing someone who's passed away and come back to life. That tells you the joy in God's heart and mind, in the Savior's heart and mind when we repent of our sins. God will never give up on us Holland: prodigal sons- other son is jealous but shouldn't be

Importance of Paul/Saul and what Jesus says to him

Why do you persecute me? Arise and go into the city 3 missions

According to Acts 1:22, what does it take to be an apostle?

Witness of Christ's resurrection Witness of His ministry

Jesus turns water to wine

Woman what wouldst thou have me do?- "Mom, what can I do for you? I'm not busy right now." Jesus, an immortal being, becoming mortal, coming from pure water and becoming earthly or wine. It's His condescension. Power that Christ has to change- change our nature


acting, images, music Artistic license: not always accurate, keep that in mind but appreciate the good messages- history wants facts, art wants meaning Don't interpret artistic interpretations as historical facts


conservative/ traditionalists To maintain holiness, reject hellenization- intensify judaism Accepted the Torrah and other prophetic writings Believed in angels, afterlife, endtimes, the resurrection, the Messiah ancestral tradition and oral law Fence.hedge.yoke laws- to protect the original values

Ways that doctrine (teachings, policies, ordinances, or commandments) can change over time

core, eternal teachings/doctrine and the supporting doctrines that stem from them do not ever change. our understanding of them does grow as Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ reveal new insight on these doctrinal subjects. accommodation

4 Types of Doctrines

core, supportive, policy, esoteric

Difference between the Law of Moses and The Church Handbook

every time more revelation comes or updates are given for policy or procedure, the handbooks replace outdated material with the new teachings and instructions. Old Testament contains a collection of different instructions given to different Israelites across hundreds of years. Contain differences and even contradictions

the key prophetic passages from the Old Testament that would give rise to first-century Jewish hopes in a future messianic king

expectations of a royal, maybe even military figure who might come and establish a kingdom of Israel. He destroys the beasts, those evil kingdoms persecuting God's people, He destroys those beasts and initiates a New Kingdom of God, and that New Kingdom invests Him the Son of Man with power of judgment and righteousness. In the process, He saves God's people, judges the wicked, and vindicates the righteous.

Who is Acts written to?-

friend of God- early members of the Church and the apostles

Know the unique things found in each Gospel account of the Resurrection! Matthew-

great commission- He meets them on the way to tell the disciples and they kiss His feet

According to the law of Moses, who were the most vulnerable in society? Whose responsibility is it to look after them?

in the Bible they are usually mentioned as one of the groups of people who were most vulnerable in Israelite society (along with orphans and strangers living in the land). Under the law of Moses, Israelites were obligated by the covenant obligated to care for them Jesus, His responsibility is to reach out to whom? It is to the poor, the broken hearted, the captives, the blind, and the bruised. So he's talking about those who are on the periphery of the society, and this is his major responsibility as the coming Messiah.

Know the unique things found in each Gospel account of the Resurrection! For example: ____John_______

is the only Gospel that contains Jesus' conversation with Mary Magdalene. John- Mary Mag convo, fishing do you love me feed my sheep story

What does the "new and everlasting covenant" mean? How is that tied to the Abrahamic Covenant?

it is the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ—all the principles, ordinances, and covenants necessary for our exaltation. The primary focus of the Abrahamic covenant is this responsibility to bless all people in the world with the blessings that Abraham and Sarah's family has been given—the blessings of the new and everlasting covenant.


prison epistle- be strong in the Lord-armor of God

Acceptable year of the Lord-

probably referring to the Mosaic Year of Jubilee that happened every 50 years- a time when debts were forgiven and prisoners set free

How Jesus Christ directs his church


Meaning of the Greek word translated in english as "atonement"


Know the unique things found in each Gospel account of the Resurrection! Luke-

road to Emmaus, Peter runs to the sepulcher

Why was Acts written?-

shows the early church and how to organize it based on Christ's teachings- focus on the Holy Ghost

and the ways in which Jesus's mortal ministry did—or did not—align with the expectations of His earliest followers

suffering servant who suffered and died on behalf of a larger Israelite community.

2nd mission: Philippians-

tells them good job after he set up a branch with them- Jesus became mortal- condescension of God


that's reading the Gospel sequentially

The key events and developments relating to the encounter between Judaism and Hellenism during the intertestamental period, including the impact those developments would have on the world of Jesus

the conquest of Judea by Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC, Alexander the Great conquered Persia, brought Greek culture to Judea Hellenization: greek-like culture blending with local cultures Can Jews still be Jews and accept Hellenization? Can they still be holy or set apart? Started speaking Greek- Torah was translated to Greek Wealthy families accepted it in big cities- traditionalists/smaller towns rejected it the Antiochian persecution of Jews in the second century BC, with a series of decrees in the 170s BC, Antiochus IV effectively outlaws traditional forms of Judaism. the Maccabean Revolt that broke out as a result, the conservative traditionalist elements of Jewish society rose up in rebellion to protest the decrees of Antiochus IV. We call it the Maccabean Revolt because it was led by a family of brothers, one of whom a very powerful figure, was named Judas the Maccabee or Judas the Hammer.

What was the main purpose of the Law of Moses?

the law would "be fulfilled" at the coming of Christ and that the Nephites at that future time should "[do] away" with it To point their souls to Christ

the Coming One

who brings the good news to the poor by both his teachings and his miracles. Preach the good news and raise the dead


writing to a church he hasn't founded- he'll be coming soon and asks for their help to preach in Spain- atonement, gospel covenants, enduring to the end, following the Spirit

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Latin Vocab Lessons 13 and 14 (turn on start with term) (all caps mean it is a latin root)

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