RELA 250- Midterm "3" Questions

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What specific idea pertaining to the Law of Moses was Paul preaching against in Galatians?

That circumcision was necessary for salvation

The prophet Nephi saw in vision that Gentile Christianity would misunderstand certain plain and precious truths about the gospel of Jesus Christ. What particular idea did the angel indicate they would struggle with?

The covenants that the Lord made with the house of Israel

How does Revelation 7:3, 13-17 answer the following question: "For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Revelation 6:17)? Select all that apply.

They before the throne of God, who serve him day and night in his temple. Those who have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

In the Old Testament temple, what non-sacrificial rituals did the Aaronic priests or High Priests perform to provide intercession between God and Israel? Mark THREE that apply.

They bore the names of the Israelite tribes and the name of God on their ritual clothing. They offered incense before the Holy of Holies (thus presenting Israel's prayers to God). They raised their hands to pronounce God's blessing upon the congregation (thus representing God to Israel).

According to Jesus, what is the effect(s) when he baptizes people with fire and with the Holy Ghost? (See 3 Nephi 11:35-36; 3 Nephi 12:2; 3 Nephi 27:20.)

They receive a testimony of the Father and the Son, and receive a remission of their sins

Before he appeared to the Lehites, Jesus Christ caused the destruction of many wicked people and cities. What crime in particular does He highlight?

They rejected and killed the prophets

Christ taught the Lehites that members of the house of Israel who break or reject their covenants with him will receive what consequence?

They will be cut off from the covenant people and will be counted as Gentiles

Christ taught the Lehites that Gentiles who covenant with him can receive what opportunity?

They will be numbered with those of the house of Israel

What does Paul say about "tribulation," "patience," and "hope" in Romans 5:3-5?

Tribulation can help teach us about patience and patience (and experience) can give us hope

True of False: In 1 Corinthians Paul includes himself among the witnesses of the risen Lord.


True of False: Paul was a Roman Citizen


True or False: The "gospel" (i.e., the doctrine of Christ) was preached before Jesus actually came to the earth in mortality.


According to the Doctrine and Covenants, what does it mean to be a child of Christ?

We become the children of Christ through spiritual rebirth.

According to the video, what new way of understanding the symbolism of the bread is introduced in Jesus's description to the Lehites?

We can partake of the sacrament bread not only in remembrance of his sacrifice, but also in celebration of his triumph over death.

How does Paul respond to the Lord?

What will you have me do?

Jesus's teachings to the Lehites support which of these two statements?

While he respects human agency to some extent, Jesus Christ is involved in what happens to peoples and nations. He directs the course of history to play out according to his purposes.

What does the risen Lord first ask Saul?

Why do you persecute me?

Christ taught the Lehites that their descendants, as well as Jews and other Israelite remnants around the world, would eventually "be scattered forth upon the face of the earth because of their unbelief" (3 Nephi 16:4). The solution to this situation will be that these groups will "be brought to a knowledge of" whom/what?

"Me, their Redeemer"

Which of the following statements prompted the Olivet Discourse?

"There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."

What was the process the apostles followed to select a new apostle?

"They gave forth their lots."

Which of the following images drawn from the Jerusalem temple are found in the writings of Paul? (Mark all that apply.)

"We were reconciled to God through the death of his Son" "We have been justified by his blood" "Through whom we have now received the Atonement"

What scriptural precedent is provided by Peter to refill the quorum?

"his bishoprick let another take"

Elder Robert D. Hales explained that the document, "The Living Christ," was ________.

"prepared in advance of when we will need it most"

According to the author of Hebrews, why can we boldly approach the throne of God's grace?

Because of Jesus, our Great High Priest, who passed into God's presence

What is the difference between the way Jesus describes the symbolism of the bread and wine on the first day in comparison with the second day? (See 3 Nephi 18:7, 11 and 3 Nephi 20:8.)

First Jesus gives an external description: the bread and wine are taken "in remembrance of" Jesus's body and blood. The second time, Jesus gives an internal description: taking the bread is "eating" his body and drinking the wine is "drinking" his blood.

Under the Law of Moses, what was the mechanism for providing atonement for Israel's sins?

offering animal sacrifices in the outer court of the temple

Drawing upon an analogy with the Jerusalem temple, what does Paul (Romans 3, 5) teach that provides human justification and reconciliation with God?

the grace that comes through Christ's sacrificial blood and atoning death

What image drawn from the Jerusalem temple did the Gospel of John use to depict Jesus?

the lamb of God

Near the end of Revelation 9, what are some of the sins John said would be prevalent during the period of the seventh seal, prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ? Select all that apply.

theft fornication sorceries murders worshipping idols and devils

What two criteria does Peter stipulate for the next apostle? (Select TWO that apply.)

to be witnesses of Jesus's resurrection to be witnesses of the ministry of Jesus

In verses 8-10, Paul mentions another witness. Who is it?


What does Jesus connect to his teachings about looking unto him in every thought?

His crucifixion wounds

In the Savior's three appearances to Joseph Smith that this lesson discussed, Jesus Christ mentions which of the following?

His death

In the Doctrine and Covenants, to what does Jesus connect His teachings about both looking unto Him in every thought and His advocacy on our behalf?

His sufferings and death

In Galatians 2:21, what does Paul mean by the phrase: "for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain"?

If the Law could have actually justified someone in the ultimate sense, then there would have been no need for Christ and the Law of the Gospel.

By what Power does Peter heal the man?

In the name of Jesus Christ

What is the main point of Stephen's protracted discourse (7:1-53) in which he recounts the history of Israel as contained in the Old Testament?

Israel has a history of rejecting God and His prophets; most recently it has rejected and killed the Righteous One, Jesus.

In verse 4, what does Paul say about Christ's resurrection?

It happened according to the scriptures

What were three main concepts associated with the tabernacle/temple in ancient Israel? (Select all that apply.)

It symbolized the presence of God among the community of Israel. It was seen as the meeting place of heaven and earth. Sacrifices performed within provides reconciliation between God and Israel.

In Romans 6:1-5, Paul discusses baptism and details how it has a twofold symbolism. What is this symbolism?

It symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and the death of our old life and beginning of our new life in Christ.

The author of Hebrews teaches that Jesus's sacrifice is better than animal sacrifices in what way?

It was a one-time sacrifice that had power to sanctify

What do we learn from the Roman road near Gethsemane?

Jesus Christ didn't give up on us at Gethsemane and He is not giving up on us now.

Which of the following details of Jesus's crucifixion does John use to tie Jesus's death to the Passover lamb? (Mark all that apply.)

Jesus was given wine from a sponge on the end of a hyssop branch. Jesus was condemned to the cross in the same hour that passover sacrifices were being prepared. The Roman soldiers did not need to break Jesus's legs to hasten his death.

What did Jesus teach them?

Kingdom of God

Which of the following functioned as temple servants in ancient Israel?

Levites (Tribe of Levi)

Who was selected to replace Judas?


What two metaphorical concepts from the ancient Jerusalem temple system did early Christian writers use to describe the significance of Jesus's death?

Mediation and Atonement

According to Jesus, what does a person need in order to baptize someone? (See 3 Nephi 11:21-22, 25; 3 Nephi 12:1.)

Power and authority

In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, what characteristic separates the five foolish virgins from the five wise virgins?


Which of the following functioned as ritual specialists in ancient Israel?

Priests (descendants of Aaron)

The word apocalypse means which of the following?


What items were located in the outer court of the ancient tabernacle? (Mark all that apply.)

Sacrificial Altar Washing Basin

According to the lesson we can discern how many missionary journeys of Paul?


Approximately how long did Jesus stay and teach the apostles after the resurrection?

40 days

The Feast of Pentecost, mentioned in Acts 2, took place approximately how long after Passover?

50 days

What question in 1 Thessalonians 4 appears to have caused Paul to broach the subject of the Second Coming?

A question about the resurrection

One of the most important contributions of Joseph Smith Matthew 24 is ________.

A reorganization providing a clear dividing line between two distinct periods of time

What did the cripple expect to receive at the entrance to the temple on that day?


Paul taught members that while they needed to be ready at all times, that the Second Coming was not going to occur until after there was a "falling away" (2 Thessalonians 2:3). The Greek word translated as "falling away" is similar to which of the following?


What does Paul say about Adam and Christ in Romans 5:12-17?

As Adam brought sin and death into the world, Jesus was able to overcome this and brought justification and life.

According to Jesus, what is the relationship between baptism and salvation? (See 3 Nephi 11:33-34; 3 Nephi 23:5.)

Baptism is necessary to be saved. Without baptism, people are damned.

After teaching powerfully on the reality and importance of the Resurrection, what did Paul exhort the Corinthian Saints to do?

Be steadfast and abound in the work of the Lord.

What does Paul teach about the Second Coming?

Before the second coming there will be a falling away

According to Jesus, what must precede baptism? (See 3 Nephi 11:23, 32-33, 37; 3 Nephi 12:2; 3 Nephi 23:5; 3 Nephi 27:16, 20.)

Believing Jesus, humbling oneself, and repenting of sin

The phase, "Alpha and Omega" as a title of Jesus Christ means which of the following?

Christ is the beginning and the end.

The prophet Nephi saw in vision that Gentile Christianity would misunderstand certain plain and precious truths about the gospel of Jesus Christ. He then learned that Jesus Christ had what plan prepared so that He could restore those truths in the latter days?

Christ would teach those truths to Nephi's descendants and then bring forth their record of those teachings in the latter days

Which of the following commandments did Jesus Christ give on the day the Church was organized?

Give heed to the words of the prophet.

What imagery is used in Revelation to show Jesus as he Great High Priest? (Select all that apply.)

He is dressed in a robe and a sash He walks among seven golden lampstands

What is the "former treatise" referred to in Acts 1:1?

The Gospel of Luke

According to passages discussed in this lesson, where did Jesus Christ appear to Joseph Smith?

The Kirtland temple

What two Old Testament systems provided early Christians the main metaphorical language and symbolism to understand Jesus's death as an atoning sacrifice and His role as a mediator making intercession for humanity? Mark BOTH that apply.

The ancient tabernacle The Aaronic Priesthood

In 1 Corinthians verses 5-7, who are the witnesses of the risen Lord?

The apostles Five hundred brethren

According to Jesus's teachings to the Lehites, what event would be the sign to show the world that the fulfillment of God's covenants with Israel had already begun to be fulfilled?

The coming forth of the Book of Mormon

According to Acts 1, the Apostles used two criteria to determine who should be considered to be an apostle. What were those two criteria?

The individual had been around from the time of the baptism of John and had seen the resurrected Savior.

According to Revelation 7:15-17, what blessings will be enjoyed by those whose robes are washed "white in the blood of the Lamb"? Select all that apply.

The lamb shall lead them unto living fountains of waters. God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.

How did Jesus Christ define the Church?

The only true and living church

Which of the following parables was given in the context of the Savior's Second Coming?

The parable of the talents

While teaching the Lehites, Christ taught them that in the latter days, remnants of Israel who had repressed, scattered, and killed by wicked Gentiles would be empowered to conquer their enemies. To illustrate this point, Christ quoted the prophet Micah and made what analogy?

The people of Israel would be like lions and the wicked Gentiles like sheep

What imagery from the Jerusalem temple is used in Revelation to symbolize Jesus and his atonement?

The slain lamb

What happened around the time of Jesus's death that the synoptic gospels use to show that Jesus is the great high priest?

The veil of the temple was rent, signifying that Jesus had passed through the veil and opened the way into the presence of God.

According to Paul, what would be the consequences if there were no Resurrection?

Their faith would be vain or empty.

To whom is the book of Acts dedicated?


The document, "The Living Christ," defines the life of Jesus Christ as being ________.

central to all human history

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