Religion Test: Amos, Micah, Hosea, and Isaiah

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what does the name "Immanuel" mean?

"God is with us"

who are Hosea's three children and their meaning? What do the people realize after Hosea tells them these names?

*Lo-ruhama which means "not-pitied" *Lo-ammi which means "not my people" *Jezreel which means "shameful butchery" the people then realize that God will break the covenant

Micah's message to the people is...

-corrupt leaders are misleading the people -God will destroy both nations by Assyria destroying Israel and Babylon destroying Judah -Hope a time will come when the Jewish nation will be restored and worship God

list four ways the people were being misled during Micah's time by their leaders:

-priests teaching for money -worshiping of idols -prophets foretelling the future for money -judges are excepting bribes -nobles are exploiting the poor

what are Amos's three complaints he gives the people?

1. Israel's disregard for God's law of justice and righteousness 2. oppression of the poor 3. the worship of false gods

what does Hosea pay to get Gomer out of slavery?

15 pieces of silver and a homer and a lethech of barley

the people at the time of Isaiah were under the rule of king _____.


what high priest orders Amos back to Judah?


the enemy of Judah and Israel was


who is the false god Gomer worships?


what is the cult center of Israel?


Amaziah is the priest of ______, who warns Jeroboam, king of __________, what will happen if the people continue their ways.

Bethel; Israel

Isaiah loved ___________ and knew about them through his education

Davidic Covenant

Jesus will come from the

Davidic line

what are the three major parts of the Book of Isaiah and describe each.

First Isaiah: who pleads with Judah's kings and people before the Babylonian exile; written by Isaiah himself Second Isaiah: who speaks during and at the end of the exile Third Isaiah: who was with the people as they returned to Judah from the exile

who is the prostitute Hosea marries?


Israel is a symbol of...

Gomer because she is unfaithful just as Israel is

Isaiah was the prophet known as:

Herald of Faith

Hosea comes from the northern kingdom of _________.


Hosea is a native of


Who is Hosea's message directed to?


what does Hosea's marriage to a harlot wife symbolic of?

Israel's infidelity to Yahweh

Hosea lives during the reign of __________ and fall of ___________.

Jeroboam; Jerusalem

What cities to Micah especially preach?

Jerusalem and Samaria

Amos was a man from


Isaiah as called to preach to


Isaiah's message was directed at:

Judah (Jerusalem)

Amos is the called the Prophet of?


Hosea is known as the Prophet of _________.


the word of the Lord came to Micah of ____________________ int he days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of ________________.

Moresheth; Judah

the prophet Micah is Prophet of __________.


Amos was not a wealthy man, but was sent to prophesy to the wealthy of


Amos was a shepherd from ________.


Amos is a firm believer in __________, and responds to _____________.

Yahweh, God's call

What is Isaiah's dream?

a "peaceable kingdom" where the world would live in peace with one another (read Isaiah 11:1-11)

what was Isaiah's occupation?

a scribe employed by Uzziah

Hosea writes to bring Israel

back to the knowledge of the Lord

Why was Amos angery at the people?

because of their disregard for God's law

how do Christians understand Isaiah's prophecies about a child to come who will be the ideal king?

believe the angel Gabriel came to the virgin to deliver the news she would bear a son that would be Jesus the "Messiah"; believed also in Isaiah's longing for the ideal king in which God would deliver to the world as Jesus Christ

"Infidelity" in Israel's behavior means:

betrayal of justice, compassion, and integrity

who was Micah's message mostly toward?

corrupt leaders who should be models of good

because of ____________ and _________________ of their leaders, Samaria and Jerusalem will fall to their enemies.

corruption; selfishness

the penalty for infidelity was...


what did Amos prophesize?

destruction of Israel and captivity of the people

the message of Isaiah to Judah is one of

faith, hope, and TRUST

the crimes of Israel were

false swearing, lying, murder, stealing, adultery (refer to Hosea 4:1-2)

Hosea's occupation was a


what were the three visions of Amos?

fire, locusts, and the Plummet

Hosea says God will always _________ and has unconditional ______ for us.

forgive, love

false god of the Samarians was the?

golden calf

what is a cult?

group of religious people in which the religion is misinterpreted

"Amos answered Amaziah, 'I was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets; I was a shephard and a dresser of sycamores. The Lord took me from the flock, and said to me, Go, prophesy to my people Israel." (Amos 7:14-15) what is Amos referring to here? Was he a professional prophet? explain.

his call to be a prophet; he is not a professional prophet because he is explaining his vocation was a personal call from God

why was Hosea's reputation ruined?

his marriage to Gomer

"stump of Jesse" symbolizes

how the line is stopped and the Messiah will come from the Davidic roots (Isaiah 11:1)

Isaiah is the son of Amoz and very _________.


Amos works for _________.


Isaiah was educated and wrote so good that he was able to work for the...


Isaiah is the first of the ________________.

major prophets

Samaria is capital of the ________--.

northern kingdom

Christ is called the prince

of peace

Judah rejects the worship of God and relies on

pagan religions and military strength

The Book of Micah is a collection of writings of _______________________ and ______________________.

proclamation of punishment; salvation

Amos calls Israel to ______.


Amos compares the people thoughts of the poor to a pair of _______________.


what is Amos's occupation?

tender of sycamore figs and shephard

Isaiah's dream was that every creature live in

the "Peaceable Kingdom"

what is Isaiah's favorite title for God?

the Holy One of Israel

why is Amos considered a minor prophet?

the book of Amos is not lengthy

the false god of Jeroboam is...

the golden calf

the main theme of Micah would be:

the social issues at the time caused by corrupt leaders are misleading the people

what are the three important elements of Isaiah's call?

the vision, the burning coal which purifies his lips, and his response when he is overwhelmed by sinfulness and then responds "Here I am Lord", "Send me!"

describe the people of the north?

they have no regard for the poor, worship the false god of the golden calf under the rule of Jeroboam, are greedy and selfish, and have disregard for justice and righteousness

Isaiah warns the nation of Judah of their arrogance and that they must put their ______________________.

trust in God because God promises to deliver all who trust in him

Isaiah had access to the king because he was from an:

upper class family

God calls to Isaiah in a


How is the birth of "Immanuel" interpreted at the time of Isaiah?

was a belief not yet devloped, and they assumed the prophecy of Immanuel referred to the future birth of a perfect Davidic prince who would rule Judah in the age of peace and justice

"Hear this word women of the mountains of Samaria, you cows of Bashan. You who oppress the weak and abuse the needy; Who say to your lords, 'Bring drink for us!'" (Amos 4:1). Who is Amos speaking to, what message is he trying to give, and where is he preaching?

wealthy women; they are self-centered, have excessive wealth, and are oppressing the poor; Samaria

Amos is a __________ prophet.


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