Renaissance 17.3&17.4

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Desiderius Erasmus

(challenged Church)- wrote The Praise of Folly criticizing and mocked priests, merchants and monarchs for their greedy behavior.

Thomas More

(challenged Church)- wrote Utopia- perfect society / "Nowhere" in Greek.. challenged church leadership for engaging in greedy and corrupt behavior.

95 Theses

(formal statements) which directly criticized the Church and attacked the pope

Womens role in reformation


How did the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V try to help Luther? What was Charles V reaction to Luther's behavior?

20 year old Emperor Charles V controlled a vast territory of the Holy Roman Empire including Germany and he was an observant Catholic. Charles V summoned Martin Luther to Worms to stand trial and instructed Luther to take back his statements against the Catholic Church. Luther would not. At the trial Charles V declared Martin Luther an outlaw and a heretic. The Edict at Worms was Charles V's order than no one in the empire give Luther food or shelter and for all of his books to be burned.

How did Renaissance ideas contrast with the Church's teachings, question Church authority and contribute to a change in religious beliefs?


Spanish Armada

Catholic King of Spain, Philip the 2nd, threatens to invade England. Elizabeth supported Protestant subjects who rebelled against him. 1588 -Philip invaded England with 130 ships, 8,000 sailors, and 19,000 soldiers. Money is issue that causes problem that carries out through Elizabeth I's reign..

What compromise was made at the Peace of Augsburg between the German princes and Charles V?

Charles V, tired of war, called the German princes to Augsburg. Princes agreed that the rulers of the German states would decide the religion of their own German state. This agreement was called the Peace of Augsburg.

King Henry VIII

English king that challenged the Church because he didn't get an annulment. Wanted a male heir.

Anglican Church

Form of Protestantism set up in England after 1534; established by Henry VIII with himself as head, at least in part to obtain a divorce from his first wife; became increasingly Protestant following Henry's death


From the start God knows who will go to heaven and not

Who was Martin Luther? What religion did he originally practice?

He became a monk in 1505. Taught scripture at University of Wittenberg Germany. He originally practiced Christianity, he ended up leading a religious revolution.


Indulgences were pilgrimages then became corrupt requesting money. Indulgences were major form of income for Church/ No spiritual sacrifice with money.


John Knox from Scotland visited Geneva and brought Calvinism back to communities in Scotland. Each community governed by small group of laymen called elders or presbyters.

What were a few of Luther's main teachings? (Did he address issues the Catholic Church refused to change?)

Luther addressed many issues the Catholic Church refused to change such as people could win salvation only by faith in God's gifts of forgiveness. (Faith and "good works" needed for salvation.) All church teachings should be based on words of the Bible (Pope and Church traditions were false authorities.) And, all people of faith equal. (People did not need a priest to interpret the Bible for them.)

Consequences of King Henry VIII

Makes himself head of the Church, his actions created a religion turmoil because he left mixed signals to the people.

How did Johann Tetzel's actions cause Luther to write and post the 95 Theses? What abuses did Luther include in the 95 Theses?

Martin Luther challenged Friar Johann Tetzel's practice of selling for money "Indulgences" or pardons which were believed to be a ticket into heaven. Tetzel used the money to rebuild St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. Tetzel had given people the impression that by purchasing an Indulgence, a person could buy their way into heaven. People could win salvation only by faith in God's gifts of forgiveness. (Faith and "good works" needed for salvation.) All church teachings should be based on words of the Bible (Pope and Church traditions were false authorities.) All people of faith equal. (People did not need a priest to interpret the Bible for them.)

Catholic Reformation

Movement to reform Catholic Church


Peasants revolt against Church because of Luther- Luther sent letter to German prince to ask for mercy for the people who revolted. No mercy was given

What are the three main abuses that the Church was accused of doing? How did the humanist Erasmus feel these issues should be dealt with by the Church?

People could win salvation only by faith in God's gifts of forgiveness. (Faith and "good works" needed for salvation.) All church teachings should be based on words of the Bible (Pope and Church traditions were false authorities.) All people of faith equal. (People did not need a priest to interpret the Bible for them.) The humanist Erasmus wrote The Praise of Folly criticizing and mocked priests, merchants and monarchs for their greedy behavior.

Peace of Augsburg

Princes agreed that the rulers of the German states would decide the religion of their own German state.

Legacy of the Reformation

Protestant churches thrived. Religion no longer united Europe. As power of church declined, power of monarchs increased. More powerful monarchs paved way for nation states. Political and social effects of Reformation set stage for the modern world.

Define Protestants and define Reformation:

Reformation- Meaning "To Reform or to Change" as in "To Reform Religion" Protestants-those who supported Martin Luther and protested the Catholic Church, Christians who belong to non-Christian churches


Renaissance replaced an emphasis on religious themes with an interest in worldly ambition and success, confidence in human potential, and a focus on earthly satisfaction rather than the afterlife.

Johann Tetzel

Tetzel, friar, had given people the impression that by purchasing an Indulgence, a person could buy their way into heaven. "Indulgences" or pardons which would release sinners from having to perform penalties. The money from was to be used to rebuild St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome.

How did the Catholic Church initially react to Luther's 95 Theses? How did Luther react and how did he propose other Christians should respond? How did Pope Leo X react in 1521?

The Catholic Church wasn't concerned about Luther's 95 Theses. Many rulers and merchants saw Luther's ideas as reasons to eliminate Church control. 1520 - Pope saw Luther as serious threat (although it took awhile). At one point Luther suggested driving the Pope from the Church by force. Pope Leo X threatened Luther with decree of excommunication unless Luther took back his statements.

Francis I

This was the French king who reached an agreement with Pope Leo X


Those who supported Martin Luther and protested the Catholic Church, Christians who belong to non-catholic churches

Why didn't the peasants end up supporting Luther after the Peasant Rebellion?

With new Christian freedom, peasants demanded end to serfdom. Bands of peasants raided, pillaged and burned monasteries. Martin Luther was horrified. He urged princes to show peasants no mercy. Princes crushed the revolt. 100,000 peasants were killed. Many peasants then rejected Luther. Peasant Revolt Europe's largest "people's war" prior to French Revolution.

Council of Trent

council of Church leaders in northern Italy. Catholic bishops agreed on several doctrines: Church's inspiration of Bible is final, faith and good works for salvation, Bible and Church tradition equally powerful, indulgences-valid expression of faith


declare invalid

Catherine of Aragon

first wife of Henry VIII. his divorce from her is the first step to the Reformation.


focused on schooling, converting non-christians, and stop Protestants

Ignatius of Loyola

founded the Jesuits


gov't should be controlled by religious leaders


group that baptized people only old enough to decide to be Christian.... The church and state should be separate. Refused to fight in wars. Shared their possessions. Catholics and Protestants saw Anabaptists as radical threat to society. Became forerunners to Mennonites and Amish religion and influenced the Quakers and Baptists who split from Anglican Church.

Elizabeth I

makes England a Protestant kingdom, sets up national church, and says "you are paying to go to Church or you're going to be fined" Restores peace by offering both churches.

Katrina von Bora

managed her family/ her household is model for others


period of changes in religion

Marguerite of Navarre

protected John Calvin from being executed


religion based on John Calvin's teachings.. Everyone attended religion class. No one wore bright clothes. No one played cards. Anyone who broke rules were imprisoned, excommunicated, or banished. Anyone who preached different doctrines were burned at the stake. Many believed Calvin's Geneva was a model city of moral citizens.

John Knox

started Presbyterians

John Calvin

takes Luther's idea, forms Calvinism- believed in theocracy- gov't controlled by religious leaders, Men and women are sinful by nature. Humans can not earn salvation, that God chooses a very few people to save called the "elect." Doctrine of Predestination - Belief that God has known since the beginning of time who would be saved.

Anne Boleyn

the second wife of Henry VIII and mother of Elizabeth I

John Wycliffe/Jan Hus

they challenged the Church, advocated for Church reform. They believed was that the Bible had more authority and power than the pope, and that Jesus was the true head of the church. The Church burned both at the stake.

Martin Luther

wrote 95 Theses (formal statements) which directly criticized the Church and attacked the pope, upset about indulgences. Lead a religious revolution.. People could win salvation only by faith in God's gifts of forgiveness. (Faith and "good works" needed for salvation.) All church teachings should be based on words of the Bible (Pope and Church traditions were false authorities.) All people of faith equal. (People did not need a priest to interpret the Bible for them.)

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