RELI 1002 Test 1 - Hinduism

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True of false: Hindus must go on a pilgrimage because the Land of India is a holy mother and brings spiritual benefits to devotees.

False, that is just one point of view. The other point of view says that it is not necessary to go anywhere because they see the body as a temple to God

In order to escape ________ you must achieve ________. Once you have escaped this it will allow your ________ to join _________.

Fill in the blank (Samsara, Moksha) (Atman, Brahman)

The "demonic twins" Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksha, were originally positioned as ____________ before being cursed

Gatekeepers for Vishnu

Tilak and Ghandi were two of India's leaders in the independence movement. What was the major difference between the two?

Ghandi believed in nonviolence, Tilak believed in violence.

How does Parvati defend the Heavens when Mahisha, a buffalo demon is taking over?

Her anger spawns Durga who declares that she will marry anyone who can beat her in battle. She defeats everyone but her anger spawns another God, Kali. She is portrayed wearing a necklace of skulls.

How has the idea of Moksha, the liberation from Samsara, changed over the years?

In early Hinduism, the idea of immortality through Moksha was meant to be taken literally. In later Hinduism, we discover the world isn't that great so Moksha is immortality in a place beyond Earth.

What should an audience experience of an effective Indian drama?


So I don't remember my questions word for word, but I remember what you need to know. - The Battle of Plassey was a large battle in 1757 where the British won and started running the country oppressively - Varuna is the god of order - The number 108 is significant in Hinduism/india - Ram Mohan Roy was a social activist that promoted the status of women and spoke in favor of monotheism within Hinduism - Ghandi was killed by a Hindu nationalist that didn't want the coexistence of Islam and Hinduism

Remember these

True or False: Bhakta's style of worship which involved worship of anthropomorphic (of human shape) images of the divine led to both the creation of images and temple building.


True or False: In Yoga, when a person reaches the final state (dharmamegha samādhi) they become a jīvanmukta, one who lives while liberated from compulsory rebirth.


What are the two ways Hinduism addresses Vishnu's incarnation as the Buddha?

The first view is that Vishnu became the Buddha as a trick for those who would not follow their dharma, casting a more skeptical view on Buddhism. The second view is that he came as the Buddha to teach nonviolence and peace, therefore making Buddhist teachings in line with Hinduism.

Describe the role of householder in the 4 stages of life.

The householder must provide for themselves and give back to their community to pay off their debts. They also should get married and have kids that they can provide for and teach.

Brahman became associated with ___ the all encompassing sound of the universe.


What was the result of the Indian Rebellion of 1857?

Due to the rebellion, the East India Company withdrew from governing India and Britain implemented the Government of India Act. This Act set up an Indian state under harsh British rule that eventually brought about the Indian nationalist movement.

As a result of Parvatti trying to rid of Mahisha, whom did she create out of her anger

Durga and Kali

4. Generally all Hindus believe that: A. The universe has no beginning and no end, but goes through regular cycles of creation, maintenance, and destruction. B. Living beings go through a cycle of rebirths propelled by their karma until they attain liberation. C. Ascetic practice is effective in bringing human beings to liberation from the cycle of rebirth. D. The core Vedic scriptures were revealed, and specially trained people of the priestly class preserve their authoritative content. E. All of the above.


True/False: The term Prajapati is synonymous with Brahman, the Absolute

False (Prajapati is synonymous with Brahma, the agent of creation.)

Explain the significance of the Śāktas.

Śāktas are the people who worship the goddess in Hinduism, Śākti (also known as Devi). They see her as a powerfully independent figure and worship her manifestations.

What is the meaning of "Bharat Māta?"

"Mother India"

How many mother Goddesses are scattered around mother India? (Bhavat Mata)


Match the subsequent Veda with its content. 1. Rigvedas 2. Samavedas 3. Yajurvedas 4. Atharavedas A. Psalms of praise B. "how to guide on sacrifices and rituals C. Hymns and stories about the gods D. Magical incantations and chants (medicinal)

1C, 2A, 3B, 4D

Which of the following is NOT one of the five sheaths? A. Sheath of reason B. Sheath of mind C. Sheath of the body D. Sheath of bliss


How many incarnations is Vishnu said to have, and how many have already happened? A. 10; 7 have happened B. 10; 9 have happened C. 9; 8 have happened D. 9; 7 have happened


Which of the following answers correctly describes the forest dweller stage of life? A. Individual works to provide for his entire family while paying back his debt to the community B. Individual has completely paid off his debt to the community, strives to simplify his life, and begins to seek Moksha C. Individual renounces everything and goes into the forest to achieve Moksha D. Individual is learning and absorbing spiritual, religious, and intellectual knowledge from his community while being provided for by his family


Which one is the creator of everything? A. Brahmin B. Brahma C. Brahman


Matching: Match the term with the right definition ___ Brahman A. The priestly class ___ Brahma B. The thing behind all creation (the absolute) ___ Brahmin C. The agent of creation (creator God)

B, C, A

What differentiated Mohandas Ghandi and Bal Gangadar Tilak?

Both looked to the story of Ajura in the Bhagavadgita in order to determine how they should act in the Indian Independence movement. They differentiated however in how they interpreted Ajura's story. Tilak believed that Violence was an acceptable tool because those seen as "evil-doers" must pay the consequences for their acts. Additionally, he believed that if you fought for justice then you would not rack up bad karma. On the other hand, Ghandi interpreted the story to mean that a more peaceful- nonviolent approach should be used. He saw the text as symbolic and thus interpreted Ajura's difficulties as an inner struggle.

Who are the members of the triad, and what are their jobs?

Brahma- the creator Vishnu- the preserver Siva- the destroyer

Which of the following is not one of the three types of fires Agni was said to be involved in? A. fire lit in a round area that cooked food for the sacrifice B. fire lit in a square area in which offerings were made to the devas C. fire lit in a triangular area in which offerings were made to the priests D. fire lit in a semi-circular area in which offerings were made to the ancestors


Which of the following translates to "chosen deity?" A. Atman B. Darsana C. Ista-devata D. Prakrti


Match the veda with what it contains. ___ Rigvedas A. Songs of praise ___ Samavedas B. Medicinal healing ___ Yajurvedas C. Stories about the gods ___ Atharavedas D. How to do a proper sacrifice

C, A, D, B

Match the following gods with their titles. (1/14 Notes) ___Agni a. god of wisdom ___Indra b. god of order ___Soma c. god of fire ___Varuna d. god of war

C, D, A, B

The vedic period of Hinduism's early history introduced what three things? A. Vedas B. Rishis C. Sanskrit D. All of the above


Who is the god of fire? A. Indra B. Soma C. Varuna D. Agni


Match the following yoga-related Sanskrit words with their English meanings. (page 251-252) ___Yamas a. body postures ___Niyamas b. personal discipline ___Asanas c. regulated breathing ___Pranayama d. moral restraints

D, B, A, C

Matching: Match the body part to what they represent ___ Head A. The merchants/skilled workers ___ Arms B. The warrior/ruling class ___ Legs C. The servants ___ Feet D. The priestly class

D, B, A, C

Kala is the God of ___________

Death and Time

One's duty in life is known as his/her____________


Which god is responsible for giving humans soma?


What does it mean when someone says "deity-with-form"? Provide an example.

It is thought that during a Puja the deity comes and inhabits the idol (animating it), thus making the deity accessible to humans. An example would be the followers of Vallaha visualizing themselves as Krishna's companions while they walk, eat, etc.

What is the accumulation of good or bad action (what you do, you get back?


The vendanta commentator, Sakara, emphasized the path of ________ to liberation, while other commentators such as Ramanuja and Madhva emphasized the path of _______.

Knowledge, Devotion

What was puja?

Offering of articles that are pleasing to the senses, such as water, flowers, fire, incense, music, to the triad.

Explain how Durga and Kali came to be?

Parvati, the other wife of Siva, was trying to figure out how to save Brahma from Mahisha (the Buffalo demon). In contemplating a course of action, she gets so mad that she incarnates a goddess (known as Durga). Durga faces off against all the demons attempting to kill Brahma and kills them all. In the heat of her battle though, she creates another goddess, called Kali. Kali is the incarnation of anger from anger and her sole job is going around and killing demons. She is very scary (I mean come on she has a necklace of skulls).

What are the two truths Sankara spoke of?

Practical and ultimate

What are the two truths of Sankara?

Practical and ultimate

Who is the first god to become material?


How did Kali come out?

She was formed from Durga's anger.

What are the 'The Five Sheaths'?

Sheath of the Body = material body created by food Sheath of Breath/vital force = energizes the material body Sheath of Mind = mentality of person: thoughts, emotions, sense impressions Sheath of Intellect = higher function of mentality Sheath of Bliss = human beings true nature: realization of the devine

What are the 5 sheaths that can lead to Moksha?

Sheath of the body Sheath of breath or vital force Sheath of mind Sheath of intellect Sheath of bliss

What are the two main groups that Hindus divide their literature into?

Sruti = heard, i.e., revealed Smrti = remembered

What are the stages of life that come from the Laws of Manu

Student: learn and absorb Housholder: no longer being taken care of, pay back all debts, give back to community, get married and have kids- provide for them Forest dweller: older people who have paid off their debts, time so simplify life, try to achieve Moksha Sanyassi: man who has provided everything for family, he will leave his family behind to go live in the woods with nothing and try to achieve Moksha

What does Dharma mean?

The duty you're born into.

What are the followers of Vishnu called?


The first Hindu missionary in the West who attended World's Parliament of Religion in Chicago was?


Match the following with the correct description? Brahma a. The creator Vishnu b. The preserver Shiva c. The destroyer

a, b, c

What are the four major types of religious specialists who have made a lasting impact on Hindu religious life in India?

a. Rsi b. Priests c. The Renunciate d. Bhakta

What are the four stages of life revealed through the Laws of Manu?

a. Student b. Householder c. Forest Dweller d. Sanyassi

What is the name used to describe a man who becomes a complete renunciate? a) Sramana b) Samnyasi c) Rsi d) Bhakti


Which one of the Vedas were meant for the priestly class and contained inscriptions of how to sacrifice? a) Rigvedas b) Samavedas c) Yajurvedas d) Atharavedas


What gods make up the Triad? a) Agni, Usas, and Maruts b) Indra, Vishnu, and Brahma c) Sakti, Siva, and Agni d) Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva

d) Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva

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