Religion Test

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What is gluttony?

the sin of excess eating to the point where it is being held away from the needy

What is pride?


What sin does Abraham commit?

He lies, and mistrusts God.

Which two sins are known as "sins of the flesh"?

Lust and gluttony

What was Sarah's original name?


what are the two categories of deadly sins?

Sins of the soul and sins of the flesh

Name the 7 deadly sins.

Sloth, greed, envy, wrath, gluttony, pride, and lust.

Which virute opposes gluttony?


What is the consequence of breaking a covenant?

a curse

There are two signs and symbols of God's covenant with Abraham. Name one of those signs and symbols. .

circumcisn and name change

Which deadly sin is known as the "daughter of pride"?


What is Lust?

excessive sexual appetites

Which virtue opposes pride?


Which virute opposes pride?


What is envy?


What does the name Isaac mean?


What is sloth?


Which virtue opposes greed?

Charity or generosity

What virtue opposes lust?


The sin that is the root of all evil is...


Covenants crceate more than an agreement, they create...


Which virtue opposes wrath?


Gn 3: 4-7; 5-8.3; 12

Genesis chapter 3, verses 4-7; chapters 5-8 verse 3, chapter 12

What was Abraham's original name?


Which virtue opposes sloth?


Why was Abraham's covenant with God unique when compared to other polytheistic religions of the time?

It's the first time in history that a god would commit himself to humans.

What is greed?

The desire for material wealth, putting riches above God and your love for God

How is sin defined in the Old Testament?

To miss the mark, to go off course.

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