renaissance SG

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why was leonardo considered the quintessential model renaissance man

- BASICALLY BECUASE through questioning and unvocering of the natural world and challenging the limitations of the natural orld and was an individual who shaped his own destiny to greater and greater degrees. ((he didn't take the natural world as it had been handed to him, he was always looking undert eh surface, believed humans wre able to understand more about the natural world and accomplish great things, he sought to control and manipulate hte natural world in order to further empower humans and thier achievements and used research to better understand our world- everything he did fulfilled human capability in everything he did))

define renaissance humanism

GR and christian humanism combined

analyze why machiavelli preferred the greco roman influences to the christian outlook

because christina humanism doesn't help achieve his goal of power or authority- critiques chrsitianity becuase it has to do with teh afterlife and becuase it causes poeple to stop focusing on earthly achievement- focuses on humility- not good for leadership, causes others to take ocer and walk all over the individual.

why did the renaissance take place in italy

because it used to be the center of the roman empire, it began to be a center of trade, and it began to engage with islamiz civliziation, it began to have control of welath and became the center of trade, adn individuals brought reformulation and reorganization to some aspects of priorities, values, and emphaseis

why was bertechellis birth of venus was so groundbreaking

because of the growing individualism- he was able to go wherever he wants with his ideas and paint them- he goes agaisnt the general norms of christianity and chirstians of that era- pushes boudneries towards reproduction adn sexual desire

why is the middle class sought to bring about the renaissance

because they wanted a change for themselves, this allowed them to gain a higher position in society, adn since they were the laragest and welathiest class, it made sense for them- and they were angry becuase during ht emideval times, they were the lowest group, and they wanted it to end

describe the changes the humanists brought to educational curriculum, ((what was studied)) and what they hoped to accomplish through those changes

began to focus on literature language philosophy poetry and poltics- these were based on a belief in the dignity and capabilities of humans- aid humans in development of well rounded adn harmonious personalieites and to maximise their individual potentality for the betterment of themselves and society

define individualism

being independent and self reliant, putting humans first- becomeing differnet as a hwole

compare medieval and renaissance art

both focus on christian ideals- thought sometimes renaissance tends to put christian mroe at the abck, and famous poeple adn achievement at the front

describe how botticellis standout performance in painting the birth of venus challeneged of common values norms and identities of western civilization at the time

challenged the norms because it has to do wit the physical world, reforming fundamental bases of culture, pushes boundaries towards reproduction and sexual desire- goes against general norms of christainity and looks elsewhere for ideas

analyze why michelangelos creation of man represents changes away from the mideval but not completely modern

changes from medieval because it shows that they aren't dying to reach god- in the midevla times, all they wanted was to reach god- that was the only thing they could hold on to. but it isnt completely modern because it shows humanity is still reliant on god, whereas now we hae a more secular view, and humans are starting to put themsevles at the center of achievement and otu thesmeves as good more in the center of the scene, they seem happy wehre they are, instead of continually wanting to work and achieve

explain why machiavelli was considered to be secular

considered secular because he focuses more on earthly ideals, doesnt speak about salvation, book is about how to be a successful ruler, and authority adn power on earth- prefers greco romanism, only giving advice for earthly concern

what does GR humanism focus on

earthy accomplishment

analyze why machiavelli argued the tension between power and traditional value systems based on empathy and compassion is not an easy balance to strike

he believes christianity will make us suffer more than achieve unlike GR as it focuses on achievetn as much as you can and accomplishing and inventing, whereas our modern religion takes away fomr the achievement of earhtly goals, wehas it focuses more on salvatio and gr is the opposite- the tension between them is not an easy balance because one is focused on earth and the other is focused on heaven and afterlife, and causes them more suffering nad enables us to suffer more than to acieve great deeds

analyze why petrarch as a renaissance humanist felt so much internal tention

he has GR influence and christian influence for humanism, and its hard to decide which one, and becuase they are both so differnet, it causes him internal tension- as he doesnt know which one to choose, or how to use both- GR influence says focus on life on earth, Christian says focus on eternal life- theres a battle between the two influences and they are battlign for supremacy over his thoguhts and beliefs

renaissance intellectuals


how did the different depictions of the expulsion form the garden of eden demonstrate changes in the way humans saw themselves in the mideval and renaissance eras

in the beginning, in the midevla times, they were ashamed and small and looking to be forgiven, now they still show remorse for what they have done because they are naked, however they are depicted much more significant in the renaissance version, and humans are very physically large in contrast to other aspects of the paintings

being independent and self reliant, putting humans first- becomeing differnet as a hwole- focusing on their individual selves


contrast michavellsi definition of good leadership from standard definitions

it is good to be feared than loved and humans will do their tudy if they fear for the threat of punishment never failst o bring them to heel, good leadership would cause everyone to follow exactly as you please, better to be feared, you also cant try to do everthign perfectly, youre going to loose, when you do the right thing and perfectly, sometimes you have to do something thats a little bit wrong- other poeple are willng to take advantage of your niceness and yu will be exploited

contrast medieval and renaissance art

medieval art focused more on christ and christian related ideals, whereas renaissance art focuses on mroe secular, earthly art- wnated pictures/ portraits painted of themselves- people have become more significant, and wanted to be remembered- wanted self promotion

describe the major differences between the medieval and renaissance by acquaints and mirandola

mirandola states that humans can achieve anything they want to, there is not ceiling or stopping point, but aquainas syates taht they cnat acieve everything, there is a ceiling. aquainias says we need the divine to help us, but mirandola says that when god created us ther were no strings attatched, and that we were free to choose- we had the power to choose to be great or not

what does renaissance mean


what means rebirth


GR and christian humanism combined

renaissance humanism

this man demosntrates powers of fullfillment of human capability in everything he does

renaissance man

what does christian humanism focus on

salvation/ afterlife

what does machiavelli say humans are

selfish and prone to evil unless coerced by superior force

describe the way in which christine de pizan internalized sexism of the era

she had to become like a man, but also realized that she was still inside the fortress throug internalized sexism.... but she believed that sexual reputation revolcing around christianity shoudl determien a woman- ASK ON THIS

what are two examples that show individualism was getting more attention and focus during the renaissance

started having portraitsm, paintings began to focus lest on christian ideals, more on individuals

describe the environment in which machiavelli wrote about politics

the environment he wrote about this in is an upper class position, in northern italy in Florence- this was during a time wehre there were many decentralized pockets but gaining centralized local pockets

what were the differences between gothic cathedral and renaissance family

their palace was incredibly ornate, has mansions, elaborate three stories and hallways, srepresents wealth of the merchants- communicating nad repsresenting merchants, celebration of merchant accomplishmentCHECK ON GOTHIIC PART

explain how humanists are representative of the changes brought about by the renaissance

they became the moral guides to society- ASK

define the renaissance man

this man demosntrates powers of fullfillment of human capability in everything he does

describe machivellis focus and goals

through an exercise of free will, humans can achieve near godliness- or teh humanists, who believed as a result of humanities education, filled with good examples and role models, humans would become virtuous- wnated to create strong leaders- AUTHORITY AND POWER ON EARTH

how did the renaissance thinkers see the graph of historical progress over time

through each era, there was a small downfall, that led to their demise. they saw taht the renaissance would ahve downfalls, bu continue to recover and learn adn gain on these downfalls

how is the middle class sought to bring about the renaissance

wanted reformation of values and prioritiess as merchants had the most money, and it was the largest most powerful class in all of civlixiation, because during the mideval times they were seen as the lowest group, adn they watned to loose that and get to the top, merchants gained power becuase of their immense wealth

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