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Epistle of James

"catholic" epistle, addressed to 12 tribes in the diaspora, James is a servant of God there are various issues address: rich/ poor, how to treat wealthy patrons, and moral control/ discipline

Participationists model of salvation

1. Judicial/ Legal model (God makes general laws for humans, all humans break them, punishment= death, humans need someone to redeem them) 2. Participations Model: (Sin is a power which affects everyone, sin leads to death, which is alienation from God, Jesus overcomes death and the alienation, people can participate in this victory too)Galatians responds to people who promoted the idea that Gentiles must obey Jewish law to be ChristiansPaul rejects this: Gentiles do not need the Law for salvation Romans outlines Paul's main theological position in order to get support from the Roman Christians. Romans describes 2 models of salvation, both of which are available to Jews and Gentiles through faith in Christ.

Voluntary associations/trade guilds

: Thessalonian community- Paul's activity"salt merchants of Tebtynis "rag dealers" "sailors" "laborers and rag dealers""association of carpenters""couch makers""barbers" cutlery makers"


A Greek word that literally means one who ministers. In the early church these were Christian church leaders given the responsibly of tending to the physical needs of the community.


A Jewish designation for non- Jew


A Jewish sect, which may have originated during the Maccabean period, that emphasized strict adherence to the purity laws set forth in the Torah

First-fruits" of the resurrection

A phrase used by the apostle Paul to refer to Jesus as the first one to be raised from the dead, It is an agricultural image referring to the celebration held at the end of the first day of the harvest, in anticipation of going our to bring in the rest of the crops (next day). If Jesus is this, then the rest of the resurrection will happen very soon.


A region in the north- central portion of Asia Minor, a sparsely populated territory that was eventually linked by the Romans with the more populous region of the south,


A rhetorical devise used by Greek and Latin authors including the apostle Paul in which imaginary opponents raises objections to one's view only to be answered successfully as to move an argument forward.

Paul: Abraham was justified by faith before the law was in existence James: Abraham was justified by his works before the law was in existence

Abraham (Paul and James)

People were starting to wonder what would happen to the people who had died before Jesus returned

According to 1 Thessalonians, what problem seems to have arisen in the group after Paul left?

Hears an oral report "Chloe's people" (1 Cor 1:11) Receives a letter 1 Cor 7:1 "Now concerning the matters about which you wrote...

After Paul founded the Corinthian community and left, what conflicts seem to have arisen?


An agreement or treaty between two social or political parties that have come to terms; used by ancient Jews in reference to the pact that God made to protect and preserve them as his chosen people in exchange for their devotion and adherence to his law.


Another designation for a private letter. Some scholars have differentiated between thought of them as literary writings in the form of a letter, which were meant for general distribution rather than for an individual recipient, and letters, which were a nonliterary form of personal correspondence. This differentiation between epistles and letters is not widely held today however so that the term tend to be synonymously.


Any polytheistic religions of the Greco- Roman world, antichrist Mediterranean religions other than Judaism and Christianity.


Both Paul and James appeal to which Jewish figure to make opposite arguments about faith and works?


Capital of Achaia- Major port city. Paul initially preached a message about Jesus' death and resurrection to a mixed community. There are many issues after Paul leaves, and he has a falling out with his community but appears to have reconciled. Issues of factionalism, members taking one another to court, marriage/ celibacy/ incest, misunderstanding Jesus' resurrection, visiting prostitutes, disorderly worship/ meals, spiritual gifts, eating food dedicated to idols, and lazy attitude towards salvation.


Capital of Macedonia, port city, trade networks, Paul uses motifs of "working/labor," this was how Paul got the chance to work along side of people and share the Gospel.


City in southeast Asia Minor that according to Acts was home to the Apostle Paul. The city was known as one of the great philosophical centers in the Roman Empire, leading some scholars to suspect that like located Paul there in order to further his credentials.

"Antioch incident," the Apocalyptic:

Early Christian missionaries met to talk about missions and decided that John, James, and Peter would all go and speak to the Jews while Paul went to speak to the Gentiles. But Paul shows up in Antioch anyways and there may have been a power struggle between Peter and Paul. Galatians 2:11-13 But when Cephas [Peter] came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he stood self-condemned; for until certain people came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But after they came, he drew back and kept himself separate for fear of the circumcision faction. And the other Jews joined him in this hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy.

House church

For centuries Christian communities did not meet in buildings specially built for the purpose but in private homes. Often it was the owner of the home who was the leader of the church. Such communities, which met for worship, instruction, fellowship, and the celebration of rituals such as baptism, eucharist, are known as house churches.


From the Greek term baptizo, which means, "to immerse." The earliest Christian practice of baptism in the water appears to have been an initiation rite (it was a ritual that one underwent when joining the Christian community); it probably derived from the practice of John the Baptist, who baptized the Jews, including Jesus, in anticipation of the imminent arrival of the end of this age and the coming of the Kingdom of God. (Jewish cleansing rituals were repeated as the need arose John's baptism, like the Christians' later, appears to have been a one time occurrence). Later Christians assigned other meanings to the rite: the apostle Paul, for example, saw it as the mystical act of dying with Christ to sin.


Generally one who is commissioned to preform a task, from a Greek word meaning "sent" in early Christianity, the term was used to designate special emissionaies of the faith who were understood to be representatives of Christ.

Paul is not ashamed of the gospel, the gospel is God's powerful means of salvation, this salvation comes to those who have faith, salvation comes first to the Jews then to the Greek, the gospel reveals the righteousness of God, and the scripture proclaim the gospel.

Gospel according to Paul


Greek for dispersion a term that refers to the dispersion of Jews away from Palenstine into other parts of the Mediterrian, beginning with the Babylonian conquest in the 6th century BCE.

1 Thessalonians

Greek, undisputed letter (50CE) probably written from Corinth. Capital of Macedonia, port cities, and trade networks. Short letters, but lots of data for the community, we have an idea of what Paul originally taught, what the Thessalonian Christians became concerned about after he left and how he tried to address it. The group was primarily Gentiles.

1. Paul visits corinth and founds christian association 2. Paul leaves, writes a letter about sexual immorality (that gets lost) 3. Paul receives letter from them with specific questions 4. Paul responds with 1 Corinthians 5. Paul visits the community again and it does not go well 6. Paul leaves, superapostles appear, challenge Paul's authority and he hears about it 7. Paul writes sad part of 2 Corinthians 10-13 8. Reconciles and writes 1-9 9. A scribe attached to 2 Corinthians 10-13 to 1-9

How do scholars reconstruct Paul's interaction with the Corinthians over time?

James believes that works are good deeds that express faith and that faith is just intellectual recognition of a fact

How does the author of James understand "faith" and "works" in comparison to Paul?


In 2 Corinthians a group of Paul's opponents were rhetorically proficient and able to do spectacular deeds, which claimed that their remarkable abilities demonstrated that they, rather than Paul, were the true representatives of Christ.

"Pillars" of Jerusalem

In Galatians 2:7-9, (Jerusalem) saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel for the uncircumcised just as peter had been entrusted with the gospel for the circumcised and when James and Peter and John who were acknowledged pillars recognized the grace had been given to me, they gave to Barnabas and me the right hand of fellowship agreeing that we should go to the gentiles and they to the circumcised.


In Romans, Paul argues that ___________ represents a believer's symbolic participation in the death and resurrection of Jesus.


In the Roman world of the NT philosophy (which literally means love of wisdom) involved trying to understand the world and humans' place in it, so as to promote individual happiness through proper behavior and right thinking. Leading philosophical schools at the time were the Epicureans, Platonists, Stoics, and Cynics.

Anointing the Sick/ holy

James 5:14 "Is any among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord


Jewish place of worship and prayer, from a Greek word that literally means "being brought together."

Paul: (5 CE-67 CE during Nero's reign)

Not a book or story, this package of beliefs about Christ's death and Resurrection. Salvation from death (Romans 6:23)his early life, what kind of Jew and how it effects research (app view confirmed) and his specific letters: Letters in the NT, there are 3 categories (Undisputed, deutro Pauline, and Pastoral letters Acts of the Apostles) His letters are the best evidence for his life, and Acts is second. Pharisees (Saul). His letters are occasional and they have different emphases. Paul's ideas are a combination of the Pharisees upbringing and his conversion experience, and his letters are used to understand his life and teachings. His reasoning about salvation opens he door for Gentiles to convert.

Judicial/legal model of salvation

One of the two principal ways that Paul understood or conceptualized the relationship between Christ's death and salvation. According to this model salvation is comparable to a legal decision in which God who is both lawmaker and judge, treats humans as not guilty for committing acts of transgression (sins) against his law- even though they are guilty- because Jesus' death has been accepted as a payment.

Jewish Law

Paul didn't think it was useful for Gentiles to follow this. That the law was a reasonable guide for Jews, but not the main path to salvation. Jesus was available to both Jews and Gentiles in Paul's view.

What are some of the particular social issues in the Corinthian community about which Paul is concerned?

Paul is concerned about factionalism (rules about baptism), members taking one another to court, marriage/celebacy, incest, misunderstanding the resurrection, visiting prostitutes, disorderly worship


Paul talked about how this can happen at any moment, unexpectedly. This is why he showed little attempt to construct a long-lasting "church"

Pharisee- Significance for Paul's life

Paul used to be a Pharisee before he became Paul. He was on his way to Demascus to persecute christians when he had a vision/message/experience from God.


Paul's letters are_____________, which means they were to address the particular issues in a community

Faith (Paul and James understanding)

Paul: believes that faith is trusting in sacrificial nature of Christ's death, works= Jewish law. James: believes that faith is intellectual recognition of a fact (that even demons believe), but works are good deeds. James is perhaps an interpretation of a crude understanding of Paul, works express faith


Support depends on clarifying Paul's preaching and the Roman Christians don't really know him. Paul writes in Galatians about them, that are coming in and teaching the people the wrong thing. Also in Corinth, there may have been troubles with some them that showed up after Paul left (superapostles).


T/F: According to Galatians, other Christian missionaries were arguing that Gentiles had to adopt Jewish law before becoming Christians


T/F: Before Paul became a follower of Jesus he was a Sadducee?


T/F: One problem in the Corinthian community is that people were dividing into factions instead of being united as a group


The belief that there are many gods, a belief that lies at the heart of all the ancient pagan religions

Justification by Faith

The doctrine found in Paul's letter that a person is "made right" with God by trusting in the effects of Christ's death rather than by doing the works prescribed by the Jewish Law.


The doctrine originally devised within cycles of apocalyptic Judaism which maintained that at the end of the resent age those who had died would be brought back to life in order to face judgment: either torment for those opposed to God or reward for those who sided with God. The earliest Christians believed that Jesus had been raised, concluded therefore that the end of the age had already begun. In Christian apocalyptic thought it was believed that the rewards and punishments in the future resurrection would hinge on one's relationship to Christ as either a believer or non-believer.

1 &2 Corinthians

Undisputed letters written in mid 50s, Paul has long history with this group, social issues were at stake. Paul converted pagans, and some Jews were in the audience. Jesus is teaching on divorce and the story of the Last Supper. After Paul leaves he hears an oral report and receives a letter. 2 Corinthians several letters in one, Paul experienced troubles on subsequent visit, challenge from other missionaries

Paul expected that the end times were near and that they could happen at any moment.

What are Paul's expectations regarding the end times and Jesus' return, according to this letter?

Thessalonians were waiting for Jesus to arrive, but they were concerned about what happens to the people that have already died. Paul says to be comforted because we will meet those people in the sky with Jesus.

What are Paul's expectations regarding the end times and Jesus' return, according to this letter?

1. It is difficult to follow for most people 2. Jews and Gentiles equal before God. 3. Adhering to the Law denies Christ's purpose.

What are Paul's reasons for why Gentiles don't need to follow Jewish law

1. Judicial or legal model 2. Participationist model

What are the two models of salvation that Paul describes for the Romans?

Paul does not cover a lot of the information that is included in the other gospels. Not a book/ story, it is a package of beliefs about Christ's death and resurrection

What is Paul's "gospel"?

There is a minor issue of morality and respecting authority

What is the occasion for Paul's letter to the Thessalonians?


What term to scholars use to describe the common practice in the ancient world of writing in the name of someone else?

"annointing of the sick"/"holy unction"

Which Christian ritual does the epistle of James support?

Paul is asking for funds, package of beliefs about Christ's death and resurrection

Why does Paul write this detailed letter in Romans?

Paul is concerned that other missionaries have shown up and have taught them the wrong thing

Why does Paul write to the Galatians?

James- works, not faith, are integral for salvation, good deeds, Works matter and express faith Paul:Faith: trusting in salvific nature of Christ's death Works: Jewish law (kosher, circumcision, etc)

Works according to James and Paul

Voluntary associations

___________________ refers to private, small clubs in the ancient world that met together to socialize, dine, and sometime engage in cultic activity.

Catholic Letters

general letters, universal with no particular reason. Paul's letters are occasional, meaning they have s specific purpose/audience.


he was the appointed court historian by the Roman emperor Vespasian who's works The Jewish War and The Antiquities of the Jews are principal resources for information about life in the first- century Palestine

Undisputed letters

refers to private, small clubs in the ancient world that met together to socialize, dine, and sometime engage in cultic activity

Undisputed letters

refers to private, small clubs in the ancient world that met together to socialize, dine, and sometime engage in cultic activity: 1&2 Corinthians


the Antioch incident,he shows up to teach the Gentiles even though it was decided at the pillars of the church meeting that he would go to the Jews.


there were evidently some early Christians when believed that Gentiles had to become Jews before converting to Christianity. This would include getting circumcised for men, and keeping kosher food laws, for men and women. Paul is adamantly against this in his letters, especially ones like Galatians. But it seems that when Paul was away from his communities, some other missionaries were showing up and still claiming that people had to keep Jewish laws to be Christian. This is the main issue in Galatians.

Occasional letters

these are how the majority of Pauls letters are written, with purpose and for a specific community of people.

Epistle to the Galatians

undisputered letter, province of Galatia, mid 50s CE Mode of Foundation: 4:13-15

Epistel to the Romans

written to the christians in Rome, 58 CE. Paul did not found this place, he has never been here before. The style is diatribe (making objections/anticipating objections people will have about what he's saying). Pauls is speaking perhaps to patrons, asking them to fund his missions to Spain

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