relevancy topic - sixth extinction ( biodiversity)

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The total number of a species in a given area, along with how many different species are found in that area, defines the_______ of that area


How is biodiversity defined?

Biodiversity includes how many different species are found in a given area. Biodiversity includes the total number of individuals of a species in a given area.

Cnidarians are threatened with extinction largely because of a phenomenon known as coral______ ,which is a side effect of climate change and global warming that disrupts a symbiosis between these cnidarians and a dinoflagellate.


Which of these is a feature of animals that is supported by the colonial flagellate hypothesis?

Animals have specialized cells and tissues.

Select the three major domains of living organisms.

Archaea Bacteria Eukarya

Match each prokaryotic structure to its description.

Capsules - a gel-like coating outside the cell wall plasma membrane - regulates passage of materials in and out of the cell ribosomes - the site of protein synthesis Flagellum - a locomotive organelle that rotates

In what supergroup are animals classified?


Which eukaryotic supergroup includes multicellular animals, fungi, and related protists?


Which of these is an adaptation associated with greater photosynthetic output in the evolution of land plants?

The evolution of larger leaves

Which of the following is a characteristic common to animals?

They are able to move.

Which statements describe vertebrates?

They belong to phylum Chordata. They have a backbone. The have a postanal tail at some point during development.

All fungi have a life cycle that includes

a diploid state. asexual reproduction. sexual reproduction. a haploid state. mating types.

Every cell of every protist has

a nucleus

Lobe-finned fishes are believed to be ancestral to the


What is a biodiversity hotspot?

an area of the planet that contains more life than others, despite covering a very limited portion of the world's surface

The colonial flagellate hypothesis states that______ are descended from an ancestor that resembled a hollow colony of flagellated cells.


The swim bladder in bony fishes is important for


During asexual reproduction in fungi, which structures produce sporangia?

each mycelium

In alternation of generations the gametophyte produces

egg and sperm cells

The bodies of multicellular fungi are composed of filaments called


A phylogenetic tree is used to depict the diversity of life because

it provides a visualization of evolutionary relationships.

The first vertebrates were

jawless fish

During the evolution of the vertebrate body plan, the evolution of_______changed the way vertebrates hunt for food.


In the evolution of the vertebrate body plan, the evolution of which structure in fish is notable because it changed the way vertebrates hunt for food?


Select all of the following that are members of phylum Cnidaria.

jellyfish corals sea anemones

Select all of the characteristics of phylum Porifera.

lack symmetry body is perforated with holes multicellular heterotrophic

Which are characteristics of plants?

make their food multicellular

There are four major classifications of vertebrate animals: fish, amphibians, reptiles, and_____


Of the two body types found in jellyfish, the familiar_____ form is usually motile, or able to move.


Prokaryotic cells do not have

membrane-bound organelles. a nucleus.

The fungal life cycle includes

mostly haploid stages, with the exception of a diploid zygote stage.

Fungi are best described as

multicellular eukaryotes.

Fungi get their nutrients from

organic material.

Fish are threatened or endangered because of a combination of which factors?

overharvesting habitat destruction climate change

The geological time scale is broken into eras,_____ and epochs.


In alternation of generations, the sporophyte

produces haploid (n) spores by meiosis.

The protists can be described as the link between the

prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

Members of the phylum Cnidaria exhibit which types of symmetry?

radial bilateral

Phylogenetic trees get their names from the term "phylogeny", because they provide an indication of the ____ of organisms.


The colonial flagellate hypothesis explains how a colony of flagellated cells may have formed some of the

specialized structures found in the first animals.

The evolution of a new species is called


There are two models used to describe_______, the process by which a new species evolves.


Which organisms make up phylum Porifera?


During asexual reproduction in fungi, each mycelium produces


Structures that produce asexual spores in fungi are called


During asexual reproduction in fungi, each mycelium produces sporangia, where______ formation takes place


Sporangia are structures, produced by fungal mycelium, in which______ formation occurs.


Plants can be described as playing an important role in almost every ecosystem because of their roles in which of these processes?

the carbon cycle the phosphorus cycle the nitrogen cycle the water cycle

Increased photosynthetic capabilities can be attributed to which event in the evolution of land plants?

the evolution of megaphylls

Tissues in the vascular system of plants

transport nutrients and minerals. allow the plant to stand erect on land. transport water.

The diversity of life can be depicted as a


Cnidarians are Eumetazoans, which means that they are the first

true animals

The vascular system in a plant functions in ______ for the plant.


Select the descriptions of the gradualistic model of speciation.

1. reproductive isolation develops over time 2. supported by charles Darwin 3. slow change in population

Starting with organism at the top, arrange the hierarchy of biological organization to demonstrate an understanding of the position of the species.

1. organism 2. population 3. species 4. community

Arrange these hypothetical events so they are consistent with the colonial flagellate hypothesis. Start with the event that would have occurred first at the top of the list.

1- motile, flagellated cells aggregate together 2- the colony of cells forms a hollow sphere 3- cells become specialized to perform certain functions 4- infolding of cells into the sphere creates tissues

There are several proposed steps in the colonial flagellate hypothesis to explain the descent of animals from a colonial flagellate ancestor. Place the following list of steps in the correct order, with the first step at the top of the list.

1. Aggregate of a few flagellated cells 2. Larger number of cells forms a hollow sphere 3. Individual cells in the colony become specialized 4. Specialized cells are folded into the interior of the sphere

How might you summarize the pace of speciation?

1. Gradual changes occur over long periods of time until reproductive isolation occurs. 2. Sudden events result in rapid speciation followed by long periods of stability.

Select the descriptions of the punctuated equilibrium model of speciation.

1. Long periods of stability 2. Sudden events result in speciation

Select the descriptions of the gradualistic model of speciation. select all that apply.

1. Reproductive isolation develops over time 2. Slow change in populations 3. Supported by Charles Darwin

What are the defining features of a biological species?

1. a group of similar organisms 2. a group of living organisms that can produce living, viable offspring. 3. a group of organisms that are capable of reproducing.

Select descriptions of sympatric speciation. select all that apply.

1. can produce hybrid plants that are unable to reproduce with the parent species 2. isolation occurs despite overlapping territories 3. isolation can occur because of differences in preferred resources 4. isolation can occur because of difference in timing of mating

Which of these lengths of time is a measurement of geological time represented on the geological time scale? select all that apply.

1. era 2. period 3. epoch

Select descriptions of allopatric speciation.

1. geographic isolation 2. occurred with the Galápagos finches 3. occurred with lungless salamanders in California

Arrange these major evolutionary developments that occured as vertebrate animals evolved from invertebrate animals. Start with the event that occured longest ago at the top.

1. invertebrate chordates share a chordate ancestor with the vertebrate animals 2. Vertebrae evolved 3. jaws appear 4. bony skeleton appear 5. lungs appear 6. limbs appear 7. the amniotic egg appear 8. mammary glands appear

Select major events in the evolution of invertebrate animals from protist ancestors.

A colony of flagellated cells formed. A colony of flagellated cells formed a hollow sphere. Cells in the sphere became specialized for reproduction. Infolding of the sphere created tissues.

Select the statements you would include in a summary of the general process of the formation of new species over time.

A geographic feature may isolate two groups of the same species from another. Members of a species may inhabit different environments and adapt to survive in different habitats. Resource availability, or the time of year two groups within a species mate, may isolate them from one another.

Compare the two models used to explain how species become isolated my matching each description to the model.

Allopatric speciation: 1. Populations become geographically isolated 2. An example includes the lungless salamanders of California, whose populations migrated south and became separated by valleys between their mountain stream habitats Sympatric speciation: 1. Territories overlap 2. Isolation is created over preferred resources 3. Populations mate at different times of year

Vertebrate animals belong to phylum


Match each mass extinction event with the shift in evolution that took place before and after.

First mass extinction event between the Ordovician and Silurian periods: before - Invertebrates spread and diversified, jawless fishes appeared, and nonvascular plants appeared on land before this extinction event. after - After this event, the first jawed fishes and seedless vascular plants appeared. Second mass extinction event between the Devonian and Carboniferous periods: before - Before this event, jawed fishes diversified, insects and amphibians appeared, seedless vascular plants diversified, and seed plants appeared. after - Amphibians and insects diversified, and reptiles appeared following this extinction event. Third mass extinction event between the Permian and Triassic periods/ Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras: before - Prior to this event, reptiles and gymnosperms diversified and amphibians declined. after - After this event, the first mammals and dinosaurs appeared, forests of conifers and cycads dominated the land, and corals and mollusks dominated the seas.

Match each of these mass extinction events with the shifts in evolution that came before and after them.

Fourth mass extinction event between the Triassic and Jurrasic periods: before - Before: The first mammals and dinosaurs appeared, forests of conifers and cycads dominated the land, and corals and mollusks dominated the seas. after - After: The dinosaurs flourished, and birds and angiosperms appeared. Fifth mass extinction event between Cretaceous and Tertiary periods/ Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras: before - Before: Placental mammals and modern insects appeared, angiosperms spread, and conifers persisted. after - After: Primates, herbivores, carnivores, and insectivores were present and angiosperms diversified. Sixth (current) mass extinction event between Pleistocene and Holocene epochs: before - Before: modern humans appeared and modern plants spread and diversified. after - After: remains to be seen.

Approximately 1,414 species of fish are threatened or endangered because of a combination of climate change, overfishing, and______ destruction


What is the best description of the function of plants with regard to humans?

Humans rely on plants for almost everything, including food, fuel, and shelter.

How would you describe the effects of the current extinction crisis on fungi?

Hundreds of species of fungi are threatened by the current extinction crisis.

How would you describe the causes of mass extinction events?

Multi-factorial, including geological disturbances, climate change, and asteroids.

Which is the best description of the evolution of the current classification system for living organisms?

New information is constantly incorporated into the classification system and adjustments are made as needed.

Match each description to the category of reproductive isolation it describes.

Prezygotic isolating mechanisms: 1. Can occur before fertilization or after mating 2. Something happens before successful reproduction can occur Postzygotic isolating mechanisms: 1. Happens after fertilization 2. Something happens after a new individual is formed

Which is the best description for why the classification system for living organisms is ever-evolving?

Science is a discipline that is constantly being reevaluated as new information becomes available.

What is the current debate over using the term extinction with reference to wild populations?

Should loss of a species from the wild qualify as extinction, or should this term apply only to the loss of the species from the entire planet, including captivity?

Which is the best description of the gradualistic model of speciation?

Small changes occur periodically, changing populations slowly until reproductive isolation occurs.

Which is the best description of the punctuated equilibrium model of speciation?

Sudden events result in the evolution of new species, followed by long periods of stability.

Which level of biological organization was created to describe protists and their problematic classification?


Cnidarians, specifically jellyfish, are important in the evolution of the animal body plan because this is the first phylum of animals to demonstrate the concept of __ in addition to tissues with specialized cells.


If a new species is defined based on reproductive isolation, which method has been used to define this species?

The biological species concept

Which of the following is an example of an extinction threat to sponges?

The glass sponges of the Mediterranean are being overharvested for human use.

Which piece of evidence supports the colonial flagellate hypothesis?

Tissue layers arise by infolding during animal development today.

How is the colonial flagellate hypothesis for the origin of animals related to modern animals?

Tissues arise in modern animals in the manner described in the hypothesis.

How might you explain how biodiversity and the study of life are related?

When discussing the history of life on earth, we look at how many members of a species and how many total species are present. When we talk about life on earth, we discuss loss of species and other taxonomic groups, which is a loss of biodiversity.

Which of these is an explanation of the relationship between biodiversity and the study of life?

When studying life on earth, in a specific area or ecosystem, a discussion of biodiversity gives an indication of how much and what types of life are found there.

The single-celled prokaryotes are

able to carry out all the basic characteristics of life.

Several species of finches are believed to have evolved from a single species on the Galapagos islands due to a process called_______, which can result in new formation of new species.

adaptive radiation

The process that leads to the diversification of a species when individuals occupy different habitats is called

adaptive radiation

When geographic features prevent mating between population,______ speciation occurs


Which model, used to explain how species become isolated, involves geographic isolation?

allopatric speciation

All plants undergo a life cycle with special characteristics that differentiate it from the life cycles of other organisms. What is this cycle called?

alternation of generations

during_______ reproduction in fungi, fungal mycelium produce sporangia that form spores, which can be dispersed into the environment where they may germinate when they encounter moisture.


There are three major domains of living organisms: Eukarya, Archaea, and


Places on the planet that contain more types of life than others, like rain forests and coral reefs, are called

biodiversity hotspot

The method that is most commonly used to define a species, which is dependent on reproductive isolation, is the_______ species concept.


A group of similar organisms that are reproductively compatible and capable of interbreeding to produce living offspring is a(n)

biological species.

Match the prokaryotic structures to their descriptions.

cell wall - supportive structure that shapes the cell cytoplasm - contains the nucleoid and ribosomes nucleoid region - location of bacterial chromosomes capsule - coating outside the cell wall

Which phylum do vertebrate animals belong to?


Which of these would you include to describe the causes of the first five mass extinction events in our planet's history?

comet or asteroid impact volcanic activity climate change falling sea levels

Which of these accurately describes prokaryotes?

commonly called bacteria

The current extinction threats to cnidarians include

coral bleaching due to climate change and global warming.

Hagfishes are jawless fishes that feed mostly on

decaying animal material.

Select all characteristics of fungi.

decomposers saprophytic heterotrophic structurally diverse

A feature of the life cycle of many fungi is the presence of a 2n zygote stage, called a_____ stage


Which two of these are identified as current extinction threats to sponges?

disease overharvesting

Sponges are important in the evolution of the animal body plan because they

do not exhibit symmetry. lack nerve and muscle cells. have no specialized tissues.

Which of these phrases describes invertebrate animals?

do not have a backbone

select all that applty. Which of these lengths of time is a measurement of geological time represented on the geological time scale?

epoch period era

Which two domains are most closely related on the tree of life?

eukarya and Archaea

The characteristics of animals include which three of these?

eukaryote heterotroph multicellular

All prokaryotes are photosynthetic autotrophs.


What are fungal hyphae?

filaments composed of fungal cells

Select the classes of vertebrates you would include in a summary of the major classifications of vertebrate animals.

fishes amphibians mammals reptiles

How many major extinction events have taken place in the history of the planet?


There have been_____mass extinction events in the history of our planet and another is in progress.


Select the two multicellular individuals that alternate during the alternation of generation life cycle of plants.

gametophyte sporophyte

Adaptive radiation is a process that leads to the diversification of a species as a result of individuals occupying different_____ and adapting to different environmental conditions


One thing that distinguishes fungi from animals is that all stages of the fungal life cycle are______ except for the zygote stage.


One thing that distinguishes fungi from animals is that all stages of the fungal life cycle are_______except for the zygote stage.


Select the metabolic capabilities of fungi.

heterotrophic saprotrophic decomposer

Which of these would you include to describe the cause of the sixth mass extinction event?

human activity

Around 450 million years ago, vertebrate chordates evolved from______ ancestors. Modern examples of these sorts of ancestors include tunicates and lancelets.


Which of these classification terms is used to describe animals such as insects, corals, and molluscs?


Vertebrate chordates evolved from __ ancestors.


Match each description to the appropriate chordate characteristic.

pharyngeal pouches - located in the back of the oral cavity dorsal tubular nerve cord - the spinal cord in vertebrates notochord - the vertebral column in vertebrates postanal tail - tail that extends beyond the anus

Prokaryotic cells that use solar energy to make their own food are called


Which of the following categories do prokaryotes fall under with regard to nutrition?

photoheterotroph photoautotroph chemoautotroph chemoheterotroph

Which of these terms is used to refer to the relatedness of organisms?


Of the two body types found in jellyfish, the______ is usually sessile, or does not move.


Species is a level of biological organization between

population and community.

Match each description to the appropriate category of reproductive isolation.

prezygotic isolating mechanism: 1. Egg and sperm are unable to form a zygote. 2. There are five described types of this mechanism, which occurs before fertilization or during mating. postzygotic isolating mechanism: 1. A new individual is unable to produce its own viable offspring. 2. There are three described types of this mechanism, which occurs after fertilization.

Select the adaptations that are associated with the evolution of land plants.

seeds vascular tissue flowers leaves

The form of reproduction in fungi that produces genetic variation is_______ reproduction


All protists are

single cells. eukaryotes.

Which is the best description of the prokaryotes?

single-celled organisms that are often associated with diseases that do not have a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles

A photoautotroph uses ______ to make its own food.

solar energy

Which of these is an important characteristic in the evolution of the animal body plan that is seen first in the phylum Cnidaria?

symmetry, during the evolution of the jellyfish

When speciation occurs despite species occupying overlapping territories, __ speciation occurs.


The process of adaptive radiation may result in

the formation of a new species.

During the plant life cycle, called an alternation of generations, which two multicellular individuals alternate?

the sporophyte and gametophyte

It is evident from the tree of life that Archaea are more closely related to Eukarya, which is evident because

their branches are located close to one another on the tree.

In the alternation of generations plant life cycle,

there are multicellular haploid and diploid structures.

The collar cells of sponges are significant in the evolution of the animal body plan because

they are similar in structure to choanoflagellates, which are unicellular eukaryotes related to the animals.

Match each chordate characteristic to its description.

unique to chordates - postanal tail a supporting rod on the back of the organism - notochord component of the central nervous system - dorsal tubular nerve cord form the gills in fish and the auditory tubes in other vertebrates - pharyngeal pouches

The sporophyte generation of land plants is dominant because of the evolution of_______ tissue


Animals with a backbone are described as_____ animals


Animals with a backbone are described as_____animals


how might you explain how biodiversity and the study of life are related?

when we talk about life on earth, we discuss loss of species and other taxonomic groups, which is a loss of biodiversity. when discussing the history of life on earth, we look at how many members of a species and how many total species are present.

There is some debate over whether the term extinction means the complete loss of a species on the planet, or whether the term should be used only for the loss of_____ populations


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