RELC200 - The Eternal Family Final

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According to our readings, we become more self-reliant by becoming __________

more reliant on God.

Joseph Smith taught that we work by faith when we ___________?

work with words

What do we learn from the fact that God commands us to love one another?

"'As I have loved you'—that is how Christ asks us to love." "Love is something we do, something we can control, and ultimately something we can choose—if not, God could not command us to love one another (see John 13:34)."

What "has a profound influence on the educational choices" of children?

"A mother's education level"

What must we do now if we would treasure motherhood in the world to come?

"A woman who treasures motherhood on earth will treasure motherhood in the world to come, and 'where [her] treasure is, there will [her] heart be also' (Matt. 6:21)"

What principles did Elder Holland teach about speaking with a child?

"Be constructive in your comments to a child —always. Never tell them, even in whimsy, that they are fat or dumb or lazy or homely. You would never do that maliciously, but they remember and may struggle for years trying to forget —and to forgive. And try not to compare your children, even if you think you are skillful at it."

Why did President Hinckley plead with us to "work at our responsibility as parents as if everything in life counted on it"?

"Because in fact everything in life does count on it."

Why is it important to realize that we create feelings of love?

"Because we can create strong feelings of desire for others through our choices and actions, we have to be cautious not to create such feelings of intimacy with a person who lacks the essential characteristics discussed in our last unit."

What does the First Presidency counsel regarding passionately kissing before marriage?

"Before marriage, do not participate in passionate kissing"

According to our readings, what question did President Kimball ask of Elder Mason regarding beginning his family?

"Brother Mason, would the Lord want you to break one of his important commandments in order for you to become a doctor? With the help of the Lord, you can have your family and still become a doctor. Where is your faith?"

How is agency related to love?

"Emulating the Savior and following His injunction to love as He loves involves embracing an agency-based view of love."

What principles help us work through the concerns of "cold feet"?

"Face your doubts. Master your fears. 'Cast not away therefore your confidence.'"

What are some of the right reasons for seeking wealth?

"For the intent to do good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted."

What is one of the dangers of sexual fragmentation?

"Fragmentation enables its users to counterfeit intimacy"

As a general principle, why won't God make the marriage decision for you?

"God requires us to choose our eternal companion, since they will be our eternal companion, not God's."

"However worthy and appropriate other demands or activities may be," what is the standard on whether we should do them?

"However worthy and appropriate other demands or activities may be, they must not be permitted to displace the divinely-appointed duties that only parents and families can adequately perform"

According to Sister Burton, when is a husband most attractive to his wife?

"I am convinced that a husband is never more attractive to his wife than when he is serving in his God-given roles as a worthy priesthood holder —most important in the home."

What did President Hinckley say was part of the "temporal gospel in which we believe"?

"I urge you, brethren, to look to the condition of your finances. I urge you to be modest in your expenditures; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt to the extent possible. Pay off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from bondage."

Why is it important not to incorrectly classify pornography use as addiction?

"If behavior is incorrectly classified as an addiction, the user may think he or she has lost agency and the capacity to overcome the problem. This can weaken resolve to recover and repent.

According to the reading, what is the 48-hour rule and how might it help couples deal with past mistakes?

"If one of them was upset about something the other did or didn't do, he or she had 48 hours following the "offense" to talk with the offender about it. If they didn't bring up what was troubling them within 48 hours, it was not fair to bring it up after that time period."

What is sexual fragmentation and why is it important to understand (and avoid)?

"If you persist in sharing part without the whole, in pursuing satisfaction devoid of symbolism, in giving parts and pieces and inflamed fragments only, you run the terrible risk of such spiritual, psychic damage that you may undermine both your physical intimacy and your wholehearted devotion to a truer, later love. You may come to that moment of real love, of total union, only to discover to your horror that what you should have saved has been spent, and—mark my words—only God's grace can recover that piecemeal dissipation of your virtue."

According to our readings, why did Elder Anderson bring up the examples of Adam and Eve / Lehi and Sarah / Mose's parents / Joseph and Mary?

"In 'the best of times [and] ... the worst of times,' the true Saints of God, acting in faith, have never forgotten, dismissed, or neglected 'God's commandment ... to multiply and replenish the earth.'"

Why must our marriage partner always be our primary source of information on marital intimacy, and how do we decide what is appropriate to discuss prior to marriage?

"In speaking with many newly married couples, they shared that they knew their premarriage discussions were becoming problematic when they were leading more to arousal than to new knowledge. When that happened, they agreed to discuss that aspect of the issue after they were married."

What issue plays a destructive, sometimes paralyzing role in the process of revelation?

"It is that in the process of revelation and in making important decisions, fear almost always plays a destructive, sometimes paralyzing role."

What often precedes great spiritual moments?

"It is the plain and very sobering truth that before great moments, certainly before great spiritual moments, there can come adversity, opposition, and darkness."

How can we plan for success instead of failure in our future plans to take care of our families?

"It takes courage and faith to plan for what God holds before you as the ideal rather than what might be forced upon you by circumstances."

How does faithful payment of tithing indicate our willingness to put God first in our lives?

"It takes faith to trust our and our family's well-being to God and not simply our best efforts. When we choose to put God first—even in our finances—we open the door for Him to 'open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it' (Malachi 3:10)."

What principle of effective communication did Spencer W. Kimball teach?

"Jesus was a listening leader. Because he loved others with a perfect love, he listened without being condescending. A great leader listens not only to others, but also to his conscience and to the promptings of God."

Parents should stay informed about their children's lives. What does this mean for their children's internet (and social media) life?

"Know what our children are doing in their spare time. Influence their choice of movies, television programs, and videos. If they are on the Internet, know what they are doing. Help them see the importance of wholesome entertainment."

What are "two of the best things a father can do for his children"?

"Loving the mother of his children —and showing that love —are two of the best things a father can do for his children."

What do many "breadwinners" worry about?

"Many breadwinners worry that their occupations leave too little time for their families."

How should husbands and wives work together when it comes to money management?

"Money management skills should be learned together in a spirit of cooperation and love on a continuing basis."

What principle of effective communication did Elder Robert E Wells teach?

"No amount of talking and communicating will really resolve our differences unless our marriages are based upon true gospel principles, such as faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, and obedience."

What has recent research told us about the priorities of the rising generation?

"Not long ago, the Pew Research Center polled young adults between the ages of 18-25. The survey asked the participants about the most important goals of their generation. Over 80 percent named becoming rich as their number one goal, and being famous came in second, at 51 percent. Another study found that the number of high-school students who said that "having lots of money" was "extremely important" increased 66 percent between 1976 and 2006.2 Clearly financial wealth and materialism appear to be a high priority to many in our time."

According to our readings, what did Joseph Smith say was calculated to lead people to forsake sin?

"Nothing is so much calculated to lead people to forsake sin as to take them by the hand, and watch over them with tenderness. When persons manifest the least kindness and love to me, O what power it has over my mind, while the opposite course has a tendency to harrow up all the harsh feelings and depress the human mind"

What are acceptable reasons for incurring reasonable debt?

"Of course some debt incurred for education, a modest home, or a basic automobile may be necessary to provide for a family."

What are two false messages being sent to men in our time?

"One false message is 'It's all about me.' On the other end of the scale is the degrading and mocking message that husbands and fathers are no longer needed."

What is the role of analysis, courtship, and agency in our decision of who to marry?

"One note regarding the use of our agency to study out our decision: it is important to remember that analysis does not breed love. Instead, acting with love breeds love. It is not uncommon to hear committed couples who felt deeply in love throughout their courtship, who chose each other and eventually became engaged, who then begin to have serious doubts about their decision. They wonder why their love begins to wane, and their confidence slackens when they felt so much love and such surety before. But those feelings of love and that confidence came because they had chosen to love and they were acting in love, which creates feelings of love and confidence."

What is the relationship between the worth of souls, the role of sexuality in the plan of salvation, and the Atonement in explaining why sexual sin is so serious to our Heavenly Father?

"One of the 'plain and precious' truths restored to this dispensation is that 'the spirit and the body are the soul of man' (D&C 88:15; emphasis added) and that when the spirit and body are separated, men and women "cannot receive a fulness of joy" (D&C 93:34). Certainly that suggests something of the reason why obtaining a body is so fundamentally important to the plan of salvation in the first place, why sin of any kind is such a serious matter (namely because its automatic consequence is death, the separation of the spirit from the body and the separation of the spirit and the body from God), and why the resurrection of the body is so central to the great abiding and eternal triumph of Christ's atonement."

What is one of the great ironies of eternity related to the law of chastity?

"One of the ultimate ironies of eternity is that the adversary, who is miserable precisely because he has no physical body, entices us to share in his misery through the improper use of our bodies. The very tool he does not have is thus the primary target of his attempts to lure us to spiritual destruction."

What did James say should "not be" when it comes to our communications?

"Out of the same mouth proceedeth forth blessings and cursings."

What is the most essential work of a father?

"Perhaps the most essential of a father's work is to turn the hearts of his children to their Heavenly Father."

What principles pertain to learning how to recognize answers from the Spirit?

"Principles important to receiving revelation include reverence, humility, righteousness, obedience, and diligence."

How do we best show real love?

"Real love is best shown in the 'how,' and it is with the how that Mormon and Paul help us the most."

How can we overcome doubts which at times follow spiritual promptings?

"Remember the real thing."

What are wise principles when it comes to financing your education?

"Seek out scholarships and grants. Obtain part-time employment, if possible, to help pay your own way. This will require some sacrifice, but it will help you succeed."

Why is it important to remember that receiving revelation is a line-upon-line process?

"Seldom will you receive a complete response [to a prayer] all at once. It will come a piece at a time, in packets, so that you will grow in capacity. As each piece is followed in faith, you will be led to other portions until you have the whole answer."

What do we learn was "far more lasting, far more powerful, far more influential than any earthly position or institution"?

"She knows that the influence of righteous, conscientious, persistent, daily mothering is far more lasting, far more powerful, far more influential than any earthly position or institution invented by man."

Why are other aspects of intimacy necessary as part of both overall intimacy and sexual intimacy?

"Social science research and actual experience help us understand that no matter how "sexually compatible" a couple is, if that couple lacks the other aspects of intimacy, their sexual relationship will suffer and will not lead to the type of overall human intimacy needed for marital joy and wholeness."

What are the strengths and weaknesses of LDS, non-LDS, and medical or clinical sources of information regarding sexual intimacy?

"Some publications written by non-LDS authors may not share the same values as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and may advocate for principles or practices that are contrary to correct principles. Furthermore, those works written by medical professionals or clinicians could provide helpful information, but will almost certainly lack the emotional and spiritual perspectives needed to fully understand that information and place it within a healthy, loving context. In fact, some of these publications may be overly technical and lack the practical counsel that couples need. Nevertheless, if people are wise and seek for the best possible sources—LDS or not—there is good and helpful information contained in many of these resources."

How does our understanding of and approach to chastity and sexuality while we are single influence our view of and approach towards sexuality when we marry?

"Sometimes while attempting to emphasize the importance of avoiding sexual sin while single, young adults can get the mistaken notion that there is something unclean or wrong with sexuality itself. It is important that we learn to view sexuality as God sees it—a vital, beautiful part of our nature, and an essential part of the plan of salvation. This will help us approach sexual intimacy in healthy, joyous ways when married."

What is "the Lord's standard regarding sexual purity"?

"The Lord's standard regarding sexual purity is clear and unchanging. Do not have any sexual relations before marriage, and be completely faithful to your spouse after marriage."

What role does the Holy Spirit play in helping us stay morally pure?

"The Spirit can help you know when you are at risk and give you the strength to remove yourself from the situation."

What is necessary for us to understand the eternal importance of the law of chastity?

"The eternal importance of chastity can only be understood within the overarching context of our Heavenly Father's plan of happiness for His children."

What did Elder Holland say the first element of divine love is?

"The first element of divine love—pure love—taught by these two prophets is its kindness, its selfless quality, its lack of ego and vanity and consuming self-centeredness. 'Charity suffereth long, and is kind, [charity] envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own' (Moroni 7:45)."

What did Elder Robert D. Hales say was "the key to strengthening our families"?

"The key to strengthening our families is having the Spirit of the Lord come into our homes."

What is a primary purpose of the law of tithing?

"The primary purpose of this law is to help us develop faith in our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Tithing helps us overcome our desires for the things of this world and willingly make sacrifices for others."

How can we overcome obstacles to effective communication?

"The reality is that most challenges in communication are overcome the same way that we overcome almost any difference between two people—through Christlike thoughts and Christlike actions."

What principle of effective communication did Orson F. Whitney teach?

"The spirit of the gospel is optimistic; it trusts in God and looks on the bright side of things. The opposite or pessimistic spirit drags men down and away from God, looks on the dark side, murmurs, complains, and is slow to yield obedience."

What principle of effective communication did Elder Jeffery R Holland teach?

"Think of how many arguments could be avoided, how many hurt feelings could be spared, how many cold shoulders and silent treatments could be ended, and, in a worst-case scenario, how many breakups and divorces could be avoided if we were not so easily provoked, if we thought no evil of one another, and if we not only did not rejoice in iniquity but didn't rejoice even in little mistakes. . . . Think the best of each other, especially of those you say you love. Assume the good and doubt the bad."

What counsel have prophets given us that helps us live with fidelity to our eternal companions?

"Thou shalt love thy wife with all thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her and none else." "When the Lord says all thy heart, it allows for no sharing nor dividing nor depriving."

What basic commandment must we keep as a provident provider?

"Thou shalt not covet"

What did Elder Oaks teach about the worthiness of a person who has fully repented of pornography use?

"Through proper and complete repentance, they may become clean, pure, and worthy of every covenant and temple blessing promised by God."

What do our physical bodies amplify?

"Thus, our relationships with other people, our capacity to recognize and act in accordance with truth, and our ability to obey the principles and ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ are amplified through our physical bodies."

What is the overarching purpose of God's commandments and counsel regarding financial issues?

"To help us draw nearer to Him and become like Him"

How does Elder Turley define true love?

"True love is a selfless attitude combined with selfless action."

Why are Christlike attributes and desires necessary for the highest form of romantic love?

"True love is manifest in Christlike attributes and desires, such as faith, understanding, confidence, generosity, patience, sacrifice, humility, meekness, and the submission our will to God's."

What did Sister Dew state that we need to do as a result of men and women being different?

"Unite our strengths and stewardships to create a whole"

According to our readings, we can be in the world but not of the world by ____________________

"We also can be in the world but not of the world as we reject false concepts and false teachings and remain true to that which God has commanded."

What should we expect when we read the family proclamation?

"We can expect that God won't just tell us a few interesting things about the family; he will tell us what a family ought to be and why." "As we read of what the proclamation tells us about the family, we can expect, in fact we must expect, impressions to come to our minds as to what we are to do, and we can be confident it is possible."

What "could make it more likely that people in the family would love and serve one another"?

"What could make it more likely that people in a family would love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and obey the law? It is not simply teaching them the gospel. It is in their hearing the word of God and then trying it in faith."

Why is it important for us to end the activities of our day before we are exhausted?

"Whatever time is scheduled for sexual learning and intimacy needs to be priority time-not leftover time

What have modern prophets taught regarding priorities that help us continue to focus on our marriage relationship?

"When partners focus on their Father in Heaven first and each other second, strength and love will flow into their relationship." A list suggested by Elder Holland for every married couple in the church: Our physical and spiritual selves Our spouses Our children Our Church callings Our professional lives Our civic responsibilities

How do we develop capability, safety, and security in dating and romance?

"You want capability, safety, and security in dating and romance, in married life and eternity? Be a true disciple of Jesus. Be a genuine, committed, word-and-deed Latter-day Saint. Believe that your faith has everything to do with your romance, because it does. You separate dating from discipleship at your peril."

According to our readings, "Tolerance does not require _________________"

"abandoning one's standards or one's opinions on political or public policy choices."

According to our readings, besides being better able to care for the needs of others, what is the other reason given by the Church Handbook for being self-reliant?

"better prepared to endure adversities"

According to our readings, "Few concepts have more potential to mislead us than the idea that ___________________"

"choice, or agency, is an ultimate goal."

According to our readings, terminating the life of a developing baby involves _______________________

"two individuals with separate bodies, brains, and hearts."

According to our readings, Elder Holland said we "will never be more like God at any other time in this life than when ________."

"you are expressing that particular power [to grant someone else their second estate]"

What are the three lessons Elder Holland taught in his talk?

1. " 'Exerting all [our] powers to call upon God,' the light will again come, the darkness will again retreat, the safety will again be sure." 2. "In the process of revelation and in making important decisions, fear almost always plays a destructive, sometimes paralyzing role." 3. "Along with the illuminating revelation that points us toward a righteous purpose or duty, God will also provide the means and power to achieve that purpose."

What are the five tests of true love according to John A. Widtsoe?

1. "True love of man and woman always includes love of God [and] the proof of our love of God is obedience to His law." 2. "Love is founded in truth [and honesty] ... Lies and deceit, or any other violation of the moral law, are proofs of love's absence." 3. "Love does not [intentionally] offend or injure or hurt the loved one." 4. "Love is a positive active force. It [serves and] helps the loved one. If there is a need, love tries to supply it. If there is a weakness, love supplants it with strength." 5. "As good as these tests are, there is a greater one. True love sacrifices for the loved one ... that is the final test."

True love requires personal decisions followed by what?


What kind of activities help prepare a couple for marital intimacy?

Activities that: Draw spouses' hearts out to one another Invite the Spirit

Where can you find a free, detailed course that teaches young adults and young married couples how to wisely manage their finances?


Why is the fact that something is good not reason enough to prioritize or do that thing?

Because doing too many "good" things may not leave time for doing "better" or "best" things.

Why did Elder Turley share the reality that many of our hopes and dreams will likely not come true?

Because true love should be our real hope and dream "Why am I telling you all this? "Not to discourage you—quite the contrary. What I want to do today is focus our thoughts on one simple concept that will lead to the kind of success that really matters in life—success that lasts beyond the grave. That simple concept is true love."

Why is it important to start early to take care of your health?

Because you start to have a body early on in life

What are some of the obstacles to effective communication?

Circumstance Spiritual Emotional Physical Personality Communication

What are some specific ways we can purposefully continue our courtship after we are married?

Continue to date each other

Who has stewardship in the marriage decision and for whom?

Each has stewardship for his or herself

What are some of the non-occupation-related reasons why education is important?

Education helps individuals learn to think rationally, reasonably, as well as creatively. Education helps us learn how to better understand and value the thoughts and feelings of others—to realize that our current perspective is not the only perspective, thus leading to humility and hunger for further learning. Education provides the skills necessary to solve problems and overcome obstacles to success and happiness. Education helps individuals develop the ability to communicate clearly, which leads to almost every relational and general life good. Education opens doors and provides opportunities for individuals to contribute to society occupationally and in every other context.

What reasons have prophets given for the importance of continuing education?

Education is a commandment There is no doubt that education pays It is a religious responsibility

What is the connection between education and the family?

Education prepares us to teach our children valuable life skills

What are the three categories of intimacy spoken of in the video?

Emotional Affectionate Passionate

According to our readings, what were Elder Bednar's three suggestions for how we can be more diligent and concerned at home?

Express Love —and Show It Bear Testimony —and Live It Be Consistent

What are the nine proclamation principles that lead to familial love and happiness?

Faith Prayer Repentance Forgiveness Respect Love Compassion Work Wholesome Recreational Activities

According to our readings, it is not possible to be forgiven for the sin of abortion. T/F?


If we can just help our friend/loved one who has thoughts of suicide to read their scriptures and say their prayers, the thoughts of suicide will go away T/F?


What practices can help keep our focus right, even in the midst of prosperity?

First, pay your tithes and offerings, so that the windows of heaven will be open to you (Malachi 3:8-10) Don't confuse wants with needs Live modestly and avoid debt Do not covet our neighbor's possessions Learn to say, "We cannot afford it." Be generous in giving to others

According to our readings, current church policy includes _______ possible exceptions to the prohibition on abortion.


What is the role of revelation in finding an eternal companion?

God "will guide and confirm our choice, but He will not make it for us."

What expenses has the Church indicated may be necessary to borrow money to cover?

Home Car Education

What was Sister Burton speaking about when she asked "if any of these questions lead you to squirm or feel a tinge of guilt"?

How often we speak kindly to our spouse

What have prophets counseled women in relation to education?

In speaking specifically to women, President Thomas S. Monson said: "Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. ... I urge you to pursue your education and learn marketable skills so that, should such a situation arise, you are prepared to provide."

How does a focus on all aspects of intimacy lead to a more Christlike nature and to a more loving bond between husband and wife?

It just does

How does a Christlike nature lead to healthy communication?

Many years ago, Elder Robert E. Wells of the Quorum of the Seventy declared, "No amount of talking and communicating will really resolve our differences unless our marriages are based upon true gospel principles, such as faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, and obedience." Indeed, living in accordance with gospel principles provides a foundation upon which healthy communication is built.

What are the three "ends" of sexual intimacy?

Marital unity Procreation of children Strong families

What should take precedence over money production?

Money management

What two qualities always make up real romantic love?

Passion (similar to what the ancient Greeks and early Christians referred to as eros) Charity (similar to what ancient Greeks and early Christians referred to as agape)

What headings are included in the First Presidency pamphlet All Is Safely Gathered In?all

Pay Tithes and Offerings Avoid Debt Use a budget Build a Reserve Teach Family Members

What are other essential aspects of intimacy besides sexuality?

Physical intimacy: Human touch, including sexuality Emotional intimacy: Feeling close, loved, understood, wanted Intellectual intimacy: Sharing thoughts and ideas Aesthetic intimacy: Sharing the beauties of the world Creative intimacy: Sharing acts of creating together Recreational intimacy: Enjoying life through recreation together Work intimacy: Closeness created by sharing common tasks Conflict intimacy: Facing challenges and differences together Crisis intimacy: Togetherness in coping with problems and pain Spiritual intimacy: Experiencing God and the Gospel together

What is the relationship between charity and romantic love?

Romantic love is made up of passion and charity

What is the "antithesis of love"?


What are the three levels of chastity spoken of in the video?

Sexual wholeness Spiritual purity Behavioral chastity

What three areas help prepare you both personally and familially by way of health habits?

Sleep Diet Exercise

Though true love is other centered, why is it inaccurate to state that it should be selfless?

Stating that true love is selfless "can lead to the mistaken assumption that we do not matter—that it is all about the other person. [...] True love seeks to place high priority on the needs and wants of the person we care about."

What are some of the documented differences often inherent in male and female communication?

Status vs. support - men see language as a means of asserting control; women see language as a way of confirming/supporting ideas. Independence vs. intimacy - men are often reticent to seek or accept help; women often seek support. Advice vs. understanding - men often take a utilitarian approach to language -it is used to solve problems and accomplish tasks; women often take a more relational approach to language—seeking to create union and empathy. Information vs. feelings - men are often very "head focused"or logical; women are often very "heart focused"or emotional. Orders vs. proposals - men use imperatives; females use hidden directives. Conflict vs. compromise - men often seek to come off as "right"; women are often more willing to try for a middle ground.

What are some warning signs that a loved one may be suicidal?

Talking of suicide Going through a loss or difficult time

What Church and BYU resources did we recommend?

The Church's "Provident Living" website The Church's family finance website BYU Personal Finance Courses

What are the four things we should know to be sufficiently educated sexually?

The human sexual response, the mechanics and techniques Knowledge about your body and its sexual functioning Knowledge about your spouse's body and its sexual functioning Knowledge of general sexual differences between men and women to promote understanding and empathy for each other's needs.

According to our readings, the First Presidency in True to the Faith asks us to consider two things when making decisions about how many children to have and when. What are they?

The sanctity and meaning of life. The joy that comes when children are in the home. The eternal blessings that come from having a good posterity.

How do the three aspects of true love help us not only avoid the counterfeits but also develop more meaningful and passionate relationships?

These three principles help us understand that we can create and stimulate love which can lead to better relationships

How can spouses make sure that love rather than lust is the motivating factor in their sexual intimacy?

They can make sure to have an unselfish attitude

How does the author differentiate feelings of love and happiness from the way they are often interpreted?

They should be understood as the fruits of a good marriage rather that the roots

What principles help us "create" love?

Thoughtful Service Commitment Equal Partnership Practicing Virtues

What three aspects of love help us differentiate true love from counterfeit forms of affection?

True Love Is Agentic True Love Is a Process True Love Is Other-Centered

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