Relativity Review Specialist

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Are there any warning signals that propagation is being applied during the review process?


Does the Dictionary search allow you to set a fuzziness level or enable stemming?

Yes. It allows you to do both.

Can you show a mark up history for a redacted or marked up document?

Yes. Right click on the mark up or redaction and it will give you the Show Markup History option.

What character or sign is used to perform fuzzy searches?

% (percent sign) NOTE: The position of the % sign indicates the number of characters from the beginning of the term that must match exactly with words in the results.

What is the fuzziness value level in the Dictionary searches?

1 to 10. Note: this fuzziness option is independent of the fuzziness character (%) you enter in the text box search. Fuzzy operator is helpful when searching for variations of misspelled words or names.

What is Relativity's default number for loading documents into a review set?


What are Views created to control?

1. Items displayed in a list based on specific criteria 2. Fields of information related to displayed items 3. Default sort order of the items

What are the two ways you can access Keyword Expansion feature?

1. Select Analytics from the drop down index; then click on Expand link; type in the term(s) and click on Expand button. 2. From within a document, highlight the text you want to expand on; right click and select Analytics, then Keyword Expansion option

What are the 2 most common Textual Near Duplicate View fields?

1. Textual Near Duplicate Principal 2. Textual Near Duplicate Similarity

How may results will the Dictionary Search return?

2,000 If there are more than 2,000 results, you will get a message "Only 2,000 results returned."

What is the default number of items displayed per page in the core reviewer?

25, but it can be changed through the drop down menu

What are the 3 wildcard characters you can use in dtSearch?

? (matches any single character) * (matches any number or character-- can slow searches when used near the beginning of a word) ~ (tilde - matches words containing grammatical variations of a root word)

What are Saved Searches?

A set of criteria which may contain both keyword and conditional searches saved for repeated use.

What are Related Items?

A special group of documents connected via relational fields. They include: Family Groups Duplicates Email Threads Textual Near Duplicates

In Textbox searching, what are the search operators used to connect terms?

AND OR BETWEEN = (equal sign) >= (greater than or equal to) <= (less than or equal to) % (to filter for NOT or null)

In Pivot, what are the three Chart formats?

Bar Pie Line

What are the 4 types of Redactions options?

Black Cross Text White

What are the 3 different Batch statuses?

Blank - means batch is currently inactive In Progress - means batch has been checked out, but not yet checked in Completed - means batch was checked in as completed

What color is the bubble in e-mail thread views that shows the e-mail is inclusive and NOT a duplicate spare?

Blue Note: the color of the bubble indicates the inclusiveness and uniqueness of the e-mail.

What are the Filter types for searching?

Boolean CustomOnly List MultiList Popup Pickers Textbox

How do you e-mail a saved search link to someone?

By clicking the e-mail link icon or right clicking the saved search.

BEST PRACTICE: What type of field should a multiple choice value be used for coding purposes?

Check Box List. Permits multiple fields to be chosen (although you might want to use a pop up picker if there is a long list of choices)

How do you access the Pivot Chart formats?

Click the Cog Wheel icon in the Pivot profile menu

How do you turn off the Persistent Highlights in your documents?

Click the Light Bulb icon on/off in the Persistent Highlight Panel or Click Show/Hide Persistent Highlight toggle icon in core reviewer interface

How do you enable the Dictionary search?

Click the link Dictionary next to the keyword text search box.

What is Analytics searching?

Conceptual search engine in Relativity, and is required for keyword expansion and similar document identification

Which Filter type is used for the Fixed Length, Decimal, Whole Number, Currency and Date field types?


TRUE OR FALSE: Boolean filters are available to use on all field types.


TRUE OR FALSE: When using dtSearch, the Rank field indicates the strength of the match.


T/F: IS LIKE and CONTAINS operate in the same way while searching.


T/F: Keyword search is used for proximity, stemming, and fuzzy searches as well as basic Boolean operators and wildcard searches.

FALSE. DTSEARCH is used for these searches

T/F: When filtering for dates, you can use the date itself for the search?

FALSE. You must also use the greater than or less than sign along with the equal sign with the date or you will receive a syntax error.

True or False: A saved search is a list of terms or phrases that you can use to generate a report showing frequency.


True or False: You cannot check in a batch of documents that are not completely reviewed.


True or False: If a shortcut is chosen for Relativity that is identical to an existing Windows shortcut, an error will occur when that shortcut is executed.

False (If this is the case, both shortcuts will be triggered.)

True or False: You apply a Favorite by selecting the star option from the user drop-down.

False (The star option is in the Favorites drop-down)

True or False: A view can display a maximum of 50 columns.

False (There is no limit to the number of columns displayed in a view.)

True or False: A batch can be checked out for a maximum of 7 days.

False (There is no time limit to how long a batch can be checked out, however, an administrator can check in a batch on behalf of any user if required.)

True or False: You can access the Find Similar Documents feature by clicking on the Similar Documents radio button in the Viewer.

False (You can right-click on the Viewer and select "Find Similar Documents")

T/F: The number 100 in the Textual Near Duplicate Similarity field indicates the documents is the Principal Document?

False. Only a Yes in the Textual Near Duplicate Principal field shows the principal document. However, the 100 number does show that the document is 100% similar to the principal document.

T/F: Relativity supports stemming searches for multiple languages.

False. Only supports English language

T/F: To preserve Pivot profile settings, you click Save As?

False. You click Save

T/F: To preserve modified Pivot profile settings or create a new profile setting, you click Save?

False. You click Save As.

How do you locate the search type you want run?

From the Search Index Selector drop down list in the top right hand corner of the document list. Note: if Analytics is not on the list, you are need administrator approval.

What is Propagation?

Function used to automatically force a coding value to a specified group of related items (i.e. code a document as responsive and have that code propagate to the document's family members, duplicates and/or e0mail thread)

How can you change the number of documents in your review set from the Document Set Information Bar?

Go to drop down menu of the Document Set Information Bar on the bottom of the reviewer interface, and choose the document options from the Returned Set Selector box. Note: the number of documents permitted for viewing in the Returned Set Selector Box is different based on administrative and environment functions.

What color is the bubble in e-mail thread views that show the e-mail is NON-inclusive OR a duplicate?


Name of the three Pivot display settings. a. _____________ b. _____________ c. _____________

Grid Chart List

In Pivot, what field is used to define the vertical axis of the Pivot report?

Group By

What two fields are used to identify trends in Pivot?

Group By Pivot On

What document view can you highlight or redact in?

Image Mode

What is the core concept behind analytics?

It is more concerned with a document's conceptual content then its exact text and word order. It relies on how certain terms occur with other terms in the overall document set.

In the Relativity Compare feature, what does the color Black mean:

It means the language is common to both documents.

In the Relativity Compare feature, what does the color Blue mean:

It means the language is contained in the second comparison document but not the first document

in the Relativity Compare feature, what does the color Red mean:

It means the language is in the first document but not the second document

What is the purpose of the Document Skip function?

It removes any document that does not meet the criteria or saved search features contained in your document batch as well as documents that have been coded by another reviewer. You have to enable this function on the bottom right of the layout screen. It is often used with propagation function.

Where can you view a list of keyboard shortcuts?

Keyboard Shortcuts Legend

___________ searches are unable to retrieve results for queries consisting of single digits, letters, or characters.


Name three search engines in Relativity. a. ______________ b. ______________ c. ______________

Keyword dtSearch Analytics

Which Filter type is frequently used for coding documents?

List Filters Note: with List Filters, you can one filter ON one condition at a time (due to drop down menu) in that field

What viewer mode would you select to see a document's extracted text?

Long Text Mode

Where will your Find Similar Documents results be returned to in the viewer?

Lower right hand corner of the screen. To navigate on those documents, just click the Control Number link.

What does Conditional Searching allow a user to to search?

Multiple fields Additional operators and other criteria Note: Conditional searching displays up to FIVE rows with each row representing a separate criterion

Y/N: Are Find Similar Documents the same as Textual Near Duplicates documents?

NO. Textual Near Duplicate documents operate on precise word count and order, which Find Similar Documents does not do.

Do user actions such as redactions, highlights or imaging carry over to other documents via propagation?

NO. Only the specific coding decision will carry over to documents in the relational group.

What values will you have to assign to a new choice added to a coding form:

Name Order Parent Choice Highlight Color Keyboard Shortcut

Can Propagation be used on unrelated documents?


Do e-mail attachments have a number bubble next to their e-mail thread display field?

No, they have an icon that shows the file type.

Are Null and No the same coding decision?


Are duplicates of child attachments coded through propagation?


Y/N: Are filters saved when navigating between different Views?


Y/N: Is there a limit to the number of fields (columns) displayed in a view?


Y/N: Will ALL inclusive e-mails have a blue bubble?

No. An e-mail that is BOTH inclusive and a Duplicate Spare will have a gray bubble.

Will Propagation travel through multiple relational groups?

No. As an example, propagating an entire family of documents will not cause all the duplicates of the family members to be coded the same way.

Y/N. Is Pivot limited to or dependent on the complete document set?

No. It can also be used on subsets of documents and search results.

Y/N: Are the results of your saved search conditions saved in the saved search file?

No. Since saved searches are executed in real time, you save the conditions but not the results (documents).

Are E-mail threading views the same as Family Views?

No. While they are similar, Email Threading Views extend beyond a family of documents to encapsulate entire conversations.

What are the 4 main panels used in the Core Reviewer panel when working with documents?

Persistent Highlights Panel Relativity Views Layouts/Coding Forms Related Items Strip

In Pivot, what field is used to define the horizontal axis of the Pivot report?

Pivot On

In what search feature can you use the terms: xfirstword or xlastword to limit the search to the beginning or end of a file.

Proximity searching in dtSearch I.E. Apple w/5 xfirstword: returns documents where apple appears in the first 5 words of the document I.E. Apple w/5 xlastword: returns documents where apple appears in the last 5 words of the document

BEST PRACTICE: What type of field should a single choice value be used for coding purposes?

Radio button. Only permits one field to be chosen

In order to add a ______________ to a document, the document must have an image copy available.


How does Keyword Expansion work?

Relativity will examine a word or longer passage of text and retrieve conceptually related terms that are associated with the search words or about the ideas they represent in your document set.

What is the purpose of the Dictionary in dtSearches?

Searches for specific term to determine the total number of occurrences of the term and the number of documents containing it.

What is Keyword searching?

Searching a word or phrase including basic Boolean operators

What is dtSearch searching?

Searching a word or phrase including many advanced operators

What is Conditional searching?

Searching across different field values, even on fields that are not displayed in your view

What is Filtering searching?

Searching fields present in your view or search result for specific values

Which type of search returns documents that contain grammatical variations of a root word?

Stemming searches (and it only works with root words, not irregular variations like ran/run)

T/F: While using Filtering during your searching, The Boolean Filter is ONLY available in the Yes/No field types?

TRUE. However, when you click the drop down menu arrow, you will have Yes, No and Blank options to pick from the list.

What type of view can be run that shows documents with similar text patterns and that are placed together into relational groups?

Textual Near Duplicate View

What two modes can you use to toggle between your saved searches?

The Search Folder Tree icon and the Search List icon. Note: Search Folder Tree icon is located in the browser next to the case name. The Search List icon is located above the case workspace name to the right of the words Saved Searches.

What will the Textual Near Duplicate Similarity field show?

The percent (%) value of similarity between the near duplicate documents in a given group and their principal document.

What is the purpose of the Pivot feature?

To visualize key data and reveal trends and patterns of data. By using Pivot, you can create tables and chart to visually summarize data and simplify analysis of the data.

T/F: CONTAINS does not permit leading wildcards.


T/F: Email Threading will capture the entire conversation regarding of the source, arrange the e-mail chain in order and typically including the attachment.


T/F: Exact syntax and word order are heavily considered in Textual Near Duplicate Views?


T/F: If you click on the Edit link next to the control number in the Core Reviewer Interface, the documents will open in Edit mode.


T/F: If you click on the document control number in the Core Reviewer Interface, the documents will open in read only mode.


T/F: If you use more than one BETWEEN operator in a single filter string, you will receive an incorrect Syntax error.


T/F: Keyword search and dtSearch handle unquoted phrases differently.


T/F: Layouts are used to code documents and are web based coding forms where you can view and edit document information.


T/F: dtSearch cannot be used until an index is built


True of False: Once persistent highlights have been applied to a document, they can be switched off.


True of False: The metadata loaded to Relativity will be stored in fields.


True or False: As a best practice, you should use the condition "Contains" over "Is Like".


True or False: Fields that require in put have orange bars next to them


True or False: If a choice is nested and the child choice is selected, the parent choice is automatically selected.


True or False: If two reviewers edit a markup at the same time, an error occurs.


True or False: Relativity currently only supports stemming for the English language.


True or False: While filtering on multiple columns, each filter is treated as an AND operator.


True or False: You can edit the font size of textbox redactions.


T/F: The word Not can be used in proximity searches in dtSearch.

True I.E. Apple not w/5 Pear

T/F: While coding documents, you can use the Copy from Previous option to code the current document with the same coding values from the preceding coded document.

True (Note: this option is controlled by administrator)

T/F: Both keyword and dtSearch will automatically show persistent highlights

True (unless you turn them off).

T/F: While coding documents, you can add an additional choice in a layout form.

True, but only if you have permission to do so.

T/F: An inverse redaction creates a black redaction across the area you drew the redaction or the full page.


T/F: If 2 reviewers are working with the same mark up set and simultaneously redact the same document, an error will occur.


T/F: If you delete the second full page redaction on an image, the first full page redaction remains.


T/F: If you have two full page redactions applied to an image, the most recent redaction appears on top.


T/F: If you type Apple Pear into dtSearch, it will return the exact phrase "Apple Pear".


T/F: Saved searches can be performed on the entire workspace or limited to selected folders.


T/F: Typically, there are no relational fields or related items icons in the Find Similar Documents browser display.


T/F: Textbox filters treats each search term as if it was preceded and followed by a wildcard * and returns all versions of the term

True. Note: if you use an asterisk at the beginning or end of a search term in Textbox, the filter won't return any results.

T/F: The Tabs in your workspace are the locations you are permitted to access different features and functions, and you must be on the correct Tab for the function(s) to work.

True. Certain tabs will not be available to end users and are only available to administrators.

T/F: When searching for more than a one word phrase that needs to be an exact match using Keyword Search, quotation marks must be used.

True. If you want to find "brown fox", the query must be submitted with quotations or it will search for brown and fox throughout the document, but not as a phrase.

T/F: conceptual analysis does NOT use synonym lists or external dictionaries in analyzing the document.

True. It analyzes the relationship between the terms as they are defined in the documents themselves.

T/F: the more conditions you add to a search, the longer it will take to see results.

True. Use as few conditions as possible to speed up return rate.

T/F: Document skip function is controlled by system administrator?

True. Users must be assigned the ability to use document skip.

T/F: IS LIKE automatically performs a leading and trailing wildcard search.

True. Using this search operator can be a strain on the data base and take longer to search.

T/F: To activate Thumbnails option, you must be in the Image mode in the viewer

True. You click on the Show/Hide Thumbnail icon in the top left corner of the viewer window. To exit Thumbnail, hit same icon.

What are the 4 Document View options to show how a documents is displayed?

Viewer Native (will only be an option if native files were produced or collected) Image (will display TIFF or JPEG version) Long Text Mode

When is fuzzy searching useful to use?

When document contains misspelled terms, typos, spelling variations of terms or the documents have been OCRd.

How do you find similar documents using the Find Similar Documents feature?

While in the Core Reviewer Interface, right click on the current document; then click Analytics and then click Find Similar Documents.

What are the STOP words in dtSearch and Keyword searches?

Words or characters that are ignored because they do NOT act as meaningful criteria in a query. Stop words include: punctuation marks, single letters, numbers and words such as: at, a, on, the, of

Once logged in to Relativity, the case documents will be available in a ___________.


Yes/No: Can choices be nested? (I.e. if a choice is nested and the child choice is selected, will the parent automatically be selected?)


What are the 3 Fields states in Yes/No displays?

Yes, No and Null

In Dictionary searches, is Enable Stemming independent from the stemming character (~) you enter in the textbox search dialog box?


Is Find Similar Documents an analytical feature in Relativity?


Is Keyword Expansion an analytical feature?


Y/N: Will each group of textually similar documents contain a principal document?

Yes. And it typically contains the most text

Y/N: Does the Textual Near Duplicate Principal field show a Y/N value?

Yes. And the PRINCIPAL document will have a Yes in the field while the non-principal documents will have a No in the field.

In Auto Recognition searches, do you have to use any characters or wildcards in your search for dates?

Yes. Use a date expression with the word "date" between parentheses and quotation marks. I.E. "date(jan 10 2006)" For range of dates: "date(jan 10 2006 to jan 20 2006)"

Can you save a Conditional search result?

Yes. Using the Save as Search icon.

In Auto Recognition searches, do you have to use any characters or wildcards in your search for credit card numbers?

Yes. You can search for credit card number regardless of the pattern of spaces or punctuation embedded in the number. You use the word creditcard between parentheses and quotation marks. I.E. creditcard(1234)

In Auto Recognition searches, do you have to use any characters or wildcards in your search for e-mail addresses?

Yes. You can search for specific e-mail address by using the word "mail" between parentheses and quotation marks. I.E. "mail([email protected])"

What do views control? (Select all that apply.) a. Items displayed in lists, based on a set of specified criteria. b. Fields of information related to displayed items. c. How much white space there is at the top of the workspace. d. The default sort order of the items.

a, b, d

Which of the following are redaction tools? (Select all that apply.) a. Inverse b. White box c. Gray box d. Textbox

a, b, d

Which of the following features help speed up your document to document review speed? (Select all that apply.) a. Save & Next b. Apply All c. Copy from Previous d. Persistent Highlighting

a, c

Select the correct definition for these terms: View, Field, Group a. Used to store document metadata b. Used to organize a system of users c. Used to display lists of items

a. Field b. Group c. View

Which of the following is not a valid password? a. Or@nge11 b. Appl3Pie c. Rasb3rry!

b. Appl3Pie

When the Data Focus is on, what is the expected behavior? a. Relativity displays an adjusted interface that adds extra white space b. Relativity displays an adjusted interface that removes white space

b. Relativity displays an adjusted interface that removes white space

How do you open a workspace? a. Select the workspace field button b. Click on the workspace button c. Click on the workspace name d. Select the workspace name from the user drop-down

c. Click on the workspace name

The dtSearch search string ">6/1/2001" will return: a. Dates greater than 6/1/2001 b. Dates greater than or equal to 6/1/2001 c. Dates less than 6/1/2001 d. Invalid syntax error

d. Invalid syntax error

Which search feature must you use to run proximity searches, fuzzy searches, stemming and dictionary?


Do you use Keyword or dtSearch when you need to locate single digits, letters or specific numbers or letters?

dtSearch as Keyword search is unable to retrieve results for this type of query.

What is Auto Recognition?

dtSearch index which provides the ability to search for various date formats, e-mail addresses and credit card numbers. Has to be enabled by an administrator

What character or sign is used to perform stemming searches when added to the end of a root word?

~ (tilde sign)

A dictionary search returns only the first _______ results.


In the Relativity Compare feature, what color are the texts used in the comparison analysis document?

Blue Red Black

When checking in a Batch, what are the 3 Batch options?

Check in as pending Check in as completed Reassign To - this option may not be available to you if you have not been given administrative permission

How do you enable the Pivot Menu?

Click on the Toggle Pivot On/Off icon on the top right corner of any view.

How do you enable Conditional Searching?

Clicking the Toggle Conditions On/Off icon. This opens a section above the document list where you can enter various searching conditions.

By what other term is Analytics known by?

Conceptual Analytics

Name the three viewer display modes: a. ____________ b. ____________ c. ____________

Draft Normal Preview

What are the ways you can search your data?

Filtering Keyword dtSearch Conditional searching Analytics

What are the 3 Pivot Toggle Icons?

Grid, Chart and List

Where are all your saved searches located?

In the Saved Searches Browser in your workspace.

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