Relational Database Management Systems

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Structured Query Language: a standard data definition and data manipulation language which underpins many RDBMSs

un-normalised form

a representation of the data model consisting of a single entity comprising all attributes. Abbreviated to UNF. Also known as zero normal form

relational model

a type of data model in which data items are grouped into entities which are related, in order to minimise data duplication and achieve data integrity

insertion anomaly

a type of update anomaly where a value for a key field is not available, so preventing data being added to a record

modification anomaly

a type of update anomaly where data duplicated in multiple records may be modified in one record but not in another, leading to data inconsistency

deletion anomaly

a type of update anomaly where the deletion of a record results in the inadvertent deletion of other data

repeating data item

an alternative term for a multi-valued attribute.

non-key attribute

an attribute in an entity which is neither an atomic key nor part of a compound key

answer table

the set of records produced when performing a query

second normal form

the stage of normalisation derived from 1NF in which partial dependencies are removed. Abbreviated to 2NF

third normal form

the stage of normalisation derived from 2NF in which non-key dependencies are removed. Abbreviated to 3NF

zero normal form

An alternative name for un-normalised form (indicating its position as the stage prior to first normal form)


See dependency


See first normal form

indirect dependency

See non-key dependency

transitive dependency

See non-key dependency


See second normal form


See third normal form


See un-normalised form


See zero normal form

first normal form

The stage of normalisation derived from 0NF in which multi-valued attributes are removed. Abbreviated to 1NF

data dictionary

a description (usually in a table) of the properties of each attribute in an entity, appropriate for implementation within any RDBMS

update anomalies

a general term describing problems associated with flat file databases and partially normalised data models. See insertion anomaly, modification anomaly, deletion anomaly

atomic key

a key consisting of only one field

compound key

a key which is made up of a set of fields

surrogate key

a key which is made up purely for the purpose of uniquely identifying records


in a RDBMS, a means of entering values into a field based on entries in a related table (primarily used to achieve referential integrity for foreign keys)


in a RDBMS, a means of recording a sequence of application operations which can then be re-applied automatically


in a RDBMS, the means of switching from one view of the data to another by using buttons, macros and scripting


in a RDBMS, the use of a simplified programming language to automate application tasks, such as performing queries, displaying forms, and generating reports

sort key

in a sorting operation, a field whose values are used to arrange records into order. See primary sort key, secondary sort key

partial dependency

in an entity with a compound key, where a non-key attribute is dependent on only part of the key

candidate key

one of a set of possible keys


relational database management system: database software based on the relational model

data integrity

when data can be guaranteed to be accurate and reliable

data redundancy

when data is unnecessarily duplicated in a database

data consistency

when the same data used in several places corresponds in each occurrence

non-key dependency

where a non-key attribute is dependent primarily on another non-key attribute

referential integrity

where the value of any foreign key in one table is guaranteed to refer to an existing record in the related table


where the value of one attribute Y can be determined by the value of another attribute X. Y is dependent on X if for a given value of X there is only one value for Y

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